maxwritess · 5 months
this did not help what do I write 😭
if yes what should I write?
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maxwritess · 5 months
if yes what should I write?
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maxwritess · 6 months
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maxwritess · 8 months
should I try writing fanfiction?
wow I haven't written anything in a hot minute
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maxwritess · 8 months
wow I haven't written anything in a hot minute
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maxwritess · 9 months
my stories have just gotten longer and sadder with each post lmao I didn't mean to do that
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maxwritess · 9 months
Nobody Would Notice
I don’t think anyone would notice. Nobody would notice if I didn’t show up to class. Nobody would notice if when I did show up, I had a black eye and the dark circles under my eyes were more prominent than ever. Nobody would notice if I wore so much makeup I looked like a doll other than the tear streaks marring the perfect face. Nobody would notice if I didn’t speak a word to anyone for an entire day. Nobody would notice if the teacher stopped calling my name during attendance, if they stopped putting my name on the seating chart. Nobody would notice the stained circles on my silk pillowcases. Nobody would notice. Cece noticed. They noticed the little things, like if my eyes were slightly red and puffy. Tay noticed. She texted me multiple times if I didn’t show up to class. But of course I don’t get to see the only people that noticed me. Of course, my ‘friends’ used to notice. They would ask if I was okay if I wasn’t online at all for a day or two. They asked me where I was when I returned to class the day after I got sick. They wouldn’t notice anymore. I would know, because they don’t.
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maxwritess · 9 months
I miss you. I miss everything about you. I know I moved out a year ago but still I miss you. Almost thirteen years of living somewhere will do that. I miss catching bugs in my little jar only for them to be dead the next morning. I miss scooping almost dead bees out of the pool every summer. I miss going swimming in the fall when it should have been too damn cold but I did it anyway. I miss throwing oranges over the wall and seeing if I could make it to the park. I miss walking to Katie’s house and trying to ride her hoverboard (I fell over every time). I miss lying under my loft bed listening to Taylor Swift’s newest album Lover while reading Archie Comics. I miss hiding under the covers with a book and a flashlight until the early hours of the morning. I even miss not being able to fall asleep because the boys had friends over. I miss sliding down the stairs on my beanbag after Logan pushed me. I miss the unspoken competitions between me and Adrian to see who could play their music the loudest. I miss getting ready for school with the sounds of the newest music that I already knew all the words to in the background. I miss climbing over the wall to walk to the bus stop. I miss leaving an hour early to hang out with Cece at the park before the bus came. I miss walking Callee to school on the odd occasion that Cece had to. I miss racing Cece at the park to try and get the best Pokemon first. I miss walking to the Dollar Tree and Hobby Lobby immediately after school. I miss bringing our snacks back to the park and making concoctions in Calvin’s drinks with any candy we had. I miss calling Cece when she took too damn long to get to the bus stop. I miss sitting in our tree and watching TV on our phones. I miss checking on Riley and Bobby every morning before school. Remember when I made them that tiny blanket? There’s so much more I miss but not enough time and there are too many words to fit into one short story. I might make more later on, but for now, I’ll sign off. I miss you. Goodbye.
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maxwritess · 9 months
My best friend and I decided to go on a walk through the woods behind our neighborhood. We came across a worn dirt path and decided to follow it. It opened out into the courtyard of an old, abandoned elementary school. We headed inside with giddy excitement and matching grins almost as soon as we spotted it.
“Hey, stop breathing in my ear,” I said as I looked around an empty classroom. “This place creeps me out enough already.” “Huh? I’m over here what do you-” my best friend’s voice broke off. Confused, I looked to the right and saw him peeking out from around the corner. His face was pale; his jaw agape. He raised a shaky hand, pointing wordlessly at something behind me. I turned around slowly.
There, standing too close to my face, was a child. But something was off about the child. I couldn’t put my finger on it - until I looked down and saw that she had no legs. I looked back up and screamed.
Her mouth was wide open in a silent scream - similar to my best friend's just moments before. The difference was she had no lips and there was a trail of blood running down her chin. Her eyes were oversized, like they were too big for her face. I saw my best friend running away out of the corner of my eye. I looked back at the apparition’s eyes. The last thing I thought before everything went black was, "What a lovely shade of blue."
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maxwritess · 9 months
Nobody Noticed
It was a normal colony in the year 1590. Nothing was ever unusual or different. Except. Something was off. Not off, exactly, but it felt - wrong. No one in the town noticed anything out of the ordinary. Nobody noticed when they started disappearing.
First, an old man went missing. His name was Cal Jones. He was seventy years old and had light gray hair. He was also blind in one eye - but nobody remembered, did they? His spouse had been dead for years(but nobody mourned - not even Mr. Jones). His kids had families of their own, and the man lived alone. Nobody wept when poor, old, Mr. Jones disappeared. Nobody even noticed.
Next, a teenager by the name of Ronnie Collins. She was fourteen and had chestnut brown hair and baby blue eyes - did her best friend even know that? Ronnie got good grades and stayed quiet when she was supposed to, just like everyone else. Nobody noticed when the teacher stopped calling Ronnie’s name during attendance. This was only the beginning. Next month, a middle-aged woman disappeared. The week after that, a child. Next, a baby. Soon, there was only one person left. And still, nobody noticed.
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maxwritess · 9 months
Best Friends?
I stare wide-eyed from behind the bush at the figure as they hand a knife to my best friend. My hand is covering my mouth as I try to hide my panicked breaths. I might be imagining it, but is the moon turning red behind them? I look back at the figure cloaked in shadow. I can’t make out what they’re saying, but my “best friend” has a devilish grin I’ve never seen before.
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maxwritess · 9 months
My eyes were closed but I could see everyone circled around me. As the dirt walls rose higher and higher I tried to scream and flail but I couldn't move. I was stuck.
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maxwritess · 9 months
woah new sideblog??
hi I'm Max and I post crappy short stories (sometimes)
here's my main account :3
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