maximaxrosier · 6 years
LOCATION: the plaza’s lobby / bar lounge. TIME: late february, shortly after william guant’s attack. STATUS: open.
FLUSTERED  ––  what  a  strange  emotion  to  feel.  If  one  knew  Maxima,  which  most  did  not,  they  might  even  venture  to  say  that  it  was  something  entirely  foreign  to  her  all  together.  Then  why,  she  couldn’t  help  but  wander,  was  that  the  only  sensation  she  could  seem  to  grasp  since  coming  to  New  York?  Being  thrown  time  and  time  again  did  not  suit  her  well  ––  being  always  one  step  ahead,  a  leader  in  her  own  right,  was  where  her  dignity  lay;  not  that  there  was  much  of  that  left  after  her  trip  overseas.      
It  takes  pressing  a  hand  to  her  breast  bone,  palm  flat,  feeling  the  fluttering  of  her  heart  beneath  skin  and  bone,  for  her  to  notice  the  bruises  and  scratches  she  earned  from  her  encounter  with  William.  A  flush  of  pride  warms  her  chest  for  a  brief  moment   ––  Rosiers  were  natural  duelists,  and  it  would  not  do  well  to  dampen  ones  fear  when  facing  off  against  anyone  of  their  lineage  in  battle.  Her  father  had  taught  her  well,  although  this  was  something  Maxima  had  never doubted.  
Taking  a  steadying  breath,  she  smooths  her  hair  and  brushes  off  her  clothes,  ducking  behind  a  pillar  in  the  Plaza  lobby  to  compose  herself.  Her  mind  set  aflame,  questions  sparked  one  by  one,   she  begins  to  pull  apart  the  experience  as  best  as  she  can,  while  removing  her  wand  from  her  coat  to  repair  the  damage  done  to  her  body  and  attire.  Before  she  can  begin  whispering  the  spells,  her  eye  is  caught  by  a  familiar  figure  standing  not  too  far  from  her  hiding  place.  “Well,”  she  begins,  half  amused,  half  wary,  “it  seems  you’re  worse  for  wear.  Don’t  tell  me  ––  William  Gaunt  didn’t  decide  to  pay  you  a  visit  from  beyond   the  grave  as  well?” 
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maximaxrosier · 6 years
It had been a long couple of weeks that he had to spend with his parents, it was punishment for something he did or was it that he didn’t do it? Either way, Cassiel was probably in trouble for whatever he may or may not have done. The man was tired of keeping count that all he did was just do what he wanted for the time being and if he got in trouble then so be it.
He dropped by his place and left right away so that Maxima didn’t get the chance to corner him and bombard him with questions about his whereabouts. All he wanted to do was go out and have a drink, even if it was noon, it was five o’clock somewhere right? 
Cassiel walked down to the White Horse where he would practically spend all his money on the alcohol. It wasn’t even that good, it was only because it was the one place where he always had a front row seat to all the shenanigans that would go down there. 
The Lestrange headed straight for the bar and ordered a drink, he took a seat and let out an audible sigh. He thanked the bartender as he took out a cigarette and lit the thing between his lips. Cassiel looked over to his right and scoffed, “I see they’re letting just anyone come in here now.” he said to the other and knocked back the drink he was served. The wizard tapped on the counter letting the bartender know he wanted a refill. 
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IRRITATION  BLOOMED,  taking  root  in  her  chest,  spreading  cold  as  ice  through  her  veins  ––  clearly,  Cassiel  took  joy  in  going  out  of  his  way  to  remind  his  dear  wife  just  how  little  he  respected her.  “Yes,”  Maxima  started,  folding  herself  primly  into  a  stool  near  him  at  the  bar,  “I  suppose  they  often  let  the  wives  of  husbands  into  bars  to  retrieve  them  after  they’ve  drunken  themselves  into  a  humiliating  stupor.”  Frost  underlined  her  words,  holding  an  undercurrent  of  meaning  only  he  might  pick  up  on  ––  though  she  knew  he  would  choose  to  ignore  her  tone,  pretend  as  if  he  couldn’t  see  the  accusation  beneath  the  transparent  layer.  She  was  never  sure  if  he  did  so  out  of  cowardice  or  simply  to  vex  her.  
“Either  way,  I’m  not  here  to  watch  you  throw  back  fire  whisky  until  you  black  out.  I  know  you  left  home  quite  quickly  earlier  in  an  attempt  to  avoid  me  so,  I  was  unable  to  bring  this  to  your  attention.  I  came  here  to  deliver  this.”  Placing  an  ivory  colored  envelope  onto  the  slightly  sticky  countertop,  Maxima  allowed  her  nose  to  wrinkle  in  disgust  for  one  odd  moment  before  her  features  smoothed  out  once  more,  the  picture  of  ease.  Cassiel’s  name  was  written  on  the  front,  the  cursive  hastily  yet  neatly  placed.  “It  seems  to  be  a  letter  from  your  family,  although  I’m  sure  you  can  determine  that  much  for  yourself.”  A  petty  thrill  chased  up  her  spine  at  the  thought  of  her  husband  wondering  if  she  had  contacted  his  family  regarding  the  affair;  there  was  far  too  much  at  stake  to  risk  such  a  play,  but  nonetheless  the  thought  of  his  panic,  him  realizing  there  might  be  consequences  to  his  actions,  was  satisfying  in  the  worst  of  ways.  
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maximaxrosier · 6 years
“Do you see? We were made fools of.”
AGE: 23
You were born to be the princess of a prized kingdom. As beautiful as the rose, you are equally just as sharp as it’s thorns. Your life has been a series of conveniences with little room of freedom. Yet despite the stifling environment, you believed in the system and you still do. Some say you’re blinded but this is all you’ve ever known and it makes perfect sense. You follow tradition strictly, doing what’s right first. You’ve long learned to isolate your personal emotions. Everything has always been for your reputation and what others would say, never about your own interests. But at the end of the day, you’re still human. Lately, you’re at the brink of your sanity, clinging to the last of your rationality with utmost desperation. Just because everything was given to you on a golden platter never meant you had everything. Ironically it is the things you can’t purchase with monetary value has cost you the most. 
NATASSIA PRINCE (the other woman) : You had dismissed her very quickly thinking nothing more when she said she was ‘old friends’ with her husband. In fact, you had even gone out of your way to try and become friends. Perhaps that’s what makes it all the more heartbreaking for you. Once the truth was revealed before you, something in you broke. Since then, you’ve made it a point to flaunt everything you have. You know it infuriates her and while you don’t feel good about it, it rubs away the arrogance from her face. Perhaps another part of it comes from spite and hatred that someone so puny could pretend to be part of your circle. She isn’t even a pureblood - how laughable. It was like watching a child play dress up. You know that you are superior and you don’t hesitate to shoot verbal bullets at her. 
CASSIEL LESTRANGE (the husband): It was an arrangement just like most other marriages. You didn’t expect happiness but you expected respect. And he certainly defiled those boundaries, stepping over your feelings quite flippantly. Even though you’ve cursed his name and cried in self pity, you can’t bring yourself to hate him. Despite the ugly memories, there were good times too. Perhaps it was foolish for you to hope that he could let his past go and be with you completely. You know that in his eyes, you are just second and it vexes you entirely. You’ve always been the best and nothing less. How could he compare you to that other woman? 
MARCIN KRUM (longtime friend): He’s always been by your side. He’s lent a shoulder to you when you needed it. He listened to you vent, he held you in his arms. And you dismissed it as nothing more than friendship. But you aren’t stupid - you know that he wants more from your relationship. Sometimes you’ve found yourself daydreaming of the possibilities but quickly shake it away from your pretty head. You’ve always been bound to duty. But he’s the man who makes you selfish. And you can’t help but smile at the idea of being a little … rebellious. It’s time to make your move. 
OPHELIA PREWETT (the supporter): It was in the failure of your marriages that you found common ground. She’s knows of heartache as well as you do. She wipes your tears and comforts you like a mother does to a child. You’ve frequently sent letters back and forth to each other. You also worry for her health. She deserves better as do you. Yet both of you are too afraid to escape your miserable situations. While you stay for the sake of obligation, she stays for retribution. 
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