Sims 3 Character Profiles: Alex and Dorian
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In-Game Traits:
Supernatural Fan
Hopeless Romantic
In-Game Favourites:
**Colour: **Sea Foam
Food: Fish and Chips
Music: Electronica
In His Own Words:
NAME: Alex Astrid Vosijk
Date Of Birth: July 28th 1926, no, err…1992
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I remember the first time a girl stuck her tongue in my mouth. We were thirteen, and her name was Bianca, if my memory serves. I was utterly spellbound by her, and I saw her a lot even into adulthood. Every time I saw her I would fall in love all over again. My mum told me I didn’t want to kiss girls like that. I did. But you don’t want to hear about that.
You probably already know who I am. Standing at five-foot-eleven; lilac-yes-of-course-that’s-my-natural-colour hair; green eyes? Of course you know me.
I suppose, what I’d like most is to be remembered. I suppose, I already am. What, in today’s age of instantaneous information at the simple press of a button, creating a lasting legacy is easier than ever. I feel like everyone wants to be remembered to an extent, but the question is, do we want to be famous or infamous? I don’t think I really mind. I’m a cunt, but at least I know I am. The worst kind of cunt is the type that doesn’t know they’re a cunt. Being infamous could be even better, in my opinion. It’s certainly easier. No-one gives a shit if you’re a saint, but if you’re really a bastard, really, really an absolute dickhead, suddenly, everyone wants to know everything about you. I’m not a mean guy at all- it’s all a bit of a laugh. It’s all for fun- people get that.
All that aside, it’s brilliant to be back in Bridgeport. My grandfather lived here when I was growing up and I haven’t visited since he passed when I was 14. My parents had to be boring and move to Moonlight Falls before I was born, but I suppose Moonlight Falls wasn’t all that bad. Where Bridgeport has the connections to fame and fortune, Moonlight Falls has a resident population of Supernaturals. Isn’t that awesome? Always wanted to be more than human, me, but I have to settle for living vicariously through Dor, him being a warlock (love that word, it makes me think of some old bloke with a huge beard dressed in blue and silver, like Merlin and all that), but he’s a little…well…boring. Lovely, lovely bloke though. I once got beaten up on my way home from school when we were eleven, and he used magic to heal my broken nose and clear my wounds. We’ve been friends ever since. Then he started living with us when we were seventeen. His family were nasty-really nasty. Used to beat the shit out of him, I think. Treated him as a servant. Slept in the shed most nights. We’ve shared houses and flats ever since, as well as DVDs, books, sadly not lovers. I was hoping, really, that moving to the city would bring him out of his shell, but it hasn’t really worked. He still just sits at that laptop typing away. Man, you’re a warlock! The amount of people you could be out impressing, seriously, think how much pussy you could be getting, man, but instead you’re just going to write Cthulhu and Friends Go To Taco Bell?
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**1. **_Are “Friends” Electric? - Gary Numan and Tubeway Army _- A Classic
**2. **Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order - A_nother classic._ I don’t trust people that don’t like New Order.
**3. **_Toxic- Britney Spears - _The Production is so good.
**4. **_Venus - Television - _I’m an art-punk at heart.
5. _Das Model- Kraftwerk - _Electronic Pioneers, the synth and bass are really ahead of their time.The Germans do Electronic music so well.
6._ The Sparrows and The Nightingales - Wolfsheim - _See previous.
7._ Performance- Tones On Tail - _Really, really underrated band.
8._ She’s Dangerous - Clan of Xymox - _Dor once told me this should be my theme song. I’m unsure if this is an insult.
**9. **Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven - Love and Rockets - Another band Dor introduced me to. I just love the lyrics.
_**10. **Another Fall From Grace - The Mission - _Legends, and yet another band Dor told me to listen to.
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In-Game Traits:
Night Owl
In-Game Favourites:
Colour: Green
Food: Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich
Music: Custom
In His Own Words:
NAME: Vincent Dorian Lovecraft, please, though, call me Dorian.
DATE OF BIRTH: July 6th or 7th 1992
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Writing makes my teeth hurt. Of all the habits I’ve had,nail-biting is the one I’m still yet to give up. Yet, I only do it when I write. I also happen to chew pen lids, though, luckily for me, I don’t find myself having to use them very often. I was filling in a tax form last week, and hurt my gums very much when the lid slid upwards while I was minding my own business chewing it. I don’t usually realise until that point, or until I hear Alex finally snap. “Dor,” he’ll say, “get that pen out of your mouth or I’ll stick it where the sun does not shine.”
It wasn’t a decent pen, anyway. Just one he stole from work when he used to be with Lunar Industries, back in Moonlight Falls. He had to leave there because he’d slept with the entire office, and before long, they’d all found out and turned on him. He wasn’t cut out to be a businessman, Alex, who’s never given up on his childhood dream to be a rock star, or marry a rock star. On the rare event I’d catch him leaving for work, he’d always have his top shirt buttons undone, tie askew, hair teased to the heavens, and with a quick pout in the mirror, he’d stride out the door, and I wouldn’t see him until perhaps eleven that night. There was often a woman, or a man, and sometimes an individual of indistinct sex. Occasionally, there would be two. As was the way always, with Alex, since we were around seventeen, though it could very well have been happening earlier than that. He’s had a few long-term relationships of course, but never just one, always several at once. Monogamy doesn’t much interest Alex. I wouldn’t lie to you and say I understand, because I don’t. I’m perfectly happy being just me, my plants and my laptop. No need for one person, let alone three or four.
Since we moved to Bridgeport, he’s been every day urging me to “get myself out there” and “not get left on the shelf”, whatever that means. Internet tells me it’s something to do with unmarried women. Anyhow, he took me out to a few bars the first day we moved in, which, sidenote, I hated. He spoke to a woman who was playing the keyboard up on the stage and then fell off, and on our way out he said, “Dorian, I love you, really, right from twelve years old, but god, you need a girlfriend, or at least a whore.” And then fell over again.
I don’t much like it here, but perhaps it’ll grow on me. As long as I have my words, I’m happy.
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**1. (I Want To Be Your) Mirror - Temples - **It was a tough choice between this and the similarly named I’ll Be Your Mirror by The Velvet Underground…but…
2. All Tomorrow’s Parties - The Velvet Underground - The one true Gothic song. Nico was truly gothic, Bram Stoker gothic.
**3. **_Left Hand Luke and The Beggar Boys - T.Rex - _Only Marc Bolan could include the word “myxomatosis” in a song and not sound silly.
4._ All We Ever Wanted Was Everything - Bauhaus - _Embodies the melancholy of a small town, even if I preferred that to where I am now.
5. Visions of Johanna - Bob Dylan - What a wonderful lyricist he is.
**6. **_The Boxer - Simon and Garfunkel - _Another one of those songs that tells a story. I really admire that in songs. This was played on the radio a lot when I was working on my third draft of Orpheus Undead, which is my favourite book that I’ve written.
7. _The Bewlay Brothers - David Bowie - _I’m absolutely a Bowie casualty. This is a beautiful, harrowing story about his half-brother who had schizophrenia. Absolutely worth a listen. The creaking chair sound effects towards the beginning give me chills.
8._ Black Mountain Mist - The Mission. _Beautiful. The imagery this song provokes is just absolutely gorgeous. Tragic, but gorgeous.
9. _Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now- The Smiths. _It’s obvious I like The Smiths. I’m a skinny, poor, single writer.
**10. **_The Killing Moon - Echo and The Bunnymen. _No words.
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😇 😈
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Reblog if you're a sims blog!
Looking for new simblrs to follow as my dashboard has been pretty dead.
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~good night
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Dorian really loves his new drum kit; it’s great to see him not frowning for once.
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-Make him talk at all costs
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Much to his dismay, Alex’s romantic liaison with Annie Nix went somewhat awry, and now he has “responsibilities”, namely “parenting”, as well as living with the guilt of tearing apart the literal concept of the nuclear family. 
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Hello Peoploids!
I suppose this is my Simblr I’ve been meaning to create for a while. I’m hoping to hopefully primarily make some Sims 3 Let’s Plays and Challenge videos on my YouTube channel, but I’m currently waiting on a microphone I ordered to arrive (I don’t want to use my laptop’s microphone, for obvious reasons) as well as perhaps some short films. I’m not entirely sure what I’ll use this account for aside from promotion for my channel, but it’d be lovely to connect with other players, I suppose! 
If you like you can drop me a subscription, or not, it’s up to you!  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8IDGhgivVysGykQoao4BcQ
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