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System airplane ticket
The purpose of the system is that the reservation system should be used for the booking of the airline sales system. The purpose of the ticket system is a ticket that is the result of the operation carried out in the reservation system Airline. Usually there are two types of global system for booking airline tickets: the system Gabriel reservation and Amadeus reservation system.
What is CRS?
Airlines computerized reservation systems (crs) are called Airline computerized reservation systems. The primary form of computerized travel agencies in the world. These systems are responsible for managing millions of booking and flight tickets, and rate and price requests sent by travel agencies to the reservation system. This is without mentioning the thousands of changes that occur daily in databases. Crs acts as a distribution system and a very strong and valuable marketing tool for the owners of airline companies. The competitive atmosphere of travel agencies is largely controlled by this system.
For the time being, we do not describe the booking systems, and we pay attention to the points that are related to the airplane ticket system
How is the system ticket pricing determined?
As we said earlier, this type of ticket is made in the airline reservation system, and, consequently, the price of these tickets is also specified in the airline's reservation system. The Agency will apply for a ticket to the hotel using a half-paid person. Ticket rates plus taxes and charges are included in the ticket, and the total price of the ticket will be determined in this way.
Usually, for booking tickets, the Reservations Agency will receive a 5% tax free ticket fee.
Ticket prices are non-ticket- ticket tickets .
What is a system airline ticket rating?
The system ticket rate, which has multiple classifications, is determined by the national aviation organization annually based on various items.
Previously, system tickets were carried out only by trained travel agents according to the specific knowledge they needed. But with the advent of IT science and the institutionalization of booking Internet tickets in the country, this possibility for ordinary travelers was made possible by web-based services provided by airline companies to ordinary travelers with no technical knowledge.
What are the benefits of a system airline ticket?
One of the many benefits it has to do is to cancel this type of ticket. It is important for the passengers to redeem part of it if their plans change or they can not use the flight under any circumstances. There are, of course, a number of cancellation systems that have a system ticket, and there is a fixed or non-refundable system ticket that does not change as soon as it is booked. Before the purchase, you should look at the flight conditions and if the flight is unbearable It was canceled to know about this. Usually all airline companies have a system ticket.
System ticket and flight classes
System tickets are divided into two classes of eco - class flying classes and business class flights , each with sub-branches, and prices and console conditions .
Another advantage of system airline tickets is that it has special discounts for families of martyrs, veterans' families, veteran families, well-to-do families, children over 60, children, and newborns.
System ticket the last moment
In general, system tickets do not have something like the last moment , even if the flight is empty, it's not possible to sell the ticket below the approved rate .
In the case of the ticket system, the charter ticket is in line with the ticket system. There is no conventional discount for different classes of society.Usually it does not classify, or if it has only two classes of economics and business. A charter ticket is similar to the Ratchet system ticket. It does not have any consoles.
System ticket similarity and Chettery tickets
Both types of flight tickets must be entered on the airline system and that there are separate reservation systems for the charter tickets because of the lack of use of the airline system and the entire names of passengers must enter the airline sales system before the flight.
How to get charter tickets
If a system airplane ticket is not sold fully and seats are left empty, the airline will suffer. That is why airline companies have a number of their seats at a lower rate to avoid losses to tourists, with significant passengers. And this is the beginning of the appearance of charter tickets
In fact, system and charter tickets are no different from the point of service, and their seats are just as compatible with the policy of airlines to minimize the cost of flying overhead. The airline sells tickets to a charterer. Which is responsible for not filling the seats. On the other hand, the chartering of tickets to agencies has the benefit of getting the tickets one at a time before the agency contracts.
Although the government has decided to take charter tickets many times because of people's dissatisfaction with the lack of return on their charter tickets, despite the government's call, the airlines state that if charter tickets are to be eliminated, they will have to stop many active routes. This has led to the continued existence of charter tickets.
Unlike chartered tickets by airline agencies whose rules of cancellation of tickets are subject to special charter rules, system tickets and cancellations are canceled and refunded in accordance with the Civil Aviation Code.
Some agencies defined the system ticket for a particular company, such as Saha, on their ticket sales systems and sold them as charter tickets. The passenger was unaware of this, and when they came for cancellation, the ticket was chartered, including a lot of misuse According to complaints received by airline companies, they said that if such cases were detected, they would be severely targeted by the agencies.
Agency Violations: Sell system tickets as a charter ticket
Another feature of the system ticket is that, since their schedule is seasonally determined and usually rolled over by a certain clock, the traveler may have long been able to plan for his travel. This is where the charter tickets They can be defined for up to two weeks. Airline companies for low-cost destinations, such as Kermanshah, Istanbul, because of low frequencies, are not affordable for airline companies, so they will not fly on this route.
One of the benefits of a system ticket that is incorrectly entered on sites
Some sites have written that one of the advantages of a system ticket is that during the Nowruz period there is a reservation function a few months ago, and it is completely wrong to fly special times like other flights and usually do not open these tickets until near the flight. And once the big agencies are opened, they quickly fill everyone with the names of the previous passengers and replace it when they call for a ticket to the customer.
System ticket cheaper or charter ticket?
Typically, charter tickets, because they are charterers of those travel agents, and do not have a large financial base, such as those of the airlines themselves, are afraid of losing money, and when it comes to smells of selling tickets, They are going to sell at any price. One day the company explained the charterer and likened itself to selling cucumbers, he said if I sold the cucumbers in the evening and sold it to me because I did not sell it because the sunset was gone. It would not cost me much longer. It was not worth the flight of 10,000 tomans. It's better to do nothing, even if I fly 2 million tons, I'll sell at the lowest rate that a passenger would buy.
Why is sometimes cheaper than a system more expensive?
But that's not all. Occasionally, half-board airframes and half-board systems, such as agencies, tend to sell charter tickets, if they say, they do not have a system ticket, and that's all charter. In this case, system tickets are not sold and charter tickets become expensive. It's time to get cheap tickets from charter tickets if you take tickets through online systems like charter tickets.
Basically, for airline companies renting seats up to half or more, the risk of not selling system tickets is much higher.
Sometimes travelers are asking us why the booking system has a double flight number. System tickets have different rates and in our ticket sales system, we usually have two class classes. Maybe ask why
Because the system ticket rates are based on the number of seats pre-determined, for example, 10 seats of class 100 thousand tomans 10 seats 150 thousand tomans next assume that a passenger of 8 people wants to get a ticket at a rate of 100 thousand dollars when flying and capacity class 100 There are 5 people in the Omurmani. Therefore, the passenger can book 5 people 100 ths. Tomans and 3 persons 150 ths. Tomans. So with the possibility on our site, the traveler realizes that he can buy tickets at this rate.
Increase rate message when booking a ticket
Sometimes a passenger is faced with this message when booking a ticket. The passenger, for example, has added to the ticket price of 50 thousand tomans, this is due to the flight classes.
Please note that airline agencies can not change the system ticket rates or sell them at a higher price. The rates for these tickets are on the ticket and can not be changed.
If you also enter your email at the time of booking your system ticket, the principle of the electronic ticket will also be sent to you by the airline. These entries are in English and it is not easy to get out of all sections.
Usually most passengers do not have email. Because of this, Mike has set the default email to the system, which, if inserted, can take other steps, although the ticket file can be downloaded after the booking, but if the passenger wants to call us Send it to Telegram or WhatsApp.
Flight tickets
This type of ticket is usually used when a passenger arrives at an airport but does not have a ticket. Watching flights on the flying board, he goes to the airline's canter to give him a ticket and can board. This type of ticket is also on the flight with the name of the name The passenger is on the waiting list. It is also a system ticket and is not discounted.
The issues that were raised were all for domestic system flights. The foreign airline flights have different classes and, depending on the type of visa they travel to, they must book a certain flight class, because foreign system flights must be booked in the same way. A passenger who wants to stay one month It is different from a passenger who wants to stay 6 months.
For example, a one-month class must be returned at the time of the appointment. But the one-year class can return from one day to one year. A person who has a 14-day visa is not required to take an age class and can use cheaper flight classes who receive an annual one-year ticket. Flight can be done sooner, but someone who takes a one-month flight can not increase his time. Since the validity period is up to one month, the flight class is more expensive depending on the time of stay. For example, a one-month flight class, if one and a half million is for Istanbul, a one-year-old one Half a million.
External system flights due to: The number of stops in the transit routes and the airline has different rates.
When booking a foreign system ticket, it should be noted that where there is a stopover, some stopping points also require a visa.
When stopping a passenger in a transit country, a passenger usually has no right to leave the airport. An interesting issue in foreign flights is that it pays special attention to passengers and provides them with long stays or delays and considerable amenities.
Is the system-provided service different from the charter ticket?
Although it is implicitly said that there is no difference in service between a system flight and a charter flight, we found an interesting case of this disagreement that, although the passenger was upset, but it was interesting to us that one of the flights was delayed, It has a system and half its charter flight has been delayed and gave a number of breakfast and midnight passengers, and not a few.
When we asked for this strange behavior, we saw that the airline had provided these services to its passengers who had taken a system ticket . Perhaps this is one of the rare cases that has come about. The passenger called and scoffed at us, unaware that these matters were not related to the agency, and it was only responsible for the accuracy of the agency's ticket.
Perhaps the most tangible feature of the ticket system is a discount for children and infants. In the past, not long ago, the child's ticket price was half that of an adult, and the baby is 10% of the adult who now has its own rate for each airline.
Although a system ticket can be purchased on the site, you need to go to the agencies to find tickets for the martyr or veteran family or other discounted groups. Such discounted tickets can not be booked on the site.
 Hopefully you will use all these specials on all Chartery Cawat tickets.
 Labels http://blitcharter.com
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System airplane ticket
The purpose of the system is that the reservation system should be used for the booking of the airline sales system. The purpose of the ticket system is a ticket that is the result of the operation carried out in the reservation system Airline. Usually there are two types of global system for booking airline tickets: the system Gabriel reservation and Amadeus reservation system.
What is CRS?
Airlines computerized reservation systems (crs) are called Airline computerized reservation systems. The primary form of computerized travel agencies in the world. These systems are responsible for managing millions of booking and flight tickets, and rate and price requests sent by travel agencies to the reservation system. This is without mentioning the thousands of changes that occur daily in databases. Crs acts as a distribution system and a very strong and valuable marketing tool for the owners of airline companies. The competitive atmosphere of travel agencies is largely controlled by this system.
For the time being, we do not describe the booking systems, and we pay attention to the points that are related to the airplane ticket system
How is the system ticket pricing determined?
As we said earlier, this type of ticket is made in the airline reservation system, and, consequently, the price of these tickets is also specified in the airline's reservation system. The Agency will apply for a ticket to the hotel using a half-paid person. Ticket rates plus taxes and charges are included in the ticket, and the total price of the ticket will be determined in this way.
Usually, for booking tickets, the Reservations Agency will receive a 5% tax free ticket fee.
Ticket prices are non-ticket- ticket tickets .
What is a system airline ticket rating?
The system ticket rate, which has multiple classifications, is determined by the national aviation organization annually based on various items.
Previously, system tickets were carried out only by trained travel agents according to the specific knowledge they needed. But with the advent of IT science and the institutionalization of booking Internet tickets in the country, this possibility for ordinary travelers was made possible by web-based services provided by airline companies to ordinary travelers with no technical knowledge.
What are the benefits of a system airline ticket?
One of the many benefits it has to do is to cancel this type of ticket. It is important for the passengers to redeem part of it if their plans change or they can not use the flight under any circumstances. There are, of course, a number of cancellation systems that have a system ticket, and there is a fixed or non-refundable system ticket that does not change as soon as it is booked. Before the purchase, you should look at the flight conditions and if the flight is unbearable It was canceled to know about this. Usually all airline companies have a system ticket.
System ticket and flight classes
System tickets are divided into two classes of eco - class flying classes and business class flights , each with sub-branches, and prices and console conditions .
Another advantage of system airline tickets is that it has special discounts for families of martyrs, veterans' families, veteran families, well-to-do families, children over 60, children, and newborns.
System ticket the last moment
In general, system tickets do not have something like the last moment , even if the flight is empty, it's not possible to sell the ticket below the approved rate .
In the case of the ticket system, the charter ticket is in line with the ticket system. There is no conventional discount for different classes of society.Usually it does not classify, or if it has only two classes of economics and business. A charter ticket is similar to the Ratchet system ticket. It does not have any consoles.
System ticket similarity and Chettery tickets
Both types of flight tickets must be entered on the airline system and that there are separate reservation systems for the charter tickets because of the lack of use of the airline system and the entire names of passengers must enter the airline sales system before the flight.
How to get charter tickets
If a system airplane ticket is not sold fully and seats are left empty, the airline will suffer. That is why airline companies have a number of their seats at a lower rate to avoid losses to tourists, with significant passengers. And this is the beginning of the appearance of charter tickets
In fact, system and charter tickets are no different from the point of service, and their seats are just as compatible with the policy of airlines to minimize the cost of flying overhead. The airline sells tickets to a charterer. Which is responsible for not filling the seats. On the other hand, the chartering of tickets to agencies has the benefit of getting the tickets one at a time before the agency contracts.
Although the government has decided to take charter tickets many times because of people's dissatisfaction with the lack of return on their charter tickets, despite the government's call, the airlines state that if charter tickets are to be eliminated, they will have to stop many active routes. This has led to the continued existence of charter tickets.
Unlike chartered tickets by airline agencies whose rules of cancellation of tickets are subject to special charter rules, system tickets and cancellations are canceled and refunded in accordance with the Civil Aviation Code.
Some agencies defined the system ticket for a particular company, such as Saha, on their ticket sales systems and sold them as charter tickets. The passenger was unaware of this, and when they came for cancellation, the ticket was chartered, including a lot of misuse According to complaints received by airline companies, they said that if such cases were detected, they would be severely targeted by the agencies.
Agency Violations: Sell system tickets as a charter ticket
Another feature of the system ticket is that, since their schedule is seasonally determined and usually rolled over by a certain clock, the traveler may have long been able to plan for his travel. This is where the charter tickets They can be defined for up to two weeks. Airline companies for low-cost destinations, such as Kermanshah, Istanbul, because of low frequencies, are not affordable for airline companies, so they will not fly on this route.
One of the benefits of a system ticket that is incorrectly entered on sites
Some sites have written that one of the advantages of a system ticket is that during the Nowruz period there is a reservation function a few months ago, and it is completely wrong to fly special times like other flights and usually do not open these tickets until near the flight. And once the big agencies are opened, they quickly fill everyone with the names of the previous passengers and replace it when they call for a ticket to the customer.
System ticket cheaper or charter ticket?
Typically, charter tickets, because they are charterers of those travel agents, and do not have a large financial base, such as those of the airlines themselves, are afraid of losing money, and when it comes to smells of selling tickets, They are going to sell at any price. One day the company explained the charterer and likened itself to selling cucumbers, he said if I sold the cucumbers in the evening and sold it to me because I did not sell it because the sunset was gone. It would not cost me much longer. It was not worth the flight of 10,000 tomans. It's better to do nothing, even if I fly 2 million tons, I'll sell at the lowest rate that a passenger would buy.
Why is sometimes cheaper than a system more expensive?
But that's not all. Occasionally, half-board airframes and half-board systems, such as agencies, tend to sell charter tickets, if they say, they do not have a system ticket, and that's all charter. In this case, system tickets are not sold and charter tickets become expensive. It's time to get cheap tickets from charter tickets if you take tickets through online systems like charter tickets.
Basically, for airline companies renting seats up to half or more, the risk of not selling system tickets is much higher.
Sometimes travelers are asking us why the booking system has a double flight number. System tickets have different rates and in our ticket sales system, we usually have two class classes. Maybe ask why
Because the system ticket rates are based on the number of seats pre-determined, for example, 10 seats of class 100 thousand tomans 10 seats 150 thousand tomans next assume that a passenger of 8 people wants to get a ticket at a rate of 100 thousand dollars when flying and capacity class 100 There are 5 people in the Omurmani. Therefore, the passenger can book 5 people 100 ths. Tomans and 3 persons 150 ths. Tomans. So with the possibility on our site, the traveler realizes that he can buy tickets at this rate.
Increase rate message when booking a ticket
Sometimes a passenger is faced with this message when booking a ticket. The passenger, for example, has added to the ticket price of 50 thousand tomans, this is due to the flight classes.
Please note that airline agencies can not change the system ticket rates or sell them at a higher price. The rates for these tickets are on the ticket and can not be changed.
If you also enter your email at the time of booking your system ticket, the principle of the electronic ticket will also be sent to you by the airline. These entries are in English and it is not easy to get out of all sections.
Usually most passengers do not have email. Because of this, Mike has set the default email to the system, which, if inserted, can take other steps, although the ticket file can be downloaded after the booking, but if the passenger wants to call us Send it to Telegram or WhatsApp.
Flight tickets
This type of ticket is usually used when a passenger arrives at an airport but does not have a ticket. Watching flights on the flying board, he goes to the airline's canter to give him a ticket and can board. This type of ticket is also on the flight with the name of the name The passenger is on the waiting list. It is also a system ticket and is not discounted.
The issues that were raised were all for domestic system flights. The foreign airline flights have different classes and, depending on the type of visa they travel to, they must book a certain flight class, because foreign system flights must be booked in the same way. A passenger who wants to stay one month It is different from a passenger who wants to stay 6 months.
For example, a one-month class must be returned at the time of the appointment. But the one-year class can return from one day to one year. A person who has a 14-day visa is not required to take an age class and can use cheaper flight classes who receive an annual one-year ticket. Flight can be done sooner, but someone who takes a one-month flight can not increase his time. Since the validity period is up to one month, the flight class is more expensive depending on the time of stay. For example, a one-month flight class, if one and a half million is for Istanbul, a one-year-old one Half a million.
External system flights due to: The number of stops in the transit routes and the airline has different rates.
When booking a foreign system ticket, it should be noted that where there is a stopover, some stopping points also require a visa.
When stopping a passenger in a transit country, a passenger usually has no right to leave the airport. An interesting issue in foreign flights is that it pays special attention to passengers and provides them with long stays or delays and considerable amenities.
Is the system-provided service different from the charter ticket?
Although it is implicitly said that there is no difference in service between a system flight and a charter flight, we found an interesting case of this disagreement that, although the passenger was upset, but it was interesting to us that one of the flights was delayed, It has a system and half its charter flight has been delayed and gave a number of breakfast and midnight passengers, and not a few.
When we asked for this strange behavior, we saw that the airline had provided these services to its passengers who had taken a system ticket . Perhaps this is one of the rare cases that has come about. The passenger called and scoffed at us, unaware that these matters were not related to the agency, and it was only responsible for the accuracy of the agency's ticket.
Perhaps the most tangible feature of the ticket system is a discount for children and infants. In the past, not long ago, the child's ticket price was half that of an adult, and the baby is 10% of the adult who now has its own rate for each airline.
Although a system ticket can be purchased on the site, you need to go to the agencies to find tickets for the martyr or veteran family or other discounted groups. Such discounted tickets can not be booked on the site.
 Hopefully you will use all these specials on all Chartery Cawat tickets.
 Labels http://blitcharter.com
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