may-maybelle · 7 years
Just One Summer (2 1/2)
↠Chapter 2, First Monster Encounter↞
⋯⋘Y/N Pov⋙⋯
Hey, I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N. Just so you know, it's me from yesterday. I'm kinda stuck here doing something to escape this... Thing. Well then.
"AHHHH!! IT'S GETTING CLOSER!!! HURRY UP, DIPSTICK!" I screamed while banging on the seat in front of me. He groaned in pain because I screamed at his ear.
And that. That is... Dipper Pines. The girl who's screaming next to him is his twin sister, Mabel Pines. They came here to stay for the summer with grunkle Stan and me. They were dragged out here by their parents in California, Mabel explained the while thing to me.
"You know I can hear you, right? I still hate you..." Dipper mummers the last part, hoping that I couldn't hear it. Well, I did. I decided not to snap on him because we have a CREATURE CHASING US!!! He steps on the pedal, making the golf cart go faster.
He hadn't noticed the cliff that was right in front of us, and we flew through the air. We burst through the "Welcome to Gravity Falls" sign. The cart surprisingly landed perfectly fine, with us bouncing on our seats because of the impact. Dipper continued to drive the cart away, as we heard─more like felt─the ground shake beneath us, signaling that it was getting closer. The creature shot out a gnome from its arm, and the gnome came at us. It landed right on Dipper's head, causing him to swerve the cart. Mabel tried to hit the gnome off of him with the bat, and eventually he did, with Dipper's hat.
Well, you can probably guess what in the name of world is chasing us right now.
"Look out for the tree-!" Mabel practically yelled, putting her hands on the wheel, trying to turn to cart away from the tree which had just fallen in front of us. It was thrown by that monster. Unfortunately, the cart hit the tree, only to see.. More like FEEL... The cart skid on its sides towards the shack.
"Take cover!!" Dipper yelled, covering his head with his noodle arms(I HAD TO LMAO). Mabel did the same, except with her hair. All I did was hold on the side of the cart. I closed my eyes in fear, not knowing what to do. I shivered, having the feeling that we were all gonna die. We then eventually hit the side of the Mystery Shack, with Dipper falling out first. He groaned in pain and rubs his head. A moment later, he walked towards me, but ignored me and helped Mabel up. She took up his offer and pushed herself up, with her hand in his. Mabel then pushed him aside forcefully and all he said was "hey!" before he stood near the window and stayed there, while glaring at Mabel who was helping me. She pushed the pieces of the golf cart off of me and she held out a hand. I giggled playfully and put my hand in hers, and she pulled me up.
"Thanks, Mabes," I said, after regaining my balance. I brushed the dust off my short-shorts which I was wearing, a flannel and the sweater which Mabel knitted for me. It had a pine tree on the front with vines swirling around it, and my name was sewed on at a little corner on the side. I added a little touch of mine by sewing on a cresent with a star on stop of it, on another corner of the sweater. Heh, Mabel is so kind. Dipper was glaring at the both of us. Our little staring contest was abruptly ended by the ground shaking.
"Oh no.." I muttered under my breath as I saw the huge monster in front of us. I immediately pushed Dipper and Mabel behind me.
"Give it up now, Mabel! You will marry all of us and become our Queen! Accept this offer or your friends will suffer!" Jeff, the gnome at the top of their monster thingy─who was also their leader aka King─yelled at us. I looked around us and saw a leaf blower nearby and a plan struck my head. A small smirk made its way up to my face. I then changed my expression into a calm one.
"Jeff, I'll marry you instead," I said, stepping up closer to the monster. I heard Mabel screaming for me to come back, but I've got a plan. I turned and slightly tilted my head towards the leaf blower, and she immediately got the hit by picking it up, then nodding at me. Dipper just rolled his eyes, telling me that "oh-so-you've-got-an-oh-so-fantastic-plan-huh?" face. I ignore him and faced the monster, with Jeff trying to climb down all the gnomes.
"Lovely! I always thought you were prettier anyway!" he exclaimed, as he managed to climb down. He clapped his hands, and the gnomes turned to make it look like he was going to propose to me. I knelt down to reach his height as he took out a ring with a diamond on it. I put out my hand and allowed him to slide the ring through my finger. He then stood up.
"Well, let's bring you to the forest now, shall we?" he asked me, turning around and closing his eyes and starting to walk away.
"And now, you may kiss the bride!" I exclaimed. I was still kneeling down. He happily walked over to me to kiss me. I put my hands behind me so that Mabel could put the leaf blower in my hands. She did so as I also got ready to "kiss" Jeff. Just as our faces were inches away, I immediately took out the leaf blower, stood up and pointed it at Jeff, turning it on. It sucked him in.
"Wha-- hey!!" he screamed.
"THAT'S for breaking my friend's heart!" I said, shifting the lever to shoot him out to the monster of gnomes. I did so and he flew towards them, causing the entire thing to fall over and all the gnomes fell out.
"And THAT'S for lying to her!" I screamed as I pointed the leaf blower at the rest of the gnomes. Mabel stepped up on the left side of me with a bat in her hands and Dipper unwillingly stepped up beside my right with a shovel in his hands.
"Now, anyone else wants a piece of this?!" Mabel yelled, as all three of us pointed our weapons at the remaining gnomes, scaring them away. I laughed a bit, and I heard to other voices following after.
"Never mess with the Mystery triplets!" I yelled, as I put my hand up for a high five. Mabel eagerly High fived me back and Dipper unwillingly high fived me.
"Hey, bro bro, N/N, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you guys. Will you guys forgive me?" Mabel asked us, with her head hanging low.
"It's okay, Mabes. All you wanted was a nice summer romance. We understand," I replied, while patting her back.
"Yeah.. It's okay. Awkward sibling hug?" Dipper replied with his hands open to hug his sister. She looked up at him and her frown twitched into a lopsided smile.
"Awkward sibling hug," Mabel replied, hugging her brother. They then patted their backs saying "pat pat" and then broke apart. I just watched them.
"Cmon twins! Let's get something to eat!" I said as I went into the shack with the twins following not far behind.
Well, you guys wanna know what happened to us, right? Well, time for a flashback!
We were all gathered around in the gift shop. Grunkle Stan was here too, holding up a few signs.
"Now, who wants to put up these signs in the woods?" he exclaimed, holding them up.
"Not it!" Wendy exclaimed, and Mabel followed not long after.
"Not it either!" she said.
"Not it either!!" Soos also exclaimed from the clothes rack.
"Not it!" Dipper also yelled out. I didn't pay attention to them as I was just looking at the journal.
"I wish I could fire you all.. So I'll choose. Eenie... Meenie... Miny... You!" Grunkle Stan said, pointing over at Dipper.
"Aww man! Why me?!" he groaned.
"Y/N! You help him too!" he yelled over to me. I groaned. Both of us have each other death stares. I put the journal in my flannel and stood up in defeat, while taking the sign boards, hammer and nails from Stan and walked to the door. Dipper followed me. I tossed him a few nails and sign boards and we walked out, making out way to the forest.
After we had hammered a few sign boards on the trees, I hammered my final one on a tree, but I heard the sound of metal. I stared at the tree in awe, as dipper came over to me as he had heard it as well. I then moved the sign board away, and dropped it in his hands. I then knocked on the tree, and heard more metal noises. I looked carefully at it then I found a hatchet at the side of it and opened it up. We saw a few switches in it and I flipped a few while waiting for it to do something. A hole finally opened on the ground and we walked over to it, as I inspected it. There was something in it. I reached down and grabbed it before Dipper had the chance to touch it. I blew away the dust on it and the dust hit Dipper's face, causing him to sneeze. He sneezes like a kitten haha. I looked it the object, and later found out that it was a book. It had a red cover, with a golden six fingered hand thing on the cover with the number 3 written in it. I immediately recognized that and I stuffed it in my flannel.
"Hey, can I take a look at it?" Dipped asked me, trying to take it.
"No! I mean, yes! I mean... Never mind! Let's head back to the shack..." I stuttered out then quickly walked away. He managed to catch up with me and we headed for the shack. We walked in and Dipper headed up to the attic. I decided to lend him Journal 3 as he kept bothering me about it on the way back. I plopped down on the yellow chair and I looked at the main journal that I had with me. It was peaceful until...
"Hey nerd! Come over here!" Mabel yelled over to me. I immediately snapped my head up from the book. She was making a hand gesture, telling me to come over. I playfully rolled my eyes and put journal  1 in my flannel. Journal 3 was up in the attic. Dipper was so curious so I lent him the book and he was looking at it.
"Coming!" I yelled back at her, standing up from the chair and heading towards her. Mabel grabbed my wrist and she pulled me up into the attic. I saw Dipper still looking at Journal 3.
"You two stay put here, I gotta get ready!" she exclaimed, as she went to take out some earrings. She out them on and proceeded to the bathroom to change. After a while, she came out, looking like she was going on a date.
"Wait, where are you going?" I asked her, plopping on my bed.
"On a date! I met this cute boy, he looks so daydreamy," she said, starting to daze off.
"Wow, for the past half an hour while we were gone, you managed to find yourself a date?" Dipper asked her. I nodded in Agreement.
"Yep! Now, he should be reaching s-" before she could finish her sentence, there was a knock on the door.
"He's here!!!" she squealed, running down the stairs. Us being really curious, followed her down, making sure there was a good distance apart from each other. Dipper glared at me and I turned my head and rolled my eyes.
"Who's this?" I asked Mabel while pointing at the boy. He had pale skin, and there was red liquid rolling down his face. He was wearing a hoodie, and his hands were in the hoodie's pocket.
"...and what's the red thing on his head?" I asked again, waiting for a good reply.
"My name is... Normal MAN," he replied, touching the red substance.
"And this is just jam.." he replied with a monotonous tone. He wiped it off his face and wiped it away.
"He means Norman!" Mabel said, daydreamily. She held onto his arm and leaned onto him.
"Cmon, lets go, Norman!" she said, skipping away. "And don't wait up!" Dipper looked at Norman suspiciously and whispered to me.
"He seems suspicious... I don't think he's human," he whispered to me.
"I know..." I whispered back as we watched them walk away.
"Wait, isn't there something in the journal we found?" Dipper asked. I nodded and we rushed up the stairs and I took out Journal 3. We flipped through the pages until Dipper told me to stop at one specific one.
"Wait, Norman had pale skin..." he said while looking at the page. It was about a zombie which can make itself look like a teenage boy in order to eat it's prey's brain. I tapped the page with a pen that I was holding and it came to me. Norman was a zombie!
"DIPPER NORMAN IS A ZOMBIE!!! WE GOTTA SAVE MABEL!" I screamed, shaking him. He groaned in pain and pushed me off him. He nodded and we rushed out of the shake to help Mabel. We headed to where we had guessed where they were.
"Mabel!! Get away from him!" I yelled at them. They were just sitting on a log, watching the sky.
"Ugh! Lemme just have a good date!" she turned to me and yelled back, then turned back. I shook my head then Dipper and I discussed a plan.
─Time skip─
After we had taken videos of Mabel and Norman together, we went back to the shack to find proof that we weren't lying to her.
"Ughhhhh I haven't seen anything suspicious going on!! Please show SOMETHING!!" I yelled, my hands pulling my hair. That's when I noticed something on one of the videos that we had taken. Yeah, we were re watching the videos we took, so what?
"Wait, hold on. Dipper, rewind," I said, pointing at the tv. I sat on the ground close to the tv while Dipper was on the chair. He picked up the remote and rewound that part I told him to rewind.
"Aaaaaaandddd..... STOP!" I said to him, swirling my finger in circles. He did as I told him to and when he actually LOOKED at the tv, he almost fell out of the chair.
"I know!! Now, we have proof to show Mabel that he IS a zombie!"
⋯⋘Mabel's pov⋙⋯
"Hey, Mabel..?" Norman spoke up. We had so much fun today!!"
"I... I've got something to show you. Promise you won't freak out?"
"Yeah, I won't." I replied. OMG OMG OMG IS HE GONNA TELL ME THAT HE'S A VAMPIRE?! THAT WILL BE SO COOL!!! I thought to myself as a smiled happily.
"Well... Here goes..." he said, and unzipped his hoodie. What I saw almost made me want to spit out water at him. He turned out to be a bunch of gnomes!
"So, uh.. Mabel? Look, I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm Jeff and these are blah blah (yeah, I didn't bother to go and find out their names), and who's that?" Jeff said, pointing at the final gnome.
"Shmebulock" Shmebulock replied.
"Yes, right. And Shmebulock! We would like to ask if.." he said, and before continuing, he tapped on the side of one gnome, and they all made a formation to make it look like a man proposing to me.
"So, Mabel my love, will you marry us and be our Queen?(I don't even know if he said that or not, oh well.)" Jeff asked me.
"Well... Uh... You guys are really sweet but... How am I supposed to marry gnomes? I mean... That's weird... So, I'm really sorry I have to say this, but... No. I will not," I replied, a hint if disappointment in my voice. "You... Okay with that?"
"Yeah! We're okay with it, cause we're gonna kidnap you!" Jeff replied, clapping his hands. Out of nowhere, more gnomes came out and came at me.
"Ahh!! S-stay away!" I yelped, kicking them away. But I failed to run away, and they pinned me on the ground. They tied me up, ready to carry me away.
"AHH!!! HEEELP!!! DIPPER! Y/N!!! HELP ME!!" I screamed as I tried to wiggle out of the ropes.
"Now, now, Mabel. They can't save yo-" Jeff said and he got cut off by someone. A voice which I knew too well. Y/N.
⋯⋘Y/N pov⋙⋯
"Gnomes?! Hey, short stacks! Let her go!" I yelled out. Dipper and I were searching for Mabel this entire time until I heard her bloodcurdling scream. I immediately ran to where the scream had come from with Dipper following not far behind.
"Y/N! Dipper! Help!!" Mabel screamed, trying to struggle from the ropes.
"What happened?!" Dipper asked.
"Well, Norman turned out to be a bunch of gnomes, and they want me to be their Queen!"
"Gnomes? Lemme see.." I said as I took out Journal 3 and flipped to the page labeled gnomes and examined it.
"If they choose you to be Queen, never EVER accept as you will live with them for your entire life and you cannot escape. Weakness: unknown.... No!! They MUST have a weakness!!" (not even sure if that's what is written on the page LOL) I screamed, flipping through the next few pages but I found nothing. Dipper had went up to them and went to help Mabel while I had been reading about the gnomes. I put the journal back into the bag u had brought along with me with the shovel and baseball bat Soos had given me. We came to the forest with the golf cart that Wendy had lent us.
"Y/N, you knuckle head! Being her to the golf cart! Pass the shovel over! I know what to do!" Dipper yelled at me and shoved Mabel to me. I quickly took out the shovel and threw it over at him, and I helped Mabel onto the golf cart.
"Dipper, come on!! They're coming!" Mabel said as Dipper quickly rushed onto the golf cart and started driving away.
"Hurry boys! The formation, now!! They're getting away with our Queen!" Jeff exclaimed and all TH gnomes heeded his orders and all of them formed a huge gnome. It then started chasing us, shooting gnomes from its hands.
"Agrh! Watch out!" I screamed as a gnome was thrown onto our cart and it started attacking us. It hissed at me as I screamed and quickly took out my bat and batted it away.
Well, and that's when all that torturous things happened. Now, back to the present!
We headed into the kitchen and I started to prepare a little something for all three of us, since Grunkle Stan was busy with tours and all. I prepared waffles─cause Mabel was begging─and put it down at the table. We all sat down quietly and ate. I looked up from my plate to see Mabel putting sprinkles on her waffles. I, on the other hand, at the waffle with a scoop of ice cream and chocolate syrup. I remember hesitating to give Dipper his waffles, cause he was busy looking at Journal 3. He decided to take it from me. Hmp. But he said he would return it so I allowed him. Dipper's waffles was just with maple syrup.
Moments after we ate, Grunkle Stan called us to come into the gift shop.
"Kids, I've overstocked on the items so pick anything on the house. One each. Also, Y/N, you can take more than one, but not too many," Grunkle Stan said. (part 2 coming)
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may-maybelle · 7 years
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Woah, I found an app called "Snapchat" and I LOOOVE it!! This was my first selfie with Dipstick. Don't know how or why, but we got so many views, follows and people spamming us asking us "ARE YOU THE TOWN HEROS OF GRAVITY FALLS?!" "CAN I BE YOUR FRIEND?!" "CAN I GET AN AUTOGRAPH?! I'LL BE AT GRAVITY FALLS NEXT SUMMER!!" and.. Yeah. Well, I made LOADS of new friends, and they spam a lot. I DON'T CARE THOUGH! MAY MAY OUT!
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may-maybelle · 7 years
Also, I'm going as Bill! You remember him? The triangle guy! I managed to sneak a picture of him in his human form, I have my ways. I need to start making it!
So far I have the black, white and yellow cloth with a black top hat and black ribbon for the bowtie. And I'm stitching up the galaxy design for the coat!
Dipper says he's gonna go as some fallen angel, and he had no other choice since it was a dare!! I've provided him with the black wings, all he has to do now is get me all the black cloth and I'll start stitching and knitting! It's gonna be so funny!
What about you, Grauntie Bella? Doing anything for Halloween with Grunkle Stan and Ford?
Oh! I should ask, @may-maybelle, are you and Dipper excited for Halloween? What are you gonna dress as?
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may-maybelle · 7 years
Yes, yes! I am, of course! Dipper's not really excited much, but I managed to convince him to dress up as something for the Halloween dance in High School! I've got no date, so I'm hanging around with Theo while Dipstick is gonna hang around with his friends
Oh! I should ask, @may-maybelle, are you and Dipper excited for Halloween? What are you gonna dress as?
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may-maybelle · 7 years
Well, I'm just texting in class and the teacher doesn't catch me! Also, I'm not really having much fun... There's so much homework! But Dip is helping me! We miss you!
Pros to living on a boat: I get to travel!
Cons to living on a boat: No toaster.
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may-maybelle · 7 years
Haaah! Are you guys having fun on the boat trip?!
Pros to living on a boat: I get to travel!
Cons to living on a boat: No toaster.
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may-maybelle · 7 years
Yes! You're doing perfectly fine, Grauntie Bella!
Hello! As it says, my name is Bella! My great niece wanted me to make a Tumblr account, so that’s what I did!
@may-maybelle How am I doing so far?
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may-maybelle · 7 years
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Heyo! I’m Mabel! My family and I decided to make a lil blog for all of us! And there’s a lil friend comin’ along too!! I guess I’ll see ya around!
↠Credit to artist↞
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