maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
Oh, okay..eh yeah I guess so.
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Does the best boyfriend ever maybe get to help you into this so-called perfect dress? Or maybe help you out of it…?
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
Awn, thank you. Thats very sweet of you to say.
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How sweet! You’re very beautiful too, Miss Roberts.
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
I´m sure he was.
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I’m sure Trissie was heartbroken about those pancakes. I would be.
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
Yeah not your best work but I guess getting married is stressful. How is that going by the way?
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Sorry, that was me. Not my best prank. Wedding stress is ruining me.
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
I say you are the best boyfriend I could ever imagine and I think I maybe even have the perfect dress for something fancy. I saw it last week in a store and it just kept screaming my name so I had to buy it.
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It was a clean sock, I promise! I just… I know you like Harry Potter, so I wanted to do something nice like that for you. So… whadduya say? I’ll wear a suit, and you’ll wear a pretty little dress - emphasis on the little, Maya - and we can be all fancy and stuff. Sound good?
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
Yeah, you are very beautiful and I dont think Tristan would mind me saying that.
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Aww, c’mon, Maya, you know what I meant. Admit that I’m hot. Please? I won’t tell your boyfriend.
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
Its particularly warm today, I guess.
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Honestly? I’m so hot.
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
Really? That is so sweet but next time please dont put you clothes in the fridge, okay? Its kinda gross..but still very sweet.
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I, uh, might have put that there. I don’t know, I was trying to do a Harry Potter thing. You know, like ‘Master has given Dobby a sock! Dobby is free!’ kinda thing. It was me trying to tell you that you need a break and I wanted to take you out some place nice.
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
No, definitely not. I wanted to make Pancakes for my boyfriend but that sock really distracted me.
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Well… That’s definitely not what you want.
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
I sometimes find random things in the fridge, for example this morning there was a single sock next to the eggs.
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
“Its a little bit easier to say than to actually not care.”
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“You know what?”
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
Maya loved seeing Tristan interact with the two kittens. He was so big and they were so tiny but Tristan was always careful not to hurt them. Maya almost forgot to change her clothes over all the cute pictures in her mind of her perfect boyfriend with the cutest kittens ever. She absolutely loved to wear his shirts, they were way too big for her and fitted her almost like a dress but they smelled like Tristan. She also may or may not be responsible for some of Tristan's shirts disappearing from his closet. Maya just stood around watching Tristan get changed, trying not to make it too obvious that she was staring at him and enjoying the view. As she was pulled onto his lap Mayas arms naturally laid on his shoulders and her hands playing with his hair in the back of his neck. She knew that he liked that and she also liked doing it, secretly she always wanted to braid his hair. Maya looked at Tristan as he spoke and was amazed by every single word. At the beginning of their relationship Maya always felt like she wasn't good enough for him, not sexy enough and sometimes she still felt like that.
“Somebody like me? A shy, awkward and weird girl, who giggles at everything and everyone. Real catch you got there.” Maya joked and laughed awkwardly since her description did fit her. “Ah, never mind.” she mumbled smiling and looking away. Maya was dying to find another topic to talk about and just ignore what she said. The girl was looking around the room, trying to find something to talk about. 
With Stars in our Eyes || Traya
When Maya suggested they go to his room rather than hers, Tristan felt his cheeks grow hot at the realisation of what Sully was probably doing behind those closed doors with Ariel. Thinking of the colourfully-haired male reminded Tristan of the conversation that they had had, where Sully suggested that if he wanted more he should discuss it with Maya and find out what she wanted. He glanced down at her, his fingers lacing through hers as she practically dragged him to his bedroom, and his heart warmed at her words, only making him more and more certain that she was somebody he could trust with anything and everything. “Yeah. Yeah, I know the feeling,” he said, fondly pushing her hair away from her face so that he could see those big brown eyes that he loved so much, and kissed her gently, before pulling away, and walking to his cupboard.
“It’s you for me, too, by the way,” he added casually, before turning back to Maya and putting a pair of his boxers and one of his shirts in her hands. “I’ll be right back, okay? I’m just gonna put George and Iris into bed, since it seems like Lucas forgot to do it before he went out,” he said, leaning down and kissing her on the cheek, before scooping the orange kitten off of his bed and exiting the room, leaving her to change in peace. He found Iris purring on the couch and carried both kittens over to their beds, before he knocked on his door and waited for Maya to let him in. Once inside again, he pulled off his pants and shirt (since he didn’t really mind getting dressed in front of Maya, and it wasn’t as though he was naked), before he slipped on a pyjama shirt and pulled her over to his bed. “You know,” he said, sitting on the edge of his bed and pulling her into his lap, one hand on her hip and the other on the small of her back to steady her. Her face was close enough to his that he was able to count the barely-there freckles on her nose, able to see the vague dusting of a blush on her cheeks. “I really don’t understand how I managed to find somebody like you,” he said with certainty, his eyes meeting hers earnestly.
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
“If someone really stole it they should obviously be sad. You dont steal stuff from other people but we will find it so dont worry. We are superheros and we can solve anything, right?”
“T-t-t-th…” Matheson struggled to get the words out, but instead wrapped his arms around Maya in a hug. “T-thank you,” he murmured sweetly. It didn’t seem like a big deal what she was doing, but the truth was that Matheson had felt very isolated lately, and having someone care, even in the smallest capacity, was a big deal to him. “But s-seriously, if someone s-stole it they w-would be very s-sad because there is like, twenty dollars in there. T-that’s it.”
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
“Oh,well that makes a lot more sense. I guess I just have a wild imagination, which comes in handy with story telling.”
“You’ve certainly got that fucking right,” Asher sighed. Although he couldn’t help but smirk at Maya’s reaction to the thought of her and Tristan with kids. “Calm down, I didn’t mean literally. I’m envying your story telling ability, not telling you to have kids. It’s alright.”
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
You will do great and I get to brag to everyone that I saw you kill it.
I can try.
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
“You first calm down a little bit. Take a deep breath and we will then go to the beach. I dont think anyone stole it but we should definitely ask people if the found a wallet.”
“Y-you know what? T-thank you Maya, that w-would be g-great… I don’t know, I had it w-when I first got to the b-beach? What if someone s-stole it? Is there a l-lost and found? What do I d-do?” Matheson stuttered wildly, his mind racing.
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maya-roberts-blog · 8 years
“You are a great Dad and you are doing a great job. Life isn't always like in the movies but thats okay. What? Me and Tristan? We..no..no. We are pretty much still children ourselves.”
“And I guess he’s too young to care that much… ugh, I just wish this sort of thing came easier to me. I’m sure you and Tristan wouldn’t have a problem if you guys had a child.”
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