masterxtiernan · 2 days
Tiernan was nothing if not amused by Noel's answer. "Is that so? You think I lack control over myself?" The questions were mostly just Tiernan being curious, wanting to know what Noel really thought about him. He knew others in the castle likely had differing opinions of him, especially the slaves... not that their opinions mattered whatsoever. "Just curiosity, darling," Tiernan murmured, his fingers still tracing idle little patterns over the other's beautiful skin. "I don't trust many people."
"Someone with more power than you know what to do with." Noel said evenly if not a bit breathless from the other's relentless touching and ghosting of fingertips over his still overly sensitive skin. "Who wants to exert control because he lacks it over himself. An embodiment of your sin. How much do I respect you? Enough to share a bed with you, by choice and not as your slave or a toy you purchase by the hour. You ask a lot of questions for a man on top of the world, is this not the kingdom you hoped for?"
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masterxtiernan · 2 days
With his demonic gaze heavy with lust, Tiernan watched every little movement of Noel's gorgeous, pale body, feeling that incredible tight heat on his cock. He could've watched him do it forever, could've felt their shadows curling around each other and mingling for an eternity. The sound of his name falling from Noel's lips had Tiernan's cock twitching inside the other's tight warmth, a growl escaping him as those claws dug into his shoulder. "That's it," he hissed softly, eyes as black as night watching every single one of Noel's movements as the reaper used the leverage to fuck himself even faster and harder on the ghoul's length.
The scent of the other's blood had Tiernan breaking in an instant -- usually he was able to resist any kind of blood from any source, but with the reaper's blood seeping onto the surface of his lower lip, and Tiernan lost in pleasure, the ghoul couldn't help himself. The councilman quickly pulled Noel against him for a hard, hungry kiss, making sure to lap up any of the blood before his lips trailed along the reaper's jaw to his neck. "Don't stop," he whispered against Noel's pale skin before biting down, his fangs piercing the other's flesh to get to the blood beneath.
Noel enjoyed the hungry look in Tiernan's eyes as the roamed over his body. It was more even with his own powers and not as predatory just from the ghoul. Not that they were exactly even. When it came down to it on a power scale Tiernan could definitely subdue Noel if needed. Reapers were not impossible to neutralize, just harder at his age and he could cause a lot of property damage in that time. Younger masters especially would be vulnerable to him and his abilities. Those like Gareth, Gwyn, Iah, and Hunter. He could have his own little army, but Noel, unlike his brother wasn't driven by emotion or impulse. The probability for anything turning out in a positive gain was net zero. This was a better use of his power and an enjoyable one.
He put a hand on the ghoul's shoulder to steady himself shadows still moving around them and over as he did what was asked and let the councilman watch him making a show of it as he positioned himself so the other hit that bundle of nerves and caused his lips to part, at first it was a wordless sound and then it was the ghoul's name he called. His hands turned into claws and the one on his shoulder dug into him to anchor him as he picked up speed. His eyes going black as they fell back to look into the ghoul's and the white feline ears shifted through his dark hair a complete contrast to his other features save his pale skin.
He bit his own lip so a small bud of crimson blossomed on his lip. Brushing it over the bottom with his tongue, eyes never leaving Tiernan's daring him to come closer. wanting to feel those teeth in him much as his cock was buried deep in him.
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masterxtiernan · 2 days
Humans really were so much more resilient than they were given credit for sometimes; Kell had clearly got used to the level of pain Tiernan was subjecting him to. After over twenty years at Krovs, the ghoul could only imagine the shit Kell had been put through -- his own experiences with the human didn't count, of course. He grinned a little to himself as he heard the slave speak, his tongue still trailing across the bloody wound. Tiernan sat up straight, still straddling his prey as he wrapped a hand around Kell's lovely neck.
"You're correct, it doesn't," he murmured softly, another shadow forming as a blade in his free hand before he pressed the tip against Kell's ribs, threatening to slice into the skin. "I could carve you up all night and still make you look perfect by the time I have to send you back down.. there.." he chuckled, digging the shadow knife into the thin skin of Kell's ribs, hard enough to break the skin without doing any real damage. Dragging it along in a horizontal line, Tiernan smirked before adding a vertical line, etching the letter 'T' into Kell's skin. "Should I keep going?"
His shoulder was throbbing in pain and having the bloodied welts on his ass from the lashing pressed against the bedding wasn't feeling that great either, causing him to wince. Kell knew better than to complain, however, not wanting to give Tiernan that much more satisfaction. A small shudder went through him as the master's fangs scrapped against the skin of his neck, Kell tilting his head to offer more without really thinking about it and only catching himself when it was too late. The human jerked underneath Tiernan, gritting his teeth at the press of the ghoul's tongue against the wound. His fingers twisted in the sheets and Kell exhaled softly, keeping his eyes fixed up on the ceiling. "I'm going to guess my opinion here doesn't actually matter." Kell muttered, sounding slightly hoarse.
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masterxtiernan · 2 days
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Chace Crawford photographed by Shane McCauley for Man About Town, 2020.
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masterxtiernan · 2 days
The change in Rhys' cocky demeanour to something much more subdued was incredibly satisfying. It was always fun to remind someone of their place. It was just a shame that Tiernan didn't get to physically put Rhys in his place, though he was pretty certain he wouldn't hear the end of Roland's bitching if he did. Was it worth it? Maybe. Tiernan would consider it.
"Oh, I'm sure, darling," the ghoul purred. "It's so dangerous for someone so.. young.. to forget their place around here, Mr Dasior." Tiernan moved to perch himself on the edge of the desk, fiddling with whatever he could find as he spoke. "Perhaps I will let you make it up to me," the ghoul said with a little smile, one that was anything but friendly. "Perhaps you will join me in my suite for dinner after you're finished working," the councilman added, his eyes never leaving Rhys'. "You can show me just how sorry you are."
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It was entirely possible that Rhys had gotten a little too comfortable running things back home and had had Krovs’ hierarchical demands slip from their usual level of importance in his mind as a consequence and such a realisation became uncomfortably apparent when Tiernan’s offence was made explicitly known. Rhys swallowed his irritation at the comment of arrogance and fought to rise above it, forcing his expression to remain neutral despite the simmering tension feeling as if it was rising further by the second. The witch refused to dignify any of the awfully true explanations for a potential freeze-out with any verbal response, merely waving away the ghoul’s words with a shake of his head and a shrug, the sarcasm decorating the councilman’s concluding dig heightening Rhys’ vexation and with considerable effort, he responded with a polite smile, nodding his acknowledgement regardless of the passive aggressive undertones permeating the entire exchange thus far.
The aforementioned realisation cooled into cold unease as the all-too-familiar threat that Rhys had hoped would have dimmed in its importance in the minds of the council following his departure was brought before him once again, Tiernan’s grin only serving to entrench further agitation into the witch’s demeanour. Clearing his throat, Rhys straightened up and held his head a little higher as he offered the ghoul an apologetic smile. “I apologise, councilman. I forget myself from time to time. I meant no offence – won’t be a repeat offence. There’s no need to be considering those kinds of options, I can promise you that.”
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masterxtiernan · 2 days
Despite twenty years of toying with Kell even when the slave didn't belong to him, Tiernan had made the decision to claim him just because he was becoming less and less okay with other masters touching what he believed to be his. He smiled at his claim, pushing himself away from his desk so he could move closer to Kell, eyes dancing over him and inspecting him, just to make sure no one had damaged his goods since he'd last seen him.
"Clothes? Darling, those will be a privilege from now on. I much prefer seeing you.. just like this.." Tiernan said with a little smirk, running his finger down Kell's chest, stomach and down his cock. "However, I will be replacing this.." he muttered, reaching up to unfasten the collar around Kell's neck and letting it fall away before taking a slip chain collar out of his pocket. He fastened the black chain around Kell's neck, letting the cold metal fall into place against the slave's warm skin. "Much better," he murmured, taking hold of the end and tugging it so it tightened around Kell's neck, wrapping the chain around his hand a couple of times so he could keep his new slave close. "If you take this off or lose it, I'll make sure to attach it to you permanently. Magic can be a wonderful thing."
Kell had assumed at first that the guards were just getting him ready for another rental, the human not quite convinced that Tiernan would have actually followed through on the idea to claim him. It was only halfway through him undressing that one of them mentioned him being bought by the councilman and that they needed to speed things along a bit. There was the faintest flicker of surprise across Kell's face -- after all, Tiernan hadn't shown much interest in actually making the slave his in their twenty something years of interacting.
The collar was left on once he removed his clothing, apparently something they were going to leave for Tiernan to remove. In a short period of time, they were standing right in front of the councilman's desk and facing Tiernan, who looked pleased with himself. "Tiernan." He greeted back, watching him walk around the desk, not bothering to answer the rhetorical question. Really, Kell didn't mind all that much being claimed by the ghoul. There were far worse masters who could have been inclined to make him theirs at some point, though he knew things weren't going to be easy under Tiernan. He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "Some clothes would be nice."
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masterxtiernan · 9 days
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billy lefever appreciation post (7/?)
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masterxtiernan · 10 days
Kell was finally his. Tiernan hadn't meant to take so long to claim the human, but between running a country and various businesses, the councilman had been kept fairly busy. The ghoul was working in his study when Kell was brought up to his suite. Tiernan had requested that Kell be completely naked when he was brought up, so when the guards had guided him into the room, the ghoul was pleased to see the guards had handled that. With a little nod of Tiernan's head, the guards left, sure that Tiernan could handle the human with ease if any shit started.
"Kell, darling," the ghoul greeted him, giving him a grin as he sat back in his chair. "You're finally mine. Isn't that fantastic news?" He asked rhetorically before getting to his feet and walking around the desk, resting against the edge of it as he looked over his new pet. "Now what should we do with you first?"
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masterxtiernan · 10 days
The other's thinly veiled insults didn't quite sit well with the pride demon. He didn't know what status Rhys and Roland's little relationship was, and frankly he didn't much care, but he didn't want to presume to know that they were all butterflies and rainbows. "You insult me. So arrogant for something so young," Tiernan muttered. "Who knows? Perhaps he'd found himself a new plaything while you were.. out of action.. and was too busy with that to care about you coming back," he chuckled. "Or perhaps you weren't on speaking terms when you left," Tiernan added with a soft shrug of his shoulders. "So many scenarios that would lead to you not informing him of your return, although I do suppose all the gossips in the castle would soon make Roland aware," he thought aloud, before returning to the matter at hand. "However, I'm very pleased that you were able to have a little reunion," the ghoul continued, his tone something slightly more sarcastic than usual.
Tiernan smiled down at Rhys, eyes taking in those features, the look on the staff member's face. "Yes, well, perhaps we need to revaluate the position. Hire someone.. older, more experienced. Although that would mean we'd have to.. let you go, of course. Perhaps find you another position, perhaps one a little.. lower down," he said with a little smile as he pointed to the floor, gesturing to where the undercroft was. "That would definitely suit you more," he added, giving Rhys a slow, dark grin before letting go of his face.
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Despite present company, Rhys’ brow furrowed into a disapproving frown as Tiernan called the quality of Roland’s tastes into question. Rhys was no stranger to criticising Roland’s tastes now and then – the two of them regularly delighted in playfully antagonising one another for their preferences, after all – and often enjoyed doing so but when another felt comfortable enough to do so was when Rhys took umbrage with such an offence. The witch offered nothing but a scoff in response, the look in his eyes speaking volumes more than any words could as he held Tiernan’s gaze. 
Rhys nodded as the question was posed, shifting in his seat to cross an ankle over his knee as he gauged just how much would prove sufficient to say in response. The longer the ghoul was in his office, the less Rhys wanted him there. “You’re a quick one, aren’t you? Can see why they’ve got you on the council. To seriously answer your question, yes, Roland’s very much aware of my return, thank you.” The fact that Tiernan was asking about Roland’s awareness of his return didn’t fill him with confidence but then again, Rhys knew better than to trust any of Roland’s colleagues entirely. (Or at all, but that was another matter for another time – probably best saved for less intense company.) Rhys watched every movement made by the councilman closely, his brow still lightly furrowed as Tiernan’s touches registered. So long as he played his cards right, the possibility of getting out of this unscathed with the vast majority of his sanity intact remained likely – he just had to keep that in mind even when the ghoul’s words and actions were sufficient enough to raise Rhys’ defences in an instant. “Perhaps,” the witch replied simply, not willing to fold any time soon. “Then again, the job specification might’ve asked for a little more than that, so we both know that’s not all there is to me. If you can’t figure it out yourself, that’s on you, councilman, not me.”
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masterxtiernan · 10 days
The ghoul raised an eyebrow as Lucien stepped closer to him, a small smirk tugging at his lips, amused by the whole situation. Something clearly changed for his fellow councilman when he got closer, Tiernan could see it written all over the Frenchman's face. The ghoul was incredibly observant, one of his many, many talents.
"I'm sure that's true, Lucien," Tiernan murmured, his eyes flickering over those pretty Gaudet features he was so fond of. He really was so similar to Noel. "I'm sure you have all those heat symptoms under control, and that you don't need anyone to.. take care of them for you," he purred, reaching out to take Lucien's chin between his thumb and forefinger. "I'm sure that you don't need anyone.. especially not me.. to fuck you hard and breed you," he continued, tone soft and low as his blue eyes searched Lucien's darker ones. "You don't need that, do you?"
Lucien couldn't believe the gall of Tiernan. He understood the ghoul was his senior, but he was also stupider. Lucien had a wall of doctorates and what did Tiernan have? Barely a company and a country, not to mention the audacity to sleep with his brother, repeatedly. They were the same on the most base level in that they were on the council.
"I'm not sure, Tiernan." Lucien also stepped closer, the heat making him more combative, but that wasn't the only thing he was feeling especially when he was closer to the other man's body. There was a reoccurring problem with Krovs Lucien, despite his genius, hadn't figured out. He was shallow and also thought mainly with his penis and it was at the most inopportune moments.
In all the time he'd been at the castle he couldn't recall when he'd ever been so close to the councilman of Ireland and there was a lot of things he hadn't been aware of, things he suddenly was being that he was a doctor and knew the body and all of its parts in minute detail. Details he could intrinsically see, without actually needing to see now that Tiernan was so close. Lucien was thinking about him in that way, which heat wasn't helping, a reminder he was sure to point out that made Lucien's face flush and for once, made him stammer.
"I...It's not...It's not affecting me." The lie more than transparent as Lucien's eyes couldn't stay in one place. They moved over Tiernan and his hands twitched wanting to touch him but unsure in exactly what ways specifically any longer.
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masterxtiernan · 10 days
The ghoul was going to continue trying to pull those pretty little noises from the reaper, his fingers trailing up and down Noel's stomach, before moving lower. His fingertips lightly teased the other's spent length as he hummed against the reaper's neck before pressing kisses against Noel's jaw. "That depends," he murmured, letting another kiss linger against the reaper's jaw before pulling back to look him in the eyes. "How much do you respect me?" He said with a little smirk, head tilting just slightly as he looked over those pretty features. "Would you take care of me as.. a lover? Or perhaps as a toy? Something that you can play with but discard once you're bored," Tiernan added, an amused smirk still tugging at his lips. "How do you see me, pretty reaper?"
The irony wasn't lost on him, that he was spending time with a ghoul himself. An extremely narcissistic one at that. There were a lot of excuses he could make, but in the end they were just excuses. The breathless sound left him as he gripped tighter to Tiernan when that slow thrust came, his body still sensitive and the ghoul knew it was. "An understandable conclusion for you to draw, but no, not as a pet. I have one of those already. Is that how you believe I see you?"
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masterxtiernan · 10 days
If Noel's words were meant to scare or threaten him, they didn't. Tiernan wasn't worried; he'd lasted this long with plenty of enemies. He'd survived wars. All he was focused on was the reaper and that pretty body of his writhing against him. He groaned into the kiss as the reaper freed his aching cock, shifting his hips a little, wanting nothing more than to feel Noel fuck himself on his length.
He was half-aware of the reaper feeding on him, but Tiernan didn't care, far too focused on the pleasure as Noel's hand touched his hard length, stroking it and coaxing precum from him. He groaned against Noel's lips before feeling the soft graze of the reaper's teeth against his lower lip, a rough growl of arousal leaving the councilman's throat. Oh, he liked Noel. He liked him a lot.
"I'd love to see someone try," Tiernan murmured before pressing deeper into the hungry kiss, groaning and gripping Noel's hips as the reaper sunk down onto his throbbing length. "Fuck," he hissed under his breath into the kiss before breaking it, grasping Noel's throat lightly as pushed him back just enough so he could see the reaper properly. "Let me watch you fuck yourself on my cock," Tiernan purred, his eyes trailing from that pretty face, down the other's lithe form to the hard length that was sitting between those pale thighs before meeting Noel's dark gaze again. "I need to watch you."
"Every emperor has said that before their empire burned to the ground." He groaned into the rough kiss his hips rocking atop the ghouls drinking heavily from him. Not that he expected Tiernan to take much notice. A creature of his age, even if Noel pulled at that force that kept him, in a sense, alive it wouldn't be enough to hinder any of his functions. As starved as he was if it was something lesser, something like Khion it, he'd have to mind manners. That wasn't to say Tiernan wouldn't be aware he was doing it, but he was sure the ghoul would give him a pass all things considered as he used his hands, not the shadows, to pull the ample cock from those confines.
His soft hands moved over it. Noel wasn't one for much physical work. Most of it was handling paper and not even much of that anymore since everything was cloud based. A few things were still on paper, especially with creatures as old as the man's lap he was in. A trust issue with things they couldn't physically hold in their hands. As a creature of magic, part of him understood that. His teeth bit playfully onto the ghoul's bottom lip as he stroked the hard member from base to tip fingers gently toying with the sensitive area wetting each with the leaking precum.
"I wonder who will burn you down, Ireland." He tongue delving into ghouls as he positioned the other and sank down on his cock taking him slowly into himself.
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masterxtiernan · 10 days
It had been a long while since Tiernan had tortured anyone, not that what he was doing to Kell really counted as torture, but he didn't want to break the human too much. Not yet, anyway. He was just wanting to teach him a lesson, one he wouldn't forget.
Tiernan smiled down at Kell, watching the human come back to him after blacking out momentarily. Humans really were so very delicate, but they were also the most fun to torment. Their bodies were weak, but their wills were incredibly strong, Kell no exception to the rule. Sharing the human's flavour with him through the heated kiss was enough to have Tiernan's cock twitching. He was already hard just from causing Kell pain, but he'd tried to keep that at the back of his mind for the time being. His lips trailed from Kell's, along the slave's jaw to his neck, letting his fangs scrape over the skin teasingly before he moved lower. Tiernan smirked to himself as he licked the wound on Kell's shoulder. "What should we try next? More holes? More blood? More pain? Or maybe I'll just edge you for hours. Tie you up and keep you desperate for as long as I want to."
Kell was taking slow, careful breaths as he tried to adjust to the pain, feeling blood staring to slide down his shoulder. The entire time, he remained aware of the blade that was still held to his throat, the threat of it another factor in keeping him tense. The slave didn't think Tiernan would ever actually go that far, but he was never sure, not with how easily the man could fix him up before things got really bad. Hell, that was probably something the master already planned on, getting Kell to a certain point before he healed him just to do it all over again. He'd basically threatened that right at the beginning.
The knife in his shoulder being yanked out pulled a shout of surprise and pain from the human, his vision blacking out momentarily from shock. When Kell came back to himself, he was on his back with Tiernan straddling him, the ghoul looking pleased. He gritted his teeth together to silence another sound as the councilman's fingers pressed into the wound, the slave's fingers tangling in the sheets. "Happy that I don't disappoint you." Kell managed with a twinge of sarcasm, his voice rough. He might have gone on, but then Tiernan was kissing him, the taste of his own blood filling his mouth within seconds. The human made a face briefly and then started to slowly kiss back, hoping to appease Tiernan for a little bit.
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masterxtiernan · 10 days
Perhaps Tiernan would let Kell take charge more often if they were going to end up in similar situations to the one they were currently in. The ghoul hissed softly, his body arching slightly when he felt the slave's teeth against his nipple. "Got it.. darling," Tiernan murmured, a smirk on his lips as his icy gaze followed Kell, glad that the slave was finally going to free his cock which was far too hard to be trapped in his pants for much longer. As soon as Kell tugged down his clothing out of the way, Tiernan's groaned softly with relief, his length hard against his stomach as he waited for the slave.
Wetting his lips, Tiernan watched as the human straddled him before he felt Kell's mouth on his own again in another rough kiss. The ghoul didn't at all protest as his hands were pinned above his head, a little moan escaping him when he felt the human stroke his cock before slowly lowering himself down onto it. "Ohh, you really are such a slut for me," he chuckled, half-moan, half-teasing. "Ride me," Tiernan murmured, hips shifting a little so he could push up into Kell, getting his cock as deep as he could inside the human's tight heat.
The growl told him that Tiernan was none too pleased about his shirt being ripped, but Kell couldn't find it in him to care. Maybe it was something he'd pay for later on in the night, but he'd worry about that if and when it happened. He'd moved further down Tiernan's body by the time the ghoul had decided to order him, the human's teeth biting lightly down onto the older man's nipple. Kell let go after a second so he could lean back up, narrowing his eyes down at the master. "Don't call me darling." He snapped, moving slightly off Tiernan so that he could get his hands on the master's pants, roughly tugging them and his underwear out of the way. Kell wasn't in the least bit shy about his body or sex, so he wasn't opposed to fucking right in the gym. He removed his own pants quickly and then straddled Tiernan once again.
The human kissed the ghoul roughly again, his hands moving to tug the master's hands up above his head. One hand wrapped around the man's wrists and Kell moved his free hand back to take hold of Tiernan's dick, stroking him once or twice. He was aware that the older man could easily break his hold on his wrists if he wanted to, but seeing as the bastard seemed to be enjoying this so damn much, Kell doubted he'd put up a fight. Stroking Tiernan's cock one more time, the slave shifted back and quickly lowered himself down, taking all of the master in a matter of seconds. Pain-pleasure shot through him at the sudden stretch, punching a sharp moan from the human as his hand tightened on the ghoul's wrists.
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masterxtiernan · 10 days
His lips curling into a smirk as he watched the slave's legs spread a little further apart, Tiernan made sure to keep fucking Kell open with his shadows. He listened as the human begged him, noting the delicious sound of desperation lacing his tone. The councilman let out a pleased little hum as he stroked Kell's length, knowing the slave was getting closer by the way his hips were rocking into the touch.
"How can I say no to that when you're begging so prettily," Tiernan chuckled, letting go of Kell's throbbing cock to stop him from spilling over into orgasm too early. The ghoul wanted to be fucking him when the slave finally came. Getting to his feet, Tiernan stroked his own length a couple of times before kneeling behind Kell, his shadows retreating as he pressed the tip of his cock to the slave's hole before pulling Kell's hips back against him as he pushed his own forward, burying himself in that tight heat with a groan. "Such a good slut for me," Tiernan purred, slowly fucking into Kell just to tease him.
The human froze when Tiernan tutted at him, not quite able to tell if the councilman was displeased or not. Evidently not that annoyed by Kell trying to give himself some more room, since the pants were basically shredded off him a second later. There was the brief thought that getting back down to the Undercroft with his pants in that state would suck, but that was a concern for whenever Tiernan decided to send him back down.
Now that he was able to, Kell spread his legs just a bit more, moaning as the tendril started to fuck into him even deeper. His breathing hitched and the human curled one of his hands into a fist, rocking back desperately before he rolled his hips forward, the next moan bordering on needy. "Tiernan, please..." Kell panted, his hips jerking forward as he felt himself getting closer. "I need more, I need you fucking me, need to feel your cock."
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masterxtiernan · 16 days
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masterxtiernan · 17 days
The roughness was incredibly arousing, Tiernan absolutely adoring the way Kell bit at his lips and tried (and failed) to choke him. He was feisty and Tiernan couldn't get enough of the human. Kell was so fragile and yet so tough all at the same time.
As the slave ripped his shirt, Tiernan growled, almost tempted to flip them again and punish Kell for that, but he wanted to see just how far the human would go. The councilman hummed at the feeling of Kell's mouth kissing and nipping at his jaw and neck, wetting his lips as he pressed his hips up slightly. "If you're determined to keep going with this, I want you to fuck yourself on my cock," he purred against Kell's ear. "Right here, in front of everyone, like the slut I know you are, Kell. C'mon, darling."
That look in Tiernan's eyes had him so very tempted to actually give in and try for a punch again, but Kell wasn't stupid. There was no way he'd manage it and he wasn't sure that the master would be so forgiving a second time even if he'd been egging the human on to do it. He bit down just a little harder when Tiernan pressed into the kiss, giving as good as he got and Kell's fingers tightened for just a second around the ghoul's throat. Not that he needed to breathe, of course, and knowing him like Kell did, he was probably getting off on this.
His hand slipped lower, taking hold of the front of the older man's shirt and ripped it almost nearly in half, not caring if it was expensive or a favorite of Tiernan's. The slave ground his hips down against the older man's, breaking the kiss to trail a series of hard nips down along his jaw and throat. Kell had to wonder just how far he'd be allowed to go here, planning on going until Tiernan either stopped him or whisked them away somewhere more private.
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