maurokkkkkk · 7 years
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Goodbye Jaison
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
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In the spanish class we are presenting oral comentaries of one of the literature works we have worked with this year in class. Most of the studens picked either The Stranger or Aura. I picked a story i really like from Mario Benedetti called "El otro yo". This is a very short story i suggest everyone to read!
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
Agree with you on the fact that we get lost on our own bad habits. When you think about it, its become hard to think of anyone or anything more interesting than your phone. I think we should do a day of digital sabbath,  kinda like what god said to his people, that they shouldnt work on the seventh day, because it is very important to rest, sometimes it IS TIME TO STOP, to let free our emotions and think.
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Sometimes the things we spend time the most are not the most valuable wether the more consuming, when we really get rid of those possesions that prevent us of experiencing the real taste of life, is that we realize how lost we are in our own bad habits
Today was the #NoInternet day in Babeque and it was a great experience to share with my classmates without having something in between, something that wouldn’t have given us the chance to form a part of this day that our school decided to make real, it wouldn’t be bad to be in the #olddays. @mrjjimenez could talk us more about these medieval age in which internet didn’t exist like he is a dinosaur.
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
Ohhhh how difficult it is to live in the present. We often find ourselves living in the past, thinking of how things were, or thinking of how good things are going to be instead of working on the now, on the present.
Now or Later?-Sage the Gemini
You are the one to decide what to do with your life but how many times have we let things pass by because we just simply dont have the enoguh courage or at least that is what we think, us and no more than us are the ones to impose our own limits. Saying that we cant do something is the first handicap that we inflict on ourselves, so dont wait for a later, because maybe later wont come, or maybe later wont exist, you should instead begin to live in the now, because now is when you get to decide, the future is something that you cant tell, you dont know what will happen, it is uncertain and you cant not keep letting things for later=future, it is true that we should think about it but not depend on it.
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
Very useful information now that im thinking of studying for the english exam... Thanks for taking the time to do this Paula.
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THERE’S NO WAY MY PEOPLEEEEE, brace for impact ‘cause this plane gon’ crash real hard… Lomakina and Jaison Jimenez more like Lomakillmenow and Jaidiomio Jieteforce (no offense teacher, just too tired)
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
I think the letters were a great concept, i think with them we(at least tried) to connect more with other classmates, discovering interesting things about them. It was a fun way to send a message to another student and receiving one back. Definitely wouldnt mind doing it again, hope he reads this post ana!
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Hi guys,
I’ve been think this days about the letters we used to write and I miss them, some of you probably don’t and maybe you’ll hate for what I’m asking to @mrjjimenez​ right now. I was wondering if we could write the letters again, I think is an awesome idea to search our thoughts about the class, to get to know our friends more and surprising them we the stuff they like. I was enjoying creating them.
But probably Mr. J doesn’t want to do it again because some classmates weren’t doing their best, doing it the same day we had to give it to each others.
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
The Art of Loving
This is the book we started reading today in Spanish class. It is written by  psychoanalyst and social philosopher Erich Fromm and published in 1956. So far, i´ve only read like 8 pages but im liking it. ´´ It wants to convince the reader that all his attempts for love are bound to fail´´ Says Erich in the introduction, when i read this i knew what the book was going to go on about in the first few. We are bound to ´´fail´´ in love because we have a misconception of what love is, this idea created by romanticism that says we are going to find someone special and that we are going to marry them and live a happy life with them, that we just have to accept how they are without any critic, that they are perfect just the way they are. This is the failure Fromm talks about, failure because you are most likely never going to find someone that is ´´the one´´ and that is just going to connect with you in a spiritual way. Nowadays  we want to think of love as finding someone perfect just as they are.
 This is something that is said a lot of the times in arguments between lovers: ‘If you loved me, you wouldn’t try to change me.’
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
Rich dad poor dad
This is the book we started reading in the english class for the 3rd evaluation period. The book is written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Letcher. Its about financial education and the importance of it you want to become rich. To me as of now its been of little to none value, since i know money is not the most important thing and in my adult life its only going to provide for my physiological needs(food,water,shelter,clothing) and my goal isnt to become rich. Also im not liking the ´´if you get educated and learn how to make money work for you you can become rich´´ vibe, since i know a good % of it is luck.
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
Time to start
With my math project.
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
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The fork. 2017 Mauricio Guzmán #art
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
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When jaison asks what happened in act 3. I dunno. Jk i think The whole act was Iago persuading othello into believing that desdemona was cheating on him with Cassio.
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
IB history project
So we have to do this ib project for the history class for tuesday. My project is about how the nazis used films as propaganda, i really like films the nazi way. I havent started yet. You know, the usual procrastination. Ah, also have the math project, Guess what, havent started yet. Wish me luck for the upcoming days i might need some.
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
Triumph of the Will
propaganda film. It is about the nazi party congress in Nuremberg, attended by more than 700k nazis. This film is made by and for the nazis.
First of all, what is propaganda? The dictionary tells us that propaganda is simply the spreading of ideas, the problem with this is that a lot of things fall into this definition, and this is usually not how we use it, when we hear the word propaganda, we immediately associate it with ´´bad´´.More than simply spreading and idea. It is spreading an idea with the intent of deceiving the audition. And it is very important to also know that this idea that we are going to be talking about that´s been spreaded, it´s not just being spread by any organization, it is being spreaded by the STATE.
In 1934, after hiddenberg´s death, Hitler wanted to give the regime a new image, a new legitimacy and he wanted to prepare his people for the wars that were to come. They hired  Leni Riefendhsadmamd to make a new propaganda film. 
So in any film or story, there is ALWAYS  a conflict. Not with propaganda. In this film, there is no conflict, there is no uncertainty, they start well and finish better, they destroy the opposition, you get tired of seeing them winning. This is what the nazis want you to see, the nazi power, their promise of victory,the weakness of the opposition. Nazis have the need to crush their week enemies. 
Also the movie by itself, as in THE MOVIE gives a strong message, a strong message of the wealth of the nazis, this movie is known by it visuals, but not because they invented some awesome film making skills, but because they had hundreds of cameras located everywhere to film the thing. The economic strenght of the nazis is so great that even a simple film is one of the most expensive movies made yet. 
You dont see some simple troops marching, you see thousands and thousands and thousands of troop marching for their great leader Adolf Hitler, there is and endless supply of soldiers. This soldiers have no opposition, there is no conflict. But this is mostly lies, and this is what propaganda is about, deceiving. Nazis were internally a mess, just before the film was made they had assasinated tons of their high commanders and the army wasnt fully commited to hitler. 
This movie projects and unstoppable nazi force, a unified country ready to crush the enemy, it was made in order to demoralize the opposition, to make the opposition think that the nazis were so great they didnt stand a chance, also to unify the people. 
This movie was released commercially, to distant itself from the nazi regime, to make it look like the director actually captured what nazis were like. It worked, our view of the nazis is very much formed by what this propaganda films wanted us to see, they wanted us to think of thousands of troops lined up when we thought of them , and thats what we think about. It is very important to note this, that the propaganda worked so well that to this day we have an image in our mind of what they wanted us to see. 
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
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So i just got a haircut and i can relate to this... You might not see me ever again...(kappa)
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
This competition was awesome, the group started with a strong 0-5, every group had about a 3 point lead ahead of us. Then, the two words part came and we turned it around, from 0-5 to 7-6. it was incredible, the team performed well and kept it cool for the entire match. I am very proud and very honored to be part of such and awesome Squad.
Exercise with words.
The last class we did an exercise that was very interesant and funny. The point was the four team, one by one, take a little paper with a stranger word and we had to say the definition. Was interesant because in my case honestly I learned words that I had never heard in my life. How do you know my group called ‘’Gryffindor’’ was the winner. My team was conform by: Joaquin, Mauricio, Hiram, Ambar, Diego and me. I’m waiting to the next exercise.
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
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When someone posts on tumblr talking about how much they like the english class.
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maurokkkkkk · 7 years
What Homeless to Harvard and other inspirational movies get wrong(imo)
The problem with most of this inspirational movies is that they try to make us think that really everyone can do it, and for a few minutes it gets all pumped and we get really optimistic about life and the future. But in reality, not everyone can be like that, because a lot of it comes down to luck. The problem comes when we become optimistic, thinking that we are  going to make that big step towards achieving a goal and nothing is going to stop it is a big mistake. Thinking like this, and then, getting responded by a big block of reality that is reminding you of how miserable you are without really expecting it, could be problematic and could lead to depression or anger. A lot of this movies make us think that we are living in a meritocratic society in which if you rly fight for it you can make it to the top, but that is just one big lie, also, think about this,  if someone gets to the top because of their own merit, wouldnt that also mean that the poor hitting rock bottom deserves it. You might think well if this girl made it out the bronx and i cant, damn i must be a loser.  There are more ambitions than there are glorious destinies. We get told that we are free to succeed, but we dont stress enough that we are also free to fail. 
Also this movie show´s us the 0.01% of homeless that actually make it, and yes, what she did might be awesome, but dont get fooled by it. 
I leave you with this very pessimistic phrase of Emil Cioran: ´´Only unsuccessful optimists commit suicide. The others, having no reason to live, why would they have any to die?´´
Note: Sorry if the ideas are all over the place im tired and need sleep rn huh
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