maximushoward · 5 years
maximus has never tripped a day in his life
he definitely has some exes. do they exist here? who’s to say? 
bold of you to assume he even has social media accounts
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maximushoward · 5 years
Jack-Jack shook his head. “No, you don’t have to for real arrest. Just like… Beyond Scared Straight him. You watch Beyond Scared Straight? Have you been on Beyond Scared Straight?”
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maximus’ brows furrowed as the kid continued to throw questions at him. “ no i don’t watch beyond scared straight. ” he’d never seen a single episode. he already didn’t watch much tv, but he didn’t like to watch many crime shows. he already took his work home and while he loved his job, it didn’t need to move into his entertainment. “ nor have i ever been on it. ”
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maximushoward · 5 years
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     “Well, of course I did,” Attina said as though it was obvious – which if you knew her it was – she always missed her friends. “Now, catch me up on your life! As you said, I only have 50 – well 48 now – minutes, and who knows when I’ll be able to talk you into lunch again.”
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he let out a sigh, racking his brain for anything besides work. he had a few things he treasured, like his runs and his apple picking, but he wasn’t one to gush about his hobbies. “ oh, you know, lots of work mainly. ” she couldn’t have been expecting any other answer. “ i’ve done some jogging... visited rapunzel a couple of times... a lot of just the same things. ”
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maximushoward · 5 years
Almost as soon as he finished talking, Merida held up a five dollar bill between their fingers, already having had it out in the off chance that he said yes. “Perfect, thank you so much,” they said as they handed him the five dollar bill, “And just a warning he’ll probably sound emotionless and scared, but he sounds that way to everyone when he first meets them so just don’t take it personally.”
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maximus grabbed the bill from her hand and plopped it in his pocket in an attempt to make this interaction seem more normal than it was. “ yeah, no problem. ” the last thing maximus wanted to do was break a child’s spirit-- he’d had his own broken numerous times by his father. he wanted to be a different man than the one his father was. “ most people sound like that when they talk to me, so don’t sweat it. ”
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maximushoward · 5 years
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it always amused her how lucky she was to have found such different and unique friends that differed from her. maximus being a keen example but just because they’re different in how they expressed themselves didn’t mean they loved one another differently, not in her eyes at least. “what would this town do without you,” she mused. she plopped herself down on her brightly colored couch as she looked over to him, patting the seat next to her. “you know me, all good,” she nodded. “im repainting my bathroom right now, more flowers and what not. do you need something to eat? drink? do you want a beer or something? I’m sure we have some here.” 
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he let out a small huff of air in amusement at her question. he liked to think that he helped keep carthay in tip-top shape, so much so that he never thought about how it would be if he was gone. he didn’t want to toot his horn so much that he believed the city would fall apart without him, but he also never wanted to imagine a situation where carthay wasn’t as good as it should be. “ i’d hate to even think about it, ” he replied with a tiny smile. he looked at her outfit and nodded. “ i see that. feeling extra productive today, are we? ” usually he wasn’t one to stay long at other people’s homes, but rapunzel always knew how to keep him around for longer than normal. “ i mean, if you’ve got some, sure. i’d hate to inconvenience you, though. ”
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maximushoward · 5 years
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maximushoward · 5 years
“Hey, do you think that you could do me a favor?” Merida asked as they quietly got the attention of someone.  “So the Wilderness Explorers are doing a popcorn fundraiser, which is going to help them get supplies for our big camping trip at the end of the summer, and you see that little guy over there?” they asked, as they pointed to a kid across the street who looked like he was about to cry, “He hasn’t sold any today.  He’s a little shy and we’re working on getting him to open up, but he’s really starting to close up because he hasn’t been very successful today. Do you think that you could go buy a bag of popcorn from him, I think it might be the spark that he needs for today,” Merida said, “and if you don’t have the money, I’m happy to give you the five bucks for it.”
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maximus sighed as soon as he heard the word FAVOR. he wasn’t much of a favor guy. favors were almost never returned like they were always promised to be, and he wasn’t someone who loved to go out of his way to do things for other people. he had heard about the wilderness explorers groups ( he made it a point to know all the small recreational groups around town ) but he never really interacted with them. on occasion they would call the precinct and have a cop interact with the kids, but maximus almost never got selected for that job. probably because he was pretty intimidating, even if he liked to think the opposite. he sure looked it with his uniform and frown on. still, he wasn’t someone who was mean to children. but he didn’t carry his wallet on the job. just his badge and id. “ if you can get me the money and the kid to walk over to me, sure. i’ll do it. ”
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maximushoward · 5 years
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she put down the paint brush and wiped her hands on the backside of her painting slacks. she was working on a mini mural in her bathroom but it was something she was taking her time with, not wanting to rush the process of a life long piece even though she mind end up painting over it in a couple of months. swinging her red painted door open, the familiar face brought a smile to her own. “max!” the girl beamed with happiness as she stepped forward to embrace him. she knew that he wasn’t the most affectionate, heck – everyone did but that couldn’t stop the girl from being herself. “come in come in,” she said pulling away, tugging him inside regardless. “how’s my favorite police officer… and friend.” 
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maximus had never been much of a hugger. as a kid he absolutely loved giving out hugs, but that changed the minute his dad began telling him to stop being so soft. still, he slowly wrapped his arms around her and returned the hug ( it was loose, but a hug nonetheless ). he would have followed her, but she decided his pace wasn’t fast enough and pulled him in herself. “ busy... ” it was the best way to describe how he’d been as of late. well, he’d been like that ever since he moved to carthay, but that’s how he liked it. less free time meant less thinking about, well, anything. “ but you know, that’s just how it goes. i’m good, otherwise. and you? ”
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maximushoward · 5 years
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     “Well, it’s lovely to see you as well, Maximus. beautiful day, isn’t it?” Attina teased, putting down the cafe’s menu and smiling at the man across from her. “No, I know, you’re a very busy man dealing with carthay’s more … adventurous citizens. But it isn’t a crime to take a lunchbreak, you know.”
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“ no, it’s not. ” just out of character for him to take a break. he took a sip of his water and directed his eyes to the window. “ what, did you miss me or something? ” he was capable of a joke, he just didn’t often make them.
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maximushoward · 5 years
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throughout his whole career, maximus had definitely had some wild calls or weird requests, but he felt this had to be a bit next level. “ you want us to give you officers as... security? for your wedding? ” his expression was dumbfounded, mainly because he could barely believe what he was hearing. “ you want us to send some of out best officers to just... stand around at your wedding? ” / @mikcwazowski
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maximushoward · 5 years
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“ look, i’d really love to help you out here. but i can’t just pass out any records, nor can i tell you if i have any records on someone without you providing an id. come back on a day you haven’t forgotten your wallet and don’t waste my time. ” / @scampjr
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maximushoward · 5 years
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maximus was never someone who really worked for his friendships. for some reason, people seemed to gravitate towards him, even if he didn’t want that. he put almost zero effort forward, which he knew probably wasn’t very fair. that’s why he put forth the small amount of effort he did. just to make up for all the work they do. so, he was sat at a bar next to the james sullivan ( who, upon first meeting, maximus didn’t even realize was famous ) with a beer in his hand. “ so... how’s that girlfriend o’ yours? ” / @scaringxcaring
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maximushoward · 5 years
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maximus rubbed his eyes with his hands as jack-jack continued to ramble to him. “ look, kid, i can’t arrest your brother for whatever he does to you, alright? none of this is sounding illegal. just complain to your parents if you want actual results. ” / @jettjackjackson
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maximushoward · 5 years
if you asked maximus, there was no reason to make friends at work. befriending your coworkers could easily lead to distractions and he hated nothing more. his dad constantly drilled a one-track-mind into him and he carried it throughout his life. however, that didn’t mean he ignored them completely. he was a bit cold but he wasn’t a complete asshole. the break room was full of awkward silences if no one spoke up, so maximus usually took one for the team. he looked over at the only other person in the room and asked “ got anything good today? ” before lifting the coffee mug to his lips and taking a sip. / @officer-li
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maximushoward · 5 years
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there was only one person in carthay that maximus makes personal house-calls for. it helped that he was being paid to do so, but he also just liked to check in on rapunzel. he’s never forgotten how she reacted to being found and brought home, and the last thing he wants is for her to be upset again. after knocking on the door he shoved his hands in his pockets and waited for her to answer. he didn’t wait long and upon seeing her face he offered her a tight-lipped smile. “ rapunzel. i hope you’ve been well. ” despite how close they’d gotten, he was still into formal greetings. / @tnxgled
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maximushoward · 5 years
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maximus never knew how peach had found his address. he couldn’t recall ever giving it to her, but she somehow knew exactly which door was his. he never made a big deal about it, though, because maybe he did give her his address and just forgot. whenever he saw her through the peephole, he was hesitant to open the door. yet he did. “ what do you want, peach? ” / @findingpeachx
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maximushoward · 5 years
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it was rare to see maximus out during the day when he was working. he usually skipped his meals, trying his best to solve the cases placed in front of him. however, he knew that when attina had an idea in her mind she would not quit until she got it. that’s how he found himself at flo’s, sitting directly across from her. he let out a sigh before reminding her “ you’ve got fifty minutes. ” / @attinabenscn
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