maxiwinchester · 3 years
watching a show where ur favorite character isnt a main character
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maxiwinchester · 3 years
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If you’re attracted to Tokoyami, are you a furry or a feathery?
I’m not actually a furry, but have you seen Tokoyami in season 2 and 3? O O F
Inspired by @cuembra28 ‘s post
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maxiwinchester · 3 years
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Amber: Johnny! I’m sorry!
Johnny: Sorry for what you did...! [...] I wish you fucking understood what you are and who you are... and how you fucked me over and make me feel sick.. of myself!
This is AFTER she severed his finger. Amber Heard secretly recorded this entire event and submitted it in 2016, I assume in hopes she could cherry pick the audio. No one in this recording BUT her is aware this is being recorded.
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Dr. Kipper: so she did this. Look Ben, look - she!
Dr. Kipper: That he’s not gonna be manipulated. He’s a strong guy.
Dr. Kipper and a nurse who work for Mr. Depp arrive at the Australia mansion this took place in the early hours of March 8th, 2015. Dr. Kipper and the nurse as well as another staff member discuss who should fly Amber Heard back to LA, California. Note that Dr. Kipper states one of the security guards (I believe) is a strong guy and will not allow Amber to manipulate him on the flight back to LA. This same guy testified in court that Amber Heard asked him twice on the flight back to LA: “have you ever been so mad at someone that you just lost it?”
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Dr. Kipper: I’d love somebody to go through... (discussing trying to find the severed finger of Mr. Depp)
Amber: (in the back ground) Johnny thinks it’s my fault.. what do I do? I never meant to hurt him!
Nurse: is there something we can give her?
Note: at this point in the audio recording, Amber is becoming hysterical.
Dr. Kipper: I told Ben we’d cover if the police investigate.
Amber: (in the background) I didn’t do it (severe his finger) on purpose! (Now in complete hysterics) He needs me right now! He needs me!
Nurse: (discussing with Dr. Kipper what to give her) 50 of Seroquel?
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maxiwinchester · 4 years
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In the books, Artemis is a bad guy but he had enough depth and nuance to him that still made him likable. This depth and nuance is also what made his subsequent redemption arc so satisfying. Disney literally thinks that kids are dumb and wouldn’t be able to understand nuance. Fuck Disney.
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maxiwinchester · 4 years
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Just. You know. Some direct quotes from the audio recordings released by Daily Mail.
To sum it up, Amber's defense is "I didn't punch you, I hit you, but you're a man, therefore you cant be abused."
My faith in humanity depends solely on whether or not we can prove her wrong. If she gets away with this, humanity is truly lost. Please promise me she wont get away with this.
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maxiwinchester · 4 years
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Honestly, this is the equivalent of the Loki fandom right now:
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maxiwinchester · 4 years
Amber Heard, literally: Babe, why are you such a coward and leave before I can beat you to death?
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maxiwinchester · 4 years
You know what really irritates me about the whole Johnny Depp situation?
It's the ABSOLUTE HIPOCRESY you guys show. This isn't on television, or the newspapers, or on social media - specially here - as MUCH as it was when you all thought it was the other way around. The SECOND that there's proof that Amber was the abusive one, y'all motherfuckers have gone silent like the fucking hypocrits that you are; even worse, some of you have the FUCKING AUDACITY to blame him for the abuse or say that he is abusive, too!
How the fuck do you sleep at night? How can you sleep knowing that you are allowing evil, wicked and sociopathic women manipulate, gaslight and abuse their partners, no matter if female, male or everything in-between? Because by victim blaming, you're allowing it. You're sending them the message that it's not really their fault for being violent, it's their partner's for not complying to their wishes.
What really irks me the most is the audio recently released. It's out there, you can watch it on YouTube (here: https://youtu.be/aca0KWoHtqQ).
I'm only halfway through it, but it's clear to me that she's trying to manipulate him into a fight, she gaslights him into thinking HE'S the one responsible for their fights, and she belittles him everytime (like calling him a baby and a coward for running away from physical fights, or asking for help from a security guard). And the worst thing, to me at least, is that if the roles were reversed, you'd cancel him in a second; after all, you already did under false allegations. But because she's a "strong woman" that represents the MeToo movement, you're all silent.
*Pretends to be shocked.*
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This is another proof that women can be, and often are, as abusive as men, but y'all not ready for that conversation yet.
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maxiwinchester · 4 years
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maxiwinchester · 4 years
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maxiwinchester · 4 years
reylos refusing acknowledge ben's death
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maxiwinchester · 4 years
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maxiwinchester · 4 years
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What it feels like to enter adulthood. 
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maxiwinchester · 5 years
I don’t care what the tumblr hivemind thinks, episode 3 of season 8 from Game of Thrones is bad.
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maxiwinchester · 5 years
Well…that was anticlimactic…
They have been setting up the white walkers and the Night King for multiple seasons as the real main problem and the thing that would end everyone and there has been a thousand and one theories about him and…now it’s over? With one stab? In one episode?
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maxiwinchester · 5 years
Missandei dropping truth bombs.
“If it wasn’t for the dragon queen, we wouldn’t have a problem. We would all be dead.”
My ears are still ringing from that mic drop. 🎤
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maxiwinchester · 5 years
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