mattyhollands · 6 years
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by clicking HERE you will be redirected to approximately #693 gif icons of SKEET ULRICH; best known for his role in Riverdale. all gif icons are 80x80, and not all of these gifs were orginally created by me but i simply cropped, resized, recoloured and added a texture to all of them. there might be some repeats.
— PLEASE BEWARE if death, the indication of murder and / or violence triggers you.
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mattyhollands · 6 years
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           “oh, what, you smoke now? or am i really just that oblivious?” he laughs a little and then sticks the cigarette between his teeth and reaches inside of his jacket for his pack of parliaments. “the fuck are you going to the memorial for, anyway? didn’t mia hate you.” he points out, cigarette bouncing against his lips while he speaks as he passes one her way. slipping his pack away and retrieving his lighter instead, he holds it out towards her and flicks it to life to help light hers, snagging the cigarette from his lips with his free hand before going on to say: “if i remember correctly she was even more fucked up to you than i was.” 
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          “you act like you knew a thing about me in the first place.” matty’s words are filled with mischief, her smile with grit. she takes the cigarette from him and places it between her lips, fishing through her bag for a lighter. finally she pulls out the dark grey lighter at the bottom of her bag, her so called good luck charm, lighting the thing and blowing her own smoke his way. “i’m not fuckin’ heartless. it’s-- it’s a sad thing.” she kicks at a rock on the ground, glancing up at him with a smirk. “trust me, you were a walk in the fucking part.”
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mattyhollands · 6 years
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Natalia Dyer for Lady Gunn Magazine
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mattyhollands · 6 years
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         matty peers at maron-- she can tell, despite every instinct telling her otherwise, that the blonde’s words are genuine. she even manages a small little smile, nodding her head with a shrug of her shoulders. “you were the least of my problems in high school, honestly. i mean, yeah, you weren’t always nice-- but no one was.” she laughs a little bit and rolls her eyes. “i forgive you. for whatever it is you’re apologizing for.”
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“listen     ” a heavy sigh escaped maron’s lip. “i’m not really good at this kind of stuff, so bare with me. with basically everyone back home for the memorial, i’ve tried to make it my goal to make amends with everyone. i’ve had a lot of time to reflect on my past decisions and i realized life’s too short to be such a bitch, y’know?      i don’t remember all the shitty things done but i’ve either screwed you or screwed you over, so..” she shrugged, “i guess what i’m trying to say is i’m sorry. i’m not the maron i was a year ago.”
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mattyhollands · 6 years
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mattyhollands · 6 years
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         “trust me, i’m not stoked on it.” matty crosses her arms over her chest, jaw setting slightly. she’s eyeing him carefully, trying to decide if she’s annoyed to see him, or relieved that someone else is just as over this whole thing as she is. she rolls her eyes as smoke hits her face, saying, “if you’re gonna blow smoke in my direction, at least offer me one.” she purses her lips slightly, shrugging. “yeah, well. guess that’s what happens when mass tragedy strikes.”
{ open starter }
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         “kinda surprised to see you around here.” casper grumbles, kicking his sneaker against the concrete. he can’t really remember the last time they’ve spoken – he was probably drunk one time at a party, but he can’t say he’s too excited about their return. to be fair, though, cas isn’t a fan of anyone, really. cigarette in hand, he exhales the smoke in their direction, blatantly being an ass, and flashes the other a pretend smile. “back for the memorial? not surprised. from what i’ve seen, the town is flooded with people from high school right now.”
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mattyhollands · 6 years
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         matty can’t help but be surprised when she realizes that her parents kept her pottery room still in tact-- all of their bedrooms had long ago been turned into something new. mimi’s room worked as her father’s makeshift man cave. mars room was their mother’s craft room. matty’s bedroom was now the guest bedroom, an all too generic white comforter now covering her bed, where once there was a mismatched quilt her grandmother had made for her. but matty’s little corner of the house, the room with her pottery wheel, still stood for her to enjoy whenever she visited. it wasn’t often, admittedly, but she couldn’t help but feel like it was the one thing in cape charles keeping her sane. she’s home alone, everyone else out attending to their own business, when she hears a knock on her door. hands covered in half dry, half wet clay, she makes her way out to the foyer, opening the door and leaning against the door frame. “haven’t seen you in a minute,” she says, messy brown strands of hair falling from her ponytail and into her eyes. “no one’s home, if you’re looking for anyone. just me. hate to disappoint.”
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mattyhollands · 6 years
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        the only thing that’s going to get matty through this trip is a big cup of black coffee, and she knows that for a fact. being back home isn’t exactly at the top of her things she’s excited for-- neither is attending mia’s memorial service. but she’d practically be crucified if she didn’t return home for the spectacle; she’s sure everyone who’d lived there for as long as mia was alive was going to be in attendance. she’s walking with purpose towards the coffee shop from her beat up truck, glancing down at her phone as she feels a jolt-- when she looks up, feelings the hot coffee on her feet, she can’t help but grit her teeth as she sees who it is. “you have gotta be fucking kidding me is right,” she rolls her eyes, taking a step back. “watch where you’re fuckin’ going, coleman.”
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        being a rookie blue he often times found himself picking up odd chores in hopes of pleasing the folks higher up, in seek of a faster climb to the top. you see, dallas is a fan of the phrase ‘don’t work hard, work smart’ and that’s something he’s implemented in his life throughout the years, but specially since he decided to dedicate himself to the force. he knows for a fact the good guy never wins, so he has to be better, do better, than any of his same level colleagues. paying for the coffees he’d been waiting out on, the male gives the barista a dry smile before picking up the very specific orders he’s grown to memorize, hastily making his way out the door. it’s with this same rush and cursory disregard that he ends up bumping into someone, or from his point of view, that someone runs into him, their shoulders colliding in such a way that leads him to drop the freshly powered cups of hot liquid. “you have gotta’ be fucking kidding me!” 
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mattyhollands · 6 years
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       hi friends ! your fun pal del here, back with another muse that’s literally my child ! but REALLY i’m so excited to be here and so excited to get plotting with y’all !! under the cut you’ll find a little bit more about my sweet baby matty :))
[ delaney, pst, she/her ] did you know they were mia’s [ subject of bullying ] ? right, i can’t believe it either ! [ matty holland ] grew up in cape charles too ! the [ 21 ] year old is returning for the memorial service and is feeling very [ lackluster ] about it. maybe it’s because [ matty was blackmailing mia when she disappeared ] ! bet they wouldn’t want that to get out, now would they ? they used to be known for being [ aggressive ] back in the day, wonder if they still are ! [ natalia dyer ]
matty grew up with two parents who love each other more than life, her older sister mimi, and her twin brother mars! they never really had very much money, the holland’s, but it didn’t matter. they were happy.
matty and mars have always been ridiculously close (and tbh i’m likely going to bring mars) and that all has to do with something that happened to mars when he was young.
mars told matty that he witnessed his best friend be taken by something in the woods-- and all he would tell her was that whatever it was, it wasn’t human. matty is the only person in town who hasn’t doubted him, cast him off as crazy, or patronized him-- matty has always believed him, even though some might describe her as a cynic typically.
this resulted in matty oftentimes defending mars, and because of that, it trickled down to where she would be picked on.
but no one picked on her more than mia herself. it was like matty couldn’t escape her torment, the curse of being one of the crazy holland twins-- a concept that no one perpetuated more than mia.
with thick skin and rolling eyes, mia’s words never affected matty, though it did simply make life that much harder for her.
matty will never admit it, but secretly, she wanted her revenge on mia, too. she wanted mia to hurt the way that she had hurt matty and mars-- and how’d she do that? she was blackmailing mia to leave her and her family alone up until the day she disappeared. she’d been so fed up, she found whatever she could on mia to get her to bend to her will-- and now, with her disappearance, she’s hoping that her scheming doesn’t get revealed. all she wanted was peace from her torment.
matty is tough as nails and can chew you up and spit you out-- she’s not afraid to throw a punch, and she’s definitely thrown a couple in her time.
she’s incredibly loyal; if she cares about you, you have someone who’s going to defend you with her dying breath. this can be seen through her family and any of her close friends.
this girl’s not afraid of anything. she’s the first one to walk into a dark room, investigate something spooky, lead the group. life with fear isn’t a life she wants to live, she always says.
aggressive is one way to put it. she’s not afraid to speak her mind, even when speaking her mind can get her into quite a bit of trouble.
she’s street smart-- you couldn’t pay her to try and do math, but she knows what she’s doing when it comes to people.
she doesn’t live too far off now, just a few towns over-- she works as a mechanic, finding that she’s happiest when she’s working with her hands on a car.
she’s nervous to return. when she left, she just about picked up and ran off, leaving almost everyone and everything behind-- she stayed in contact with few.
W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S
an ex best friend ! someone who matty was friends with up until the day she moved, causing tension between the two
an ex boyfriend ! someone who matty truly did love, maybe someone matty believes she’ll always be in love with? something romantic and sad yes pls !
an enemy ! one of mia’s friends, a sworn nemesis, if you will
a hookup ! someone matty was seeing in high school, but he didn’t want anyone to know bc of who matty was and how people in high school didn’t like her
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mattyhollands · 6 years
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“You’re pretending like everything is okay. You know, like we didn’t… like we didn’t kill Barb. Like, it’s great,  like we’re in love and we’re partying. Yeah let’s party, huh? Party, we’re partying. This is bullshit.”
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