masoncrossx · 1 year
"A little of that can't hurt." As long as there was no downward spiral that went on for months, then he couldn't imagine it getting much worse than it was now. When she gave him that confirmation he dropped his gaze down to the glass in hand, silent until the last of what she spoke. "You don't have to pretend that I'm not because I'm not on any list that has to do with hating you." Making a face he threw his head back as he downed the drink, sucking in a deep breath before setting down the glass. "I mean what you did was fucked, no beating around that point, right? But I've done my own fucked shit, most people in this place have and hey, if I came out on the other side of all that, I can't imagine where you won't, too." He gave her a small smile. "But you know, until you're there, you're more than welcome to invite yourself to my drinks and my food."
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"I know — I just really don't want to." Hallie sighed, wanting to keep her head in the sand for as long as possible. Of course she knew that she couldn't keep hiding out forever, but she was going to enjoy the silence whilst she could. She flashed Mason a grateful smile as he refilled her glass without question, though it quickly fell as he kept it for himself. Then he handed her the bottle and she couldn't help but laugh. "Thanks. Guess I really am drowning my sorrows, huh?" she rolled her eyes, taking the bottle from him and helping herself to a long swig. His question had her sighing again, nodding slowly in response. "I did. The whole time." she confirmed, taking another swig. "You can go ahead and tell me how selfish and horrible I am if you want to. Get it all out now before I drink it out of my brain and can pretend that you're not on the list of people who now hate me."
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masoncrossx · 1 year
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masoncrossx · 1 year
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masoncrossx · 1 year
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masoncrossx · 1 year
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SUCCESSION ▸ 1.07 austerlitz
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masoncrossx · 1 year
"It was the inspiration but next time I won't go off script." Laughing he made himself more comfortable. "All the details, the more the better." He answered quickly. "Ah, well then he got what he deserved. What'd he do after?" His eyes followed her as she came back around and raised up to her face when she sat. "Well, because, I wasn't trying to win it." He told her, his tone still playful despite what he was saying, huffing out a small laugh as he waved it off. "Alright, what about the sexcapades? Anything or anyone worth mentioning? Getting bored of anyone yet?"
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"I was really hoping for the Oliver Twist, actually. 'Please, sir. I want some more,'" she mimicked, copying Mason's move of holding out his hands. Snorting out another laugh, she made her way into the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge, finding the dish in question and getting it set to reheat. "Depends on how much detail you want. I could tell you about my various sexcapades, or I could tell you about the kid that blew chunks all over the stairs the other day and how it dripped onto some dickhead who wouldn't let anyone else have a turn on the Donkey Kong game." She made her way back out to the living room and settled onto the arm of the couch he was on. "Or you could tell me why you look like you lost a fight."
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masoncrossx · 1 year
"Work? For a living? I can't think of anything worse." Teasing in return. "Why? Because I'd have to be drinking to be found like this?" He chuckled shaking his head, probably would've been better. "I didn't drink." As tempting as it had been to he kept himself sober but that'd never stopped him from landing himself into ridiculous situations. Lifting himself off from the ground he moved out of the way for her, leaning up against the wall by the door until she got it open and stepped inside after her. "Would you like me to get on my knees too?" Smiling he raised his hands up in a cupping manner, holding them out towards her. "Please, spare a few for the helpless." He jested before plopping himself down onto the couch, the discomfort from the carelessness flashing across his features for a moment. "And tell me about what you've been getting yourself into, if it's nothing, I'm gonna be disappointed."
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Diana hadn't expected to find a ruffled Mason situated outside of her apartment when she arrived home, but she'd encountered stranger occurrences with the man. She was almost tempted not to wake him up, but finding a way to get into her apartment around his massive lump of a body was a feat she didn't want to put much brain power into, so she kicked his leg to alert him to her presence. "Some of us work for a living," she teased with a slight smirk, knowing full well that Mason worked over at the auto shop. "It's almost 3am. I was working the closing shift, and as I'm sure you're aware, it takes a while to clean up after drunk adults. Speaking of, how much have you had tonight?" Unlocking the front door once Mason was out of the way, she turned on the light and motioned for him to get comfortable on the couch. "I've got some food Joel made for me last night I can heat up for you if you ask nicely."
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masoncrossx · 1 year
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casey deidrick via instagram
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masoncrossx · 1 year
"Of course you do." He laughed, but Mason knew too since seeing them on that same farm was the reason he'd even come up with the idea of stealing one, because buying one was too crazy of a concept. "Well if we're taking one from there then we might as well take like, two, right?" He looked at him curiously as if this was something to seriously be pondering over. "Of course you do." He repeated, grinning as he shook his head. "Why choose. We can play with fireworks then go steal farm animals. The world is in the palm of our oysters." He realized he butchered that entirely, giving a confused look momentarily but only shrugged it off rather than try to correct it.
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"I know where we can steal a goat from," Theo said with a grin, as he grabbed the lighter from Mason. "There is a farm like two miles down the road. They got a shit ton of goats." It wasn't the tiger that he had tried to convince Riley to steal with him a few months ago, but this was just as good. "Bring it back to the clubhouse. Let it be the mascot or some shit. You in?" They could steal it, hang out with it, and return it before anyone noticed it was gone. "Or. We can go put firecrackers in old ass tombstones. I got some in my bag."
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masoncrossx · 1 year
"I am...also...tied up with..appointments." It was a clear lie, one shown by the shit eating grin that formed shortly after he managed to get the lie out. In reality he was more than happy to help, any way to keep busy he supposed was better than being left idle. Plus with how things had been, he'd hardly gotten a moment to pick at where Cole's head was at without an audience. "If Sofia's on that list though I ain't handling that mess. She'll fuckin' wring my neck the second she sees me and before you ask," he held his hands up innocently. "I didn't do anything." He was joking, mostly. Standing up he raised his chin to the paper in hand, figuring it contained the list of the unlucky. "Who's first?"
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WHERE: Reaper Crew WITH: @masoncrossx
Since inheriting ownership of the garage in the years following his uncle’s death, Cole had worked hard to uphold the strong reputation Reaper Crew had always been known for. Truthfully, it hadn’t been hard for him to dive all in; he liked mechanic work– life always seemed simpler to him whenever he was fixing things. He couldn’t explain the way working with his hands always helped him untangle his thoughts and somehow make sense of them. It was therapeutic in a sense, but the job didn’t come without certain drawbacks. One aspect he’d always hated was repossession runs when customers couldn’t pay up for the work the shop had done for them despite signing an agreement stating that they would. It was just the nature of the beast. Eyeing the repo list for the day, Cole folded it up and wandered into the break area, “Hey, man,” he called out, blue eyes landing on Mason, “We got a repo list in this mornin’ and everyone else is tied up with appointments, so I was gonna tackle it m’self. Wanna come with?”
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masoncrossx · 1 year
"You're probably right." Huffing out a small laugh he only nodded his head at her response of what she'd ate or lack of. Falling silent afterwards his eyes moved down to his hands, taking a moment before he gave her any kind of response. Trying to figure out how much optimism might end up sounding like bullshit that even he couldn't feed to her. He didn't know Kate to grieve her, but he had some clue of what was probably stirring inside of Roman at the moment, losing a younger sibling, but also what that did for Em, while she was trying to heal from one only for another to happen. He hated the topic of death or loss of anything really but if she wanted to talk through it all day to try and make sense of it or the universe itself, he'd do that for her, even if they got nowhere at all. “It’s not.” Selfish, he meant. “And it doesn’t.” He added, referring to the universe. Shaking his head he slid off the counter. “It’s just…” Inevitable? It seemed like the wrong thing to say, too doom and gloom. He didn't know though it wasn’t like he’d gotten good at handling loss, Mason had just avoided and focused on others to get by. “If I could promise you’d never lose anyone again, you know I would, right?” But he couldn’t, as much as he wanted. Sighing he leaned towards her, reaching out for her hand again and once he grabbed on he slowly pulled her over towards him. “But you-" Once he had her close he wrapped his arms around her. "You'll get through it.” Emiri was loved and cared for by plenty of others, that much he knew which made him confident in that, he’d even promise that. She had a whole village to pick her up, support her, to give her whatever she needed if she did. "It probably doesn't feel like it right now though, does it?"
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Following as he led her inside she suddenly feels overwhelming gratitude for Mason being in her life, how could someone feel so happy for the people around her yet still feel a deep gut wrenching sadness? She didn't understand it. Though she supposed that was just life. At his joke she looked up to him, a soft chuckle barely even escaping. There was a lightness to her blue eyes yet more of a failure to hit him back with a witty remark, whatever train of thought she may have had got completely cut off by seeing Nyx bounding from around one of the corners. A smile instantly lifting as she started to make a fuss of her when Mason let go of her hand. "Yeah, that's cool. Smells good, anyway." Listening she slowly finds herself leaning against the countertop, looking down towards the floor because she feels safe enough to just be rather than having to worry about pretending to be ok. "Nah, you'll scare people away. You know, having to bend in half to get through the door." she was joking, wasn't her best but she was at least making the attempt. "Yeah... I had an apple." she shrugs, well, she had a few bites and then chucked the rest away. Grief didn't increase Emiri's appetite it decreased it, she wasn't as bad as when Serkan died she knew better this time and yet somehow failed to eat a meal. "Do you... do you sometimes think the universe hates you?" With her dad dying and then her friend, it was one thing after the other and she couldn't help but think who was next. "I know that's selfish, I just... feel paranoid that I'm gonna lose everyone."
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masoncrossx · 1 year
"Fair point." Word could travel fast in a town like this managing to keep your secrets yours, it was pure luck at that point. "You're going to have to face the noise eventually, though." He told her, returning to grab the neck of the bottle and plucked it off the cart before returning over to her. He'd heard, he'd looked in on his brother and left it at that. He might enjoy a bit of chaos but this definitely wasn't something he was going to put his nose in. It was a fucked up mess to begin with and he knew a thing or two about that, so he wasn't going to contribute to the people that wanted to whisper about it. Taking the glass from her hand, pouring some more to fill it back up but instead of handing it back to her he raised it up to his lips and took a swig as he held out the bottle for her to take instead. "You knew the whole time, right?" He questioned since he didn't actually know the details of it.
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A small hint of a grateful smile tugged at her lips as she stepped inside, following Mason into the living room. "Thank you." she breathed out, taking the drink. Hallie didn't even bother to check or ask what it was before she promptly drank half of it. Whatever it was, it was hitting the spot much more than the wine she'd been working her way through at home. She'd always made a point that she would never be one to drink away her problems, yet here she was. She shrugged her shoulders, relaxing a little now that she was here. "Sorry. No, you can keep going." she nodded, taking another sip of the drink. "Yeah, but bars have lots of people and I can't deal with lots of people right now. Especially when those people all know my business and aren't shy about sharing their opinions."
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masoncrossx · 1 year
"Yeah?" He smiled at the flashes of memories he was suddenly hit with. At the time it felt like one mess up after the other mixed in with some typical teenage rebellion that seemed like the end of the world at times, now it was just amusing. "Cause it was forever ago." He felt like he'd lived two whole lives since walking the hallways as an actual student. His smile widened, turning his head to look at her first before his whole body followed. "Wanna relive any of those memories?" He jested, chuckling afterwards, a quick shrug of his shoulders. "If there ain't a little bit of chaos, what's the point. Right?" Although he had definitely calmed down since then, but it wasn't like he lived a normal life so how much he'd calmed down was subjective. "I haven't lost any body parts yet though so I'm as good as it gets, really." Easiest way to answer, wasn't like he ever gave the real answer when asked. "What about you huh? You disappear on us and then..." he trailed off, motioning to the space around them. "Decide to call Tonopah home again?"
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        “I think I remember a thing or two regarding the 2004 & you,” she chuckled as she moved her eyes from Mason back to the notorious building they went to together. Well, Dakota did. As Mason said, he was everywhere but the classroom. “I could ask you the very same thing, Mase.” The brunette stated back knowing she had no real answer for him anyway. What was she doing here? Taking the trip down the memory line? For God’s sake, then the whole town was one. “I was taking a walk, stumbled upon this old thing,” meaning their high school building, “it feels like forever. You know, like a very, very old dream. Though,” she returned her eyes on the man beside her, “there are some very fun memories thanks to you,” it was such a long time ago. Making out, having sex.. they were nothing more but two typical teenagers who just wanted to have fun - no strings attached. And it worked. “How have you been, Mase? Still leaving chaos everywhere you go?”
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masoncrossx · 1 year
"Yeah, this shit gave up on us entirely." After messing with a few things under the hood, it was clear that the car wasn't going to start back up so easily so the quick run he'd dragged Riley on with him to pick up the car turned into something not so quick. "I'll have to come with the tow later." Truthfully he was surprised it made it as far as it had, the thing was a piece of junk better to be scraped than worked on but the owner was willing to pay big money to make it like new and Mason couldn't pass that up at the moment which seemed more inconvenient now. Glancing over at Riley then nodding his head in a general direction. "The diner's like less than a mile from here, feel up for a walk?" He grinned, lowering the rod before allowing the hood to slam shut. @riley-macnally
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masoncrossx · 1 year
"Right." He shrugged not about to speak of the obvious in her search for a distraction. "It's a good thing I ain't in the business of making people happy then, you know best, right?" He cocked his head dropping his gaze back to the book for a moment. There were few people whose mind would get the wheels turning with the same stupid ideas as Mason's did and even fewer that would go through with them. "You want something to do?" he flicked his gaze back up to her. "I can give you something to do." There was a hint of a smile that attempted to form but he was able to wipe it away, not originally intending for it to sound like anything but an actual helping hand kind of offer. Although he imagined she'd rather stab that helping hand with the closest utensil if given the chance. Standing up he continued to face her, nodding his head back in the general direction of the exit. "Come on, you can tell me how much you hate my entire existence the whole time." If there weren't more people he might've hauled her up off her ass and thrown her over his shoulder but he imagined that wouldn't go over so well so he'd let her decide if she was going or staying, well, for now.
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Logan couldn’t help but scoff at his words, leaning back in the uncomfortable chair she was sitting on. “I beg to differ.” Considering he did fuck with someone else, but she didn’t have the energy to hash that out with him here and now. Besides, she had already said her piece – all she wanted now was for him to find someone else to annoy and leave her to the book that she wasn’t all the interested in. “Gives me something to do. The same sentence or not.” Annoyance was evident in her tone, as she crossed her arms over her chest. Regardless of if he had been right about the fact that she wasn’t retaining the plot, the last thing she wanted to do was give him that satisfaction. “You know what? I would love for you to go. Nothing would make me happier, actually.”
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masoncrossx · 1 year
Stumbling his way over towards the door, the lack of sleep would've had him grumpy from the sudden wake up call, no matter what time it currently was. However when he swung it open and saw who was on the other side his brain froze for a moment like it needed a second to boot back up and take in Carlos standing there. The past was literally and metaphorically knocking on his door as of late and he was wondering now how far that would go because while some of that wasn't wanted on Mason's part, some of it was also good like now. "Holy shit." Breaking into a smile, Mason stepped forward and pulled him into an embrace. "When the hell did you get out? Or did you," he pulled back a bit, his smile never faltering. "Pull some prison break shit? I'll harbor a fugitive no problem. It's on my bucket list."
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« closed starter for @masoncrossx » location: mason's apartment
One of the good things, he supposed, about not much having changed in the small town since he'd gone to jail, was how easy it made it for him to track down the people he wanted to. Carlos hadn't told many people that he was being released, his brother was probably the only one who knew ahead of time. And after a few days of being 'out,' Carlos was finally starting to feel ready to see people again. One of the people at the top of that list was Mason. So after asking a few questions and finding out the man still lived in his apartment just a few blocks away from Juan's, Carlos headed that way. He knocked a few times at the door before stuffing his hands into his pockets against the January cold. He wasn't quite sure what his reception would be like, but hopefully it'd be a little less heavy than the other reunions he'd been having.
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masoncrossx · 1 year
"Welcome to...the shithole." Pushing the door open for Joel to step into the empty storefront which had been covered from the inside for years now. Once he was inside he shut it behind him and as he moved around him he swiped the bag of food and drink from his hands, something he'd begged for him to bring by. He hadn't realized how long he'd spent inside of the place, destroying it from the looks of it which probably looked bad without knowing it was his place to do what he wanted with. Walking over to one of the few surfaces left in tact, he placed the bag down as he took a sip of the drink. "So you got any hints on who's been trigger happy?" He questioned, digging into the bag for the food, completely ignoring the setting they were in without explanation. @joel-brooks
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