maxolszewski · 3 years
Signature - 16.02.2022
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Signature - 02.02.2022
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Signature - 19.01.2022
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Signature - 05.01.2022
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Final Reflection - CAS Experience
The most important part of this entire two year experience was the fact that it taught me perseverance. I believe that this achievement will help me in the future. This perseverance that originated from the three CAS strands will allow me in the future to pursue my hobbies and obligations. The part that I enjoyed most about this entire CAS experience was the fact that I had the chance to document two of my hobbies for two years. I had the opportunity to demonstrate both my tennis and drawing journeys and share them with others. Furthermore I had the chance to get interested in extremely important global situations. Moreover, I had the chance to develop my tennis and drawing skills. I spent so much time on these two activities that I was able to explore many different aspects of two things that I really enjoy. I managed to improve my tennis skills, and improve my health through physical exercises. I had the chance to develop my artistic skills by trying out new drawing styles. I had the biggest difficulties with LO5, - “Evidence of demonstrating the skills and recognising the benefits of working collaboratively”. This proved to be the hardest for me as both the activity and creativity strand are individual activities. Hence it was very difficult to include the collaboration with others. However, through my participation in Amnesty International I had the chance to work with others. On the other hand, the easiest part was LO2 - Evidence of undertaking new challenges and developing new skills in the process. This was the easiest as it allowed me to reflect on what I had done and what I could improve. Furthermore I managed to improve in both my tennis skills but also my drawing skills. This allowed me to in two areas that I am really interested in. All in all this CAS experience turned out to be very beneficial for me as, it helped me improve under multiple aspects and develop new skills that I can use in the future. 
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maxolszewski · 3 years
CAS Summarising Post
1. Evidence for completion of CAS project.
CAS Project: Amnesty International Letter Marathon 
2. Evidence of identification of strengths and areas for personal growth (LO1).
3. Evidence of undertaking new challenges and developing new skills in the process (LO2).
4. Evidence of initiating and planning a CAS experience (LO3).
5. Evidence of commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences (LO4).
6. Evidence of demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively (LO5).
7. Evidence of engagement with issues of global significance (LO6).
8. Evidence of recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions (LO7).
9. Evidence of reflection on significant CAS experiences. 
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Service (16.02.2022)
This was our last meeting as the IB2 class. This Amnesty initiative has been a wonderful way in which we were all able to come together and discuss matters that truly have a global impact. Furthermore it was very educational, as it provided many of us with knowledge that we did not have before. What I mean by this is, I began to focus on events all around the world that I would look at unimportant prior to me joining Amnesty. All in all this was a great experience, and I would surely recommend it to anyone else. 
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Activity (16.02.2022)
My biking exercises, have been proceeding extremely well. I have began to see the biggest difference in the intensities of my exercises. Additionally I have realised that my muscles have clearly began to develop, getting stronger. At first I was able to comfortably bike for 20 minutes at a medium intensity. I began my training with intense intervals of 1 min and 3 min of relaxed pedalling. However, after one week I changed the ratio to 2 min and 3 min, and finally after three weeks I managed to pedal at 3 min and 3 min. This just comes to show that consistent work leads to improvements. 
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Creativity (16.02.2022)
I really enjoyed creating the last design, due to the meaning behind the tattoo. I thought to myself that tattoos filled with emotions would be very enjoyable to design as, it could really reflect my personality in terms of the colors and shapes in the drawing. For this design I wanted to convey the emotion of indifference. I thought of this emotion as I find myself portraying it quite often. Additionally i thought that it would be challenging to portray an emotion that cannot be connected to a particular facial feature. Such as, anger being represented by wrinkles and tilted eyebrows. 
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Service (02.02.2022)
We were discussing a very important matter - the political situation in Russia and Ukraine. Additionally we connected this subject to the case of Sergei Navalny and how his human rights had been violated. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has resulted in the severe violations of the human rights of many Ukrainians, which is why it was very suitable for out Amnesty discussion. 
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Activity (02.02.2022)
The stretching exercises have really been harsh on my back. I have felt sever pain in the back of my chest. This implied that I would have to change up my exercises, or atleast limit the intensity of those exercises. I decided for the first couple of days I would go easy on the back exercises in order to prevent any serious injuries. During this time I focused on stretching my legs. When I began my programme I had a 30 cm gap between my feet and the floor, however after 2 weeks I am able to touch my feet, which is a real achievement for me.
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Creativity (02.02.2022)
The idea of one’s actions being controlled by their emotions (heart) is a very popular belief. I decided that this would be a perfect ideology to portray through a tattoo, that people would be keen on placing on their body. Therefore I drew a puppet without a facial expression and a body that did not show any signs of intended movement. In the chest area of the puppet i drew a big hole out of which a ghost/monster was phasing out of. This represented the emotions that control one’s decision. I decided to negatively portray these emotions as in many cases these feelings negatively impact what we do. The crucial part of this drawing is the fact that the ghosts hand are holding the puppets head which displays the actual control emotions have over our actions. 
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Service (19.01.2022)
During the last meeting we were discussing the current controversy in Poland regarding the Pegasus system. More specifically we tackled it from the angle of how this invigilation program violates basic human rights. This program can be used by the government, and it grants full access to ones mobile device or computer. The human right that is under investigation is basic privacy and how this program destroys it. 
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Activity (19.01.2022)
To further take care of my back I began to conduct stretching exercises. This would hopefully relax my back muscles and therefore put less tension on my spine. The exercises would have to target my entire body, as this would prevent the over-relaxation of certain muscles in contrast to the lack of relaxation of others. In the case of my back the right side, the muscles are a lot more tense, and the left side is more relaxed. This difference results in severe back pains from time to time. In order to heal this difference I would have to not only conduct symmetrical exercises, but include one-sided alterations.
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Creativity (19.01.2022)
For my next design I really wanted to use color. However I wanted to include black and white as well. I decided to draw the main focal point of the design in black and include color around the main design. I recently saw many different drawings of an eye, and I was tempted to try and create my own design. I wanted to combine a realistic style with a cartoon element. For this I drew the pupil in a way that made it seem as if the person was hypnotised. Around the eye I decided to add similar shapes to add to the ‘illusion’ effect. This element of the drawing would be in a bright color to make the eye stand out and create a a three-dimensional effect. 
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Service (05.01.2022)
We have discussed the controversial matter in the Polish government of “Lex TVN”. Polish citizens see this initiative as an attack on free-media in Poland, and hence a restriction of the human right of free speech. This is an empirical part of both human rights as well as a democratic party, therefore this initiative must be stopped in order for the country to remain socially intact.
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maxolszewski · 3 years
Activity (05.01.2022)
I have recently had to change my form of physical activity due to my medical condition. I would have to begin doing exercises that would be beneficial for my back. The first exercise that I have decided to dedicate myself to is a bicycle. I planned for myself to bike for at-least 15 minutes a day, at different intensities, and difficulty levels. I would hope that this exercise would not only benefit my health in terms of my back but also, reinforce and develop my leg muscles.
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