mate-de-ensalada · 1 day
why is the metal community so pressed abt this it’s literally hilarious. 10/10. love it. i want it.
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mate-de-ensalada · 5 days
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They'll just be naming any goth with a red laser sword a Sith these days....
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mate-de-ensalada · 5 days
I learned that Palpatine was 20 years younger than Dooku, and of course I ran with that information, and Tumblr (and the fandom) isn't ready for any of this
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and I'm sharing it only because my partner said it was a shame to not share this with Tumblr lmaoo, and i was too lazy to actually write it all so i just share the screenshots sorry
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mate-de-ensalada · 6 days
ive just been born into the world what are some good games for beginners
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mate-de-ensalada · 6 days
I just realized thta Bo was like fucking 10 or something when she first join death watch. Like she was manipulated asf
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mate-de-ensalada · 7 days
Obi-Wan, hoarsely: Is everyone ok? Cody, covered in blood and debris, voice shaky: yeah. Ahsoka, unseen, voice muffled: Doing awesome. Anakin, shining a flashlight down on all of them: Hey, that almost went exactly to plan!
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mate-de-ensalada · 8 days
dogma how did u even get into the 501st
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mate-de-ensalada · 10 days
A reminder thta a abuser can take accountability for his actions! That's the fucked up of abusive relationship.
In my county we have a said thta goes " Y vino Como perro arepentido con la cola entre las piernas '" ( and came like a repentant dog with its tail between its legs) . He knew what he did was wrong and knows he's probably going to so it again but that doesn't stop him form feeling bad about it . In the clovis arc he says to Padme " I don't know what happened I just snap out " Anakin is conscious that what he did was wrong and thta there is something wrong with the way he's brain is responding to shit , but still he doesn't do anything about it, and that there is abuse
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Want it known that Anakin takes accountability for being “the wrong one” sometimes in his relationship with Padmé. (*ahem* a thing an ‘abuser’ isn’t capable of.) In ROTS, he’s clearly on edge, doesn’t know who to trust, what to do about his visions, and he’s feeling pressured by both of his surrogate fathers to get a specific thing done. In all of this, he sort of acts out because he’s overwhelmed and it results outwardly in anger (although he’s never taken it out on Padmé.) and through it all, Padmé is patient and understanding towards his situation, and Anakin very much is aware of this, so much that he takes complete responsibility over his behaviour and apologizes for it when he knows he’s wrong, like in the excerpt I posted above.
I also love how we see through this passage, how easily Anakin can become “unclenched” by Padmé’s simple gestures of love or affection to him that he utterly softens out and opens his heart up to her, confiding in her as any husband would do with his wife. He admits to his insecurities, trust issues, and confusion to her simply because she’s always there to love and support him. They have the utmost trust and love for one another that they don’t even need to be told what went wrong, because they’re already aware that the other will eventually come back and open up to them.
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Anakin makes note of Padmé’s absolute and unwavering trust in him at the beginning of the novel as well, and I think that’s really important to understand both their mindsets. Padmé trusts Anakin to always come back to her, to open up his heart and let her in, while Anakin knows that the love of his life will always be there, waiting for him with open and loving arms.
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mate-de-ensalada · 11 days
Star Wars writers when they can't come up with a word
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mate-de-ensalada · 11 days
Y’all want to see a page from the comics that Haunts Me™
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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #5
Anakin Skywalker Darth Vader: Child Killer is such a Theme in Star Wars media. It should just be a cliché. It’s a very easy shorthand to communicate to an audience that a person is losing or has lost their humanity, and is becoming the embodiment of pure evil, and yet, every time, it makes me cringe.
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It reminds me of a fascinating sequence when Vader kills his younger self in a vision in Darth Vader (2015) #24. There’s this really charming exchange where he kills Obi-Wan (again) and gets the last word this time (not that he’d probably been obsessing over what he wanted to have said or anything of course not).
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“I’m more powerful with every step I take away from you.” Sure, Jan.
Anyway, the memory of young Anakin Skywalker shows up allllll angry because Darth Vader killed his beloved Master!!
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They fight, and of course Vader wins (it is his vision after all). He then says it himself:
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“You were a child. I am well accustomed to killing children.”
Anakin Vader knows what he’s doing. He knows what he’s done. He is able to admit it to himself, without any self-censure. It’s just a statement of fact. He is an executioner of children. This is the evil of the dark side at play. He’s lost all compassion, all humanity.
It’s very fun to tell stories about ~sexy and morally ambiguous gray jedi~ and easy to avoid engaging with the premise of Star Wars worldbuilding that the Sith and the dark side are evil, and that evil has a real, concrete meaning (aka children die).
I love the comics a lot for not shying away from engaging with Vader’s worst deeds. There’s so much fascinating characterization and worldbuilding going on, and you get to see panels like the first, which can haunt your nightmares! So it’s good times all around, highly recommend 😂😭
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mate-de-ensalada · 11 days
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mate-de-ensalada · 11 days
palpatine straight up told anakin he was a sith lord and anakin was like well. this is a lot to process so im going to go fetch my boss and we’ll come back in about half an hour and murder you so don’t go anywhere and palpatine didn’t you have to admire the man
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mate-de-ensalada · 11 days
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mate-de-ensalada · 11 days
palpatine straight up told anakin he was a sith lord and anakin was like well. this is a lot to process so im going to go fetch my boss and we’ll come back in about half an hour and murder you so don’t go anywhere and palpatine didn’t you have to admire the man
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mate-de-ensalada · 12 days
Plot twist if Yaddle is secretly leading the mission.
Indara: We've found a pair of twins strong in the Force. Their community doesn't like the Jedi, but one is interested in being tested.
Yaddle: Hmm, we must proceed carefully. Dialogue and diplomacy should be our way forward.
Indara: Okay, I'll let the Mother know-
Yaddle: The Mother?
Indara: Yes, the group's leader is called Mother-
Yaddle: *flashes back to Dalna*
Yaddle: Nvm, kill them all
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mate-de-ensalada · 12 days
I feel like even if the jedi weren't exacly forcing the kids to join the orden the do were persuading them ? specially osha.Like when. Sol show her his light saber its nothing evil and he did it with a green intention like " Hey kid look how cool it's this thing ? What hold it! If you come with us you will get your own one " But you are showing a toy to a kid, she doesn't fully understand everything .
And the " By republic law scene " My good I scream in thta, bc like yhea the kids HAVE the right to chose whatever there want to stay or go with their parents approval but like even if you aren't forcing them to agree on her twins taking the test SHE CLEARLY WAS. It's your choice whatever you want them to take the test or not but just so you know by law they do have to take it and by law we are ment to do this... So if you don't want to involve more people into this you WILL have to agre with me you witches 😁
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mate-de-ensalada · 13 days
I watched the episode and wow how good it was. things definitely didn't happen like that, I think we're going to see what really happened as the series progresses. To begin with, there is no way that Mae was the one who caused the explanation, for me it was the Jedi and in the same way I believe that they were the ones who tied up the witches. The mother was clearly lying to Osha about being okay about the issue, perhaps later on in the annulment she joined with the other sisters to head off the Jedi.
there are two options (taking into account how the Jedi were at that time and what's in it for doing both are totally possible) the Jedi defended themselves and ended up killing all the witches, they got a bad feeling after that since it was something very shitty. of doing. or 2 of the Jedi went with the mission of ending all the witches there and taking the girls for the "greater good" of a possible war, they felt bad since it was a horrible thing to do and they all regretted it to a greater or lesser extent.
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