matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
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Madison Beer
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
“Double trouble again? I don’t know if I’ll be able to survive that again” he laughed, head shaking as he raised his glass to his lips. Alfie let his eyes linger on Scarlett for a bit while she paid for her drink, memories of the time they had spent together were flooding through his mind at the sight of her. “Thank you darling, it really has ever since I moved here if I’m being completely honest with you” and that was simply the truth, he had friends he adored, a woman in his life he could feel himself liking more and more every day and on top of it all, he had landed his dream job at half the age he had expected to—the past couple months had been good to him. “What about you, you said you were back in England yea? How’s the family—how’s noel? I heard she’s star of the football team now” 
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“You survived last time. A few bite and claw marks here and there but you still survived!” Scarlett joked. “Good, I like to hear that. I’d hate for you to be not happy.” She told him. She had no bad blood whatsoever with Alfie so she really did wish him the very best. “Yeah, a little visit back home. Mum and dad are just as busy as they always have been.” Scarlett answered. “Of course she is. There’s no where Noel wasn’t going to be the stand out star on the team. She’s amazing at what she does. Always has been.”
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
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        “ Of course, I could use some company ” Skylar said with a smile on her lips. “ What’s wrong? ”
“I wouldn’t say anything was wrong, just a lot of travelling stress.” Scarlett explained. “And the jet lag. Oh god the jet lag!”
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
“Some of them are okay… but most of them are just stupid,” she agreed, shaking her head with an eye roll. “Let’s hope they keep improving with every generation. It’s the only real faith we can have in them, I guess.”
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“Cheers to that.” She raised her glass in Inez’s direction. “Let’s hope the decent ones right now are the only ones who breed - though I think that’s an unrealistic expectation.”
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
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        “ count me in for tonight . my life’s been so boring lately i’ll take any form of excitement . ”  her eyes roll dramatically , lifting a hand to push a strand of hair behind her ear .  “ she’s amazing !  literally could never be me … i don’t like running . ”  her nose wrinkles up just at the thought . cel was much more of a sit there and look pretty type of person .  “ she just missed you . i missed you too , by the way !  i should’ve jetted off to england with you . i’m sure my dad would’ve been thrilled . honestly , i’m just so ready for winter break . this semester has not been it . ”
“Whenever I think of you, I could never imagine you having a boring moment. I’m in shock!” Scarlett pulled a shocked face. “Me neither. I much prefer dancing. It feels more free than just running.” She agreed. “You know you’re always more than welcome to join me next time I go to England. Though I’m glad I knew I had you here to keep an eye on Noel for me.” Scarlett liked knowing that Noel was okay. “Yeah, that’s why I needed the break. This semester was killing me.”
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
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            Venus’ hand moved to rest on the brunette’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze as if she wordlessly told her she was there for her. “ What happened today? ”
“Plane got delayed for two hours. Two hours, Venus!” Scarlett huffed. “Then the taxi driver was a total creep about my accent that I really considered asking him to drop me off on the middle of a busy road. It’s just been a lot of stress.”
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
Scarlett turned up and instantly was hit with the rambling about how much food they had. She let her talk but when she was done, she hugged her. “Hi to you too.” She laughed. “The food sounds so so good. I can’t wait for this - though now I wish I skipped lunch if I knew there would this much.” She joked. She took her food and fork and went back to the couch. “Really? You didn’t even have one away while you were studying elsewhere?” She asked, a little guilty she didn’t even know. “I’ll still be here for our birthday so no need for a breakdown. I’m enough for all of us.”
closed starter — @matthews-scarlett​
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noel had more or less demanded that scarlett come over tonight, with the two of their birthdays approaching in only a few short days she was feeling the need for her twin growing stronger with each passing minute. “alright i might have gone a bit overboard” she said, grunting as she lifted the bag of takeout onto the table that she had just gotten from the delivery man that had just left her front door. “i got a lot of vegetable stir fry…and a lot of lo mein—god never put me in charge of ordering anything ever again” she said, taking out the boxes from the bag and laughing as she marveled at all the boxes lined up next to each other. “well, at least i’ll have leftover for a few days” she walked over to the other side of the counter and got two forks, extending one out to her sister before taking one of the boxes for herself and soon after flopping down onto the couch. “i can’t believe our birthday’s on saturday —it’s my first one away from mum and dad, i’ll be surprised if i don’t have a mental breakdown”
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
“Madison, if I try and smile anymore, my cheeks are going to fall off.” Scarlett told her with a laugh, still trying to hold the pose.
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  “ Smile! ” the click of the camera signals that she’s taking picture after picture. “ Can you please smile more? ” \ @matthews-scarlett​​
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
“ah, that’s the worst. it messes with your whole schedule.” she affirmed with a nod, settling down beside scarlett officially, smiling at the bartender who automatically brought her, her usual order. selin was a frequent visitor and a big tipper, which meant she got treated like royalty here. “are you insanely jetlagged? well here, your round of drinks are on me tonight. you deserve a little break.”
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“I feel more like my day has been wasted than anything else.” Scarlett complained. She wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth when it came to free drinks so she happily accepted. “You’re an angel!” She replied, accepting the offer. “How’s your day been? Hopefully a hell of a lot better than mine.”
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
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Skylar was never rude to anyone, it’s something she simply couldn’t do. “ Thank god I will not be in one of those ” she chuckled softly. “ Oh, thank you ” she said as her cheeks burned red. “ I mean I’m here with Ollie and Céline but I lost them ” she informed. “ Are you here by yourself? ”
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“No problem.” The brunette said. “I’ll keep an eye out for them but until then, want to hang out with me so you’re not on your own?” She offered to Skylar. “I am. I just needed to a drink after today.”
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
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𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
Past Paragraph. Scarlett and Killian plan to spend New Years Eve together and see in the new year together. Despite a promise, Scarlett is left disappointed with bottles of champagne for company. An argument ensues.
* Trigger Warnings: Abuse, Abusive Relationship, Alcohol *
The warm sunlight glowing on her skin as her eyes fluttered open. She couldn’t recall Killian coming back home last night, let alone what time it was. Suppose that is the downside to being in a relationship with a man who owns a nightclub empire. A lot of late nights. At least he still came home which was evident by the arm around her smaller frame. Scarlett shuffled in his hold a little to stir him awake enough to let her out of his hold so she could get up and start her day. It definitely woke him up though. A swift movement led to him on top of her after a few sweeter kisses on her shoulder. “Well good morning.” Scarlett sweetly greeted with a giggle in her voice and a light kiss on his lips. “And where do you think you’re going?” Killian smirked down at her. “I was going to take a shower if you wanted to join me?” She suggested as her hand moved up to play with the chain around his neck. “I could be convinced.” He told her, leaning down to kiss at her neck. Scarlett bit her lip nervously before speaking again.
Scarlett had spent her previous night considering how to bring up the topic of New Years. Although she loved the atmosphere of going to one of his clubs on New Years like they had done the previous year, it seemed lately that Killian had been fairly absent at home and Scarlett missed him. “Could I convince you of something else too?” She asked. Killian didn’t respond for a couple of seconds at least as he continued to kiss her skin. “Go on.” Was all he muttered as he continued on. “Well, I’ve just not seen you properly in a week and with it being New Years tonight... I was hoping we could, maybe, spend it here. Just us. No loud music and other people. I know it’s last minute but I’ve missed you.” Scarlett could feel herself rambling. Killian groaned a little and rolled off of her on to his back. “I’m here giving you attention right now and you’re telling me I’m not giving you enough attention?” He complained. “That’s not the same and you know it. I want to spend time with you instead of being here with only the house staff or hanging around at Babylon with hundreds of other people. There’s never any time to be just us, you know.” She explained, trying not to sound too frustrated. “I’m here during the day.” He told her. “You’re asleep during the day.” She corrected him very quickly. Scarlett let out a sigh and climbed on top of him, cuddling in to him. “Just one night. That’s all I’m asking for here. Please?”  
Killian let out a sigh. “Fine but only because you look so good when you say please.” He put his hand on her left cheek and brushed his thumb over her jawline. “Really? You promise we can have tonight?” She smiled excitedly, like a child at Christmas. “I promise. We’ll make it a night to remember.” He promised with a kiss to seal it. “You can even take my card today and get yourself a new dress - something red - and some champagne. Expensive stuff not the cheap shit we give our clientele.” He told her. His hands moved down her sides and to her legs, hoisting her back to straddle him so he could sit up. “Now what was that about a shower?” Without a second thought, he slid to the edge of the bed to stand up and carry Scarlett to the bathroom
A day of shopping on her own, Scarlett returned back to the house and seemingly as she walked through the door, she heard the familiar ping of her phone with a new message. A message from Killian. ‘Club Emergency. I’ll be back at 6 latest then I’m all yours.’ At least he would still be here. Scarlett got herself ready for the evening. A long red dress like he had requested with rubies on her neck. Her hair curled. Her makeup perfect. Everything was setting up to be a perfect evening until 6 o’clock came and went. No sign of Killian. He said there had been an emergency so for grace of whatever the situation was, she waited an hour before trying to call him. No answer but a text message ten minutes later. ‘I’m setting off now, order us some food in’ Okay he was on his way; the club is only a twenty minute drive away with maybe a little New Years traffic... he should be home within thirty minutes. Scarlett ordered the Chinese food and sat waiting. The Chinese food came an hour later and still no sign of Killian. If the Chinese food could make it, so could he, right? He can’t possibly be too much longer. Maybe a text to let him know the food was here? Scarlett sent the text and felt like she was just watching the food get colder and colder. Hell, she was sure she could see the steam disappearing as time went on. Check her phone. No response. Maybe something happened? Maybe he was in an accident? Ping! ‘Lot of traffic, I’m six minutes away’ Phew! Nothing to worry about. Scarlett put the food in the microwave to heat it back up and sat back at the table, finally pouring them both a glass of champagne. Yet, Killian still wasn’t walking through the door. It was now three hours until midnight and her night that was supposed to be something to remember was turning in to a disaster. She’d eaten her food with Killian’s plate still full opposite her; mocking her. How could I be so stupid to think he’d actually be here? 
The glasses of champagne kept rolling down her tongue as the night wore on. Midnight had come and gone with no kiss. Killian hadn’t text again but his friend’s social media sure had been active. Clips of their friends at the club and who was that that they had their arm around? Killian. Who were they having shots with? Killian. Scarlett was beyond angry now and the only way to fill her anger? Alcohol. She’d seen the hour on the clock switch to one and then to two. Everything felt hazy but she was pretty pissed and she wasn’t going to let herself go to sleep until Killian came home. The brunette’s head turned when she heard the door go. He wasn’t even trying to sneak in by how loud he slammed the door. A little more champagne down the throat before Killian walked in to the dining room to where Scarlett was sat. “Happy New Year to my same old piece of shit boyfriend. Hope you had a fantastic fucking night!” She said in the most sarcastic voice, staying sat down. Killian glared at her. “You look like a mess.” He muttered as he grabbed the glass of champagne she’d set for him many hours earlier. “What was that? I’m sorry. I can’t hear you over the bullshit you keep giving me. I’m six minutes away. From what? Getting drunk with our friends? Because clearly it wasn’t from me.” Scarlett snapped. Killian swilled the champagne in his mouth before swallowing it and putting the glass down on the wooden table. “This is flat. I told you not to get the cheap stuff.” He commented. “It’s flat because I set it out for you six hours ago! Two hours after you said you’d be home to begin with!” She argued. Killian grabbed the plate of food from the table and started to walk to the kitchen. “You’re not even going to apologise?” Scarlett questioned as he walked past her to go to the kitchen but was seemingly getting no answer. Scarlett scoffed as the kitchen door closed and sat back down, drinking straight from the bottle.
Fifteen minutes later, Killian came back in to the dining room behind Scarlett, putting his hands on her shoulders. “Come on, let’s go to bed.” He told her - although his voice was disguised as something nicer, there was still a hint of a command in there. “I’m sorry, I don’t share my bed with selfish cunts.” She snarked back. This quickly prompted his hand to snap up so his fingers holding either side of her cheek to make her look up at him. “Pretty girls shouldn’t say ugly words like that.” He told her in a harsh tone. Scarlett just looked up at him, not saying anything until he finally let go. “They also shouldn’t drink that much.” He nodded to the four champagne bottles on the table in front of her. Killian let go of her entirely and walked to the door that would lead back to the main hallway. “Come on. I’ll cheer you up.” Killian pushed open the door. Scarlett felt her blood boil and stood up before grabbing the half full bottle of champagne in front of her and taking another sip. “Scarlett. Ladies don’t drink from the bottle. You know that.” Killian closed the door. “Fuck you, Killian.” She walked in to the kitchen away from him. 
From behind, she heard the door slam open. “Are you going to say sorry for speaking to me like that?” Killian asked. “Are you going to say sorry for standing me up all night?” She asked in return. Scarlett turned around to see him slowly walking closer to her. “Scarlett...” His tone was something a lot darker than she was used to - though she wasn’t sure if that was just in her drunken haze. “You want me to stop drinking? Sure.” Her fingers tightened around the neck of the champagne bottle before throwing it against the wall. “Fuck your ‘I’ll cheer you up’. Fuck your snide little comments. Fuck you for standing me up. Fuck you.” Scarlett felt like she was screaming until he stopped in front of her, looking down at her. “I suggest you say sorry right now before something happens that we both regret.” His hands stayed at either side of her, resting on the counter and blocking her in. Scarlett could feel her chest raising with each breath. Her heart was pounding in her chest. His hand shot up to grip at her cheeks again but this time much tighter of a grip than what he had used to make her look at him previously. “Sorry.” She said quickly. His grip softened and let his hand rest on her left cheek, brushing his thumb on her jawline. “There’s my good girl.” Killian spoke in a soft voice, kissing her lips. “Now is my good girl going to clean up all that broken glass?” He questioned but even Scarlett could hear the command in his voice. Silently, she grabbed a tea towel from the counter and walked over to the corner where she had thrown the champagne bottle. Carefully and focusing as hard as possible through her hazed view of the world right now, she moved the shards in to the tea towel. “I’ll see you upstairs when you’re done.”
Scarlett barely remembered crying while she was cleaning up the mess she made. It was only when she felt her cheeks after that she felt how wet they were. Quietly, she made her way up to the bedroom where Killian was. She slipped out of her dress and crawled in to the bed. His arm wrapped around her with her head nestled in his chest. “You know I don’t like getting angry at you.” He told her. “I love you.” He barely whispered before kissing her forehead and going back to sleep. 
“I love you too...”
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
“Thanks,” Inez said, sitting down next to the woman once she’d confirmed it was okay. Her nose went up at the experience she’d had in the taxi on her way here. “Why are men so disgusting? The bar is literally on the floor for them and they still can’t reach it.”
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A genuine smile crossed her face at Inez saying the bar for men to reach was so low. “Men don’t fail to disappoint sometimes.” A chuckle vibrated in her throat in her words. “Maybe one day they’ll learn. Maybe. Probably not in our lifetime though.”
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
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          “ i figured . don’t worry about it . ”  cel assures , gentle smile gracing her features , waving her hand in dismissal .  “ ugh , i felt the same way coming back from my birthday trip . i brought out the prosecco before i even bothered to look at my suitcases . ”  she nods ,  “ honestly , not much . nothing on my radar , at least . noel’s been good  —  i think you’ve ought to go to one of her soccer games sometime soon , she seemed sad you weren’t there . that’s gotta be , like , twin thing , no ? ”
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“Prosecco. We should get a bottle of prosecco some time soon - even tonight if you’re not too busy.” Scarlett knew she’d got distracted from what Celine was saying to her. “Unpacking seems like too much effort sometimes.” She did go back to the topic though. “I’ll definitely be back at her next game. I love watching her kick arse.” The brunette femme assured her. “I hope she wasn’t too sad. She knew I was back in England for a couple of weeks.”
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matthews-scarlett ¡ 3 years
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          Skylar didn’t know what was she doing at the bar, yes she had followed Ollie and Céline there. They had walked away a couple of minutes ago, and for sure she wasn’t going to go to the dance floor, just because she knew she would end up getting anxious. “ Oh, I would never do that ” she said looking at the brunette. “ Why would someone do that? ”
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Scarlett couldn’t help but scoff when Sky question who would do that. “You would be in for a rude wake up call.” She informed her based on her own day. It took her a few extra seconds to finally untense her shoulders and relax. “You look really good tonight, Sky. Are you out for drinks with people?”
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