matched-roleplay ¡ 3 years
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After some careful thought and some discussion with a couple of our long time members, I have made the decision to put Matched on an indefinite hiatus. Life has made it difficult to keep the group active for many of our members, and this feels like the best course of action for the time being.
Our current members are welcome to continue playing their characters and/or continue their pairings as 1x1s if desired. The hope is that one day, Matched will be back, but for the time being, the main’s ask & submit box are closed, and there will not be any new or updated content posted here.
Having been an active group for 15 months, I am very grateful to the members who have come to this group, past or presently. Thank you all for allowing this group to exist and thrive for as long as it has.
Much love, Bri
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matched-roleplay ¡ 3 years
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The Gym Rat– @rjdylan
The Wallflower– @emmy-becker
The Opportunist– @benjyhendricks
Mike, CC & Jess, you have 24 hours to become active on the dash or contact the admin regarding your activity, otherwise your above characters will be removed from the RP and the roles & FCs will be re-opened. We hope to hear from you soon!
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matched-roleplay ¡ 3 years
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Matched Task o13–A Look Within
This month’s task is an opportunity to reflect on your character(s)–their personalities, what makes them tick, what brings them joy, what foods they like to eat the most, what disgusts them, etc.
Similar to the character development meme, this gives you and others a chance to know your characters some more, beyond the surface conversations that often take place on the dash! You’ll find all of the questions below the cut. Please be sure to answer them all honestly for your character, not as your character.
Everyone has until the end of April to complete this task! As always, please be sure to tag your response post ‘mtask’!
Keep reading
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matched-roleplay ¡ 3 years
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Event #o13–Matched Meet-Up: Giving Back
What is it?
Matched Meet-Ups are for everyone to casually or formally socialize with other members of the beta program at a designated function through Matched. This meet-up will be taking place at Washington Park!
When is it? Sat. April 17, 2020 from 9am - 2pm
Where is it? Washington Park, Portland, OR.
Additional details:
Matched members will have the option to help with any of the following tasks to bring this brand new community park to life:
Laying/shoveling out tan bark
Planting flowers
Installing dog park equipment
Installing playground equipment
Installing park benches
Mural painting
OOC information:
Members are encouraged to have their characters interact with each other and the above activities for the meet-up!
Please be sure to tag all starters and event-related posts ‘mevent’
Event threads can start at the beginning of April. Please be sure any starters are made clear to be related to the event/meet-up.
All event-related threads should be wrapped up by the end of May!
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matched-roleplay ¡ 3 years
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Event #o13–Matched Meet-Up: Giving Back
What is it?
Matched Meet-Ups are for everyone to casually or formally socialize with other members of the beta program at a designated function through Matched. This meet-up will be taking place at Washington Park!
When is it? Sat. April 17, 2020 from 9am - 2pm
Where is it? Washington Park, Portland, OR.
Additional details:
Matched members will have the option to help with any of the following tasks to bring this brand new community park to life:
Laying/shoveling out tan bark
Planting flowers
Installing dog park equipment
Installing playground equipment
Installing park benches
Mural painting
OOC information:
Members are encouraged to have their characters interact with each other and the above activities for the meet-up!
Please be sure to tag all starters and event-related posts ‘mevent’
Event threads can start at the beginning of April. Please be sure any starters are made clear to be related to the event/meet-up.
All event-related threads should be wrapped up by the end of May!
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matched-roleplay ¡ 3 years
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Here’s what’s happening for the month of April:
6–Phase 3 deadline for: The Ex & The Old Flame
13–BIRTHDAY: Maddie Swann
18–Phase 3 deadline for: The Town Gossip & The Romantic
23–Phase 3 deadline for: The Private Eye & The Musician
22–Earth Day
A reminder to all that the latest Matched task can be found here, and a new task will be posted in May!
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matched-roleplay ¡ 3 years
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Caoimhe MacSheòrsa-Newman--The Vestal
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matched-roleplay ¡ 3 years
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The following applicant has been accepted into the Matched beta program:
The Vestal– Caoimhe MacSheòrsa-Newman–Karen Gillan FC
Welcome! Please see our checklist within the next 24 hours for further instructions.
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matched-roleplay ¡ 3 years
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+1 female app
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matched-roleplay ¡ 4 years
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The Superstar– @lead-singer-emerald
The Believer– @pastor-timothy
The Boss– @ceo-miguel
The Ex– @aidan-the-baker
The Musician– @dj-zane
The Opportunist– @benjyhendricks
The Hometown Hero-- @jamesmanning-matched
The Town Gossip-- @maddie-swann
The Haven-- @abbizimms
The Private Eye-- @roman-pi
The Gambler-- @karinamoon
The Romantic-- @aurora-ortega
The Old Flame-- @taliatalidesigns
Ash, Jess & G, you have 24 hours to become active on the dash or contact the admin regarding your activity, otherwise your above characters will be removed from the RP and the roles & FCs will be re-opened. We hope to hear from you soon!
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matched-roleplay ¡ 4 years
Matched RP’s looking for some more members to add to our friend corner of the RP community! If you’d like to play out your OCin a pairs group, give us a look and send in your app!
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matched-roleplay ¡ 4 years
Hey there, RP tags!
My weekend’s begun and I’ve started watching the Snyder Cut of The Justice League! While I see if it lives up to its hype and is worth its 4 hours, why don’t you come check out Matched and get your app in! We have a number of open skeletons and pairs awaiting you!
I’ll be around for a few hours tonight and all throughout the next couple of days!
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matched-roleplay ¡ 4 years
are you still active?
Hi, anon!
We are, yes! Our dash is slow-moving due to varying schedules but we are still open and active.
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matched-roleplay ¡ 4 years
Happy Friday, RPers! Matched RP has a handful of open skeletons and would love to see them taken up! Apps are accepted daily after 3pm PST, so if you’re looking for a group to develop relationships for an OC of yours, give us a look!
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matched-roleplay ¡ 4 years
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Matched Plot Drop #oo2–Snowed In
Old Man Winter’s bringing one last push of chilly weather before Spring begins to emerge. During the end of February, into the first week of March, snow storms and blizzards are forecast to come through the Portland/Northwestern Oregon region. Residents are advised to stock up on essentials (water, canned goods, batteries, blankets, etc.) due to the upcoming severe weather conditions and high probability of closed roads and sheltering at home until roads can be cleared and more businesses and locations can be accessible. Flights in or out of the region will be cancelled until the conditions in the air and on the ground are improved. City and federal buildings will also be closed, to further encourage Portlandians to stay home.
OOC Details
Although this plot drop is going from Feb. 21 - Mar. 6, members can continue their threads for this plot through the month of March, if desired. Please try to conclude all threads related to the plot drop by then.
Some things to consider and ideas to play off of: How will your character and their match handle being stuck at home for nearly 2 weeks together? Will they cozy up or drive each other up a wall? How does your character normally fare in stormy weather? Should your couple lose power in their home for some time during the storm, what will they do to keep themselves entertained? Will they be prepared for a day or multiple days without power? Will your characters listen and stay home or will they end up trekking out in the snow? If so, what would be the reason(s)? Will they go out for the sake of avoiding cabin fever? To play in the snow? For selfless purposes? Will they put themselves in some sort of danger?
Because this is a plot drop, be sure to take some time to plot, and reach out to others for plotting too! Revisit your character’s connections and talk with your match’s writer as well! And of course, if you have any questions, or plan for any major plots, be sure to contact me here on the main or on Discord!
For any starters (face to face or online) please be sure to also include “mplot” along with the usual starter tags.
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matched-roleplay ¡ 4 years
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Here are some starters related to our current plot drop! Be sure and show them some love:
Rian Kalani Mana
Dante Aarons
Zane Barlowe
Miguel Hernandez
Aidan Lennox
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matched-roleplay ¡ 4 years
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Matched Task o13–A Look Within
This month’s task is an opportunity to reflect on your character(s)--their personalities, what makes them tick, what brings them joy, what foods they like to eat the most, what disgusts them, etc.
Similar to the character development meme, this gives you and others a chance to know your characters some more, beyond the surface conversations that often take place on the dash! You’ll find all of the questions below the cut. Please be sure to answer them all honestly for your character, not as your character.
Everyone has until the end of April to complete this task! As always, please be sure to tag your response post ‘mtask’!
If your character’s in a bad mood, do they prefer to be left alone or have someone try to cheer them up?
How do they deal/have they dealt with conflict within their relationships, past or present?
Who or what is your character currently proudest of? Why?
Explain why your character signed up for Matched? At what moment did they decide to stay and see things through with their match?
If your character was having a bad day, which of these would they prefer as a means to cheer them up? Their favorite dish, a massage, or some space?
What usually jump starts their day? Coffee? Exercise? A Shower? Breakfast? Or something else entirely?
Does your character thrive in order or chaos?
Would your character say that their parents were/are good at being parents?
What scares your character the most?
What did the last relationship your character was in teach them?
If your character could choose 1 superpower, what would it be and why?
What’s something people often misunderstand about your character?
What is something your character often procrastinates on?
Where does your character like to go/what does your character like to do for inspiration?
Does your character usually follow their head or their heart?
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