mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
“Well, the rain had stopped but the pain was still there.”
— Charles Bukowski
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mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
“work hard for what you want in life and keep that fight - you have to be strong and know that you can do anything you put your mind to; just keep believing in yourself, keep trying, and keep pushing. you can do it.”
— Unknown
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mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
Stop attacking the past versions of you. They were doing their best at the time and they got you here. It’s amazing how much progress you’ve made and how much you’ve grown but please don’t think your past self lacked worth in any way.
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mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
“Breathe. You’re going to be okay. Breathe and remember that you’ve been in this place before. You’ve been this uncomfortable and anxious and scared, and you’ve survived. Breathe and know that you can survive this too. These feelings can’t break you. They’re painful and debilitating, but you can sit with them and eventually, they will pass. Maybe not immediately, but sometime soon, they are going to fade and when they do, you’ll look back at this moment and laugh for having doubted your resilience. I know it feels unbearable right now, but keep breathing, again and again. This will pass. I promise it will pass.”
— Daniell Koepke
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mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.”
— Nora Roberts
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mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
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mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
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mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
“How many young women have I watched weep their days away over disinterested men? To all of them, I want to say, Look up. Get a life, because he has.”
— Cammie McGovern
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mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
“A careful inventory of all your past experiences may disclose the startling fact that everything has happened for the best.”
— Unknown
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mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
“Life is a challenge. Realize that and work, every day, to rise up and meet it.”
— Denise Austin
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mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
“growth isn’t always constant. relapses happen. it doesn’t erase all your success.”
— Unknown
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mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
“Even now, as broken as you may feel, you are still so strong. There’s something to be said for how you hold yourself together and keep moving, even though you feel like shattering. Don’t stop. This is your healing. It doesn’t have to be pretty, or graceful. You just have to keep going.”
— Maxwell Diawuoh
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mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
“Shout out to everybody who’s trying to get their life together. Working on yourself is the hardest part of life. The rest comes after.”
— Unknown
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mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
“Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.”
— Marie Curie
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mattrodriguezmylife · 2 years
“You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.”
— Mandy Hale
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mattrodriguezmylife · 3 years
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mattrodriguezmylife · 3 years
Just finished Heaven's Secret the ending was bittersweet, Geralt, Rebecca, Lucifer survived in my playthrough. I legit cried when Mimi passed away. Malbonte should've gotten another chance at living 😭
The ending scene with Lucifer was really beautiful but I would've loved if we saw a glimpse of their future together, something a little domestic would've melted me.
The poem in the end about the two brothers was really touching.
All in all it was one hell of a ride, everyone should read it once!
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