maxxtrails · 2 days
What To Do?
I’m sitting in my chair looking out at a rainy Sunday afternoon trying to decide what to do. My book is not holding my interest, there is nothing on TV and I’m bored of my IPad puzzles. Hubby is working because he is so far behind on trimming at the park and he says the best time to weed eat is when it is cooler since all his protective gear does keep him very warm. I had finally convince…
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maxxtrails · 22 days
Such A Peaceful Morning
I have been thinking that I need to write a blog but I really have nothing to say. Life is great and we enjoy everyday but nothing has really been blog worthy, until this morning. Yup I’m going to bore you with another series of sunrise photos 😀 I headed out at 4:30 this morning for my walk and could immediately see the sunrise was going to be beautiful. As I headed toward the lake I noticed…
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maxxtrails · 1 month
Top Pictures Of 2023
It was hard to come up with ten great photo’s for 2023. Not that there weren’t many and we had some awesome adventures, but the year just seemed to be wrapped up in the forest fire that happened on August 17th and somehow that event seemed to effect my feeling for all of our 2023 pictures … silly, I know, but it is what it is. Anyway here are our choices for the top pictures of 2023. We would…
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maxxtrails · 1 month
Back To Regular Life
We have been home for a few days and I can’t believe how much the trees and plants have filled in since we left! When left we could see the road from our site but now that the leaves have come out we are once again surrounded by green and we love it! It is also warmer in the morning and the sun is rising earlier so I will have to start my morning walks earlier if I want to catch the sunrise over…
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maxxtrails · 1 month
Time To Say Goodbye
Our time in Calgary has come to an end, the adults are back to work and the kids are back to school and we need to head back to Kelowna. But I guess it is a good things because after enjoying four days of good weather we woke up to snow this morning 😦 Our son dropped us off at the airport on his way to work and we flew back to Abbotsford a few hours later.  It was another good flight and as we…
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maxxtrails · 2 months
Off To The Campsite
Well Monday dawned much cooler and the skies were looking grey but that didn’t stop us from loading up the trucks and heading out to our son’s summer campsite.  Well to be fair they loaded we just hopped in once the work was done 😀 We have never been here before so we were happy to get the opportunity to see it. The park hasn’t opened yet, so they can’t stay, but they were able to take some of…
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maxxtrails · 2 months
Our Time In Calgary
We woke up both Saturday and Sunday morning to beautiful blue skies and what our son’s family considers warm weather 🤣 Okay to be fair it was warm in the sun but the wind had a chill in it. We sat out on the deck Saturday afternoon and both hubby and I had our coats on, the rest of the family was in short sleeves and shorts. Both our son and daughter in law came from Kelowna but they are now…
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maxxtrails · 2 months
More Family Visits
We said goodbye to our son and daughter-in-law before they headed off to work and then we headed out for another visit with hubby’s mom. Oh and guess what? It’s still raining! After a nice visit with mom and hugs goodbye we head out to Abbotsford to meet up with hubby’s sister and brother and his wife for lunch. She does have a nice view out her window. It was a long drive since we ended up…
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maxxtrails · 2 months
More Rain
Well my morning walk was not as long as I wanted it to be but I had to give up because I was soaked through my coat and all my clothes. If I ever end up living back here I will have to buy a better rain coat! But I do love all the flowers the spring rains produce 🙂 Our flowers at home are starting to bloom but not in the abundance they have on the coast. We had a nice visit with hubby’s mom…
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maxxtrails · 2 months
Off On Another Adventure
Just an FYI, I posted this blog, and the ones that will come in the following days, starting last Wednesday but I’m not sure what I did wrong and why they didn’t post 😦 but I think I am back on track and hopefully this one will post. We left Maxx to look after our site and headed down to the coast to visit our oldest son and daughter-in-law and hubby’s mother. We haven’t seen either of them for…
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maxxtrails · 2 months
2023 – 2024 Snowbird Year Wrap Up
Well our route home this winter was one we have taken many times, through Las Vegas Nevada, Twin Falls Idaho, Wenatchee Washington. We were pushed a little faster because of a snow storm following us but all in all it was a good route with hardly any snow, so we were happy with our choice. The city of Kelowna is waking up Over the past five months: We spent time in six states; Washington, Oregon,…
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maxxtrails · 3 months
A Beautiful Easter Monday
We had a beautiful, warm, sunny, day today with a high of 20C/70F. Our plan was to finish setting up our site but instead we started our day with a surprise visit from friends and that was a lot of fun. A pretty sunrise this morning. Once they left hubby put the light up in our gazebo and I raked leaves. We debated having a fire since we had put the fireplace up a few days ago but we decided we…
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maxxtrails · 3 months
Happy Easter
We wish you all a very Happy Easter and hope you are enjoying your day. Normally we attend mass with our daughter and her family but they are all sick so it was just hubby and I. Instead of going to their church we went to the church our middle son was baptized in. It was beautiful day and the flowers along the side of the church are all starting to bloom, along with the magnolia trees. Yes…
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maxxtrails · 3 months
And We Are Home 😄
The weather wasn’t great when we left Wenatchee, WA but it wasn’t raining and I still had my flip flops on. We had a very easy border crossing, drove right up with no wait. The only different question was did we have any weapon parts, that is new. We have been asked about weapons before but never parts. Anyway we didn’t have any 😀 so we were quickly on our way. As soon as we crossed the border…
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maxxtrails · 3 months
Oh Wenatchee You Let Me Down :-)
When we planned our trip home we planned a two night stop in Wenatchee, WA which is only four hours from home … why you may ask … well originally it was not going to be a ten hour drive to get here, but more importantly it gives us the opportunity to get our duty free list in order before we cross the border and make one last visit to Costco in case there is anything we need before we go…
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maxxtrails · 3 months
The Rest Of Yesterday
We started out so early yesterday and the roads were good so we ended up arriving in Pendleton, OR just after noon. Since our plan was to spend the night at a casino hubby decided that was to early to stop for a night in a parking lot. There were a few black clouds in the sky when we arrived in Pendleton, OR but they didn’t last long. Even though we had driven for six hours already hubby was…
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maxxtrails · 3 months
Fingers Crossed – We Go Over Our Last Pass Today
Well I tried hard to make it all the way home without having to ditch my flip flops but I caved this morning. It was 3C/36F when we left Jerome, ID early this morning so I put on my winter boots … I also put on my hat and gloves. It was a frosty morning and very chilly when we were hooking Maxx up. But it was a beautiful morning to be out on the road. We had to plan our departure to avoid rush…
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