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You've got 0.05 seconds to make a good first impression. How do you achieve this on your website? You create the perfect hero image. When I mention the use of hero images to a client, more often than not I'm asked "what's that?" https://matthewbushen.com/hero-image-how-to-use-one-effectively Your hero image is the very first element your visitor will see on your website. It should immediately send a bold statement to your visitor, grab their attention and influence their decision making early on in the customer journey. Done right and you'll engage your visitors and encourage them to learn more about your product or service. Ultimately leading to higher conversion rates. Done wrong and you'll turn those same visitors away and miss out entirely. I've put together a comprehensive guide on hero images as a reference point for my clients and the wider community. Click the link for tips on how to can create high converting hero images and how to analyse and test you own hero images. Including more on - The benefits of a hero image Hero image best practices Hero image optimisation Hero image testing and tracking and more. https://matthewbushen.com/hero-image-how-to-use-one-effectively Read more...
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You've got 0.05 seconds to make a good first impression. How do you achieve this on your website? You create the perfect hero image. When I mention the use of hero images to a client, more often than not I'm asked "what's that?" https://matthewbushen.com/hero-image-how-to-use-one-effectively Your hero image is the very first element your visitor will see on your website. It should immediately send a bold statement to your visitor, grab their attention and influence their decision making early on in the customer journey. Done right and you'll engage your visitors and encourage them to learn more about your product or service. Ultimately leading to higher conversion rates. Done wrong and you'll turn those same visitors away and miss out entirely. I've put together a comprehensive guide on hero images as a reference point for my clients and the wider community. Click the link for tips on how to can create high converting hero images and how to analyse and test you own hero images. Including more on - The benefits of a hero image Hero image best practices Hero image optimisation Hero image testing and tracking and more. https://matthewbushen.com/hero-image-how-to-use-one-effectively Read more...
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You've got 0.05 seconds to make a good first impression. How do you achieve this on your website? You create the perfect hero image. When I mention the use of hero images to a client, more often than not I'm asked "what's that?" https://matthewbushen.com/hero-image-how-to-use-one-effectively Your hero image is the very first element your visitor will see on your website. It should immediately send a bold statement to your visitor, grab their attention and influence their decision making early on in the customer journey. Done right and you'll engage your visitors and encourage them to learn more about your product or service. Ultimately leading to higher conversion rates. Done wrong and you'll turn those same visitors away and miss out entirely. I've put together a comprehensive guide on hero images as a reference point for my clients and the wider community. Click the link for tips on how to can create high converting hero images and how to analyse and test you own hero images. Including more on - The benefits of a hero image Hero image best practices Hero image optimisation Hero image testing and tracking and more. https://matthewbushen.com/hero-image-how-to-use-one-effectively Read more...
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You've got 0.05 seconds to make a good first impression. How do you achieve this on your website? You create the perfect hero image. When I mention the use of hero images to a client, more often than not I'm asked "what's that?" https://matthewbushen.com/hero-image-how-to-use-one-effectively Your hero image is the very first element your visitor will see on your website. It should immediately send a bold statement to your visitor, grab their attention and influence their decision making early on in the customer journey. Done right and you'll engage your visitors and encourage them to learn more about your product or service. Ultimately leading to higher conversion rates. Done wrong and you'll turn those same visitors away and miss out entirely. I've put together a comprehensive guide on hero images as a reference point for my clients and the wider community. Click the link for tips on how to can create high converting hero images and how to analyse and test you own hero images. Including more on - The benefits of a hero image Hero image best practices Hero image optimisation Hero image testing and tracking and more. https://matthewbushen.com/hero-image-how-to-use-one-effectively Read more...
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Website Homepage : What To Include. Your Homepage will set the first impressions for many visitors to your website. Yet so many businesses fail to use this vital page to its full potential. Let's make first impressions count! The problem with creating a Homepage -Your Homepage must wear many different hats. Rather than focusing on one CTA or goal it must provide easy navigation to multiple destinations and still convey trust and professionalism with a clear message and focus. This is another addition in my series deigned to provide further guidance to my clients on content ideas during our website builds. Let's break down your Homepage into the many sections that will add value to your site and increase your conversation rates.
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I'm still coming across #unsecured business websites on a daily basis. In many cases SSLs are provided free by your #hosting company. Benefits include - - Securing customer Data - Higher search rankings (more traffic) - Complying with the law - Customer Trust (higher sales / enquires) learn more about the benefits of #SSL and how to check your #websites current security status.
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"About Me/Us" How To: First in Series. "My mind just goes blank" - "Its not what I'm used to" - "I don't have the time" These are statements I hear my web design clients saying all of the time. That's why I've decided to write a series of free educational articles that breaks down how to write your website Bio, services, product info etc into neat little chunks. This is an ongoing effort of mine to provide clients with a clear, focused, time efficient way to create informative and converting websites with me. whether you're my client or not I'm sure this will help you create or revamp your own "About Me" page. So checkout the article, ask me any questions you have or tell me where you think improvements can be made. As always, I'm here to help.
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How valuable is your website and the data associated with it? How much emphasis do you put on #websitesecurity ? Get the very best in security for your #website without the fuss. We're now offering Security hardening for your website build. Or, we can retrofit this into your current WordPress website. Offering features such as #2-FA, protection against brute force attacks, anti-crawler targeting and more. Learn more about about the new features and how they compliment our server security at our blog.
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** Top 15% of 702K participants ** A great way to end the week on my favourite topic. Now to squeeze that extra 14%
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*Another website completed* We're pleased to announce the new website For Mepco Mouldings Ltd has gone live. See the before and after images here - https://matthewbushen.com/mepco-mouldings-ltd-design-and-development-of-website #webdesign #greatclients
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Since 2004 social media usage has been growing exponentially. 70% of UK adults have at least one social media account and on average we spend 49 minutes a day on social media. As far as marketing is concerned, 71% of consumers who have had a positive experience with a brand on social media, would recommend that brand to a friend or family member. Plus, 54% of social browsers (people who peruse social media but don't post anything themselves) use social media to research products before they purchase. When surveyed, 73% of businesses that have used social media as a marketing tool, said that it was either 'somewhat effective' or 'very effective'. Regular posting to social media has become a metric of how trustworthy a company is. Has your business unlocked the full potential of social media marketing? #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #community #socialnetwork Statistics from Finder 2020 and Oberlo 2020.
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As our series on website productivity continues, we look at how job boards can help with screening and managing job applications. A job board is a tool used by employers to advertise open positions to job seekers. They are commonly used by recruitment agencies but can be just as effective if a company wishes to advertise their own vacancies on their own website. Benefits for employers: 1. Streamline the hiring process. 2. Advertise to a wide audience. 3. Get the right level of candidate. 4. Separate email listings for each opening. 5. Share job openings on social media. Benefits for recruitment agencies: 1. List and filter job and company information. 2. Employers can post openings from the website’s front end. 3. Jobs are listed in a uniform way that is easy for job seekers to understand. 4. Applications are sent directly to the employer. For employers, employees and recruitment agencies alike, job boards offer efficiency. Employers can advertise and filter applications based on certain criteria. Employees can view hundreds of jobs and don’t need to retype the same information repeatedly. Recruitment agencies can connect both parties whilst maintaining control over listings on their site. #jobapplications #jobboard #recruitmentagency #hiringprocess
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With the recruitment process being so costly and job seekers being increasingly eager to apply for jobs via their mobile phones, developers are coming up with new ways to streamline all aspects of the process. JOB BOARDS can be integrated into a website to provide the first point of contact between an employer and a job seeker. There are advantages to employers, employees and recruitment agencies alike. Employers can advertise and filter applications based on certain criteria. Employees can view hundreds of jobs and don’t need to retype the same information repeatedly. Recruitment agencies can connect both parties whilst maintaining control over listings on their site. Check out our full article for more information on how WordPress can help with the recruitment process. https://matthewbushen.com/why-wordpress-is-the-number-one-choice-for-recruitment-agencies/ #jobseekers #recruitment #recruitmentagency #costperhire
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This week’s tip for website security is related to BACKUPS. A common thought about backups is, “It’s probably fine, I’ll back it up tomorrow.” As an experienced web developer I am telling you, don’t put it off, don’t wait until tomorrow. Here are some situations in which a backup is either required or is the fastest way to fix your website: 1. HUMAN ERROR: Imagine you delete an important file, or make a change that upsets other functionalities of your site. 2. MALWARE: Trying to clean your system of a malware attack is particularly tricky, so restoring your site to a time before the attack is usually the simplest option. 3. HACKERS: It’s an unhappy fact that no website is 100% infallible. If police and government websites can be hacked, then, unfortunately, yours can too. 4. UPDATES: Though updates are an essential component of a smooth-running website, it’s not uncommon for them to go wrong. It’s nice to rewind the clock in these situations. It always pays to been prepared for the worst-case scenario. Regularly save FULL-SITE BACKUPS to a remote location to ensure you’re ready for any eventuality. All our hosted accounts have a minimum 7 day rolling backup. Automatic and restored with the click of a button. #webdeveloper #security #backup
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Your logo is the core of your brand’s identity and the foundation for your branding strategy. So, seen as this one element is the beating heart of your entire brand image, why not animate it? This article explains what an animated logo is, the benefits it can have on brand recognition and offers ideas on how an animated logo can be used. #identity #brandidentity #animatedlogo #brandingstrategy
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It takes 0.05 seconds for users to form an opinion about your website. First impressions are 94% design-related; users rarely explore further than the homepage if they do not like an aspect of the design. 15 seconds is the average time people spend on a website; this is the time you have to grab someone's attention and persuade them to click further through your pages. Always make sure that your design reflects your customer's expectations of your brand or company. #webdesign #design #firstimpressions #expectations
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With the pandemic allowing more and more of us to work from home, we all need to remember the importance of maintaining a good work-life balance. Always remember to: Switch off; set yourself an amount of time each day to unwind and relax, without checking your work emails or messages. Take care of your health; physical, emotional, and mental health should be your priority. You're not going to earn that promotion or win that contract if you burnout. Set boundaries and working hours; ensure you set specific working hours and stick to them. Use your non-working time to connect with family, engage in hobbies, and sleep! There's no universal work-life schedule that suits everyone. Set yourself a realistic schedule that you can stick to and take care of yourself. #mentalhealth #takecare #worklife #worklifebalance
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