massmediamayhem · 10 months
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massmediamayhem · 10 months
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massmediamayhem · 10 months
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massmediamayhem · 10 months
Big Apple Boss-Man Eric Adams in Hot Water! Time-Travelin' Sex Attack Claims from '93!
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Yo, New Yorkers! The dude who's runnin' the show, Mayor Eric Adams, just got slammed with some ancient sex assault beef! Some legal paper peeps are sayin' way back in the dinosaur days of 1993, he got frisky without the yes-yes. Talk about a blast from the past trying to kick his future butt! BREAKING NEWS: Big Apple Boss Busted in Blast from the Past – Legal Lightning Strikes with $5 Million Shocker! Hey there, New York, it's time to juice up your gossip engines 'cause the city that never sleeps just got hit with a scandal that's gonna keep y'all wide-eyed and bushy-tailed! Word on the street is, our very own Mayor Eric "Smooth Operator" Adams is smack dab in the middle of a hot, steaming legal soup that's been cookin' for nearly three decades! That's right, folks! A blast from the past has come knockin' at City Hall's door, and it's packin' a whopper of a tale – a legal filing accusing the big man himself of a 1993 sexual assault! Now, before you spill your coffee, let's dive into the juicy deets. This ain't your everyday lawsuit; it's a three-page bombshell that's got the city buzzin' like a hive full of angry bees! The papers were slapped down in the state Supreme Court, right in the heart of Manhattan, and they're hollerin' for a trial and a cool $5 million in relief. Imagine that – five million smackers! That's enough dough to buy a lifetime supply of hot dogs from every stand in the Big Apple! Now, who's the brave soul stirring up this historical hornet's nest? Well, that's the million-dollar question, or should I say... five million! The woman behind the summons is playing it coy, keeping her lips sealed tighter than a New York slice box on a delivery bike. And her attorney? Silent as a street pigeon when the crumbs run out! But wait! Here comes Mayor Adams, sliding into home plate with a denial that's as smooth as the city's finest cheesecake. He's all like, "It absolutely did not happen," and "I don't recall ever meeting this person." Talk about a head-scratcher, right? Now, don't forget, y'all, Mayor Adams ain't just some random Joe Schmo; he's a former NYPD blue blood who climbed the ranks like King Kong on the Empire State! He's been around the political block, from state senator to Brooklyn bigwig, before scooping up the mayoral crown. But could his shiny image be tarnished by this throwback thunderbolt? And just when you thought it couldn't get any spicier, guess what? The FBI's been sniffin' around his 2021 campaign like a pack of hungry hounds, and they ain't lookin' for treats. They're diggin' into some skyscraper-sized shenanigans involving – get this – the government of Turkey! Could our mayor have been playin' with fire... safety systems? But hey, Adams is cool as a cucumber, sidesteppin' the FBI cha-cha like a seasoned dance floor pro. He's all about that "I did nothing wrong" tune, and he's stickin' to it like gum on a subway seat. So, New Yorkers, buckle up, 'cause this rollercoaster ride ain't over yet! Will the mayor's past come back to haunt him like a ghost in Times Square? Or will he dodge the dirt and keep his throne in the concrete jungle? Stay tuned, 'cause this saga's got more twists than a pretzel cart on Fifth Ave! SAUCE: New York City Mayor Eric Adams accused of 1993 sexual assault in legal filing https://apnews.com/article/new-york-mayor-adams-sexual-assault-summons-0b939f75cb34848cc7f6b0ffdae1c7e8 Read the full article
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massmediamayhem · 10 months
Government Brainiacs Probe Louisiana's Ocean Floor Juice Spill!
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Big-time gov squad dropped the news on Saturday that they're all up in the biz of a mondo leaky gulp-gulp tube under the sea near Louisiana land. That slick's no joke, y'all! BREAKING NEWS: OILY SITUATION! Hey there, all you slick folks! Buckle up 'cause we've got ourselves a gusher of a tale straight outta the blue waters of Louisiana! You ain't gonna believe this, but there's a whole mess of oil playing peekaboo under the sea, and the feds are diving in headfirst to figure out this slippery situation! So, check this out – those bigwig detectives over at the National Transportation Safety Board, yeah, the NTSB, have gone all 'Mission Impossible' on us. They're sending in their top guns, a four-person squad of underwater gumshoes, to snoop around about 19 miles off the coast of good ol' Venice, Louisiana. And you know what? They're tweeting about it. That's right, they got their social media game on point! But wait, it gets juicier! This pipeline, run by some high-and-mighty outfit called Third Coast Infrastructure LLC (fancy name, huh?), decided to spring a leak! And when did our eagle-eyed pals at NOAA catch this? At 9 a.m. Thursday, when they spotted an oil sheen slicker than a con man at a carnival! And get this, Third Coast Midstream Pipeline folks only piped up about their oily oopsie 10 MINUTES after NOAA's eagle eyes spotted it. Talk about being a little late to the party, am I right? Now hang on to your hats, 'cause a flyover at 2 p.m. that very day showed a slick of oil that was 3 to 4 miles wide! That's like if you took all the french fries in the world and laid 'em end to end – a whole lotta greasy! And there was "dark oil scattered throughout," like some giant toddler got into the motor oil and went to town on a canvas the size of a small town! So what's the plan, Stan? The feds are gonna dive down there and play detective in the deep blue sea, trying to solve the mystery of the vanishing oil. Will they plug the leak? Will the ocean critters throw a fit? Stay tuned, 'cause this is one oily drama you won't wanna miss! And remember, folks, when it comes to our oceans, it ain't just water under the bridge – it's oil under the sea! Keep it locked here for all the slick updates on this slippery situation! ️ SAUCE: Federal authorities investigate underwater oil pipeline leak off the coast of Louisiana https://apnews.com/article/oil-pipeline-leak-louisiana-coast-70f00e23d3a5c8fbd7d856fa4439e7fb Read the full article
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massmediamayhem · 10 months
Judge Crushes Haterade, Lets Trump Flex for Prez Again in Rocky Mountain Showdown!
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Yo, check it! Some judge chick named Sarah B. in the land of mountains and munchies – Colorado, yo – just dropped the mic on some fools tryin' to keep the big man Trump from the ballot bash. They were all up in his grill with some Constitution yada yada 'bout insurrection whatnot. But the judge was like, "Nah, let the dude run!" So, Trump's about to strut his stuff in the primary party, no cap! Hold onto your hats, America, 'cause the courtroom rodeo in Colorado just bucked out a ruling wilder than a two-headed snake on a caffeine binge! That's right, folks, the gavel-wielding, justice-serving heavyweight, Judge Sarah B. Wallace, has thrown a curveball that's got heads spinning like a tornado in a trailer park. In a showdown that could've been plucked straight from a reality TV script, the lefty law wranglers went toe-to-toe with the big cheese himself, former President Donald J. Trump, aiming to boot him off Colorado's ballot faster than a jackrabbit on a hot griddle. They hauled out the ol' Constitution's insurrection clause, dusted it off, and pointed it straight at Trump like a loaded cannon. But hold your horses, 'cause here comes the plot twist! Judge Wallace, in a move that's got more twists than a bag of pretzels, declares, "Yeehaw, Trump did rustle up some insurrection on January 6th," but then she flips the script and says, "No sirree, can't keep this cowboy off the ballot!" Why? 'Cause this ancient Amendment is fuzzier than a peach, and ain't clear if it's supposed to hogtie presidents too. The Trump camp's hootin' and hollerin', callin' it a victory sweeter than apple pie at a county fair, while the folks who wanted him off are madder than a wet hen, vowing to take this rodeo all the way to the Colorado Supreme Court corral. Now, this legal hoedown ain't just about Trump; it's bigger than a bronco on steroids. It's a showdown at the constitutional corral that could change the way we wrangle our politicos. And you bet your boots this ain't the end of the trail. This hootenanny's got legs, and it might just gallop all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. So saddle up, partners, 'cause this ride's just beginning, and it's bound to be bumpier than a cross-country trip on a unicycle. Will Trump stay in the saddle, or will he be thrown off into the dust? Only time will tell, but one thing's for sure: in this wild west of politics, anything can happen, and it usually does! SAUCE: Colorado judge keeps Trump on ballot, rejecting challenge under Constitution's insurrection clause https://apnews.com/article/trump-insurrection-amendment-2024-ballot-colorado-5b6e40f069abc1b8604ec37c46621055 Read the full article
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massmediamayhem · 10 months
Tiger Woods' Ex-Babe Bails on Mega-Bucks Brawl, No Naughty Biz Whining!
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Mega golf champ Tiger Woods ain't gotta fork over a mountain of cash no more! His old flame tossed out her whopping $30 million smackdown against his super swanky $54 million Florida crash pad. She's zippin' her lips on any hanky-panky hollering! Whoa, folks, hold onto your golf clubs and brace yourselves for a wild ride down the fairway of legal drama because Tiger Woods’ ex-golf caddy-in-love has just yanked the rug out from under her own $30 million lawsuit! That’s right, Erica Herman, who was cozied up in Tiger's mega-mansion that’s more like a small country than a home, said "Nevermind!" to going after Tiger's deep, deep pockets. Now, this ain't your usual lovers' spat. Nope, Erica was throwing down some serious accusations, saying Tiger promised her a sweet life in his beachfront castle until 2026, but then – BAM! – he gave her the boot faster than a caddy drops a club. But hold up, she’s now backtracking faster than a squirrel on a putting green, declaring she was never the victim of any handsy shenanigans by Tiger or his posse. And get this, she even says she never screamed "fore" about sexual harassment in the first place! What’s more bonkers is her lawyer, ol’ Ben Hodas, who must’ve been hitting the 19th hole a little too hard, because he was out there swinging claims that Tiger was playing in the rough, if you catch my drift. But wait, there’s a plot twist! Erica can’t remember if she signed a hush-hush deal to keep her lips zipped about her and Tiger's private putting practice, but she says if she did, it was only because Tiger was holding a proverbial golf club over her job at his restaurant. And then, in the legal equivalent of a hole-in-one, the judge takes one look at this legal sand trap and says, “No way, Jose!” slamming down her gavel like a driver on a tee box, calling Erica’s claims as “vague” as a foggy morning on the back nine. So what happened behind the scenes? Did Tiger and Erica have a secret clubhouse meeting and bury the hatchet, or did Erica just decide to pick up her ball and go home? Only the squirrels know for sure, and they ain't talkin'. But one thing's for sure, Tiger's still sitting pretty with a billion-dollar view from the top of the leaderboard. Now, let’s see if Tiger can keep his strokes limited to the golf course, or if there's another round of relationship hazards waiting to tee off. Stay tuned, sports fans! SAUCE: Ex-girlfriend drops lawsuits against Tiger Woods, says she never claimed sexual harassment https://apnews.com/article/tiger-woods-ex-girlfriend-lawsuit-41c3d2f248f0462623764afb4f41a318 Read the full article
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massmediamayhem · 10 months
GOP Prez Race Loses Fatties: Only Skinny Hopefuls Left to Wrestle Trumpasaurus!
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Yo, listen up! The GOP’s mega rumble for top dog in 2024 just got less squished, with a bunch of wannabe presidents peacing out. Now it's just a few tough cookies left to take on the big, bad Trumpasaurus. But peeps are all, "Yo, is it too late to find some other dude or dudette to wear the big elephant crown?" Stay tuned to see if the GOP can dig up a champ to go head-to-head with the Don! Alright, folks, let's talk about this whole kerfuffle with the Republican candidates trying to be the head honcho for 2024. It's like watching a bunch of muscle-bound dudes at the gym trying to one-up each other by lifting heavier weights, except these weights are states like Iowa and New Hampshire, and the muscles? Well, those are the votes and endorsements they're trying to flex. So, Senator Tim Scott decided to take his ball and go home, which was a total shocker to his crew. Maybe the game got too rough, or the other players were hogging the ball, but either way, he's out. Now, it's like a royal rumble with Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis duking it out for the silver medal, 'cause let's be real, Trump's sitting pretty with the gold around his neck, at least for now. Haley's getting some big bucks thrown her way, with billionaire Stanley Druckenmillier backing her up. She's betting big on ads, hoping to spread her name like wildfire. Meanwhile, DeSantis is buddying up with the folks in Iowa, talking about how he doesn't like the same things they don't like, and scoring points with Governor Kim Reynolds. It's like a tag team forming right before the big match. But here's the kicker: while Haley and DeSantis are busy throwing jabs at each other, Trump's in the corner, chomping on popcorn, and loving the show. His team is even tossing out some zingers, calling Haley "Birdbrain" and DeSantis "DeSanctimonious," like they're trying out for a schoolyard insult contest. Now, some smarty-pants out there are saying that this whole scuffle could get nastier once it's just one of them against Trump. It's like when there's only one slice of pizza left, and everyone's too polite to take it, but you know deep down it's gonna cause a brawl. And let's not forget the folks still hanging on by a thread, hoping for a miracle or just enjoying the ride. It's like they didn't get the memo that the party’s over. But hey, you gotta give 'em points for sticking it out. So, what's the game plan for the Republicans? They're trying to figure out who's going to be the champ to take on the big T, but it's a slippery slope, and there's a lot of mudslinging to come. It's like they need to pick the best player for the team, but everyone wants to be the quarterback. In the end, it's all about who can charm the crowd, who's got the best one-liners, and who can dodge the mud the best. Politics, am I right? It's a wild ride, and we're all just here for the entertainment. Stay tuned, 'cause this show's just getting started. SAUCE: The 2024 Republican presidential field is rapidly shrinking. But is it too late to stop Trump? https://apnews.com/article/scott-haley-desantis-trump-republican-president-iowa-c64fa9a5e8ffc0694331d7d148aac5c1 Read the full article
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massmediamayhem · 10 months
Global Bigwigs, War Freaks, and Tree-Killers Beware! San Fran's Mega-Mad Protestpalooza is Coming!
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This Sunday, the streets of downtown San Francisco are gonna be more packed than a can of Brawndo as activists mad as hell about nature-nuking, wage-woes, and the Israel-Hamas smackdown gear up to give a turbo-charged middle finger to the global trade bigwigs meet-up! Yo, listen up, peeps! So, in the smartypants world, a bunch of big-brain leaders and suit-wearing dudes are flying their fancy planes into San Fran to talk about money stuff at this APEC thing. It's like they're getting together to play Monopoly but with real countries, you know? And, oh boy, some folks are mega ticked off. We got these protesters, right? They're all like, "Yo, we don't dig your style, APEC!" They're mad about trees getting chopped, people working too hard for too little cash, and some big ol' rumble between Israel and Hamas. They're hitting the streets, making signs, and shouting stuff, hoping the bigwigs will peek out of their shiny buildings and actually listen. Now, get this. There's this one lady, Suzanne, who’s all about that Palestinian Youth Movement. She's like, "Hey, U.S., stop sending boom-booms to Israel!" She knows those fancy folks probably won't see her shaking her fist, but she's out there anyway, thinking they'll feel the vibes or something. Remember Seattle back in '99? That was a real hoot! Streets were jam-packed with folks not liking that World Trade shindig. Cops were all in a tizzy, shooting tear gas and whatnot. Some say it’s like a big ol' party, but with more yelling and less fun. And the cops in San Fran? The big cheese, Chief Bill Scott, is like, "Cool it with the rough stuff, or we'll put bracelets on ya!" They're expecting a whole bunch of these shouty parties every day. It's all about that freedom to make some noise, but don't get too wild, or it's the slammer for ya. APEC's got all these countries playing nice together. It's like a club for people who have too much money and not enough to do. They're talking deals and dollars while some folks are barely scraping by. And there's a CEO summit too, 'cause why not have more rich dudes in one place, right? Now, this is juicy – President Joe's gonna have a chinwag with China's main man, Xi Jinping. That dude never sees protesters 'cause back home, they keep things tighter than a jar of pickles. Some brainy professor fella says that these protest shindigs are like a mood ring for politicians. Sometimes it's just people yelling at clouds, but sometimes it’s like, "Whoa, they really mean it!" There's all sorts of groups showing up. We got the United Vietnamese American crew, the Human Rights in the Philippines squad, and even some folks mad about climate stuff. They're all like, "San Fran, what's up with rolling out the red carpet for these APEC fat cats?" So there you have it, folks. It's like a big protest party with a side of "We're mad as heck and we're not gonna take it anymore!" Let's see if any of these big shots actually look out the window this time, or if they just keep sipping their fancy water and talking about their stock options. Only in the future-world, am I right? Keep it real, y'all! SAUCE: Protestors will demonstrate against world leaders, Israel-Hamas war as APEC comes to San Francisco https://apnews.com/article/apec-protests-san-francisco-2aa0c66d653e03e7b7fd1188d74f6582 Read the full article
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massmediamayhem · 11 months
Mega-Busted! Trio of Smut Jockeys Caught Pimpin' High-Priced Hoochies to Big-Wig Ballers!
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Holy guacamole, folks! Three super-duper pervs got their asses busted for running a top-notch, high-dollar booty market right under our noses in Massa-wherever and Virgin-somethin'. These highfalutin' johns were no regular schmoes - we're talking about elected big shots and military brass getting their jollies. SAUCE: 3 charged with running sex ring that catered to elected officials, other wealthy clients https://apnews.com/article/commercial-sex-ring-brothel-network-arrests-78c707fea8491665f01e93671b0e6c25 Read the full article
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massmediamayhem · 11 months
Explosive B-Day Surprise! Ukraine's Top Military Dude's Homie Gets Blown Up by Grenade Present!
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So, like, this super-important Ukraine dude's right-hand man got totally blown up by a birthday grenade! No joke, man – the inside-guy says this Major dude was just chilling on his birthday when BOOM! Worst. Present. Ever. SAUCE: A top aide to Ukraine's military commander is killed by a grenade given as a birthday gift https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-birthday-grenade-b1b82e4f84eb5a39286d1500cf49fcd1 Read the full article
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