masonrobcrts-blog · 7 years
“You’d let a pesky lock come between our love?” Emily pouted in jest, expressing faux disappointment in the suggestion that her parents catching them would be the end all be all. Then again, it probably would. As exciting as it sounded carrying on some kind of relationship behind their backs Emily enjoyed having him openly far, far too much. Besides, it wasn’t like they didn’t have the excitement of their current situation, a scenario they had found themselves in plenty a time to the point where Emily was disappointed when Mason didn’t crawl through her window in the dead of night. She’d rather keep this little rendezvous to herself, every soft giggle or suppressed sigh. Still, she couldn’t help but tease a little. “I love how you think a lock is worse than my parents murdering you,” she laughed against his lips, the sound sweet and soft while she nuzzled the tip of her nose against Mason’s. “I was kind of hoping you could just stand outside of my window and seduce me with a sonnet like you’re Romeo and I’m Juliet. Minus the whole death thing,” she added hastily. “That was lame.”
Death, however, was the very last thing on her mind. It was true that she may have been the one to twist Mason’s intentions into something a lot less innocent. Could she really be blamed? Mason’s lips had gotten her heart to race with each lingering kiss, her thoughts only growing fuzzy as his lips began to wander down to her jaw, her neck, grazing along her sensitive skin and making her all too eager to fall back onto the bed, hands helping to pull Mason on top of her in the process. “Mhm,” the girl hummed in response to his question though, frankly, she was having a tough time focusing once their bodies were aligned, his weight warm and welcomed as Emily tilted her chin up, kissing him back with just as much fervor, if not more. “You should definitely continue,” she whispered, her voice laden with desire as hands found his chest. But she was suddenly feeling playful, a feeling that she acted upon as the hands on his chest gave him a push. “Or
” Emily guided him onto his back, the springs of her bed squeaking underneath them as she pinned him to the pink sheets. Straddling his lap with one hand laced through the strands of his hair and the other cradling his neck, Emily’s oversized tee rode up her body as she leaned down, the soft skin of her lower stomach pressing against Mason’s shirt with an impassioned kiss to his lips. 
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“Never,” Mason dramatically responded. “I would still find the way to keep you all by myself.” It wasn’t a lie — no matter in what trouble they could get into, he’d still find any possible way to be with her. He could be determined when he wanted to, and he felt more passionate about Emily than he felt over anything else, and a simple lock could never get in his way of being with her. However, having free access to her was something he wouldn’t change for anything in the world — picking her up for dates, walking with his arm around her shoulders, all those study dates and dinners that ended up with him pretending to leave around 10p.m. only to sneak back in a few moments later What they had was something good, really good; and he wished it to remain that way forever. “A man’s gotta have his priorities in order,” Mason shrugged, smiling widely. “And a lock would be rather unfortunate — what would I do at nights if I can’t come visit you?” he wondered. Surely, there were plenty of options, all of them a lot more intelligent and responsible — but yet none as fun and exciting as doing this. Lowering his head for a moment, he laughed through his teeth at Emily’s words. “It was really lame,” he said between chuckles, pressing his forehead against hers. Laughing with her was something that came naturally, comfortable enough with each other to joke around and tease the other. “And if we’re imitating classic romances now, we better do one that doesn’t end in utter disaster.”
If Mason knew anything close to heaven, was having Emily beneath him. Her body seemed to align with his perfectly, curves pressed up against him as his hands and lips adored her skin. If he thought they were great for each other in nearly every way possible, the physical was fucking incredible. Like they read each other’s mind; knowing and understanding just what the other wanted. Emily definitely always knew exactly what to do to drive him out of his head. Mason’s hand came to rest on her cheek as he pressed passionate kisses against her lips. He heard her speaking softly into the kiss, yet whatever she’d said he didn’t really care about; he was only focused on continuing on to kiss her. A surprised noise escaped his lips, and he laughed softly into the kiss as Emily flipped them over. Mason’s heart began to race, pumping loudly against his ribcage, as desire began to take over him. “Mhm, this is much better,” he murmured, his hands immediately going to her hips, to then lower and settle on her ass, squeezing and pressing her closer. He pulled himself upwards, raising them up into a sitting position as he kissed her deeply, hands roaming the bare skin of her back under her shirt — all while he fervently pressed kisses on her neck, her chest through the fabric of her shirt, and back up to her lips.
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masonrobcrts-blog · 7 years
Emily only managed a quiet laugh in response to Mason’s excuse, the easy shrug on her shoulders enough to convey that yes, she preferred him to reading about skirt-wearing warriors and yes, she was actually thrilled that he decided to tell her about this ‘dinner’ in person, even if she knew better than to think that was the only thing on his mind. Sure, she was only up late because she had a test the next day and putting off studying for her boyfriend probably wasn’t the smartest idea. Since she began dating Mason, however, she had managed to keep her grades up and focus on her studies, all thanks to an annoying discussion she had with her father where he told her that if her grades slipped dating would be out of the question. But they hadn’t, nor would they. She knew how to balance what was most important to her, and Mason had managed to skyrocket to the top of the list in no time at all. Everything about him she adored – his quick wit that kept her on her toes, his smile that made heart pick up in pace, or his unpredictability, like surprising her at her window in the middle of the night. Every day was like a whirlwind adventure with him that she wished would never end. 
The light from the lamp on bedside table cast a soft glow against the dusty pink walls and the boy currently in her arms, Emily’s smile widening as she saw the hint of mischief dancing behind his eyes. She was happy he was there, her book long forgotten and replaced with anticipation of what was to come as she good-naturedly shook her head, the tip of her nose brushing against Mason’s. “Whatever we do it has be to quiet,” soft lips whispered against his own, in her own attempt at being quiet. But she had her doubts, especially if they continued this close proximity between them, lips brushing against the other’s, arms pulling each other nearer. It made a cheeky grin appear on her lips as she tilted her head back, seemingly pondering what in the world they could do now that she and him were alone in her room. “We could talk about something else,” she suggested, before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek shortly afterwards. “Or I could go back to my book,” was yet another suggestion, precluding a kiss to the other cheek. “Or
we could keep doing this,” happened to be her favorite suggestion of the three, exhibited by another tempting kiss to his lips. After a moment she pulled back some, only enough to speak. “Any ideas or should I keep going?”
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"I'm always quiet, darling," he murmured in response. This wasn't the first — nor it would be the last — time Mason had ever sneaked into her place like this, and not once had he been caught. He knew how to keep Emily and himself as the only ones aware of their little meetings; knowing at what time and how to best get into her room and leave without being spotting nor raising any suspicions from her parents, as silently and carefully as he could. And hopefully, that wouldn't change anytime soon. If Emily's parents only found how many late nights he'd been there, all while they'd been fast asleep — if only they knew the things they'd done, all by themselves in the silence of midnight, with hushed laughs and silent touches. And no matter how he'd seemed to be getting along with her parents so far, Mason could still perfectly picture her father dragging him out of the house at gunpoint. "Getting caught would probably be the worst thing that could ever happen to me. Your parents will murder me — and even worse, they'll probably put a lock on your window."
Mason could feel himself grinning like an idiot as he felt Emily press a gentle kiss to his cheek, and then the other, as she offered him suggestions on what activities they could do next. At last, she concluded her suggestions by pressing a kiss to his lips, and he smiled against it. And she had the nerve to believe it was him who came visit her with ulterior motives — when it was actually her who maliciously seduced him, with that innocent tone of hers and those tempting touches. But two could play at that game. Emily pulled back just the slightest and spoke; and Mason slightly frowned as he pretended to be thinking. "Hm, tough choice," he began, though he, of course, had already made up his mind, since the moment the blonde's lips had pressed against his. "They all sound tempting, but I think I prefer doing this." He closed the gap between their faces again, pressing their lips into a slow yet passionate kiss, and he made sure this one lasted a bit longer than the previous one. "Or this, maybe," he murmured; the ambiance had become quite playful and flirty, and his lips curved into a smirk as he lowered his lips slightly, pressing slow kisses down her jaw. "Or this," he continued against her skin, lips following the path down to her neck as he raised a knee onto the bed, and then the other. His hands found their way to her waist, pushing her backwards onto the bed, and he caught her lips with his own once more. "Should I continue?" he repeated her words from before.
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masonrobcrts-blog · 7 years
Emily had never been the type of woman to believe in fate. Perhaps her teenage self, young and naive and head over heels for a beautiful boy would have been more inclined to believe. But an Emily who had matured and grown, an Emily who had lost that beautiful boy years ago only to have him suddenly standing before her during a juncture in her life that would change everything
well, that Emily couldn’t allow herself to believe in fate any longer. Still, the presence of Mason was like a shock to her system, eyes round in wonderment as in that moment she was seemingly transported back to the last time she had seen him. He’d been younger then, both of them just kids, but she still remembered the look on his face, blurred from her tears but the last thing she had seen before turning on her heel and storming out of his life. No, Emily didn’t believe in fate but this, well, it almost had the ability to change her mind. 
His voice was what shocked her first, deeper than she remembered but still the same Mason she had known and loved. That and his eyes, a pair that she had gazed into hundreds of times before until they were suddenly gone. The rest of him, from the bigger build to matured face was new yet familiar all at once. Emily was certain that she was staring, possibly gazing too critically upon Mason’s face, but it couldn’t have been much more intruding than Mason’s own surprised expression. It was awkward, of course it would be, as she wrung her hands and listened to Mason speak again, her fiancĂ© in that moment the farthest thing from her mind. She was there for a reason but for the life of her she couldn’t seem to remember what the reason was as Mason asked how she’d been, prompting an inkling of a smile to cross her lips. Once upon a time he had been someone she had talked to on a daily basis, whether it was shared laughter between classes or breathless whispers between the sheets. But that was then and this was now. What was the protocol for talking to an ex-boyfriend she hadn’t spoken to in over a decade? 
Standing straighter she gained some much needed confidence in the situation as her smile widened, Emily’s head ducking humbly at the compliment. “So do you,” she answered, but not merely from politeness. He looked great, if she was being honest, matured and handsome and other adjectives that an engaged woman shouldn’t have been thinking. But that was only natural after everything that they had shared, right? “I’m well. It’s really good to see you.” That was another truth, one that made her smile soften some, almost nostalgically as she relaxed. “How have you been? I had no idea that you were an attorney.” Then again, how would she? “Not that I would know,” Emily added, a hint of color rising to her cheeks as she looked down at her hands. There was a lot they didn’t know about each other, not anymore. “I didn’t set the appointment myself, otherwise I would have realized from your name.”
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Seeing her there was difficult — ten, twenty years could have gone by and it still would've been difficult. Did he still care about her? He wanted to think that not really; at least not in the way he had back when he was eighteen. Mason was all grown-up now, more mature and surely over all that had happened all those many years before. But still, there was a sinking feeling in his stomach and a loud beating in his chest as she stood in front of him. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't shake away the memory of the last time he'd seen her, and he doubted if he should speak anything about it — an 'I'm sorry I was such a dick the last time we saw each other', maybe. An 'I'm sorry for the things I said — and I'm sorry I never called. I'm sorry I let you leave, I'm sorry I didn't reach out ever again.' He'd been a fool, that he knew quite well. His actions had been the ones of a young, proud and immature teenage boy, who'd foolishly believed that silence had been the way to go, that not speaking to her would make things easier — would help him numb the pain. Spoiler: it hadn't. He'd spent too many sleepless nights regretting his actions, how he hadn't even tried to make things right. But he could never change what he'd done, and bringing it up would do nothing but bring displeasing memories of something that was supposed to be in the past for both of them.
A slight smile curved his lips at the compliment. Both had changed a lot since high school, and maybe it was just his memory failing him, but Mason felt certain that the Emily that stood in front of him was even more beautiful than the one he remembered — which was saying a lot. And definitely, it didn't help ease his nerves. "You too," he nodded, feeling himself relaxing as he watched the blonde's smile widen. Maybe things would be going a lot smoother than he'd expected them to. "I'm — I'm good. Everything's been good." It wasn't a lie, actually. Things weren't perfect, they never were — but Mason was happy. Maybe his life could get a bit lonely sometimes, but he'd grown used to it — he liked the way his life had turned out, despite it all. He sheepishly smiled at the comment Emily made, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah — I wouldn't have expected you to know that," After all, he didn't know who she was either, what paths had she taken in life since they'd parted ways. "That would explain things," he said, referring to how she'd said she hadn't been the one to make the appointment. He guessed she probably wouldn't have made the appointment if only she'd known he was the attorney. 
While the surprise of seeing her had made everything slip off his mind, he was suddenly back to being aware of where they were and what they were supposed to do — she was here for an appointment. What for, though? He'd been supposed to be meeting with a couple, yet there she was, alone and... she just couldn't be, now, could she? Probably he'd mixed things up, became confused — that had to be it. "What is your appointment for, again?" he asked her, and realizing they were still standing, he shook his head and signaled to the chair. "Crap — take a seat, Emily," he told her, as he finally moved from the doorway to take a seat himself.
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masonrobcrts-blog · 7 years
“I’d hope never,” Emily laughed, referencing how Mason implied he would never be one to lie to her. Maybe it was the young love that had given her a fresh pair of rose-colored glasses but she was inclined to believe him, never having experienced anything different. There was so much about Mason that she admired from his humor to his mind and, of course, that smile that made Emily’s stretch from ear to ear. Him sneaking into her room that evening was just what she needed. She could practically feel her grade on her test tomorrow sinking with each passing second but it was worth it if it meant she could spend the evening with her boyfriend instead. “Or the right time,” she assured, eyes lighting up as they matched his own mischievousness. “You’re way more interesting than the Trojan War.” 
If she had to choose between deciphering ancient text and spending time with Mason there really was no comparison, not as he took her hand and let her tug him toward her onto the bed. She still gave him the same disbelieving look as he touted coming for purely innocent reasons, reasons that she still didn’t believe, but was charmed nonetheless as he gave her a quick kiss, Emily’s lips still pouting softly when he pulled away. “I think it’s more along the lines of knowing better,” she pointed out with a dubious raise of her brow, and his excuse of telling her that his mother had invited her over to dinner didn’t convince her in the slightest. “Oh, okay, now it makes sense,” Emily proclaimed, faking her a-ha! moment with a shake of her head and a teasing shove to Mason’s chest. “You definitely couldn’t have told me your mom was making lasagna over the phone.”
Though her sarcasm was silenced for a moment as they kissed again, this one a bit more prolonged and far more promising than the last. Emily smiled against those lips she loved so much, her fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt until he unceremoniously pulled away, leaving Emily to pout further as he peddled leaving for the night. She knew that he wouldn’t, a fact that she would have been quick to point out if he wasn’t leaning into her again, Emily’s blue eyes rolling when sweet lips pecked her cheek. He was way sappier than he’d ever give himself credit for, but Emily absolutely adored it. “You really think I wouldn’t want you to stay? I had no idea you thought so poorly of me,” she quietly exaggerated, throwing his words from before right back into his face with a quiet laugh. “Of course I want you to stay.” Leaning forward ever so slightly to snatch another kiss from his lips Emily’s hands found his shoulders, using the leverage to shuffle onto her knees and bring them closer. “I could use the distraction, but if you stay we’re going to have to do something other than talk about your mom’s lasagna.” Lazily draping her arms around his neck she pressed her forehead to his, eagerly awaiting a response. “Thoughts?”
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“Oh, so you think me to be more interesting than Achilles and Hector - and all those skirt-wearing warriors? Wow, I feel flattered,” Mason teased her, and his smile widened as he saw her eyes lighting up with mischief. One of the things he really loved about Emily was that she wasn’t one to back down, always seeming just as thrilled and prepared for mischief as he was. They were partners-in-crime, ready to get in trouble as long as it was with each other. He let out a chuckle when Emily playfully pushed him in the chest, and shook his head in response. “No, I couldn’t. You see, matters of such importance are better-discussed face to face. I couldn’t just call you.”
He lowered his head, chuckling under his breath when Emily threw his words right back at him. He adored her wits; how she seemed to always be one step ahead of him, sarcastic comments or snarky replies prepared to fight back his own humorous comments. Though, in complete honesty, Mason seemed to adore every single detail of her; from her way of thinking and her brains, to the way her eyes lit up when she laughed. Everything about her he liked; from day one she’d caught his attention, attracting him like no other girl had before. However now they were way past the initial attraction, it wasn’t the frenzied hormones typical of their age that drew them together ( though yes, his hormones still did always become wildly active whenever Emily was around ); no, he’d already moved way past the just physical attraction. They’d both clicked right away, both body and mind, as they seemed to understand and know each other better than most. 
Emily’s lips pressed to his, gently, and Mason relaxed into the brief touch; grunting slightly as the kiss was broken off so quickly, and he was about to lean forward and continue on with the kiss, though he paused, listening to Emily speak. A slight smile appeared on his lips at the words Emily spoke, as she pressed her forehead against his and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer - and with her so close, he had to fight the urge to just kiss her yet again. “I’d be honored to be a distraction to you, Ems,” he responded amusedly. “Hm, crap. That was the only plan I really had in mind for the evening,” he told her as he tried to hide a smile, referring to what she’d said about not speaking about his mom’s lasagna. Mason leaned into her, breaking the distance between their faces; giving her a slow, lazy kiss. “I’ll have to come up with a better plan then,” he broke off the kiss only to murmur against her lips, slight smirk grazing his own. 
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masonrobcrts-blog · 7 years
The yawn that fell from Emily’s lips for the umpteenth time was the only sound uttered in the Pierce household that evening, Emily’s parents and little brother having gone to bed a few hours ago. The blonde didn’t have such a luxury, however, as glassy eyes blinked down at the small, indecipherable text of the book in her hands. It was her own fault that she needed to pull an all nighter, thanks to her habit of procrastination and a very distracting boyfriend. It was true she should have just looked up the sparknotes instead of trying to power through the book she’d be tested on the next day in one night, but she liked the act of reading. Plus, she knew her teacher always threw in several questions that were specifically not covered in abridged versions online. Thus, Emily had no choice but to read it, until a tap at her window changed everything.
She knew it was Mason – really, who else would it be? – before she even turned her head to look, a surprised smile crossing her lips once their eyes locked. Truthfully her window was always unlocked for this exact reason, whenever Mason felt the need to sneak in unbeknownst to her parents. It was exciting, in a way, but everything about Mason excited her. Sometimes it was still difficult for her to wrap her mind around the fact that a boy she’d silently crushed on for years reciprocated; she was positive he’d never let her live down the look of shock when he actually asked her out. But Emily, totally and completely crazy for him, was thankful. “You just wanted to say hi?” She teased quietly, giving Mason a doubtful look as she watched him shuffle into her bedroom. “You’re such a bad liar.” 
Whatever the reason he was there for, though, Emily was grateful. She sat up from her spot sprawled out on her stomach, sitting crosslegged instead in her oversized tee from homecoming and sleep shorts. If she read another line from the book she was sure that she’d lose it, and it was obvious there’d be no studying with Mason there. The adorable smile on Mason’s face was a welcomed sight. “I’m not getting any sleep tonight,” Emily sighed, dropping her highlighter between the pages of the book to save her place. “I have a test tomorrow on The Illiad books one and two. I put off reading it ‘till now, and it turns out the first two books are over 200 pages combined.” Blinking up at Mason a slow smile spread across her face, hand reaching out to him as she tried to decipher the truth. “Are you really here to say hi or are you here for something else?” 
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A grin broke throughout his features as she teased him, and he slowly made his way to the bed. "Yes, I just wanted to say hi," he responded between chuckles, watching her disbelieving face. "When have I ever lied to you, Ems?" he teased back, with a roll of his eyes. Mason looked at the couple of books lying on the bed as she told him about her test, and he raised his eyebrows. “Gee, that seems like an awful lot reading for just one night,” he shook his head, and then gave her an apologetic smile, realizing he’d just interrupted her. “This was probably a bad time to come visit you, wasn’t it?”
"Something else?" he repeated, mischievous smile on his face as he took Emily's hand, letting himself be pulled towards the bed, sitting right in front of her. "What kind of guy do you take me for, Ems?" Mason laughed under his breath, leaning his face towards Emily's, eyes locked with hers. "Is it really so hard to believe I'm only here to say hi to my girlfriend - whom, by the way, I haven't seen since, uh," he chuckled, "Earlier today -" Mason raised his eyebrows at her, shaking his head as he tried to suppress an amused smile. "With no ulterior motives?" he cut himself off for just a second, to give her a small peck on the lips. "Darling, I had no idea you thought so poorly of me." he teased her. Emily did have a point though; as most of Mason's secret little visits wouldn't remain with just him dropping by to say hi - in his defense, though, Emily was always just as ecstatic as he was to partake in those quiet little moments of mischief.
"My mom asked me to invite you over for dinner this Saturday, by the way. She's making lasagna," he commented, intertwining his fingers with hers. "So, as you see, I had no choice but to come here and tell you - that's pretty much why I'm here." He pressed his lips against hers once more, though this time, he lingered a few moments longer, savoring the feeling he already knew oh-so-well, yet it still managed to get his heart racing. "So, being the man of truth I am, clearly, and seeing I already just said hi - I might as well just head back home now," he couldn't hide the teasing smirk as he pulled away, getting up to his feet and turning around to face her. He wasn't going to leave, that was for sure - even if she needed to continue on with her homework, he would gladly sit by the bed with her, quietly keeping her company until she was done with the reading. He placed his hands on either sides of her, leaning forward. "Unless," he began, and quickly pressed a kiss to her cheek. He wiggled his eyebrows at her, cocky smirk on his face. "You wanted me to stay."
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masonrobcrts-blog · 7 years
Mason was more than ready to call it a day and go home. From meeting up with clients and going through paperwork, his days at the office were always long, and all nearly identical. Still, he loved his job, he really did - after all, it was the only stable aspect he had in his life. Family, he hadn't been close to since perhaps college, and even though every other weekend he'd get a call or an invitation to hang out from any of his friends, the thing was most of them had taken their own paths in life, with family and partners and kids. And love, well, let's not even talk about that - Mason seemed unable to keep a stable relationship for himself; and after a few failed attempts all throughout his life, he'd decided to stop looking for 'the one', settling down for just casual dates and hookups.
Perhaps, the one had already just slipped right through his fingers, many years ago - this, however, was a thought he wouldn't ever admit, not even to himself.
He still had one last case to go through that day. It would be simple, he'd thought, just a couple seeking counsel about a prenup agreement. Mason had been certain it wouldn't cause him much trouble; meeting with the clients to then happily head home. Boy, had he been wrong. Setting aside the papers he'd been checking as his secretary called him to let him know the couple was already waiting for him, he made his way to the office where they would be waiting for him. Opening the door, he expected to be greeted by the unknown, soon-to-be-married couple he'd be helping that day - yet what he found, whatever, he would not have imagined not in a million years. "Good afternoon, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too l-" he began absent-mindedly, closing the door behind himself, the words dying in his mouth as his eyes focused on the blonde girl that stood in the middle of the office. He felt frozen for just a second, all thought in his brain vanishing as his eyes met with her blue ones - and suddenly, unexpectedly, he forgot of who he was and where he was in that precise moment. No - right then and there, he was eighteen again; young and fearless and in love with the pretty blonde that sat right in front of him in math class.  It all hit him suddenly; memories he had no idea he even still remembered after all those years.
The kisses and touches and escapades. The laughs, and then the fights. And then, silence.
How long since the last time he'd seen her? Ten? Eleven years? She definitely looked different; all trace of that rounded, childish look to her face had been faded away, replaced by the more mature look of a woman. She was still just as beautiful as she'd been ten years before; when they were only kids, unaware and uncaring of the complications real life brought along. Her voice - shit, he'd completely forgotten that sound - brought him back to the present, to the reality; and Mason blinked a couple of times to snap out of it. He could see disbelief right across her features, and he was sure his face certainly mirrored hers. "Emily," he breathed out. "Wow, it's been... I - What a surprise," he struggled to find words to say, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck all while silently cursing the drumming he felt against his ribcage. What was he to say in a situation like this? What was he to say to this woman, one that had once mattered so much to him, after not seeing her in a bit more than a decade? "How have you been? You - you look good."
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@masonrobcrts / @lustywrites
With a sigh Emily dropped her phone back into her bag, eyes skirting to the closed door that would probably open at any second now. While she and her fiancĂ©, Chris, had come to the decision that given their separate assets a prenuptial agreement would be in their best interests, choosing an attorney to consult was on Chris. They had only been engaged for about a month, following two years of dating that all began when her mother unceremoniously, and without Emily’s blessing, decided to set her up. Perhaps her mother held a point, at the time. Emily hadn’t been one for dating, having a total of three boyfriends in her lifetime. There was Chris, of course, then a fleeting fling her senior year of college. The third, or rather the first, was arguably the most meaningful out of them all, a man whom she had found to compare against any man who had waltzed into her life, Chris included.
But Chris didn’t need to know that.
Emily loved her fiancĂ©, she truly did; the woman never would have accepted a proposal if she didn’t. She and the financier got along well, even if lately they were more like two ships passing in the night, Chris always traveling with his business while Emily herself was cooped up in her own office. Actually, work had been what dragged Chris momentarily out of the office she was currently sitting in, her fiancĂ© receiving a call that he simply had to take. He was always getting those types of calls at the most inconvenient of times, even when they were meant to be meeting with an attorney. “It’ll be just a second,” he had told her as he bounced out of the office with his phone to his ear, leaving Emily alone and increasingly nervous. The last thing she wanted to do was waste the lawyer’s time when she knew that a ‘second’ for her fiancĂ© sometimes turned into an hour. Emily didn’t even know the name of the attorney – Robert, something? Asking would only be embarrassing. Little did Emily know that she would know the man more than most.
She heard the turn of the door’s handle, right as Emily looked to see if her fiancĂ© was rejoining her. No one was coming in or out of the front door, and it looked like she’d have to greet the attorney on her own. Standing, Emily looked down at her black dress, smoothing the bunched fabric before looking to the man in the doorway with a polite smile. Only that smile quickly faltered, replaced with surprise and disbelief as she met the man’s eye. Maybe Emily hadn’t seen him in years, but she would know those eyes anywhere. “Mason?”
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masonrobcrts-blog · 7 years
Mason watched the house right in front of him. Despite the fact most of it seemed to be in complete darkness and silence, he could see through the window just above him, that there was still a room with its lights on. Emily's room, letting him know that thankfully, she hadn't gone to sleep yet. It was pretty late already, but that night he felt more awake than ever - and he certainly wasn't in the mood to spend that sleepless night all by himself, mind wandering off as he just stared at the roof of his room and nothing else. That was why Mason had gotten himself up and changed out of his pajamas, hopeful that he would find Emily to be just as awake as he was.
Emily. Thing is, he'd never really had a girlfriend before her - or at least, none that mattered. But she, she was just something else.  The gorgeous blonde girl he would always see in a couple of his classes - watching her, actually, might as well have been the reason why he'd been about to fail math the previous years -, until he'd finally one day decided to man up and make a move on her. And while he'd never really expected it to go beyond just a couple of days, he had found himself head over heels for the girl - and the rest was history.
It wasn't hard for him to climb up her window, since this wouldn't be the first time he ever snuck into her place that way. It could easily be his favorite pastime - visiting her in secret, in those quiet little moments only him and her would ever know they'd shared. Mason softly tapped his knuckles against the glass, letting her know with the small sound he was there. The window was unlocked, as usual, and he pushed the glass up with his hands. The glimpse of a smirk appeared on Mason's face as soon as their eyes locked, him peaking his head through the opening of the window. "Before you say anything," he began, a sheepish smile on his face. "Yes, I do know it's quite late - and I know we have school tomorrow." He shrugged, carefully hopping into the blonde girl's room, trying to make as little noise as possible, just in case her parents were asleep and he wouldn't wake them up. "I couldn't sleep, and I wanted to drop by and say hi," he told her, and then broke into a low chuckle, "Don't worry, I won't take that much time away from your beauty sleep time - unless you want me to."
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