massage-helpers · 7 years
New Guests
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Ralus had gathered the two of the...there were two children, alternate versions of himself that were both in distress. Kaza had been all but held captive, and while he’d made the new timeline for Saga, he still remembered everything. He didn’t want to leave him alone...and turns out he wished a little to strongly because he was here now. No choice but to take care of them both now. It’s be like having little brothers.
“So...my name is Kaza. How about you?” The Abra in the green shirt asked.
“I’m Saga. It’s really nice to meet you!” Saga said cheerfully. “You smell like flowers!”
“Oh! Uhh...yeah, I spent a lot of time near flowers.” Kaza said, a touch bashfully. “Hey...do you know Asriel Dreemurr?”
“Nope. I’ve never met him. Is he nice?” Saga asked.
“He’s the nicest guy...I can’t wait to meet him again.” Kaza signed almost dreamily.
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massage-helpers · 7 years
Kaza’s eyes tried to focus on her face, but now and then, his gaze betrayed him, and he glances down at his
unclothed form, his cheeks practically as bright as Christmas lights. “Uhhh..p-pleased to meet you, miss
Silantro nods her head, chuckling a bit as she watches his gaze wander.  “Nice to meet you too, kid.  
I guess I should put something on, so you’ll pay attention.  Just keep in mind, you’re probably going to see a lot like this.” She takes a moment to fetch her casual clothes from a locker, putting on some pajama bottoms and a t-shirt.  Perfect for just lounging about the tower.
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“Heh, you’ve already made a friend, Kaza.  Now, ah, if you’ll excuse me, I should go on ahead and prepare a few things for the classroom.” The dragon necromancer heads on upstairs, waving at the pair of them.
Kaza’s cheeks had returned to a slightly normal coloration but his eyes were fixed upon the floor. “Erm...s-sorry.  Gosh you are really big though! I’ve never seen someone like you before.“
The start of Training
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massage-helpers · 7 years
Kaza did leave his stuff and followed after Kristjan, making a mental map. So
the entire 39th floor was a throne room. Then floor 40 was his bed room
probably with a large bed and lots of tools and devices. Floor 41 was the guest rooms, now where his room was. However as they got to this indoor bath house, Kaza started to blush quite fiercely as he saw the ladies taking their showers, gripping Kristjan’s robe very tightly.
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He chuckles lightly, patting Kaza on the head.  “Oh, don’t worry, they don’t bite.  Well, Silantro does sometimes, but it’s mostly nips.” Kristjan waves at the two monsters for a moment.  “Hey Lucy, Silantro!  If you’ve got some time later today, do you think you can maybe help Kaza here relax and get accustomed to everything?”
The Diablos nods her head, standing up and stretching as she walks closer.  Given that she was just in the bath, she wasn’t wearing anything as she goes to dry off with a towel.  Not that she really minded either of them looking at her.  “Sure, I’m done my bathing right now, so, I can go and take over the tour stuff if you want.  What do you say, kid?”
Kaza’s eyes tried to focus on her face, but now and then, his gaze betrayed him, and he glances down at his...unclothed form, his cheeks practically as bright as Christmas lights. “Uhhh..p-pleased to meet you, miss...erm...Silantro?”
The start of Training
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massage-helpers · 7 years
Kaza didn’t mind being called a pet as much as Kristjan might think. He WAS pretty much in a pet situation
staying here for free
but minion or apprentice might be more correct
unless he didn’t end up doing a lot, in which case, he really would be more of a pet.  Just there for the company.
Kaza set his bag down in the bed and took stock of the room. Pretty empty but it had the basics. “Well
when I have stuff to do that, I probably now! Should I take anything with me or leave my bag here?”
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“You can just leave your stuff in here for now.  After all, you don’t have to do any studying today.  It’s just getting you used to the layout of the tower for now.”  He smiles and nods his head.  “Now, ah, right now you’re on Floor 41, the guest rooms.  Below here is my bedroom, Floor 40.  It, er, also gets used pretty often for
 certain web shows.  Below that is the throne room, Floor 39.  Just, you know, the throne room.  And you don’t really have to worry about the lower rooms for now, eh heh.” Kristjan leads the way upwards, once Kaza was comfortable enough to continue on.
The next floor they visited was an indoor bathhouse, complete with locker rooms for changing back into clothes or to get a towel.  The water looked nice and warm
 and there was already two monsters taking a bath and chatting it up.  A Lagiacrus, and a Diablos, both of them female.
Kaza did leave his stuff and followed after Kristjan, making a mental map. So...the entire 39th floor was a throne room. Then floor 40 was his bed room...probably with a large bed and lots of tools and devices. Floor 41 was the guest rooms, now where his room was. However as they got to this indoor bath house, Kaza started to blush quite fiercely as he saw the ladies taking their showers, gripping Kristjan’s robe very tightly.
The start of Training
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massage-helpers · 7 years
Kaza listened intently. He hadn’t
PLANNED on this but he could be a necromancer. Sure it was generally frowned upon but that was just due to it’s users. Magic itself wasn’t biased towards good or evil. “Sure. That sounds good to me.” He nodded. “Anything you ask
and don’t worry. If push comes to shove I won’t NEED to rely on necromancy
but I’ll remember that it should be very much be last resort over there.”
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“Excellent!  In that case, we’ll begin your classes tomorrow.  For today, I’ll be showing you to your room, and around some of the other facilities while you’re here my pet!  Er, student.” He lets out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry, force of habit.  
Though, in a sense, it’s not incorrect for me to call you my pet.  I’ll, er, leave what you prefer to be called up to you.” 
He leads the Abra up two floors, past his master bedroom, and up to the guest rooms.  A number were unclaimed, but a few had nameplates on the doors.  Like Ribbon’s room, for one.  The dragon necromancer walks up to one of the unclaimed rooms, opening it up.  The room itself was rather plain, but well kept.  Kinda hard to imagine a normal looking room was inside a tower made of bones.  “This is where you’ll be staying.  Feel free to accessorize it how you want when you have the time.”
Kaza didn’t mind being called a pet as much as Kristjan might think. He WAS pretty much in a pet situation...staying here for free...but minion or apprentice might be more correct...unless he didn’t end up doing a lot, in which case, he really would be more of a pet.  Just there for the company.
Kaza set his bag down in the bed and took stock of the room. Pretty empty but it had the basics. “Well...when I have stuff to do that, I probably now! Should I take anything with me or leave my bag here?”
The start of Training
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massage-helpers · 7 years
Kaza withdrew himself, his cheeks still lit up. It was
well, he wasn’t quite sure what to say about that exchange he’d just had but he nodded quickly. “Erm
yes! I think you can find I am useful!” He said quickly. What was he getting himself into
but he did need a place to stay. Maybe he could ask him about that after the class. “
Sorry, this must really be pretty different than what you were expecting.”
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“I’ll admit, this is not exactly what I was expecting.  Honestly, I was thinking maybe one or two dragons from Aurum would be interested in learning this.” He clears his throat for a moment.  “Ahem
 right, ah, before I take you in and teach you, I should set some ground rules.  Number one, this is not to be taken lightly, nor is it to be exploited.  You will be taught necromancy for defending yourself, or to help people, which
 does sound a bit weird, saying it out loud like that.” Kristjan chuckles for a second, moving on.  “As such, you really shouldn’t run around and practice it willy-nilly.  Anyway, secondly
 given that you are paying for this in servitude, you will have to follow my commands whenever I ask you to.  Don’t worry, I won’t be that strict or anything, but
 well, I’ll have to make use of you.  And lastly, and this is more of a personal thing
 if you visit Aurum
 don’t use any necromancy.  It’s restricted over there, and, I’m already doing community servitude over there.”
Kaza listened intently. He hadn’t...PLANNED on this but he could be a necromancer. Sure it was generally frowned upon but that was just due to it’s users. Magic itself wasn’t biased towards good or evil. “Sure. That sounds good to me.” He nodded. “Anything you ask...and don’t worry. If push comes to shove I won’t NEED to rely on necromancy...but I’ll remember that it should be very much be last resort over there.”
The start of Training
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massage-helpers · 7 years
Kaza bit his lower lip
darn. Looks like Saga really hadn’t set anything up in advance. He really was on his own for this stuff
which meant he only had what was in his bag and this was pretty much it. What
could he do about tuition? “Hold on.” He said and knelt down, setting the back and taking a quick inventory of anything that could be of real value. Flame Quartz ring +2 and his Steel Shortsword
no, even the shortsword probably wasn’t worth that much and he wanted to keep the ring. He got it from William. In that case
he had one more thing to offer.
Kaza’s cheeks started turning red and walked over to the necromancer and started to nuzzle against his chest. “I’m
not as innocent as you might think. I’m older than I probably look.”
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“W-woah, ah
” He’s caught a bit off guard as Kaza starts nuzzling against him, clearing his throat.  “Well, if you’re fine with
 those types of things, that’s a bonus.  It does get pretty
 adult around in this tower.” He gently pats the Abra’s head for a moment, waiting for a moment.  “
Oh, I guess you won’t be paying in gold then, and instead in servitude?”
Kaza withdrew himself, his cheeks still lit up. It was...well, he wasn’t quite sure what to say about that exchange he’d just had but he nodded quickly. “Erm...yes! I think you can find I am useful!” He said quickly. What was he getting himself into...but he did need a place to stay. Maybe he could ask him about that after the class. “...Sorry, this must really be pretty different than what you were expecting.”
The start of Training
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massage-helpers · 7 years
Kaza wasn’t entirely sure what he was talking about
but nothing ventured, nothing gained. He’d opened the door so he was probably being invited inside. He stepped inside and onto the circle that was glowing. That was probably a teleportation pad or something. “Uhhh
well I’m here to learn!”
The voice seems pleased as he walks inside.  “Here to learn then, huh?  Perfect, guess you did see my note!” When he steps on the circle, Kaza would be warped up to the throne room of the tower, where the dragon necromancer was sitting on his throne.
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Kristjan raises a brow as he looks over at the Abra, mulling this over.  “Huh
 you do look a little
 innocent to be wanting to study necromancy
 and there is the matter of tuition
 are you sure you want to go down this path?”
Kaza bit his lower lip...darn. Looks like Saga really hadn’t set anything up in advance. He really was on his own for this stuff...which meant he only had what was in his bag and this was pretty much it. What...could he do about tuition? “Hold on.” He said and knelt down, setting the back and taking a quick inventory of anything that could be of real value. Flame Quartz ring +2 and his Steel Shortsword...no, even the shortsword probably wasn’t worth that much and he wanted to keep the ring. He got it from William. In that case...he had one more thing to offer.
Kaza’s cheeks started turning red and walked over to the necromancer and started to nuzzle against his chest. “I’m...ahhh...not as innocent as you might think. I’m older than I probably look.”
The start of Training
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massage-helpers · 7 years
“This is a really
REALLY bad idea. You know that right?” Kaza asked, clutching a duffle bag of items he was going to take with him.
“You made the wish, I’ve delivered my conditions for this, so now is the last chance you have to back out on this.” Saga said passively as he stood beside the portal he had opened. “You want to be out there
The abra slowly nodded his head. Truthfully, he missed everyone
and home, while safe and warm, was almost suffocating. He had to train in secret. His combat lessons had been stopped and never picked up. His parental figures were just
too perfect. Why bother try and cook when they were just always going to be better? He took a deep breath and steeled himself. “
Okay. I’m going over there and I’m going to learn things until I can knock you over
“What you learn is up to you.” Saga said. “You could learn anything. Anything can be used against me. You can even be as creative as you like. Just learn
and when you’re ready, come at me with everything you’ve got. You don’t have to win. Just impress me.”
The Abra could feel his heart beating in his chest as he stared at the portal. He couldn’t come back once he stepped through
but there was one person he wanted to see more than anything else. “
o-okay.” He couldn’t remove his stammer but he managed to take a step forward, and then another, before jumping through.
He felt like he’d been
somehow everywhere and spinning, but he landed on grass, and on his face. He laid there for a good while before slowly and shakily getting onto his feel and feeling thankful he hadn’t had anything for breakfast or he was pretty sure it would be outside of him right now. “Buuugh
” He groaned and tried to look around. Not too far away was a massive, black tower
that was probably where he was supposed to be going. He shook his head to try and wake himself up. Okay
he was
somewhere new. Where were his things? The duffle bag has landed some ten feet away, but the shortsword inside had pierce through. “Awwww! Nooo
” He whined a little as he picked up the bag and examined the damage. Looks like it had slipped out of it’s sheath
he could probably sew that up.
He carried the bag somewhat awkwardly over to the entrance of the tower
yep, this was pretty intimidating actually. Hopefully this wouldn’t be a bad time
he raised a hand and started knocking on the door. “H-helloooo?”
A voice echoes out of the tower, with just a hint of irritation coming from it. “Ah geez, I just got back from Aurum to relax for today
 are you here about that note I left?” The dragon necromancer had left behind in invitation to study necromancy in a more controlled environment.  Either way, the doors creak open, leading to the dimly lit lobby of the black bone tower.   “Please, come inside.”  To accentuate his point, the magic circle in the middle of the room brightens up and glows.
Kaza wasn’t entirely sure what he was talking about...but nothing ventured, nothing gained. He’d opened the door so he was probably being invited inside. He stepped inside and onto the circle that was glowing. That was probably a teleportation pad or something. “Uhhh...well I’m here to learn!”
The start of Training
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massage-helpers · 7 years
The start of Training
“This is a really...REALLY bad idea. You know that right?” Kaza asked, clutching a duffle bag of items he was going to take with him.
“You made the wish, I’ve delivered my conditions for this, so now is the last chance you have to back out on this.” Saga said passively as he stood beside the portal he had opened. “You want to be out there...right?”
The abra slowly nodded his head. Truthfully, he missed everyone...and home, while safe and warm, was almost suffocating. He had to train in secret. His combat lessons had been stopped and never picked up. His parental figures were just...too perfect. Why bother try and cook when they were just always going to be better? He took a deep breath and steeled himself. “...Okay. I’m going over there and I’m going to learn things until I can knock you over...right?”
“What you learn is up to you.” Saga said. “You could learn anything. Anything can be used against me. You can even be as creative as you like. Just learn...and when you’re ready, come at me with everything you’ve got. You don’t have to win. Just impress me.”
The Abra could feel his heart beating in his chest as he stared at the portal. He couldn’t come back once he stepped through...but there was one person he wanted to see more than anything else. “...Phew...o-okay.” He couldn’t remove his stammer but he managed to take a step forward, and then another, before jumping through.
He felt like he’d been...somehow everywhere and spinning, but he landed on grass, and on his face. He laid there for a good while before slowly and shakily getting onto his feel and feeling thankful he hadn’t had anything for breakfast or he was pretty sure it would be outside of him right now. “Buuugh...” He groaned and tried to look around. Not too far away was a massive, black tower...that was probably where he was supposed to be going. He shook his head to try and wake himself up. Okay...he was...somewhere new. Where were his things? The duffle bag has landed some ten feet away, but the shortsword inside had pierce through. “Awwww! Nooo...” He whined a little as he picked up the bag and examined the damage. Looks like it had slipped out of it’s sheath...he could probably sew that up.
He carried the bag somewhat awkwardly over to the entrance of the tower...yep, this was pretty intimidating actually. Hopefully this wouldn’t be a bad time...he raised a hand and started knocking on the door. “H-helloooo?”
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massage-helpers · 7 years
“A-ahahehe...h-hey everybody! Gosh, it’s been a bit...don’t worry, just getting some things sorted, I’ll be here! Soon, promise!”
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First (technical) commission done! A re-design of Kaza from @monster-massage
I love this little yellow ball of hugs.
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