Gathering Summary
11/29/2022 - the fourth gathering
This gathering was started off with two fairly unfamiliar faces standing on the leaders pedestal, Galestar and Muddystar. Galestar announced the tragic death of Pansystar and stated that Gravesong was not able to take her place. The reason why was not disclosed. The next leader to speak was Nightstar, who announced the passing of Forestheart, Brinkclan's former deputy, and the promotion of Ospreyspark as the new deputy. The third leader to speak was Muddystar who stated that Thornstar had left camp and hadn't returned. Since then he has claimed his lives but has yet to announce a deputy.
The harpy eagle known as Squall had yet to make an appearance. Cats could only speculate where he was at the moment. Cats spoke for quite a while in the clearing before the faint sound of squawking could be heard in the distance. The rustling of undergrowth and the sounds of pawsteps could be heard not too far from the clearing before a pair of barking creatures stumbled in. Cats quickly crowded around them, some cautious and some curious. Tensions began to rise and cats disagreed as to what to do. Cats such as Galestar believed the creatures to have hostile intentions and were very vocal about it while cats such as Nightstar made an attempt to communicate with them in a calmer manner. As more and more cats gathered around, the creatures shrunk back and several could hear the sounds of approaching pawsteps.
The creatures had remained unidentified until the Driftclan herbalist, Hauntedtrinket, made their way in and announced that they were maned wolves and that there were more pawsteps coming. Tensions slowly rose as cats argued about what to do and how to approach the situation. Soon the vague outline of a bird far up in the sky circled around the clearing, going fairly unnoticed due to most cats being focused on everything going on in the clearing. The pawsteps continued to grow closer.
Galestar put up a verbal fight with many cats and even spoke ill of Thornstar and Driftclan as a whole. The gathering quickly became a tense and stressful situation for all those involved. Muddystar anxiously voiced his thoughts on the situation, reminding those involved to not let their guard down. The silhouette of the bird began to fly lower as two unknown cats made their appearance. One a calico she-cat and the other an orange-brown tom. Nightstar quickly jumped in-between the new cats and the pups to defend them, questioning the unknown cats as to who they were and if they knew where they were. The calico cat stated that she was Vigia and the cat beside her was Nunca and that the maned wolf pups were theirs.
Nightstar quickly backed down after they asked for her to step away and many cats began to introduce themselves. Hauntedtrinket said they would be happy to help if anything were wrong. The pups ran over to Vigia and Nunca, one of them with a noticeable limp. Nunca spoke about how Squall had brought them over to find help for one of the pup's paws, named Voe. Soon, Squall made his appearance at last, speaking in its 'cat-speech' and asking if the cats had met the family. Both Nightstar and Hauntedtrinket offered their respective clans as places for the family to take refuge. Ospreyspark did not agree with their leader offering the clan to the rogues, but Nightstar dismissed it.
Squall continued to speak, but struggled to get his point across. The family took a moment to discuss where they would go, either Driftclan or Brinkclan. Eventually they came to the decision to accept Nightstar's offer and go to Brinkclan. Galestar accused Nightstar of wanting to use the maned wolf pups for her own benefit. It didn't take long for someone to take a loud stand against Galestar. Goldenfool spoke out against the Hibiscuclan leader, threatening the very livelihood of Hibiscusclan since he was one of the cats that had the ability to aid them in their times of need as a trader. Galestar argued back and offered for the trader to speak with her after the gathering in her clan's herbalist den.
Vigia thanked the cats who helped and asked if they were ready to leave to Brinkclan. Squall decided to stay for a while, seemingly interested in the drama-filled clearing.
One by one, the leaders began to round up their clans and lead them back to their camps, thus concluding the gathering.
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mata-atlantica-wcrp · 2 years
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Banner by: moT#0955
This update discusses the Descent of Moons and highranks!
Descent of Moons
The Descent of Moons has been scheduled for December 17th, CST! The Descent of Moons is an event that happens on the longest night of the year, when the sun's decent pulls the 5 original founders down to the Clans. Each Clan throws a feast and celebrates the leader's arrival, eagerly learning from the wisest cats known to the Clans! If you'd be interested in participating in this event, all you have to do is have an accepted character in Mata Atlântica and select "interested" on the event!
Currently we have two highranks available for application! HibiscusClan leader and BrinkClan deputy. If you're interested in applying, the deadline is Nov.23rd at 12am CST, and you will find more information in the server about applying!
We almost have 200 members! At this milestone we will be hosting some fun giveaways, and likely an event! If you have any questions, head on over to the help desk in our discord server or email [email protected] !
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mata-atlantica-wcrp · 2 years
09/30/2022 - the second gathering
The gathering started off like normal- cats pressed into the main clearing and eagerly chatted the time away until the leader's provided their speeches. Gravesong, HibiscusClan's deputy, came in the place of Pansystar. The deputy stated that Pansystar was sick but was making a fast recovery and just needed another day or two off her paws.
It was shortly after this speech that tragedy struck. A jaguar interupted the gathering, killing Nightlight, CopperClan's herbalist, in the blink of an eye. Emberpaw stood only tail-lengths away from the murderer, facing potential death in the eyes. Before the jaguar could make another move however, an eagle larger then two of BrinkClan's largest watchers swooped down from the sky. Partially blinding the jaguar, the harpy eagle successfully ran the large cat out of the gathering. Relief was replaced with yet another fear as the eagle settled on a branch above Nightlight's body.
Speaking in a broken version of 'cat', he proclaimed itself Squall, wishing to trade with the cats. Many cats retreated to CopperClan before the interaction ended, including Nightstar, Frogfriend, and Ambrosiapaw. Those who stayed witnessed Thornstar, DriftClan's leader, secure a trade with the bird. Afterwards she led her Clan out of the gathering, and everyone else quickly followed suit.
The events of the gathering quickly spread, and opinions over the happenings where vastly split. Rumors spread like wildfire- "I heard the bird was as large as the mountains!" "I heard the jaguar killed Emberpaw- have you seen him?" -Others are enraged at Thornstar's decision to trade with the eagle while standing over Nightlight's body. Some are excited about the prospect of goods from far away. Many don't know what they think yet.
Despite this all, it's up to you how this ends. The ominous presence of Squall looms in the back of everyone's minds, the knowledge that it could pick them all off one by one haunting the Clans. Do the Clans welcome Squall, or do they forever scorn him, living in fear?
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mata-atlantica-wcrp · 2 years
You carefully weave your way through the variegated foliage of the rainforest, weary eyes blinking away the heavy water droplets which effortlessly dampen your coat. Before thoughts of forsakenness dare invade your mind, your ears perk forward suddenly as the melodic buzz of felines chatting from afar catches your attention. Curious, you press on toward the sound, eager to encounter whatever may await you along this path . . .
Welcome to Mata Atlântica,
distant traveler!
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art by moT#0955
Who we are
➥ Mata Atlântica is a uniquely crafted semi-realistic & literate Discord-based roleplay taking place in the beautiful Atlantic Forest of Brazil. We feature a diverse array of developed fanclans, locations, rankings, lore, easy-to-digest IRP systems and more. The community we've built is outstandingly kind, welcoming, and excited to have you join us. We're mainly neurodivergent-run and can always ensure inclusion to bipoc, plural, neurodiverse & lgbtq+ folk; discrimination will never be tolerated here!
➥ Our server fosters a very present art community and hosts lots of activity in its general chats; you can certainly expect to be met with enthusiastic members who have quickly come to adore the server and its community! So what are you waiting for? Come join us!
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Which Clan will you
call home?
🌊 DRIFTCLAN, home of the intelligent & dexterous.
A water adept Clan skilled in the art of engineering. They're logical , prideful, and boastful of their independence. DriftClan seeks rationality above spirituality. They hold a grudge against HibiscusClan for a war having occurred between cats long dead.
🌺 HIBISCUSCLAN, home of the spiritual & artistic.
HibiscusClan consists of flower adorned felines with an adoration for beauty. Both outside, and inside. They focus on self love and mindfulness, living in a camp consisting of shards of stone they've deemed 'Spirit Stones'. It's believed once a cat finds their Spirit Stone, they've reached a higher level of self understanding.
🏔️ BRINKCLAN, home of the loyal & endurable.
This Clan of cats is known far and wide for their family dynamic, dealing with scenarios through a voting system. They live high on a forested mountain, and enjoy friendly competitions amongst eachother. These survivalist cats are loyal only to their own, and will do whatever it takes to ensure their family is safe.
🕳️ COPPERCLAN, home of the persistent & friendly.
Having befriended a talking cottontail generations ago, CopperClan has long since perfected the art of tunneling. They expertly weave through complex tunnels cutting through the dirt below their territory. This Clan welcomes all with open arms, and does their best to maintain neutrality when faced with other Clans quarrels.
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The precarious rainforests are only one click away- are you ready to face your destiny?
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