“That and the fact they’ll be extremely opinionated about someone’s life that doesn’t even know they exist, so it’s a worrying behavior which I don’t intend to have in my life.” That was all she was able to complement towards that subject. Still, she could appreciate the art and everything celebrities did for movies and series, that was solely what she would focus on. Aleyna hardly knew about their personal life or who was dating who, for an example. “And why’s that? Is my opinion and point of view about you that important?” She arched an eyebrow.
“Good because I’m not a sour loser either, but I do like competitions, so I guess we’ll have our share of fun with that,” it was something far from her usual weekends. Something Aleyna hadn’t done in awhile, so, perhaps, it’d help her get rid of some stress and enjoy her free time while Andy would be with Leon, enjoying the presence of their father for a couple of days.
“Ah– I wouldn’t state as nothing better to do, but maybe that was everything that was occupying their minds and that’s great, actually. To have a moment in which you’re not worrying about anything else and you can find shapes in clouds. It’s like creating animals with the shadow of our hands when we’re children. It’s actually something that helps develop our brain. The frontal cortex is very thankful for it.” And many other activities that would take someone away from their usual routine. “Protective of me? Mom is definitely more outgoing than my dad, but that’s because he’s very observant of everything surrounding him. If my dad doesn’t trust someone, he’s probably right. It helped me with a few friends I had back when I was a teenager.” Sometimes she hoped they were living in Astoria, so they could still protect her from a few things that she had had to face. How great it’d have been if her father had warned Aleyna about the man that turned her into a werewolf. “What about yours?”
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Maxi nodded with a smile, agreeing through action rather than words. Fame wouldn’t suit either of them, for different reasons that was. His smile turned more amused, and he blinked a few times more to show he might be making his arguments in jests. Or perhaps he didn’t. “Perhaps,” he noted, “could be I’m trying to show myself in the best light in your company.” 
Smirking, he nodded. “Alright, that’s a deal then. I look forward to it,” he noted, waving the content of his glass slightly as he held it out to cling it against hers. Really caring not at all about guns and paintball and games such as that, Maxi was certain he would lose, but all was fair in love and war, so maybe he would cheat just a little, just to make her laugh. 
He nodded, faking being impressed. “Frontal cortex, alright,” he said, allowing for a warm tone that showed he was grateful to be speaking with someone who had a lot of information to share. Perhaps she was his match in that, Maxi enjoyed bringing forth random facts and studies if they were relevant to the conversation. In part to show his own inner curiosity, as well as show he knew a lot about a lot. 
Maxi listened attentively, while in the back of his mind he saw convincing Aleyna’s dad as somewhat of a challenge, one he would gladly take upon him if the man did live in the city. Instead he shared in a smile and nodded. “He must be a protective father then, if he pays that much attention. And your mother? Protective in the same way? They must adore your kid, do they get to see them often?” 
He had expected the question to be directed back at him, and while he could spun as many lies as he wished, his mother deserved better, and his father absolutely didn’t. “My father was never in the picture, my mother was a wonderful woman, strong-willed, always fascinated by things like she was a child, admirable in how she worked with the expectations of others. She knew how to set the room in her favour, or to simply go among them unseen. She was oblivious however, too little time on her hands to be observant, always giving her all, taking little.” Her hard work had helped him to never take things for granted. 
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location: java cafe status: open  /  @astoriastarter​
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Catalina would never call herself a caffeine fiend but that didn’t make it not true. She had been in the cafe for what was probably hours, trying to get through her own blog post. Did she write up a post about now being a supernatural being after living life as a human? And if she did how would it be received? She had saved so many drafts and completely rewritten it time and time again. Her table was practically littered with coffee cups and she had probably taken up more than her fair share of time. After finishing what was probably her 6th cup, she felt a shadow fall over her table. Without looking up she sighed and ran a hand through her hair, “I’m sorry, I know it’s a mess. If you need the space you are welcome to it. Just uh…. move the cups? And probably ignore me. I’m just on the verge of either a breakthrough or a breakdown. I just haven’t figured out which one quite yet.”
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Maxi cocked an eyebrow and gave a smile, pursing his lips as if considering the situation, before taking all the empty cups with him and disposing of them in the litter bin a few steps away from the table, before returning with his own filled one and having a seat. He hadn’t said a single word, but he believed often times actions spoke louder than words - also he wanted to see her reaction. “A breakthrough or a breakdown? Those two seem like intense extremes, must be a matter of great importance if the emotional reaction can be that strong,” he said, taking a sip slowly. It wasn’t bad coffee, but it wasn’t good either. He placed it back down and reached for some sugar bags on the table next to him, excusing himself to the individuals seated there. He threw two bags of them in the coffee, stirred, and took another sip. It did not make it any better, but at least it was easier to swallow. 
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“I think that I come across as caring and light-hearted to many people, especially people that know me either coming in to the cafe or working here. With friends I can be quite loud and boisterous when I am around them.” She admitted letting a small laugh escape her lips. “I think that it will always be difficult to be the same person around different people all of the time.” She replied resting her arms on the table in front of her.
“I kind of envy those that have never had to experience heartache, I would never wish anybody to go through it. It does take a terribly long time to get over it, even if you get into a new relationship, it’s still going to be there.”
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“Ah, yes, difficult, but not impossible,” Maxi said, agreeing with her. Wondering as well as to what appearance she was willing to give off towards him, he figured the former. She did not seem loud and boisterous, however, he did wish to see her as such, hoped with time he might catch a glimpse if she allowed him. 
“Of course, loss is loss, grief is grief. I do however not envy those who haven’t dealt with heartache, it is an important component in emotional growth. Would you be the person you are now if you had not been dealt the card of heartache?” he asked. 
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devon snorts gracelessly through her nose. “i have magic, sure, but it’s not the same as my family.” there had been no part of her childhood that had been modified by this fact. her brothers had been annoying, sure, but they’d never used that fact against her. or it had been a one and done situation. because they’d realized that regardless, devon punished herself for that fact far more than they ever could. “anyways,” the blonde shakes herself out of the thought. “is there anything else you’d like to look at. we’re getting in a new shipment sometime later this week if we don’t have what you want.”
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Maxi nodded, showing a good measure of curiosity. “May I ask what it is?” he asked, daring the question merely because she had mentioned it as if it was something he could ask. Even though he already knew. He smiled at the kindness showed in the information, figuring she was a good employee. “Anything else in this direction that I could add to my growing pile?” he asked. He had money enough to just take it all with him, and he figured if he bought enough she would be praised for a nice profit.
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“Not at all, I’m okay with taking pictures and everything but I don’t think I’d be able to actually be famous and people constantly wanting to know about my life. I’m comfortable at being an anonymous person. If I am to make changes for this world, I want it in a different way,” her name could be part of an important research that made great changes for the beings in this world. But that was good enough, maybe a prize and a picture. Nothing more than that. “Oh, and why not?” She wondered, maybe he wouldn’t like the fact she was being curious, but there was no harm at trying to get an answer.  “And okay, that sounds perfect. I’ll try to be less competitive, since you don’t know me yet… it’s the least I can do,” she teased, chuckling right after.
“I don’t think I’d be able to share that so openly, not because I don’t have an answer, but perhaps because it’s subjective. What may seem weird to me could be usual to you,” she stated with a light shrug, taking a sip from her drink before she continued. “I miss having that amount of creativity, you know? When we grab a phone and we can see even a plane in that object. It’s not that we don’t dream anymore, maybe we’re just… too busy.” She was trying to make sure that her dreams would come true. Finding the strength within herself to keep herself focused on reaching her goals. Hopefully, it will work. “Yes, I’m adopted. I’m the only one adopted, in fact. And they are amazing, I’m biased because it’s my family but I love them.” The inevitable smile rested over her lips.
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Maxi nodded. “That I can understand, anything that is kept private becomes a secret, and people want to know everything about the famous,” he noted. He did agree to a point, being a private person had everything to do with still being capable of posing a mystery. Without mystery, he couldn’t do his job, and he loved his job. He grinned. “Ah, because the reason why will make me sound shallow,” he said mysteriously. 
He shook his head then. “Oh no, I will not allow you, I will not get into any competitive game with you if you are going to hold back. I like challenges, and I’m not a sour loser.” He said it with all the jest he could muster, but there was truth to it. He loved a challenge, and he wasn’t opposed to losing, but there was no fun in trying to outsmart your enemy if you were not getting them at their best. 
“That’s fair, I can understand that,” Maxi said, slightly raising his hands, palms up in mock surrender. He bit his lip as he thought about that. Perhaps, perhaps adults were too busy with providing for themselves to be able to have a child’s creativity. “Perhaps, I miss it too. And maybe you are right, I remember those scenes from movies where characters look up at the sky, trying to find shapes in the clouds, maybe that only happens because those people have nothing better to do. They do say that boredom is a creative person’s best weapon,” he said. On a daily basis, for someone who was prone to chaos, Maxi liked to read articles on whatever website he could find to understand people better. How else was he supposed to manipulate them. He smiled at her when she spoke of her family, offering kindness, perhaps a little jealousy, although he took it easy on that emotion, not willing to throw her off. “And your parents? The ones who raised you,” he stated, to avoid confusion. “What are they like?”
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Lorna stayed quiet as she listened to him, she had learned quite a bit about the human mind while she was in college, but there were things that she sadly didn’t get a chance to learn. Deep in the back of her mind, she wished to get back to it when she knew that she had the time to both manage the cafe and go to college. “Well I must admit, I can sometimes be a bit of the confident part when around people and then sometimes the other, I think that it’s the part of me that just want to please others and look good in their eyes.”She admitted before a small chuckle fell from her lips.
“I wish that I had know more about love back then, it’s really like you are under a spell but even after it’s broken you still feel the heartache.”
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Maxi nodded with a smile. “Then you are most definitely the one who will appear differently to others, confident in some instances, adaptable in others,” he shared. “I am the same. Far too aware of how I come off to other people to be able to be the same person all the time,” he said. Though he did it all to serve his goals. But looking good in the eyes of the beholder was something Maxi kept at the back of his mind always. Which included agreeing on certain things, and opening up secrets about himself to make someone else feel comfortable. 
“Sadly love is a practical school. Theories won’t help us as much as being on the receiving end of it. Though some people will never experience heartache, and to some a second heartache can be as bad as the first. I wonder if we’re capable to truly guard our hearts against love.” 
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“I don’t mind it, I actually can’t see myself doing anything of that sorts.” It had never been a dream of hers to become famous, ended up being a celebrity and gaining money by being recognized in that field. It was different, Aleyna had always embraced her intelligence and aimed for that. It was how she would thrive in life until the moment she ended up getting pregnant and left that part of her life for later; to the point that later never had a set date to return. “Do you care a lot about what they have to say about you?” That was also one of the reasons why she despised others having more money than needed, they usually felt entitled to control everyone else’s life and what they should and shouldn’t do.
“It can be just the two of us, Andy will probably be with their father,” even if they wouldn’t be. Aleyna would never accept the idea, since she didn’t know the person next to her nor she knew if she could trust having him around her child. The last time she made that mistake it had been enough for her not to know she would never repeat it again. “Just let me know when you’d like to head there. A date and time, and we can make it happen.”
Aleyna chuckled, grabbing her drink and handing over the one she had ordered for Maxi. “Nothing wrong with being weird. We all have something about ourselves that detach from what’s common.” In fact, Aleyna preferred to be seen as out of the ordinary, instead of being just another piece of the puzzle called life. “Oh yeah… children only need their imagination to make it all even more beautiful than it is.” She stated with a smile, taking a sip from her drink while he was talking. “And you didn’t consider those girls your sisters? Not by blood… but you know. I mean– my siblings don’t share my blood but it doesn’t make us any less of a family, you know? And I guess this answers your question. I have an older sibling and a young one, they don’t live here… sometimes I wish they did because I really miss them.”
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“Not much of a person who likes to stand in the spotlights?” he asked, amusingly. He figured he was wrong about that, she seemed like someone who radiated the spotlight around her, was lost in it until she noticed that she had been in the spotlight all along. But her lack of love for the spotlight was effortless, and he enjoyed those types of people, the ones who could charm a crowd without knowing they did so. His smile was effortless. He nodded, a fine smile regardless, but still a nod. “I do, though not for the right reasons,” he mentioned. The right reasons in his case were because Maxi played with what others thought of him, the reasons he was noting were those he wanted people to think of when they saw him: that he worked hard to maintain an image because he relied on others to pay his bills. 
“Alright, that sounds good,” he said, though his face gave away no emotions, he was neither sad nor relieved that he didn’t have to drag a child around for a whole day. Nor happy that he got to spend a full day with her. He was simply himself, agreeing with the plan. “I will send you some dates,” he offered, knowing he would need to check his planner. 
“So, what is weird about you?” he mused, grinning slightly. “That they do, one can only be jealous of the imagination of children,” he said. Then shrugged a little. “Their father was kind enough to not let me forget it,” he noted. “Adopted siblings?” he asked. “They must be good and interesting people, for I cannot imagine anything else of your siblings.”
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“I think that you may be right about that, I do find myself acting a certain way when I am with friends here and other ways when I am talking to friends or family back home. I believe it to be quite a fascinating thing that humans can do that.” She smiled softly to him as she began to think back to how she acted while her family and friends were around her back home. “I would have to agree with you on that, I think that I can put the way I just dropped everything to be with him down to the fact that it was my first relationship and I was just lost in love that I wasn’t thinking properly.”
Maxi smiled kindly. His own interest in the adaptability of mankind was only to his own benefit. To see if he could change the way others saw him, generate a picture to their preference. An idle businessman, a charming entrepreneur, or a wealthy sponsor with a heart of gold. He could play all three and still be seen differently in the eyes of the beholder. “As a species we are fascinating. Every person has three personalities, our public one, our private one, and also our inner truth, the one we wish to be. But we also have a different meaning to those around us: friends, family, colleagues, strangers, one-time companions. Those who tend to worry the most about how they look to others, tend to be the ones who will appear in different forms, while those who are confident about who they are, will be experienced similarly.” He wondered what kind she was, and most importantly what she thought he was. 
“Young love is perhaps the most dangerous kind of love. The feeling so enchanting it can drag even the strongest fish ashore.”
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“I have managed before.” Besides, the newer generations had made it much easier with technology and compilations. Would he experience everything of each decade? No, of course not but no one person truly did. It would be good enough to bring him up to speed so he could discover what he enjoyed from there. “That is true as well as pick out the influences new genres have pulled from to make it their own.” He responded. “I have found it to be enjoyable to try and find the interpretations of different art forms. Like those that are songs or films about wars or conflict but are hidden with a façade of something else.”
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Maxi smiled and nodded, while music did little to him, he would be the last person to say art didn’t have value, it was one of the things he invested in. One could view the history of the world through a book or a documentary, but nothing would show as well the feelings of that generation as through art. He had grown up at the fringes, the careful border between what was classified as high art, and the rap the youths like him listened to. He used to jump from opera to r&b within a single day, depending on what group he wanted to belong to. Perhaps that was why he leaned more to heavy rock, because of a rage to not have to pretend. “I would not give my own time to such ventures, but I do say it is an interesting subject to dwell on. Perhaps you’d be interested in discussing your findings over a cup of coffee,” - saying ‘cuppa’ had come to mind - “in future?”
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her brows furrow for a moment. she’d never thought about it, truth be told. both her parents were powerful witches within their own right, and her brothers weren’t far off as well. perhaps devon had never truly considered that she wouldn’t inherit some form of magic. though the world seemed to laugh – for her magic wasn’t anything like her families. “i… don’t know,” she answers truthfully. “i’m not sure if i’d be considered part of the coven if i didn’t have magic.” because, technically, she didn’t share the type of magic her parents coven housed anyways. “i’d be a part of the family, sure. but perhaps not the coven itself.”
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Maxi nodded, allowing for his face to merely portray sympathy at their shared lack of knowledge on the subject. For all his intelligence and information stored in his brain, Maxi knew little to nothing about the world of supernaturals aside from what could be useful to him. About Shapeshifters he knew the most, if only on account of being able to control the changes. Control was something Maxi bathed in, however there was chaos in the lack of it, and he would always enjoy being able to set a situation to his own purpose. “Alas, nothing for us to worry about, because you do have your own magic. No need to think of what will not happen.”
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“I don’t know, I was never on television,” she stated in return with a light shrug. And she didn’t mind that, it wasn’t something that would change her life. Unless, it’d help gaining some money, but the fame and being seen in that sort of way had never been appealing to her. Aleyna was more focused on doing something good for herself and others backstage, it sounded better in her own perspective. 
Aleyna shared a brief smile, nodding to his words before she even had something to say in return. “I’m okay with both ideas, whichever would be easier for you. Over the week I have a busy schedule, but I could manage to make it work during the weekend,” especially if Andy was staying over Leon’s, that way she didn’t have to bother Carol again; even if Aleyna was aware that her neighbor didn’t mind. It had been awhile that Ally would ask for her help whenever it was needed. Carol, at this point, was practically family.
“But it’s just a drink, right? Everyone has their own taste for a particular drink, some don’t even drink alcoholic beverages… Why is it a sign of respect? You rich people are so weird,” she stated, not even sure if it was something that rich people did. Still, she laughed over the subject. “Oh no, they are staying at their friend’s house for the weekend. But Andy’s good, yeah! You don’t have children, right? Or I don’t know, young siblings… I don’t think I asked a lot about you last time we saw each other.”
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“Which is a loss for the television,” he commented with a smile that bordered on smugness, but was given with a sincere edge, enough to make it seem as if he wasn’t doing a great job at flirting but at least attempted it. “If I could, I would want to participate in such a tv show without it having to be on television, I fear if my clientele saw it, I would lose a number of them. However, at least I would be left with those who have a bit of humour.” Maxi spoke loosely, as if he didn’t give his words much thought, even though each was picked carefully.
“Given I too have a busy work-week, a day in the weekend sounds perfect to me. I will see if I can rent us a time slot at the paintball place, ?? wasn’t it? Also feel welcome to bring your child along, though perhaps paintball is a tad too violent for a kid their age?” His tone was warm, while he hoped she would leave the kid at home, he did not mind their company. Kids were their own chaotic level, and Maxi loved how easily manipulated they were. 
The laugh that followed her comment on his addressing of the drink culture he maintained was genuine, something that even surprised him, despite having expected something akin to that from her. He had his eyes slightly closed as he laughed and when he regained his posture there was a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. “I fear it isn’t a rich people thing, and I am the weird one,” he admitted. Most people he worked with couldn’t be bothered to share his drink, but Maxi had been taught to be accommodating. His mother had taught him that he should never turn down what was offered, never request for more: if there was tea, he should drink tea, even if he wanted coffee. 
“I am glad they’re enjoying themselves as well,” Maxi said. It was easy to refer to the child as they/them, easier in his thoughts as well since he had no visual image of them. He wondered how much the child grew wary of slip-ups, some part of him wanting to try it out and see their reaction. “I do not,” he said, not elaborating because he really didn’t have a reason aside from not feeling like it. “And I am an only child, however I did grow up along with two girls at the estate, one my age, the other several years younger, in a sense I considered them as siblings.” Until he undeniably started falling for one of them. “Our conversation remained a little underdeveloped last time, but that is to be expected of first conversations. How about you, do you have any siblings?”
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Was this how people felt when Leon was pretending to be someone he was not back when he was still afraid of letting others see him as himself? Utterly bored? Or maybe it was because, he was already surrounded by people, Leon wished he didn’t have to socialize for five minutes. At least not while he ate. And with someone who was desperate to be seen, to say the least. “Don’t we all?” He shrugged. “It wouldn’t be suffering if it didn’t have a reason.” Upon seeing the man’s hand stretched out to him, Leon almost pointed to the food in his own hands to make it obvious that his hands were not clean, but he guessed that would be rude and if Min Ba Ram-ssi caught him doing that, Leon wouldn’t hear the end of it. He fished a napkin he’d gotten earlier from his pocket, wiped his right hand and offered it to the man. “Leon Choi. Hope you enjoy your food.” He commented, motioning his head towards the falafel in the other man’s hands.
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Maxi watched the stranger with some fascination, because he wondered at what the other was thinking, clearly not into the conversation, but still allowing for it to continuing, still accepting his company, if only because he didn’t want to be rude. See, they were all pretending. The corner of his mouth tugged up when the response was presented, and he nodded expressively. “I would want to argue that not all suffering has a reason, but that’s a far too heavy subject for a place such as this,” he noted, done at his own expense but hopefully at the service of the other, keeping the conversation light, allow for some silence. 
He appreciated Leon cleaning his hand before accepting his, it spoke of good manners, though even if he hadn’t, Maxi wouldn’t have mentioned it. “Ah, yes.” He took another bite and savoured the taste for a moment. “You were correct, it is indeed very good. Thank you.” Then, wiping his fingers on the napkin. “Nice to meet you, Leon. Are you here for the full weekend?” 
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it’s a conversation she’s had many times before, but devon’s used to it. countless coven gatherings and parties had the rehearsed reply shooting to the forefront of her mind. “i guess so. i don’t think i’m much like my mom but…” she trails off and makes a small face, contemplating. “i guess i could see it.” with a nod, she offer a sigh. “yep. it’d be kinda wild if i wasn’t, considering my family. but i don’t know if that’d even be possible.”
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He continued to smile at the response. He wondered if she thought she looked more like a father or if that was what she wanted. To be more like her father, in looks and skills, rather than going with what others had told her. But she was clearly a child of both. “Neither do I,” Maxi admitted, which annoyed him, thus he would have to read up on his Witch lore when he got home. “But I guess it would be wild if you weren’t. Though it isn’t like Harry Potter, right? You would still have a spot in the community, right?”
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“That would mean you hang around your house in a three-piece suit…” Leon mused out loud without noticing the little frown that appeared on his forehead, hating the idea already. “For someone who looks like they have a lot of money, that’s kind of awful?” First thing he wanted to do after arriving home was to get rid of his daily clothes, shower and put on something more comfortable. “Must be tiring. Keeping up appearances.” He shrugged, not exactly meeting the man’s eyes at first, mostly because he’d gotten distracted with sounds coming from the stage the closest to them. It kind of makes you look like the weirdo who goes to a music festival wearing a suit, and fills other people’s social media posts as that: a weirdo. He thought, but didn’t say it out loud. His gaze went back to Maximilian. “Like I said, these things must mean a lot to you. Given the effort you’re putting in keeping up appearances. Enough to make you go to a festival wearing something that is making you sweat like hell, just so you can pretend to be comfortable while wearing it.”
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Maxi grinned, raising his chin a little before digging into the falafel. “Or my underwear, but that’s only for a select few people to know.” He continued to smile as he listened. He felt like he could imagine what the other was thinking about him, what most people thought when they saw him in his suit, whether in this particular situation or any other. Maxi showed wealth, breathed income and experience, probably on the backs of others. Which was true, but he considered himself as a modern Robin Hood, like Robin Hood should’ve been: take from the rich, keep most of it. He faked discomfort with the sentiment. It wasn’t tiring, it was actually amazing, because he enjoyed every second of being ‘figured out’ by those around him. But alas, he offered somewhat of a tired smile, a glimpse into a character he was trying to create. “That they do. I suffer for a reason,” he said with a light chuckle, then, as if remembering his manners - while mostly having waited to say if the other stayed or ran away from the conversation - held out his hand. “Maximilian Tirmizi,” he introduced himself.
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“I do believe that the company you have sometimes changes it, I know mine is on full display when I’m around my old friends or when the strong emotions. Strange how some things like happen, but I do find it fascinating in some ways.” It was something that she had learned in college and was one of things that always stuck with her,even as she travelled around. “You’re very welcome, it’s almost homely in a way even though I’m not from there.” She pointed out to him. “I wish that was the reason my ex left me, instead of taking me away and then breaking up with me for no reason.”
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“It is a human reaction to change ourselves based on our company, to adapt to the conversation. We tend to, often without knowing we’re doing it, ensure we’re as understandable to others as possible.” He smiled, Oxford was a place that had a comfortable place in his heart, the old cobbled roads, the universities he had never been a part of, the correlation between urban and rural areas. “It tends to do that, it is an easy place to belong,” he noted. “Love is strange,” Maxi agreed. “Not an exact science, always both frustrating and beautiful at the same time.”
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Location: North Valley Home @scout-ainsleyt
With hands slipped into yellow plastic gloves, Maxi accepted the dripping dishes and lay them in the towel, cleaning each side with quickness and attention, before putting it away. Plate after plate followed, the end of a shift. But he had effortlessly shaken hands with every person who had gone through the place, and he had smiled to fellow volunteers. Soon as the plates and cups and cutlery were dried and put away, Maxi accepted a cup of tea and sat down at one of the cleaned tables next to another volunteer. “Well then. I would count that as a successful evening.”
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AGE: Thirty-eight years old
BIRTHDAY: January 4th, 1983
OCCUPATION:  Financial Advisor
PLACE OF BIRTH:  Wotton, The United Kingdom
Why did you decide to move to Astoria? Can you tell us a little about the last place you lived in?
“Well, if that is not the most easy question one such as myself can answer. I got a job interview,” Maxi said, smiling graciously, both arms in front of him on the table, expensive watch, three-piece suit, as if this was already his job interview. Only he wore this every single time, there wasn’t a day anyone would catch him without it. Unless that person was sharing his bed. “Financial advisor for the Helios project in fact, a prestigious vocation for one such as myself.” He nodded at the question that followed, the same welcoming and open composure. “Athens, Greece, but only for a few months, I’ve moved around a lot for the past decade of my life. Advising several companies and individuals.”
Are you coming to the city by yourself, with friends or family? Is it work related?
“Given the circumstances, it is both. My work associate and I have decided to make the move together, we’ve been in each other’s company for years now, so one could even call her as close as family to me. Our visit and eventual stay is strictly work-related however,” he shared, picking his words carefully, knowing Zadia would follow suit with the same information. “We’ve both been followed around through the years with the information of our background as Shapeshifters, oftentimes having to lie our way out of more difficult situations, if not relocate because of the dispute that followed. While we were able to keep our credentials in check, it has not been easy. Now, we both felt that it was time to settle somewhere where we will not have to worry about that anymore.” Of course, while those words were easily given, if Zadia and him - or either of them - found any other business opportunity that offered them more of their usual chaos and payment, they might move again, but for now Maxi had his cards on the capital city.
What’s something about your past you could share with others?
“A very vague question, if I may say so. Are you looking for a small anecdote? For I would be happy to provide one if requested.” He offered nothing but a smile, then took a moment to gesture his hands to either side of the table, as if opening up completely to the person in front of him. He kept eye contact, blinking away only to add more of a smile to his features, as if remembering something fond and interesting, though all of that was for show. “Like I’ve said before, I’ve moved around a lot. When I turned twenty-five I started a small business of my own, financial advising of course, through some contacts I had at my previous job. I’ve seen many amazing cities over the whole world, travelled to distant places, and enjoyed many difficult cultures. I could share many of those stories, but I think perhaps that is a conversation better suited over a cup of tea or some dinner,” they suggested.
Please elaborate on any violent circumstances you may have been involved with in the past.
“This question should suggest I have any violent incidents to report, alas you will find my record to be spotless. I’ve never had any instances where I’ve been on the receiving nor the delivering end of violence. Albeit if asked people, I may have shared stories a little too keen on getting the good humour from others. It is very much in my interest to have others like me, and you might not know how it is among the rich, but we like to brag, we love to brag and lie all the more,” Maxi brought in good humour. It was true however, he was far too sophisticated to get into fights. He would’ve never physically started any fights either, though maybe said the right words to the right person, watched it all turn to chaos without lifting a finger. He didn’t even need shapeshifting for that, people were easily manipulated after all.
What are your weaknesses and strengths?
“An odd question for any kind of interview, except maybe for a job interview. I mean nothing by it of course, I simply do not see its importance, but I will delight you with an answer. I am an observant individual with ambition and patience, however I tend to get lost in small details and I care too much,” Maxi said, a swirl of his hand as he gestured to the interviewer. Lies, of course, at least his weaknesses were, it made no sense to be honest about those, he knew he had them, but to accept them was a whole different matter. He only showed his own flaws when it could be of use to him to do so. In this case, showing some made up ones when requested. “I also tend to make stories a little bigger than they are, speak to the imagination.”
Your thoughts about supernatural beings.
“Are there any thoughts to be had when you are a part of one of the species?” Maxi asked, blinking as if actually surprised it was part of the interview. He was not, he had read up on Astoria’s track record on letting people wait ages before letting them in, and had done his research on what was usually asked. But he found this question perhaps to be the most infuriating, though the emotion would not reach his face. Growing up a Shapeshifter, Maxi had started off his own supernatural life believing it only furthered the gap between himself and his then-almost-girlfriend who was born rich while he had been born poor. Then as soon as her father found out about his unfortunate gift, a correct usage had to be found, thus placing Maxi in a position of great renown, while he was looked upon like nothing more than a circus animal, a parade pony. He allowed for it to go on for ten years until his girlfriend broke up with him, but the scars remained, and he vowed never to use his gift unless for his own gain. “I’m an advocate for equality for all. Whether Supernatural or human, aren’t we all people,” he delivered with a sorrowful yet hopeful smile, words laced with all the longing he could muster. For he, Maximilian Ganymede Tirmizi, did not care whether he got his money and chaos from rich humans or rich supernaturals.
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