maudlxne · 3 years
// sorry I haven’t been around as much. Life has been pretty slammed! It’s my birthday in three days so I have some time off to write things!
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maudlxne · 3 years
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// getting to COSPLAY my G O RL
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maudlxne · 3 years
                                 @ramenthings​ | Liked for a HINATA kiss 
      In a way it was kind of FUNNY. How years ago- when she was just a young girl she would have been running away from him. Far too SHY and AFRAID to get near him. Even if she ever so desperately had wanted to get close to him. Guess time changes everything, doesn't it? 
      Now- she was a lot different. Far more CONFIDENT in herself and the path she chose to walk. Her goals in life had changed as well. No longer was she trying to RUN after him in hopes he would notice her in some way. Instead she sought to walk side by side with not just HIM but all the other’s she’s grown to call FRIENDS. FAMILY. To support them- his dream and all of theirs. 
                                                       ❝ NARUTO-KUN . . . ❞
       His name was soft from her lips. LAVANDER turning to meet BRIGHT BLUE eyes. 
         ❝ I wanted. . . to THANK YOU. For everything. Because of you. . .I’ve pushed myself to be be better. Not just for what you have done for me- but for everyone else. You’ve always been there- trying your hardest. Even when nobody paid attention. I- admire you for that. Which is why, I’m going to be here cheering you on. When you make your dream come true I’ll be sure to cheer just as loudly- so do your best, NARUTO-KUN! ❞
         PETAL colored lips quirked into a smile- still TIMID by nature but tempered by all life has already thrown at her. Yet she wanted to show she truly MEANT IT. That she will be there to cheer on her FRIEND till the very end. 
        It was then she did something STUPID. Her lips pressing a soft chaste kiss to his cheek only to REALIZE soon after what she had done. Perhaps it was the surge of emotions - a momentary laps of judgement. But she still did it. Face turning a deep crimson as the confident attitude from before quickly CRUMBLED AWAY. 
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                     ❝ I- I’m so SORRY! I don’t know why- I. . . Why I even did that! ❞
       Barely able to get out her words before hiding her face in her hands. WHY WAS SHE LIKE THIS?! Why NOW? She thought she was over that silly school girl crush- and now? Now she felt like she could pass out on the spot. 
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maudlxne · 3 years
                           @heroicstm​ liked for a HINATA SMOOCH | SASUKE
      Soft petal pink lips landed against the other’s forehead. Pale hands BRIEFLY brushing aside DARK LOCKS. While the affection didn’t last long- she allowed for the soft affection to LINGER for several seconds before leaning back. 
       PALE LAVANDER met DARKER HUES briefly as she stepped away- hand being drawn close to her face. Ah- how was she going to explain that? 
       Embarrassment quickly set in- her own place features turning that signature deep PINK. She didn’t want him to get the wrong idea- or insult him. Especially considering how SUDDEN the affection had occurred. 
                                                       ❝ S-SASUKE-KUN . . . I ❞
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       Oh goodness where does she even start? 
                               ❝ I-I’m sorry. . . you just. . . looked like you needed a distraction. ❞
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maudlxne · 3 years
Friendly reminders that:
If you don't have the time to make fancy icons, that's ok
If you don't have the time to make fancy promos or headers, that's ok
If you don't have the money to commission graphics, that's ok
If you don't have the time to give your replies fancy formatting, that's ok
If you don't have a complex and intricately-coded tumblr theme, that's ok
If your info pages aren't made using aesthetic google doc templates or carrds, that's ok
If you rp from mobile only, and can't use the desktop features, that's ok
If you can't write replies every day, that's ok
If you can't answer asks quickly, that's ok
If you can't answer im's every day, that's ok
If you can't be online every day, that's ok
If you rp on your blog, you're an rper. You're doing your best. Let elitism in the rpc die.
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maudlxne · 3 years
// Screw it. Like this post for a smooch from Hinata. Both platonic or romantic. Mostly platonic.
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maudlxne · 3 years
// Screw it. Like this post for a smooch from Hinata. Both platonic or romantic. Mostly platonic.
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maudlxne · 3 years
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maudlxne · 3 years
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maudlxne · 3 years
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smek ( ˘ ³˘)♥  pass it on
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maudlxne · 3 years
Soft Affection
Send in an icon for my muse to: 
🎀 Play with your muse’s hair
✋ brush fingers/hold hands
👉 Gently poke or prod yours
💐 give a gift
🎎 sit close enough to brush knees/lean against yours
🛌 take a nap with yours
🖐 tracing fingers against your muse’ skin or over a scar/other
🍫 quietly hand over a treat/food item
☺ stroke your muse’s cheek/face
🧥 be found wearing your muse’s sweater/coat/article of clothing
✨+ add your own
🐱 to reverse
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maudlxne · 3 years
    change any gendered language to your needs.  ♡
“   you  don’t  have  to  hide  your  tears  from  me .   ” “   you’re  doing  great ,   okay ??   i mean it .   ” “   you  are  so  strong .   ” “   please  don’t  ever  give  up .   ” “   i  will  always  believe  in  you .   ” “   why  do  you  always  think  you  have  to  do  everything  on  your  own ??   ” “   it’s  okay ,   i’m  here .   i’ll  always  be  here .   ” “   you’ve  always  been  strong  for  me .   let  me  return  the  favor .   ” “   just  listen  to  my  heartbeat ,   okay ??   ” “   come  on ,   take  a  deep  breath .   it’s  gonna  be  alright .   ” “   please ,   just  hold  me .   ” “   you  always  meant  the  world  to  me .   i’m  sorry  i  let  you  forget  that .   ” “   i  never  stopped  loving  you .   ” “   you’ll  feel  better  if  you  talk  about  it .   i’m  here  to  listen .   ” “   you’re  so  much  more  than  the  mistakes  you’ve  made .  ” “   i  forgive  you .   ” “   you  are  so  fucking  powerful .   ” “   i’m  not  leaving  you  here .   ” “   i  trust  you  more  than  anyone  else  in  this  universe .   ” “   it’s  okay  to  be  confused .   nobody  has  all  the  answers .   ” “   i’m  so ,   so  sorry .   you  didn’t  deserve  that .   ” “   healing  is  not  linear ,   but  it’s  always  moving  forward .   ” “   you  can  admit  that  you’re  hurting .   it’s  okay  to  not  be  okay .   ” “   hold  my  hand ??   ” “   you  are  my  home .   ” “   no  matter  what  anyone  else  says ,   you  are  so  important  to  me .   ” “   don’t  worry .   i’ll  protect  you .   ” “   shh ,   it  was  just  a  nightmare .   you’re  safe .   ” “   don’t  talk  about  yourself  like  that .   ” “   just  say  the  word .   you  know  i’d  do  anything  for  you .   ” “   you  are  loved .   ” “   i  just  need  a  hug .   ” “   i’ll  destroy  anything  that  so  much  as  thinks  of  harming  you .   ” “   don’t  ever  let  anyone  make  you  feel  ashamed  of  who  you  are .   ” “   you’re  not  alone .   you’re  stuck  with  me  forever .   sorry .   ” “   well ,   hello  sleeping  beauty .   you  fell  asleep  on  me .   ” “   if  you  don’t  take  your  butt  back  to  bed ,   i  will  carry  you  there  myself .   ” “   i’m  sorry  to  wake  you  up ,   but  i  really  need  someone  to  talk  to .   ” “   i  hate  seeing  you  like  this   …   please ,  let  me  help .   ” “   you  are   &   always  will  be  precious  to  me .   ” “   i  can’t  believe  that  asshole  said  that  to  you .   it’s  not  true ,   you  know .    ” “   you  want  me  to  punch  him  in  the  face  ??   ” “   you  deserve  every  good  thing  in  the  world .   ” “   you  know  i  always  have  your  back .   ” “   you  don’t  have  to  worry  about  anything ,   as  long  as  i’m  around .   ” “   stop  apologizing ,   okay ??   i’ve  already  told  you  i’ve  forgiven  you  a  hundred  times now .   ” “   don’t  beat  yourself  up  over  this .   be  kind  to  yourself ,   it’s  not  your  fault .   ”
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maudlxne · 3 years
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maudlxne · 3 years
                                     @morinosenju​ liked for a lyrical starter 
                               ❝ I KNOW I’m never going to CHANGE  the world.                                     I’m not sure that I COULD even if I TRIED.        ❞
      YET if she never tried- how would she know? A double standard- she knew that. It would be easier to sit back and do NOTHING and never take the risk. A stagnant life of sitting in a corner desperately waiting for the world around her to change. 
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       One foot in front of the other was all it took to TRY. To be an INFLUENCE to the generation that will come next. BE kind but not WEAK. SOFT yet to speak your MIND. LOVE without the fear of LOSS. 
                                    ❝ I know I may never SAVE the world.                                         But I wont sit here CRYING even as it all goes by. ❞
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maudlxne · 3 years
this  is  just  a  friendly  reminder  that  it’s  okay  if  you’re  not  writing  right  now.    it’s  okay  if  you’re  only  able  to  pop  on  here  to  yell  into  the  void  about  your  muses  for  five  minute  and  leave,    or  make  edits  or  goof  around  with  your  friends  and  just  chill,    or  even  do  none  of  that  at  all.    this  is  a  hobby.    it’s  okay  if  you’re  not  in  the  headspace  to  approach  that  one  mutual  yet,   or  answer  those  ims  right  away.   the  world  is  a  stressful  place  for  most  of  us  right  now,    we’re  all  struggling  with  something  one  way  or  another,    and  we’re  mainly  here  to  have  fun.    taking  care  of  yourself  comes  before  any  expectations  anyone  here  has  of  you,   so  don’t  ever  let  someone  shame  you  for  not  being  fully  present  here  for  however  long  that  takes.
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maudlxne · 3 years
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Tired future Hokage…
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maudlxne · 3 years
                                          @heroicstm​ liked for a lyrical starter | For SASUKE 
                                                ❝ I tried to SCREAM-                                                    but my head was UNDERWATER.                                                    They called me WEAK-                                                    Like I'm not just SOMEBODY’S daughter. ❞
       LAVANDER hues seemed to be miles away. Knee’s tucked up to her chest. She must sound PATHETIC to him. She really couldn’t blame him if he did. THEY didn’t really know each other. They never had the chance to. In school he had been the one everyone had eyes on- she was the one trying to stay out of SIGHT. So much has happened since those days of youth- so much death and war. 
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        Then why did she still feel like a CRYBABY? 
                                                 ❝ It could’ve been a NIGHTMARE                                                     But it felt like they were RIGHT there.                                                     And it feels like YESTERDAY was a year ago                                                     But I don't wanna let ANYBODY know. ❞
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