TASK 8 - Describe How My Research Activities Undertaken To Prepare, Plan & Complete My Visual Content For My Festival Project
In class we were shown different trailers for different festivals, this showed us that we didn’t have to rely on raw footage from a festival to create the illusion of being there. There are different techniques you can use when filming for example: lighting, colour, audio and editing. By using these devices they can create a certain atmosphere to signify emotions and moods.
One of the trailers that I really liked was the visionsonic festival as that trailer used b-rolls, which are pieces of alternate footage which interlinks with the main shots, that split up information. By doing this it makes it easier to process, It also uses b-rolls to add a certain mood and atmosphere to the festival on a whole and to visually relay the information. In my film, I want to have b-rolls to break up the shots between the stop motion and the pans of the 3D figures. I also feel as though if I just had a film about the figures that it would be very boring to watch. So by having b-rolls, it will make it more intriguing to watch. I want to create a summer feeling using the footage I film and I will edit it to look more summer-like, by maybe adding more colour to it or raising the saturation as I feel like that will make the film more appealing.
Another trailer I liked was the Typophile film festival. I really liked how there was one running theme throughout, that being senses, and how everything in the trailer was connected in some way. There was also a mixture of digitally enhanced clips along with physical and stop motion. I also liked how the different scenes flowed well and transitioned and how it was quite a cyclical narrative as it finished how it began. In my film, I would like to have a theme of music and being on a journey. I will also like to incorporate using the footage to separate a bulk of film but to also transition it as well as keeping the themes.
When creating my b-rolls, I wanted to have a summertime atmosphere so I filmed the outdoors, people walking, flowers and the sun as it is a summer festival and I wanted to give it a calm feeling to it as I want to portray my festival to be fun, happy and carefree.
As for my stop motion, I liked the idea of having the figures traveling up the bass guitar, making it seem like a journey. I really like how the background is all black as it makes the figures and the strings of the bass really stand out.  
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new photos
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visual language to use when describing photos
composition (layout) - sparse, empty, well-balanced, cluttered, symmetrical/symmetry. 
view points - birds eye, worms eye, eye level, low/high vantage point
depth of field:
- shallow - focal point in sharp focus
- wide - lots in focus
- strong - focus throughout, sharp
focus - blur, soft tones, motion blur, sharp
colour - contrasting, saturated, soft, subtle, colour variations, colour harmony
- lines take you into the focal point e.g. train tracks 
- eye leaders e.g. yellow circles flowing through a photograph
lines - linear treatment (where lines are the most prominent part of the composition), flowing, curved, smooth 
sculptural form - strong 3D treatment, strong lighting and shadows that accentuate the form
sense of movement - static photograph, solid forms and shapes can also appear as it is shifting
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Task 5 - describe your research activities undertaken to prepare, plan and complete your recording and editing
I researched into Documentaries, Interviews, Journalism and Podcasts. I wanted to give myself a better understanding of these fields as well as knowing what I wanted to do for my final project outcome. I wanted to research what the purpose of each subject was as well as if they had different styles, seeing if any matched what I wanted to convey.
I am going to be doing an interview as I want the person I am interviewing to tell a story. With the idea I have of the 3D people walking and being on a journey up the bass guitar, having a story being told of their experience at the festival will be quite powerful as they both correlate with each other well and gives the feel of it being surreal but also still realistic. To make it look smoother and give a more relaxed atmosphere, I won’t have the interview questions in the final film I will just have the person I am interviewing speaking.
In class we were shown different trailers for different festivals, this showed us that we didn’t have to rely on raw footage from a festival to create the illusion of being there. There are different techniques you can use when filming for example: lighting, colour, audio and editing. By using these devices they can create a certain atmosphere to signify emotions and moods.
One of the trailers that I really liked was the visionsonic festival as that trailer used b-rolls, which are pieces of alternate footage which interlinks with the main shots, that split up information. By doing this it makes it easier to process, It also uses b-rolls to add a certain mood and atmosphere to the festival on a whole and to visually relay the information. In my film, I want to have b-rolls to break up the shots between the stop motion and the pans of the 3D figures. I also feel as though if I just had a film about the figures that it would be very boring to watch. So by having b-rolls, it will make it more intriguing to watch. I want to create a summer feeling using the footage I film and I will edit it to look more summer-like, by maybe adding more colour to it or raising the saturation as I feel like that will make the film more appealing.
Another trailer I liked was the Typophile film festival. I really liked how there was one running theme throughout, that being senses, and how everything in the trailer was connected in some way. I also liked how the different scenes flowed well and transitioned and how it was quite a cyclical narrative as it finished how it began. In my film, I would like to have a theme of music and being on a journey. I will also like to incorporate using the footage to separate a bulk of film but to also transition it as well as keeping the themes.
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filming with the bass and 3D printed people
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Photo for group critique
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2 best photos using my light diffuser
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The first photo I like the best as I got close to the subject therefore making the light more prominent, I also like how it adds focus to the subjects eyes. The second photo also has a very specific focal point which I like. I like how the subject is positioned and how the light is just on his face. Overall, the light diffuser worked well and I think the string can give the illusion of being trapped or imprisoned which gives the photographs a different perspective.
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Making another light diffuser and using it
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Making and using a light diffuser
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Sketchbook part 1
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Celebrity Endorsements
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I think that this is the best photograph. I like that as you follow the instruments they get blurrier and I like how the background is plain which makes the guitars stand out more. 
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Taking photos testing for advertising a festival. As the festival I am doing is a music festival, I wanted to take photographs of instruments. I took different varieties of the same thing as I wanted to try different angles and making certain things blurry and focus. 
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Sketchbook part 2
- Logic pro x
- Comparing different audios 
- Street photography and the ethics behind it
- Robert Frank and my interpretation 
- Robert Doisneau and my interpretation
- Brandon Stanton and my interpretation
- Making a gig poster in illustrator and photoshop
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