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Acres of Prime Farmland, USA, 1997.
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a concept: late night convo’s with someone that likes you as much as you like them.
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i hate how reward systems never work for me like i can’t just say “if i finish this assignment i can have a cookie” bc my brain is like “…..or u could just have one right now” and i can’t argue with that logic
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SOS I told the girl I like that I want a butch gf and she said "I'm butch" and I got really flustered and went to go make dinner for us (bc I'm at her place tonight)
uhh are you sure y’all arent on a date right now?
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i cant believe americans on tv really say rock paper scissors like???? its paper scissors rock omg do u irl americans actually say rock paper scissors????
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you wouldn’t download a windows update
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Attention ALL artists!
You sure have seen this post. It has spread like wildfire over the past few days so I doubt there is any artist out there who hasn’t seen it. But even if you didn’t, you should read on because I’m about to tell you a handy little thing that can help you to protect your art from such assholes as the anon who submitted this bullcrap, as well as art thieves in general.
The magic word is Metadata.
Metadata is like an invisible signature that is embeded into a file. It can contain all kinds of information, like Title, date, keywords for online seach engines, and copyright information. And the best thing is, since this information is “hidden” in the code of your picture, it’s hard to remove it.
There is a nice basic tutorial on how to add Metadata, or “additional file information” to your images in photoshop. It’s really, really easy so check it out!
“Adding Your Contact And Copyright Info To Your Photos With Photoshop” on PhotoshopEssentials.com
I’m not sure if you can do the same with any other art program. If you know how to do this in other programs / can confirm that it works the same way there, please tell me so I can add the information to this post.
Adding the Metadata will not stop idiots from taking and reposting your art. It also won’t make them stop editing out your signature. It WILL however, help you prove that you are the original artist whenever you have to. Always remember my friends. You, the artist, are protected by law. No one has the right to take your intellectual property and hard work and repost, use or edit it without your permission. Ever.
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My surgeon came out and told my mom and brother on Tuesday that I’d be down and out for about two weeks. 
My brother: TWO WEEKS? Holy shit.
Surgeon: Well, consider this.  She and I just had a knife fight.  And I won.  Because she was asleep during it.  
My brother: Oh.  Yeah, okay, that’s fair.
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me: *has a breakdown over smth stupid* me @ me:
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me, as a kid: i can’t wait til i’m an adult so i can stay up late EVERY NIGHT
me, as an adult, crawling into bed at 6:30 pm: oh thank god
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Why does being in your early 20s feel so much like only having 5 years of your life left in which you need to achieve as much as possible? why do I feel like I have an approaching deadline for success?
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