im choro and i really REALLY miss kara and its eating me up from the inside we were so close in our canon and i just *throws self at wall* aaaaaaaaa
I understand how you feel, Choro! Missing canonmates can be super hard- especially when they’re a sibling you were close to, but things’ll get better. I’m sure you’ll find your Kara soon, and there’ll be less throwing yourself at walls and screaming when you do, right?
Keep your chin up Choro, you’ll find your Kara and things will be okay!
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hey sorry if my responses seem kinda short lately, I have exams coming up in two days and I’m stressing a bit rip. 
speaking of which, I’m gonna take a little brake ‘til exams are over, but I’ll try to get to all your asks as soon as I can! 
ps. I hope you all have a good day/night
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aaaaa could i get some positivity for a jyushi that's feeling canonsick but hasn't had any memories yet? i only remember one thing so far but i miss my canon so much
Hey Jyushi, don’t worry too much about memories; sometimes they come slow and sometimes they come all at once. It’s different for everybody!
I understand how you feel in being canonsick though, and I know how much it can hurt sometimes to miss your home and your brothers. But, as you get more memories and you start finding your brothers, I’m sure everything will start to get better! 
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Hello--I'm kin with Atsushi and too afraid to say anything because my screen time is so limited, I'm worried of being told I'm faking it. Is it possible to get some positivity? I'm not a Matsuno, but I knew one once. Maybe I'm not too out of place here?
You’re not out of place here, Atsushi! Everyone’s welcome, Matsuno or not! 
And hey, don’t worry about limited screen time, it doesn’t make you any less valid. But, it’s alright if you still don’t want to say anything yet, I can understand the worry of being called fake. And, if anyone does call you fake, they’re wrong. You’re you and you’re wonderful, no matter the screen time!
Try and keep your chin up, I’m sure people will be happy to see you!
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Choromatsu here! I haven't been able to find any of my brothers yet, but I wanted to thank you for this blog! It was a lovely idea and makes me feel cared about. So, thank you. Heh.
Hey Choro, I’m glad you feel cared about, that was my intention with the blog after all! As for your brothers, there are lots of us around, so I’m sure you’ll find everyone you’re looking for!
(And hey, if anyone is looking for their Choromatsu, maybe you can like/reblog this!)
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I'm choromatsu, and to be honest I'm really worried about none of my brothers actually liking me! I have some friends from my canon that say they love me, but even then I feel like I nagged at them too much. To the point where it wasn't funny anymore and just plain annoying
You aren’t annoying, Choro! You were just looking out for your brothers, and their rowdiness must’ve warranted lots of nagging! That aside, I’m sure your brothers do love you, after all, you’re sweet and kind and you were only trying to keep your brothers out of trouble!
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I;m gone a school camping trip until tomorrow evening, so I won’t be able to answer anything ‘til i get back!
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im jyushimatsu!!! i miss my brothers so much but i dont think they want to talk to me, i dont know what to do with myself im really lonely!
I’m sure they want to talk to you Jyushi, you’re so sweet and full of energy, how could anyone not wanna talk to you! 
I know how nerve-wracking it is, both trying to find and trying to talk to your brothers, but I’m sure you’ll do fine! Hopefully you can find some of your brothers soon- who are most likely missing you too- and I can guarantee that they’ll want to talk once you find them!
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mm positivity for a chibita who feels like he took his matsunos for granted ? i just can't find them anymore and I miss them,,
Awh hey Chibita, I totally get how you feel! It’s not your fault though, sometimes we just don’t think to tell people how much we appreciate them.
But I’m sure the brothers miss you too, and I bet there’s some who feel like they took you for granted. I’m sure you’ll find them again, and you’ll all be happy!
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An Ichimatsu here... having a hard time with Jyushimatsu. I miss him but I had one Jyushimatsu treat me really awfully and a lot of things the other ones say reflect what the awful Jyushi did to me and... I'm starting to wonder if my Jysuhimatsu even exists? I'm so discouraged...
I’m sorry that happened to you Ichi, and I’m sorry things have been bad because of it. Sometimes the bad stuff just piles up, and things seem hopeless, but you’ve gotta keep your chin up! 
I know it’s hard to see so many others who reflect those awful things, but your Jyushi is out there, I’m sure of it! You’ll find each other, and I bet you’ll both be relieved when you do!
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hiya can i have some positivity? I'm Karamatsu and I've been missing a bunch of people lately, kind of lonely.
Kara, you’re strong and kind and I’m sure things will work out! Loneliness is hard to get through, but I know you will! After all, I’m sure there are plenty of others out there missing you too, and I bet you’ll find everyone you’re looking for.
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hi everyone! 
this is a blog where you can request positivity for your osomatsu-san kins! , whether you’re one of the brothers, totoko, or chibita, this blog is open to you! so if you’re feeling down or just want some general positivity and encouragement, stop by and drop something in the askbox!
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