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Every era of the Star Wars saga has had its iconic villains, from the punk rock-looking Darth Maul, to the evil gentleman Count Dooku, and even the classic good guy/turned bad guy Darth Vader.
In the newest adventure into the galaxy far, far away, we are introduced to Kylo Ren, who seems to have done his homework and taken some of the best characteristics of all the dark Jedi before him and become a true force of evil. He is wrapped in flowing robes and carries an unusual lightsaber like Darth Maul, his quiet sinister nature can seem very Dooku-y at times, and his mask and booming filtered voice give his victims chills just like Vader's did. Ren may not have the Separatists or the massive Galactic Empire behind him, but he's bound to cause a lot of damage at the front of the First Order forces before the new trilogy comes to a close.
Complete Darth Vader's mission and fulfill your destiny with this Adult Deluxe Star Wars The Force Awakens Kylo Ren Costume! As an officially licensed Star Wars costume, the details and design of these black robes capture the look of Kylo Ren so you feel like the master of the Knights of Ren while scouring the galaxy for the last of the Jedi. The detachable mask and hood will be more than enough to intimidate those foolish enough to stand against you, but we recommend trying out your Kylo Ren impression in front of the mirror before using it in battle. You'll need to get it right! You'll also want to find a crackling, cross-guarded lightsaber to bring the fight to the pathetic Resistance and end the Republic once and for all!
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A miniature crime spree
Are you picturing your little one going on a miniature crime spree? It's about time she learned the tricks of the trade from her parents, because, after all, you are super-villains, aren't you?. Teach her a few trick of the trade and then she can just start plying her villainous ways to fill up the family coffers. When she goes as nefarious super criminal Harley Quinn by suiting up in this Child Harley Quinn Costume, she'll be ready to rake in some surreptitiously stolen funds!
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She'll have no trouble becoming just like Gotham's princess of crime when you choose this fun dress costume! The stretch knit dress features contrasting wet-look black and shimmering metallic red sections, and it totally has that iconic DC comic book style that we all know and love. Sheer ruffled sleeve cuffs and petticoat give this dress the fashion style that every clown jester would like to have. Complete her look with the eye mask and jester hat headband. Having that eye mask on will help keep her identity a secret, which is going to be very important. Because when Commissioner Gordon finds out about her little crime spree, he's the last person you're going to want to show up on your doorstep!
Costumes for the whole crew
Of course, we'd suggest being a good role model for your aspiring criminal mastermind. So, you should probably make sure all both Ma and Pa are dressed up as Gotham City villains, too! Poison Ivy, Two-Face, The Penguin, we've got costumes for them all. We've got lots of other kid's styles, to get her brothers and sisters involved in the fun, too. Gotham City, here we come...
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Getting Deep
The Irish selkie. The Russian Rusulka. The Norwegian Finfolkaheem. The Mondao of Zimbabwe. All around the world, people have spun tales of different types of sirens and mermaids for thousands of years. Now, people these days often think that mermaids are light and airy. These creatures spend their time brushing their hair under waterfalls and collecting more clamshells in case they ever need to replace their bikini tops. And that's where we have to step in. Like the ocean itself, mermaids are much more complicated than that! Some of these creatures are said to sing near cliffs and lure sailors to a quick and cold end. Others live between shore and sea, never completely home in either. While the Mondao hunts for people out for a swim, ready to take the unsuspecting human to the deep with them. So, when you're choosing a mermaid ensemble, it makes sense to go for a dark and daring look!
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This set has fins around your ears and gorgeous iridescent scaley arm warmers. The head fins are a sparkly purple and have large jewels around the head. Matching jewels are on the back of the hands as well and they have mesh fins falls from the forearm.
Diving In
Are you ready to transform into one of these lovely deep water creatures? This look will make you inspired to put together an amazing mermaid costume. So get liberal with your blue makeup, sparkles, and mysterious personality. You're sure to make waves in the happy-go-lucky mermaid community!
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