matteovito · 3 years
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I’m probably gonna do a few more studies and then once I’m done I’ll leak all of the nudes at once
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matteovito · 3 years
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yes king go insane go bully oonoki make the same metaphor over and over again!!
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matteovito · 3 years
Naruto Timeline: Less Kishimoto Edition
So we all know Kishi’s timeline sucks. I believe part of what causes that is that he started out thinking Konoha was old or at least like 100 years old, but as he went on he wanted people to have known the founders, and he made there be too few hokages with terms as hokage that were too short, and the timeline ended up with Konoha being like 70 years old at most.
I propose a new non-canon timeline that keeps the only four hokages at the start of canon but stretches things out. This means less people knew the founders (ex. Tsunade wouldn’t have met Hashi, and she’s his great-granddaughter).
Year -1: Izuna dies at age 24.
Year 0: Early planning stages of village. I’m going to say things go fast after he dies with the uchiha losing too much ground and giving in.
Year 1/Village founded: Hashi is 28, Tobi is 26, Mada is 29, Mito is 24. Hashi is elected hokage later in this year.
Year 2: Hashi takes office at the start of the year.
Year 5: Mada leaves at age 34.
Year 15: Mada returns with the kyuubi & “dies” at age 44.
Year 17: Hashi and Mito have a baby.
Year 20: Hashi dies at age 48 after being hokage for 19 years. Hiruzen is born around this time and will be Tobi’s student while Tobi is hokage.
Year 37: Hashi and Mito’s grandkid is born.
Year 41: Tobi dies at age 67 after being hokage 21 years. 20 year old Hiruzen becomes hokage.
Year 49: Tsunade is born.
Year 59: Hiruzen takes on the sannin as students.
Year 68: 6 year old Kushina gets the kyuubi from Mito, who dies at 92 having displayed that Uzumaki longevity.
Year 86: Hiruzen retires at age 65 after being hokage for 45 years.
Year 88: Kyuubi attack. Minato dies at age 24 after being hokage only 2 years. Kushina dies at 26.
Year 100: Hiruzen dies at age 79 after being hokage for another 12 years. Tsunade takes office at age 51/52.
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matteovito · 3 years
What is it with Naruto just fucking… interrupting Sasuke while he’s talking, they’re fighting Madara Uchiha and Sasuke’s making a plan to help try and beat him on the fly and Naruto thinks this is a good time to go “Wow, I hate it when you boss me around, lol, nostalgia”
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matteovito · 3 years
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This joke is old, but I don’t care. I do not care
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matteovito · 3 years
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Naruto Week 2018 ↳ Day 2: Favorite Moment | Burden | Hidden Sand Village
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matteovito · 3 years
It's kind of funny that the kid who choked on a bit of candy during the chuunin exams became... this:
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Talk about a glow up.
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matteovito · 3 years
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matteovito · 3 years
Ellen: I heard you miss Sasuke Uchiha
Naruto: More than words can describe
*sounds of a thousand birds and electricity crackling*
Naruto: omg Ellen you didn’t
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matteovito · 3 years
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matteovito · 3 years
manipulation 101
brainwashing step 2
mind fuckery phase 4
mentalbreak-dancing stage 5
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;Madara to Obito returning to the cave after he made a christmas tree (using the dead kiri nin as ornaments hihi :>)
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matteovito · 3 years
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Your honor, I rest my case.
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matteovito · 3 years
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American foreign policy tl;dr
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matteovito · 3 years
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matteovito · 3 years
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Out there, living her best life.
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matteovito · 3 years
It’s always best to leave the Characters judge about how they feel about other people rather than We, wipe their non-existent tears for them and blame it on bad writing and bullshit.
I like this sentence so much and I think it can be applied to many thing in Naruto anime. Some people projected their feeling too hard on their fav character and made long ass essay that even their fav character whom they defend will not agree with them. You're quite on spot at judging character's emotion in Naruto, especially about Naruto and Sasuke, what do you think when Naruto called his parents' killer "the coolest guy". So many dudebros and Naruto fans seethe about it and think that Obito didn't deserve it (and I quite agree). What do you think Naruto's feeling toward Obito that prompted him to utter such a high praise toward his life's harbinger of disaster?
Regarding this Post
I like this sentence so much and I think it can be applied to many thing in Naruto anime. Some people projected their feeling too hard on their fav character and made long ass essay that even their fav character whom they defend will not agree with them.
Exactly... LMAO. Can we be friends????. 
If those characters were real.... They would definitely cry rivers or get angry and smash their Tumblr Accounts....The way they wipe tears for their Fav Characters... Whoosh!!!!
Naruto called his parents' killer "the coolest guy". What was Naruto's feeling toward Obito that prompted him to utter such a high praise toward his life's harbinger of disaster?
Again, Another instance where I got to know that Fandom hated that scene vehemently whereas I never had any problems with that scene. I still don't.
But they are very right to hate that scene and I am not going to say anything about their view. I'll just write as to why I never hated that scene and WHY IT TOTALLY MAKES SENSE.
As you know very well that,
Naruto is a very forgiving person. He even forgave Nagato who killed Jiraiya, his Master. Rather than a Master, Naruto saw him as a Family member... When he could forgive a person who killed his Family member, with whom he lived with for 3 years.... It's not surprising that he could forgive Obito who killed his Parents with whom Naruto didn't even spend a day.
I remember when I made a list of 5 important people in Naruto's life, Minato and Kushina didn't even figured in. It doesn't mean that Naruto never loved his parents... It's just that the emotional connect is not there entirely due to the lack of time he spent with them and
Naruto, right from Chapter 1, instead of dwelling on the past.... He moved on... and always wanted to make good with what he has rather than thinking about what he has lost. That explains why he was eager to get acknowledgement from everyone in the Village.
Whereas Sasuke struggles in this aspect. Sasuke badly wanted to move on from his past and live a hopeful life with his Comrades (Naruto mostly).
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"From a Dream by my Foolish self... Who dreamed of a Future with comrades drunken with the Assurance of Peace... That's why I left the Village.."
That's because the Chain of Events that happened after Itachi came to the Village. After Itachi's arrival, Sasuke started to feel Inferior as compared to Naruto's growth... Then Kakashi advised him as to why Revenge is not worth it. And Sasuke was almost changing...
But then the Sound Four happened...
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"If you stay in this stupid little Village, You'll remain Human and won't get any stronger..."
"Trying to forget Uchiha Itachi?"
Someone has to spell it out loud for Sasuke that his Revenge was important.... Which implies that, Sasuke was moving on from that path slowly but surely.
[[Aaand they say Sasuke is an Avenger. Man!!! A True Avenger would never forget his/her purpose... Especially when it comes to their own family. And definitely, An Avenger shouldn't be reminded of his purpose by these kind of minion Ninjas, you know.]]
And that's why after this encounter... Sasuke decided to leave the Village. And he says this...
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"My Dream isn't in the Future... My Dream is rooted only in the Past..."
Like I said earlier, Naruto isn't someone who dwells on the Past... He understands, forgives and moves on. This is Naruto's Inherent Character. So, Naruto easily forgiving Obito who killed his Parents with whom he never even spent a day... Makes Sense.
Atleast this was how I felt after my first watch... What follows is something I understood on my rewatch.
But now you may ask, 'Why 'The Coolest Guy' remark?... That's just going way overboard'
Well, this is where the essence of Naruto understanding Obito comes into play. Before that, I wrote about Rin's importance in Obito's life in this post... I concluded that Rin's dynamics with Obito is similar to Iruka + Sasuke's dynamics with Naruto.
And Naruto is a Carbon Copy of Obito in many different ways.
Now, When Naruto was confronting Obito in the Chakra plane,
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"You too wanted someone to acknowledge you and praise you.."
Do you think 'wanting to become Hokage' was the only similarity Naruto had with Obito???
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This is Obito and Rin gleefully smiling at each other...
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Can you even spot the difference???
Special Mention:
Not related to this post.
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Obito was asking Rin to help him achieve his dream of becoming Hokage and stopping this War.
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Naruto asking Sasuke to help him achieve his dream of making all the Shinobis to co-operate with each other.
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Obito asked Rin to stay by his side and watch over him if he gets into any trouble.... And as requested, Rin really did watched over Obito whenever he got into some trouble. She was wrapping bandage on his wound here...
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Sasuke watching over Naruto’s movements and protect him without fail. This is very similar to Sasuke stopped Kankuro from hurting Konohamaru and Naruto with just a stone... Sasuke just appeared out of nowhere... And also, that time when Sasuke caught Naruto from falling down the tree during tree climbing training... Because Sasuke always watch over Naruto.
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This is Obito going feral after seeing Rin’s death in front of his eyes. 
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This is Naruto going feral after realizing that Sasuke was dead...
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Obito holding Rin’s dead body close to his chest and crying rivers... 
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Naruto also holding Sasuke’s dead body in an intimate way... In the Anime, Naruto’s face was touching Sasuke’s chest... Whereas in the Manga, it was Sasuke’s face.
We all know that Obito loved Rin romantically... Right??? 
And N and S.... Well, that’s what this entire blog was all about. 
Tell me, If Naruto saw someone just like him.... 
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In every miniscule ways... 
Don’t you think Naruto claiming Obito as ‘The Coolest Guy’ makes sense??? He claimed that he liked Haku and Zabuza... because Haku was just like him. 
Even when it comes to Nagato, Naruto defended him in front of Obito during the Kage Summit Arc...
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Similarly, when Zetsu was making fun of Obito...
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Naruto defended him... Because he truly understood Obito as to why he did what he did. 
And you yourself, said this line, Anon...
What was Naruto's feeling toward Obito that prompted him to utter such a high praise toward his life's harbinger of disaster
Yes, Obito is the Harbinger of Disaster... Whereas Naruto is the Hero of the War.
Two extremely similar people ended up being polar opposites.
If only Naruto didn’t have Iruka and Sasuke in his life, he probably would’ve ended up just like Obito... 
So, Yes... These are Naruto’s feelings about Obito when he said those words. It’s okay if Readers/Viewers don’t like it and they have every reason to hate that scene. But considering Naruto’s character of not dwelling in the Past, finding out the sense of similarity, Forgiving them by giving them another chance... It makes total sense to me...
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All these can’t be a coincidence, Can it?
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matteovito · 3 years
obito literally had a hole in his chest and his heart (whatever was left of it lol haha) and he still managed to drop the line
"what makes you think the war is over, my fellow traitor"
like ahsjdkegsuakabhak bitch u literally a donut rn and u still got the sass to fvck with sasgay smdh like 'yeah bitchass ur a traitor to so don't fvck w/ me'
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that moment where obito emerges from kamui and transforms into juubis jinchuuriki is actually really really incredible if u think about it. bc think about all the odds that he is up against there .. he lets kakashi destroy the cursed seal on his heart w his raikiri bc only without it he can defy madara and become jinchuuriki instead of him. he also didnt reanimate him even tho the seal was still there i know i know but he later on specifically says that the seal was keeping him from becoming jinchuuriki .. so he had to destroy it but the seal also prevents u from destroying it urself meaning he had to find another way, he had to let someone else do it. he then lets kakashi destroy it, at great risk to his life, then teleports out of kamui but he lands Right in front of madaras feet! who then immediately makes an attempt to force him to perform rinne tensei for him, to sacrifice himself for him, so he can come back to life. black zetsu sticks to obito and tries to help w that but obito doesnt just resist rinne tensei, he also manages to pull off his jinchuuriki transformation instead! even tho literally when he got out of kamui he was already Severely injured and couldve died then and there like it was the perfect opportunity actually for madara to use him, the odds couldnt have been more in his favor in that moment. but obito was like no no no .. you think youre funny? well im 'bout to be fucking hilarious, just watch me 🖕 :) and im so proud of him for that
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