matoran · 14 years
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matoran · 14 years
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Nuparu when he was a matoran.
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matoran · 14 years
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Toa inika nuparu
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matoran · 14 years
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Metru nui
Nuparu was an engineer and inventor who created several machines to protect the Matoran. On Metru Nui Nuparu designed the Kralhi, in which failed, and Vahki enforcer robots, which did work.
Mata nui
On Mata Nui,Nuparu was a Tunnel Engineer, Second class.When the Bohrok flooded Onu-Koro, Nuparu discovered that they were non-living, and with Onepu's and Taipu's help he modified a Gahlok shell into a Boxor combat vehicle. Boxors were used successfully in the liberations of Onu-Koro and Le-Koro, but were defeated by Pahrak in Ga-Koro as they sink in water. After the Bohrok invasion he salvaged some Exo-Toa scrap to study, but hardly got the chance before he became the Toa Inika of Earth.
Toa inika
When a strike occurred on Metru Nui, Jaller gathered Nuparu, along with Hahli, Hewkii, Matoro, and Kongu and took off to find the missing Toa Nuva because Turaga Nokama told Jaller about the missing Toa. The 6 Matoran journeyed to the realm of Karzahni with Takanuva. However, they encountered a stone arch that would not allow any light to pass through, thus separating the Matoran from Takanuva.
After the separation, the 6 Matoran journeyed into the realm alone. There, they encountered the Manas Crabs and were captured by Karzahni, where their masks had to be changed to ones of Karzahni's. The 6 Matoran were placed briefly in servitude, when the Matoran discovered the Builder of the Toa Canisters. The Matoran lead them to 6 Toa Canisters, where Nuparu figured out how to use them. After another brief encounter with Karzahni, the Matoran barely escaped from the realm using the canisters.
Arriving on Voya Nui, the 6 Matoran were transformed into the Toa Inika after being struck by lightning from the Red Star. The Toa Inika then journeyed onto the island, where they found out about their special Toa abilities (glowing faces, Lightning, etc.). The Toa then journeyed into the island, and confronted with Vezok. After defeating the Piraka, they met with the Voya Nui Resistance Team.
The Toa Inika then split into 3 different teams. Nuparu, went with Kongu, Velika, and Garan were on one team, and they launched an attack on the Piraka Stronghold. They were later reunited with the other Toa Inika, where they started a fierce battle with the Piraka. During the battle, Nuparu defeated Zaktan by plunging him into the sea.
After being defeated by Hakann and Thok, who stole Brutaka's powers and channel into themselves, the Toa and the 4 remaining Piraka followed. Another battle took place once more, with the Toa able to return the powers back to Brutaka but being knocked out in the process.
After awakening, the Toa Inika began to descend down the 777 Stairs. Along the journey, the Toa Inika encountered guardians such as Umbra, and traps such as the Chamber of Death. The Toa were able to pass through all the challenges, and faced the Piraka at the Lava Chamber Gate. After being defeated once more, the Toa Inika stormed into the Chamber of Life, where they found the Piraka being defeated by Vezon and Fenrakk. The Toa fought against the two beasts as well, only for Fenrakk to be transformed into the much stronger Kardas Dragon. Jaller ordered Kongu to use his mask power to read the mind of the Mask of Life. To everyone's surprise, the Ignika did not want Vezon to be its guardian anymore, but rather it wanted Matoro. Because of this, Vezon went into a frenzy. In Vezon's temporary moment of pure insanity, Jaller was able to use a special Zamor Sphere, given to them by Axonn, on them. Matoro was then able to retrieve the Mask of Life, but he lost his grip when he was hit by a concussive blast made by the now-revived Kardas Dragon. The Toa Inika then raced behind the Mask of Life as it journeyed out of the chamber, eventually plunging into the sea. Toa Hahli tried to retrieve it, but the pressure was too much, and she nearly drowned, but was saved by a Matoran. After a reunion with the Toa Nuva, it was decided that the Toa Inika shall continue their search for the mask, while the Toa Nuva would leave on their own mission. The Toa Inika then journeyed down The Cord, where they were transformed into Toa Mahri by the Kanohi Ignika.
Toa mahri
The Toa Inika ventured down to Mahri Nui and were transformed into the Toa Mahri through the power of the Mask of Life. At that point, Nuparu, Jaller and the rest were stunned, and were barely awake enough to notice the 300-Foot Venom Eel heading right for them. After a brief fight, the Toa defeated it, thanks mainly to Hewkii and his Garai. With that, they proceeded on to Mahri Nui. But when they became visible, the Matoran of the Lost Land rained Solidified Air Bubbles down on the Toa Mahri. Finally, they Toa were able to convince them that they were Toa fighting for good, and started to discuss with the city's current leader: Defilak. Defilak sent five of the Toa to go and free the Fields of Air. So, proceeding on their quest, Nuparu, Jaller and the rest, except Matoro, left to defend the Fields of Air, but they were captured by the Barraki. Then he escaped using the Volitak and got Hahli to escape. Then, Hewkii, Hahli, and Nuparu split up and Nuparu then discovered Cordak Blasters. Taking a load, Hewkii and Nuparu ran into the other Toa and they each took a blaster. Afterwards, he and Hewkii were exploring, and found an eel nest, which they had disturbed. The Toa managed to escape, but were ambushed by Ehlek -- and thrown into a crevice, Nuparu and Hewkii had struck the ground hard and fell unconscious. When Hewkii awoke, he found themselves being attacked by a breed of albino eels. He woke Nuparu up, who devised a plan to escape the eels. The two Toa executed the plan -- Nuparu created a pillar of earth to lift the Toa out of the canyon, while Hewkii fired his Cordak Blaster at the eels. When Nuparu and Hewkii reached the surface, they were ambushed by Ehlek and roughly forty eels, but Hewkii used his Kanohi Garai to send some Takea into the mob of eels, giving the illusion of an attack. That started a battle between the sharks and the eels, and the two Toa escaped.
He joined with his fellow Toa later on, and was informed that the Stone Cord needed to be severed for the good of Mata Nui's health. Nuparu, along with the Toa Mahri, lead the Matoran of Mahri Nui back up the cord to Voya Nui. Along the way, they were ambushed by the Piraka, now only heads and spines. They were knocked unconcious by Axonn, who led them to Toa Terrain Crawler, which quickly transported them down to Mahri Nui. Nuparu assisted Hahli in delaying the Barraki, and then went to the aid of Hewkii, whose pride let Gadunka get the best of him. Having won the fight, they prepared to destroy the Cord, but Gadunka reappared with the enlarged Venom Eel and Ancient Sea Behemoth Kongu had summoned earlier. While the others quickly dispatched of his friends, Nuparu attempted to halt Gadunka, momentarily trapping him, only to be struck down by the creature. Gadunka tried to remove the Ignika from Matoro's hands, but the Mask of Life quickly reverted him back to his original size. After a minor confrontation with Hydraxon, the Mahri proceeded to blast the cord to pieces. Nuparu and his fellow Toa followed it, until confronted by the Barraki. He and his fellow Mahri attempted to halt the Barraki's attempts to get at Matoro, until Matoro transported them all to Metru Nui. He was the first of the Toa Mahri to notice Matoro was missing. Nuparu then gave the Eulogy for Matoro at the Memorial Service in the Coliseum. Now he and his fellow Mahri (minus Matoro) reside in, and guard, Metru Nui having fulfilled their destiny. Back on Metru-Nui, they have battled the Toa Hagah and a massive rahi summoned by Kualus. After helping the Toa Hagah get under the Coliseum, Nuparu, Jaller, and Hahli were dispached on a Misson by Helryx to Artidax to summon all of the Visorak there. During that time, they met Takadox who hypnotized all three in a trance. Nuparu was soon woke from his trance when Jaller hurled a fireball at him. Nuparu and his two comrades then began swimming back to Metru Nui. The three Toa found Metru Nui under attack by the Brotherhood of Makuta. Turaga Vakama told the Toa Mahri about his plan to drive the Rahkshi by them finding Krakua and asking him to awaken a group of Bohrok residing in the Archives. Hahli found Krakua and told him the plan. Hahli then began to rouse the sea in attempt to wreck the Brotherhood's fleet, but a storm suddenly started beyond the city walls, and tossed the fleet around.
Reign of shadows
Three vehicles then arrived above the city, which were Toa Nuva and Takanuva riding on the Rockoh T3, Jetrax T6, and Axalara T9. With the Toa Nuva's help, the Toa Mahri and the Order of Mata Nui drove the invaders back. After the surviving invaders departed, the Toa Nuva confirmed that the Great Spirit Mata Nui had been awakened, and Turaga Dume and Vakama both declared the following day to be one of grand celebration inside the Coliseum.
However, the event was interrupted by the presence of Teridax, who announced that he had taken over the body of the Great Spirit.
After Teridax made his stranglehold on the planet, he journeyed to Destral to find Takanuva and Pohatu.
He then went to Zakaz with the other Toa Mahri. After some traveling on the island they found a legion of Skakdi in some ruins with a tank of energized protodermis. They used the tank to fuse a Skakdi, Stelt laborer, Vortixx, and the surviving Piraka into a huge gold being, who somehow convinced the Mahri to follow him.
Sometime later, he evacuated the Matoran Universe along with the Skakdi and is currently on Spherus Magna.
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matoran · 14 years
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Aiyetoro was an Onu-Matoran Miner who dug for Ore.
While Hahli was visiting Onu-Koro, Aiyetoro was experiencing difficulty finishing his shift because he did not have a Lightstone to help him. When Hahli retrieved one for him from Great Mine Cave E, he rewarded her with twenty-five Widgets and explained the importance of the Virtues Onu-Koro honors: We toil away all day in the mines. It’s both our Duty and our Destiny! Onua gazes upon the Earth and sees riches. It is our Duty to dig, and our Destiny to find them! The combination of Duty and Destiny brings the Principle!
Aiyetor was evacuated from Onu-Koro during the Rahkshi attack along with the other Matoran. Following the Rahkshi’s defeat and Metru Nui’s rediscovery, he aided in the construction of Boats to return to Metru Nui.
He now lives on spherus magna.
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matoran · 14 years
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Akamu was a Crafter on Mata Nui who invented the Sluice, a tool used to collect Protodermis.
When the Rahkshi attacked Onu-Koro, Akamu was evacuated from the village with the other Matoran. He then aided in the construction of Boats to return to Metru Nui.
He now lives on Spherus Magna.
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matoran · 14 years
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Azibo was one of Chief Mamru’s prospectors in Onu-Koro. Mamru held him in very high esteem, saying that he was his best Prospector and was very talented. Azibo was well-versed in the Principle of Prosperity and explained its nature to Hahli after she retrieved his Sluice that had fallen in a crevice.
Azibo was evacuated from Onu-Koro during the Rahkshi attack along with the other Matoran. He then aided in the construction of Boats to return to Metru Nui.
He now lives on Spherus Magna.
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matoran · 14 years
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Damek guarding onu-koro.
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matoran · 14 years
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On Metru Nui originally, Damek was a Guard posted at one of the entrances of the Archives. On Mata Nui, Damek was also a Guard.
He and the other Onu-Matoran were evacuated from Onu-Koro during the Rahkshi attack. Damek then aided in the construction of Boats to return to Metru Nui.
He now lives on Spherus magna.
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matoran · 14 years
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Dosne was the Mining Captain of Onu-Koro. Dosne was familiar with the Onu-Koro Kolhii Skill, Stamina, stating: It is hard work to follow the Principle of Onu-Koro. When we do, we are given the gift of Stamina! Stamina gives you the power to dig forever.
During the Rahkshi attack on Onu-Koro, Dosne was evacuated from the village with the other Matoran. He then aided in the construction of Boats to return to Metru Nui.
He now lives on spherus magna.
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matoran · 14 years
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Kaj was a Guard of the gate to Onu-Koro on Mata Nui.
When the Rahkshi attacked Onu-Koro, he was evacuated from the village along with the other Matoran. Following their defeat, Kaj aided in the construction of Boats to return to Metru Nui.
He now lives on spherus magna.
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matoran · 14 years
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Mamru before being rebuilt.
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matoran · 14 years
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Mamru was the Chief Prospector of Onu-Koro. It was his job to find the Ore deposits in the Great Mine. He had great faith in fellow prospector Azibo, whose knowledge of the Principle of Onu-Koro was considered invaluable to their job.
Mamru was evacuated from Onu-Koro with the other Matoran during the Rahkshi attack on the village. He then aided in the construction of Boats to return to Metru Nui.
He now lives on spherus magna.
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matoran · 14 years
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While on Mata Nui, Midak lived in a hut just outside of the Motara Desert and the Onu-Po-Highway. Midak took care of Ussal Crabs, and he spent a lot of time watching the Ussal Races. He lent Ussal crabs to travelers to quickly get to Onu-Koro so they would not get lost in the dark tunnels.
After Pewku had gotten too old for racing, Onepu gave her to Midak. Midak later gave Pewku to Takua so she could escort him to Onu-Koro. Later, upon hearing the news on how Takua had helped Onu-Koro with many of its problems, Midak personally thanked Takua.
When the Matoran returned to Metru Nui, Midak then aided in the construction of Boats to return to Metru Nui.
He now lives on spherus magna.
He was freinds with Pohatu, who named the midak skyblasters after him.
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matoran · 14 years
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Nothing is known about onepu's life on metru nui, But he, along with the other matoran, Were captured by the vahki and placed in a sphere which rendered him comatose.
On Mata Nui, Onepu became Turaga Whenua’s right hand. An ussal racing champion, Onepu was a member and the captain of the Ussalry, and occasionally mined. Onepu was Taipu’s best friend, and sometimes took advantage of him, such as when he talked Taipu into doing his mining work for him. After Whenua was alerted to the possiblity of a Rahi attack as the Toa Mata descended into Mangaia, Onepu and the Ussalry went to work defending the village. When the infected Rahi began to retreat, Onepu and the Ussalry traveled to the Kini-Nui, where he came to the Chronicler’s Company’s aid. After helping them defeat Rahi, Onepu told Takua to travel to Onu-Koro, due to a discovery that Takua would be interested in.
Later, during the Bohrok attacked Mata Nui, and Onepu was in the village when the Gahlok struck and flooded the cavern. When this attack happened, he helped direct everyone to safety. As Nuparu came running towards him, a flood of water hit them, propelling them into a tunnel. When they reawoke, Nuparu used his Lightstone to illuminate the area. The group found themselves near a Gahlok, but, as Onepu pointed out, one devoid of its Krana. Struck by an idea, Nuparu began to work on an invention using the Bohrok’s parts, while Onepu and Taipu helped him. Eventually, they used his invention, the Boxor, to battle and win against a squad of Gahlok.
Onepu later helped Nuparu defeat some Nuhvok in Le-Koro. After the swarms defeat, Onepu was defeated by a creature who seeked Onua’s Nuva Symbol.
He was evacuated from Onu-Koro during the Rahkshi attack and aided in the construction of Boats to return to Metru Nui.
He now lives on spherus magna.
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matoran · 14 years
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Taipu worked as a miner and digger for most of his time on Mata Nui. One of the projects he worked on was the tunneling of the Le-Koro Highway, where he worked even after the other miners had stopped digging due to the poor light, bad air, and constant Rahi attacks. Soon after Takua managed to drain the lava blocking the way to the Cavern of Light, Taipu was the first to break through to Le-Wahi. He begged Takua to let him go along and see Le-Koro, and was overjoyed when the Chronicler let him come. Soon after sighting Le-Koro, Taipu was captured by an infected Nui-Rama, and taken to its hive, where he was forced to dig for unclear reasons. Soon afterwards, he witnessed the battle between Onua and the infected Lewa, and rode with Onua when they escaped from the hive. He then stayed for a while at Le-Koro and celebrated with the Le-Matoran before returning to Onu-Koro.
Soon after, Taipu was recruited from mining detail in the Great Mine by Takua on the advice of Whenua, who said that he had talked long and often of the adventure in Le-Wahi. He eagerly joined the Chronicler’s Company and helped to clear obstacles on the path to the Kini-Nui, and defended the temple from the vicious Rahi so the Toa would be able to escape freely. The Company almost failed, and might have if the Ta-Matoran Guard, Le-Matoran Gukko Force, and the Onu-Matoran Ussalry hadn’t shown up to help.
During the evacuation of a Gahlok raid on Onu-Koro, he, Onepu and Nuparu were trapped in a cave after a flood of gushing water beat its way through Onu-Koro. Trapped, all they had for light was a Lightstone. Nuparu introduced himself to Onepu and Taipu and then they journeyed through the cavern. All of them jumped at the sight of a Gahlok, but it was deactivated without a Krana. Using knowledge Onepu had attained from Whenua about the nature of the Bohrok, Nuparu engineered from the Bohrok pieces a machine called the Boxor. With it, they broke out of the cavern and saved Onu-Koro.
Later, Whenua would choose Taipu to be goal-keeper of the Onu-Koro Kolhii team, although he and Onepu were eliminated early in the Grand Tournament.
He was evacuated from Onu-Koro with the other Matoran during the Rahkshi attack.
Taipu then aided in the construction of Boats to return to Metru Nui.
He now lives on spherus magna.
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matoran · 14 years
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On metru-nui , Tehutti always had a rivalry with whenua.
Tehutti had no definite purpose for the Great Kanoka Disk that he found, except maybe to put it on exhibit and achieve recognition for his work. Teridax believed his destiny to be as the Toa-metru of Earth.
Whenua, who had recently become a toa, found him, and he told him where to find the great disk. He, Ehrye, and the two Toa Metru went to Find it.
Mata nui
On Mata Nui, Tehutti was re-named Tehuti and given a replacement Kanohi Kakama for unknown reasons. His name has since been changed back. He worked in the Great Mine in Onu-Wahi as a Miner.
He was evacuated from Onu-Koro with the other Matoran during the Rahkshi attack.
Tehutti then aided in the construction of Boats to return to Metru Nui, Where he took part in the ceremony for matoro.
He now lives on spherus magna.
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