mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
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Diamomd sauce
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
My opinion about the signs
Okay… I know this is not really my type of content but I always find these interesting to read so I thought I’ll post one myself.
Aries: you can count on them, don’t take things too seriously, get mad at small things, much fun to hang out with, somewhat egoistic, as soon as they find someone more interesting than you they will hang out with them (though, they will not forget about you)
Taurus: I always become extremly good friends with them, so relaxing to hang out with them, weird humour, very determined and stubborn, talk a loooot, in a relationship they need a lot of physical interaction, they make me feel like home, laughs about every little thing, cute laugh
Gemini: fun people to hang out with, their humour is so… unexpected like they say things you would have never thought about, tend to hide their serious feelings/emotions, take the side of the person they want to impress, think too much about how they can impress someone rather than just beeing themselves (even through their personality is way more charming)
Cancer: a little too sensitive for my taste, can get very annoying but they are too cute to be mad at, need a lot of protection, very giggly, great story-tellers (but they tend to tell you the same story over and over again), materialistic, put you first, loves from the bottom of their heart, pretty smart but dumb at the same time
Leo: warmhearted people, try to be funny and cool all the time (but fail eventually lol too cute), buys you a lot of gifts, attention-lovers, likes to meet new people, very vain when it comes to their appearance, very nervous when having tests/exams, naturally intelligent (unfortunately this doesn’t help them much in school), enjoys good food
Virgo: stress themselves way too much, overthink everything, usually very good in school, gets mad and stressed when things don’t work out as they thought they would, sort of a boring personality, they can talk sooooo much, very sensitive (!!!), tend to be too harsh on themselves, high expectations of themselves
Libra: naturally flirty af, cute smile, scared to be alone, talks most of the time about themselves, makes sure everybody is getting enough attention, very lazy, does things in the last minute, usually the one studying for a test/exam the lesson before, clumsy, needs protection, don’t like confrontations/fights, not good at making decisions or being on time
Scorpio: just like libras they talk a lot about themselves, get veeeeery obsessive over things and people, their staring is so intense that it makes me feel uncomfortable, cares a lot about their loved ones, scared to show feelings, makes very weird but cute compliments you would have never gotten from anybody else, sporty, try to flirt but that’s just a little… cringe-worthy lol
Sagittarius: now… these people are the absolut oppostie of me, always awkward when we hang out together, not the most loyal boyfriend/girlfriend/friend, always wearing top outfits, always looking good, cares a lot about their hair or in general their appearance, not the best in school, party every weekend, straightforward
Capricorn: makes sooo many cute compliments, I have this weird attraction toward them, extremly sexy, intelligent, can’t sit still, they are very weird people, humour consists of sarcasm and dad jokes and can be very dry, know way too well how to seduce people, not the best in expressing their feeling but they try, ABSOLUT SWEETHEARTS, gets shy when being complimented, very sensitive, never forget their mistakes and always regret them (no matter how small it was)
Aquarius: makes me feel like home at the very first meeting, either pretty chill or being pissed off at silly things, don’t like stubborn people, tendency to be very religious, very good friends, will do everything for and with you, works hard to reach their goals, plans everything weeks/months before
Pisces: I either like or can’t stand them, actually quite egoistic, not the best in using the right words, sensitive af 24/7, dark humour, crys a lot, scared to hurt someones feelings (even if they don’t like the person), avoids confrontations/fights by not saying what’s really on their mind, in a fight they will say the most hurtful things (and will regret them their whole life), using the victim-card way too often, most of the time smiling
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
#ganja #weed #grower #cannabis #shatterporn #shatter joint
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
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#ganja #weed #cannabis #rawcones #shatter #dabs #wishyouwherehere
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
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#docextract #shatter #dabs #cannabis #weed #highlife #ganja
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
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#bedtimerip #lookahglasssevenstarbong #ganja #cannabis #weed #cannalife
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
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#kingplam #blunt #cannabis #weed #ganja
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
#dabs #sugar #cannabis #weed #ganja #glasspipe
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
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#kingplam #blunt #cannabis #weed #ganja
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
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#handblownglass #cannalife #wishyouwherehere #dabs #dabber #orangeglass
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
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#handblownglass #cannalife #wishyouwherehere #dabs #dabber #glassart #thousanddollarglass #ganja #cannabis
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
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#boo #socalseshlife #dabs #dabber #glassart #thousanddollarglass
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
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#purplerig #handblownglass #cannalife #wishyouwherehere #dabs #dabber #glassart #thousanddollarglass
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
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#handblownglass #cannalife #wishyouwherehere #dabs #dabber #glassart #thousanddollarglass #ganja #cannabis
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
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#enail #socalseshlife #cannabis #weed #cannalife #smoke #ganja
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mastergrowerog-blog · 7 years
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#handblownglass #cannalife #wishyouwherehere #glasspipe
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