maybank612 · 1 year
Charter Masterlist
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
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maybank612 · 1 year
Invisible String
Green was the color of the grass
Where I used to read at Centennial Park
I used to think I would meet somebody there
Teal was the color of your shirt
When you were sixteen at the yogurt shop
You used to work at to make a little money
The first time I saw her she was walking down the beach, headphones in and a book in her hand. It was a miracle that she hadn’t run into anyone. Some may say that its creepy, but I couldn’t stop watching her. Admiring her. She was perhaps the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Hair up in a bun, dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a red bikini top. I know I should have said something to her but I got caught up in conversation and next thing I knew she was gone. 
Bad was the blood of the song in the cab
On your first trip to LA
You ate at my favorite spot for dinner
Bold was the waitress on our three year trip
Getting lunch down by the lakes
She said I looked like an American singer
The second time I saw her was at the local bookstore. The pogues and I were out getting drinks for the kegger tonight and as we walked by the bookstore I saw her through the window. I could have stayed and watched her read book covers for hours. However, my friends had different plans, John B pulled me along telling me to “stop staring” because it was creepy. 
Time, mystical time
Cuttin' me open, then healin' me fine
Were there clues I didn't see?
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
The third time I saw her she was driving through the cut windows down blasting a song I had never heard. Both of us stopped at a red light, her in an old beat up Jeep Wrangler and me on my dirtbike, helmet on. She looked over and noticed me staring, she gave me a small smile then kept on singing as the light turned green and she was gone. I swear i felt my heart flutter at her soft eyes and elegant smile. 
A string that pulled me
Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar
Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire
Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons
One single thread of gold tied me to you
The fourth time I saw her she was picking up food at the wreck. I was waiting for Kie to finish her shift so we could head out and go fishing with the crew. Something in me knew this could be my last chance, I mean how many times could I run into her before I never see her again. 
She walks out the front door and I follow like a bat out of hell.
“Hey excuse me?”
She turns around a little confused by the stranger yelling at her. 
“Can I help you?” her voice was angelic, better than anything I could have imagined. 
“I just, umm” suddenly I lost every ounce of courage I had in me. 
“Wait you’re JJ right? Kie’s friend?” 
“You know who I am?”
“Yeah,” she says, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. “I’ve seen you around with Kie, I kinda of thought that you looked familiar so I asked her your name”
I let out a small laugh and a look of confusion grew on her face. 
“Was that funny?” she giggles nervously, oh my god that might be my new favorite sound
“No, it’s just that I swear all year I see you everywhere. I’m sorry it took this long to introduce myself” 
“Oh, well I’m y/n” she smiles and offers her hand for a handshake. 
I graciously take it and before I let go I take my chance. 
“So, y/n is there anyway you would want to go out with me tonight?” 
“Are you.. I ummm..” she could barely speak, her hand still in mine. “I would love to” she finally says with a smile. 
Time, wondrous time
Gave me the blues and then purple pink skies
And it's cool, baby, with me
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
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maybank612 · 1 year
King Of My Heart
I'm perfectly fine, I live on my own
I made up my mind, I'm better off bein' alone
We met a few weeks ago
Now you try on callin' me, baby, like tryin' on clothes
There is nothing better than laying on the beach with a book in hand breathing in the salt air. Its the first day off I have had in a while and I thought that it couldn’t get better than this. Then I saw him. 
Walking out of the water, surfboard in hand. He is quite literally the most beautiful man in the world. I pull my sunglasses down on my face and when his eyes meet mine I know I'm a goner. 
“Cmon babyyy” JJ whines from the car “we gotta go meet the pogues” 
I hop in the truck and smile at his words. We have been going out for a few weeks now and he keeps calling me baby like it is the most normal thing in the world. 
Salute to me, I'm your American Queen
And you move to me like I'm a Motown beat
And we rule the kingdom inside my room
'Cause all the boys and their expensive cars
With their Range Rovers and their Jaguars
Never took me quite where you do
Growing up in the kook life you get sucked into the realm of money and status, but none of that matters here. I have never been happier spending my days in the marsh with my friends, drinking cheap beer and smoking JJ’s cousin's weed. Who needs the kook life when you can live like a pogue. If there is anything that JJ has taught me its the joy of living the simple life. 
Late in the night, the city's asleep
Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep
Change my priorities
The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury
He knocks on my window like he does almost every night. Next thing I know I’m being pulled out of the window and dragged to the twinkie. We drive around the cut listening to Taylor Swift on full blast, until it starts to pour. JJ pulls over and we end up dancing in the middle of the street in the pouring rain. 
And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for
King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa
And all at once, you're all I want, I'll never let you go
King of my heart (my heart), body and soul, ooh whoa
Its the last night of summer vacation and me and JJ are dancing around the fire. He spins me around and pulls me close to his body. King of my heart playing quietly in the background. I look up into his ocean blues eyes and thats the moment I realize the truth. 
He smiles “whatcha thinking about love”
“You’re the king of my heart Jay” I tell him and his lips meet mine with such passion. 
“Then you’re my queen darling”
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maybank612 · 1 year
Christmas Morning
“Wake Up!!!” I hear as I feel someone plop on the bed next to me. I let out a groan and roll over to face the lump on my bed. 
“What time is it?” I say while I rub my eyes and catch a glimpse of JJ laying beside me. 
“8 o’clock in the am baby girl” He smiles as he kisses the top of my head. 
“Urgggg, why did you get me up so early?” I ask, I know it’s christmas and all but Kie and Pope aren’t coming over til later so there is absolutely no reason to be awake so early. 
“Because there is something outside that I know you’re doing to want to see” JJ whispers in my ear as he plays with the ends of my hair. 
I open my eyes slightly to see the stupid grin that is plastered on his face. Seeing him so happy forces a smile onto my face, it’s so hard to be mad at this boy. 
I feel JJ roll back out of bed and I look up to see him holding out his hand. I grab a hold of it and he pulls me up out of the bed. I am just wearing one of his shirts and my underwear, so I walk over to the dresser and pull out a pair of christmas pants. I can feel JJ staring as I pull the pants over my ass. 
“Jay, are you really staring at my ass on christmas?” I giggle, his faces goes red
“I’m just enjoying my present baby” He smirks, I roll my eyes at him and finish getting dressed. 
JJ grabs my hand as we walk out of my room and drags me over to the back porch. John B was still sleeping so it was just us up. 
As soon as JJ opens the door I see what he was talking about. It snowed. 
“Omg JJ, it’s so pretty” I smile, the snow has always been a favorite of mine. 
“I thought you would like it” He grins wrapping his arms around me. 
I look behind me and smile at this boy who knows me better than anyone else in the world, he knows that snow on christmas morning is my favorite, cause it reminds me of my dad. 
“I love it JJ” I smile and kiss his cheek. 
“Merry Christmas y/n” JJ says, as he still holds me in his arms
“Merry Christmas JJ” I return as I look back out at the white blanket covering the ground, nothing could make this moment any better. 
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maybank612 · 1 year
Call It What You Want
part two of dress
Y/n POV: 
JJ practically carried me back to the party, only to see red and blue flashing lights. I guess we know why Pope came looking for us. 
As soon as the light caught his eyes JJ threw me back over his shoulder and started running toward the chateau. Luckily it was like a five minute walk so it didn’t take long to get back. 
When we got in sight of the house JJ put me back down on the ground and grabbed a hold of my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine. 
“Looks like their home” I said, twinkie was in the driveway, I had no doubt that our friends ran as soon as the cops showed up. 
“Ahh, well looks like we are about to face the masses” JJ half joked, but I could hear the slight fear in his voice. 
We had talked about telling the others, but it started off as we wanted to see where things went before we told anyone. Then once we realized how we actually felt about each other, we got scared that they would hate us for breaking the rules or my brother would throw a fight and it would ruin things for us. So we just kept sneaking around. 
Before we walked onto the porch I stopped and pulled JJ to face me. 
“JJ listen to me, no matter what happens in there, I am not going anywhere. We are not going anywhere. Okay? It is you and me til the end of time, if they don’t understand then screw em. Okay?” I was just as scared as JJ was, but after everything he has been through I knew that was what he needed to hear. 
“Okay” He said, looking deep into my eyes and placing a kiss on my forehead. 
We both took a deep breath and walked in the door. 
John B, Kiara, and Pope were all sitting in the living room. Based on the laughter in the room, I don’t think that Pope told them about what he saw. 
“Hey guys” Kie smiled as we walked into the room.
“Where the hell were you two?” my brother asked jokily as he grabbed a beer from the fridge. 
Pope was staying quiet, I think he was still a little scared from seeing JJ’s tongue down my throat. 
“Umm, we had just gone down the beach to get away from the crowd for a minute” JJ hesitated in his answer. 
I guess that Pope snapped out of his thoughts, he huffed under his breath and rolled his eyes. I hoped no one noticed but Kiara did.
“Pope what’s your problem?” She asked, confused by his actions. I sent Pope pleading eyes, as if not to tell, but I guess he didn’t see them. 
“Oh nothing, just that when I went to find them. I SAW THEM MAKING OUT!” Pope was never one to let his emotions come out, so his loud outburst was a bit of a shock. 
“WHAT?” my brother yelled coming back into the living room. 
“Ummm” I said, retreating closer to JJ. I knew that this was coming and still I had no idea what to do. 
I felt JJ grab a hold of my hand and almost instantly I felt the fear leave my body. He looked down at me and smiled as if to tell me that it was now or never. 
“You guys are going to explain or just stand there weirdly looking into each other's eyes” Kie said curiously. 
“Alright, I'm gonna be straight up. Me and y/n have been dating for the past eight months, and John B before you hit me for macking on your sister. It is so much more than that. You guys have every right to be mad that we kept the secret for so long, but honestly we didn’t want the lectures or the comments that were bound to be made every time we were together.” 
By this time in JJ’s speech he had moved slightly in front of me and I just stood back in awe listening to him defend our relationship. 
Before he could continue John B cut him off “Bro there was one rule. One fucking rule, don’t mack on my sister. I specifically told you that. And then you lied to me about it, like what the fuck?” He slammed the door and walked out of the chateau toward the dock. 
JJ went to go after him, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “Jay let him cool down,” I said. 
He nodded in agreement and we both looked over at our other friends, trying to gauge their reactions. 
“Look I know that you both are probably mad, and I get that but..” before I could finish, Kie jumped up yelling “Haha Pope you owe me 20 bucks” 
“What the hell are you talking about?” JJ asked, both of us shocked
“Damn it” Pope exclaimed, handing over a twenty to Kiara. 
“Seriously what is going on?” I asked
“I bet Pope twenty bucks that you two were together” She laughed tucking the twenty in her pocket. 
“You what?” I asked again
“Oh come on you two are so not secretive. JJ you said it’s been eight months, well I have had so kind of an idea for like the past six. I figured that you guys didn’t want the drama queen out there to know so I just kept it to myself.” she explained, I guess someone did have a clue. 
“Wait so you guys aren’t mad?” JJ questioned 
“Nope” Kie said
“Not really” Pope answered “Only a little cause I lost twenty bucks and caught you two” 
Me and JJ caught each other’s eyes and we all bursted out in laughter. 
After we explained everything that had happened, I figured it was time to go talk to my brother. 
I walked outside to see him sitting on the dock, I went and sat down by him.
“John B” I said, getting no response. 
“Look B, I know that you are mad, but I am a big girl. I can date who I want, and the only reason we didn’t tell you was because we knew this is what would happen” I explained, still getting nothing from him. 
“Fine, don't talk to me, but if you want to be mad at someone then be mad at me because I was the one who started this whole thing. JJ doesn’t need another person treating him like crap” I got up and started heading back to inside. 
I was half way down the dock when I heard my brother get up. 
“Y/n” He yelled. I stopped and turned around as he ran up to me.
“Is it serious?” He asked
“Deadly.” I instantly answered, and he let out a sigh. I don’t know if it was relief or anger. “I love him, B. Like love love, he makes me feel whole.” 
“Okay” He said, pulling me into a hug. I hugged back and let out a breath, thankful that it went as well as it was going. 
We pulled apart and walked back inside, everyone sitting waiting for us. 
JJ stood up and walked over to us. I stepped away to let them talk, my focus on them was the same with Kie and Pope. 
“So y/n says you guys are in love or something” My brother breaks the silence. 
“I told you bro, it is so much more than that. One day I’m gonna marry her.” JJ said dead serious, I felt a smile creep onto my face knowing that one day I would be his wife. 
“Yeah whatever, call it what you want. But I swear, keep the PDA to a minimum or I'll beat your ass.” John B rolled his eyes. 
JJ saluted him and almost ran up to me and grabbed and spun me around. Placing a big kiss on my cheek. Gaining comments from the peanut gallery. 
With that he threw me over his shoulder and ran to my room, plopping me down on the bed. He hopped in next to me and I cuddled into his side. 
“Well that went a lot better than expected” I giggled. 
“You’re telling me. Before ten minutes ago I thought John B would have killed me if he found out” JJ laughed
We laid there in silence for a few before I turned to face him. 
“Sooo you plan on marrying me one day, huh” I smiled, causing JJ to laugh.
“Well baby, call it what you want but I plan on marrying you the day you turn eighteen” I was almost shocked at his seriousness. 
I just smiled at him, and leaned into his lips. The kiss was soft and sweet. I let out a content sigh when we pulled apart. 
“How about the day after?” I giggled
“Deal” JJ smiled and pulled me back into his arms. 
That night was the best sleep I had ever had. All because of my snarky, goofy, loveable blondie. 
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maybank612 · 1 year
Keeping secrets has always been a talent of mine, but keeping the secret of my relationship was proving rather difficult. 
Let me explain, 
My name is Y/n Routledge, and I’m a Pouge. More specifically the twin sister to John B, who was kind of the de facto leader of the Pogues. Then there is Pope and Kiara, our best friends, both pogues in their own right. Lastly there is JJ Maybank, my and John B’s best friend since the third grade. 
You might be thinking well, okay where does this secret relationship come in, well being a Pouge comes with two rules. 
One - Pouges don’t lie to other Pogues 
Two - No Pogue on Pogue mackin’ 
These two rules I have been breaking, the first one by not telling them about my relationship and two by being in said relationship with no one other than Mr. JJ Maybank. 
At first it was kind of this friends with benefits type of deal, but after a few weeks both me and JJ could deny the fact that we had been in love with each other for most of our lives and were both just too scared to say anything. 
That leads us to the present. 
Eight months in this relationship we still haven’t told anyone. And you would think, oh if it has been going on this long they totally have to have some kind of idea, but no. 
No one knows or suspects anything. 
Tonight is no different. Here we are at the boneyard for another kegger. 
JJ is off to the side at the Keg with my brother, while Pope tries to flirt and Me and Kie dance in the sand. 
I occasionally eye over at JJ, just to make sure that he is okay, everytime I catch his eyes on my body swaying to the music. 
I knew that was going to happen, I purposefully wore his favorite dress of mine. 
I watched as his eyes traced up and down my body, only to get snapped out of his trace by my brother trying to get him to pour  another beer. 
I laughed to myself and continued to dance with Kiara, getting even more lost in the music. 
This went on for a while, until Pope walked over to take over for JJ at the Keg. As soon as JJ let go of the keg he made a B line for me, not really being subtle. 
I had made my way to the side of the boneyard far enough that no one would really be paying much attention to us. We had gotten pretty good at staying out of sight. 
JJ grabbed my hand and pulled me toward our little spot on the beach a little ways away from the others. 
As soon as we were out of sight he grabbed onto my waist and pulled me into his body. 
“Hi baby” I whispered before his lips were on mine. 
I felt his hands grip firmly on my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. 
“God I have been waiting way too long to do that” JJ let out as we pulled away from the kiss.
“Next time we throw a party, remind me not to take the first shift on the Keg” He laughed
“You got it captain” I saluted him, causing me to laugh at my silliness. 
“But seriously you know all i have been thinking about tonight is how good you look in that dress” JJ said taking a good look at me. 
“JJ Maybank, did you pull me away from the fun just to get into my pants?” I jokingly asked.
JJ put his hand to his chest to act like he was offended, leading both of us to let out a fit of laughter. 
“Why of course not, Ms. Routledge, I just felt like I should let you know exactly what you do to me” He said, pulling my body back toward him. 
“Oh don’t I know it” I said looking up at him. He raised his brow at me in confusion. 
“Are you saying this was a calculated move?” JJ questioned holding me in his arms like before. 
“I may have only bought this dress for you to take it off,” I said looking into his eyes. 
JJ smirked as he placed his lips back on mine. I wrapped my arms back around his neck to deepen the kiss, letting his tongue enter my mouth. He instantly won dominance, as his hands also started to roam my body. 
We continued to make out until I heard a branch break behind me. We instantly pulled apart and quickly turned around to see Pope staring at us. 
Shit, we were caught. 
Pope’s face went blank and his mouth dropped, he immediately turned around and ran back toward the others. 
I turned to JJ and we both just started laughing. 
“Well this has been fun” I joked knowing that we were in for it with our friends.
“All because of a damn dress” JJ laughed, grabbing me by the waist again and picking me up heading back toward the party. 
Wasn’t how I thought the night would go but as long as we're together it will be okay. 
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maybank612 · 1 year
Warnings: Anxiety / anxiety attack
Breathe y/n breathe.
That’s all I can focus on as I am in the middle of a massive panic attack. 
I haven’t had one in a very long time, but I guess begin locked in a room by your crazy ex boyfriend is not the most calming situation. 
I was trying to help my friends get the cross, but I got caught by Race before I could make it back to them. 
I have my eyes clamped shut as I lose control of my breathing. I can hear voices, but it just sounds like a bunch of yelling. I can feel my pulse rising and my breathing getting faster. If I can’t stop this I am going to pass out, and that is the last thing I need. 
Okay, y/n focus. that is what my dad would tell me when I was younger, focus on something you love and it will ground you and your thoughts. 
JJ. That is the first thing that came to my mind. He has been my best friend for forever. I always knew that it would be him in the end, because no matter what he is the one I want to go to with everything in my life. 
I can still hear the banging and yelling on the other side of the door, but I just focus on the thought of JJ standing next to me. 
The thought of him whispering in my ear that everything is okay, that I just need to breathe. 
The thought of him calms me, and I finally feel my breathing slow. Not to normal but slower, my heart rate comes down and I can hear myself think again. 
Before I can bring myself to open my eyes, the door to the room I am in swings open, I am too scared of who walked in to open my eyes. That is until I feel a hand cup the side of my face. 
“Y/n” JJ whispers his face couldn’t have been more that six inches away from mine. 
I relax at his touch and slowly open my eyes. I see his bright blue eyes staring into mine. 
“You’re okay” He says running his hand down my cheek. “I’ve got you” 
I let out a deep breath and wrap my arms around his body, he instantly pulls me into a hug and I wrap my legs around his waist. His hand goes to my hair and he holds the back of my head. “Let’s get you out of here” He says quietly
I lean my head on his shoulders and as he carries me out of tannyhill I see Rafe laying on the ground, I can only imagine what the boys did to him for taking me. 
JJ climbs into the van, with me still attached to him, and he just continues to soothe me the entire ride back the chateau. 
As soon as we get there he carry’s me into his room and lays me down on the bed. I can tell that he is going to go sleep on the couch in the living room, but after tonight I just want to be close to him. 
“Stay” I say moving over for him to lay with me. 
“You sure?” He sounds so unsure. 
“I need you JJ” I choke out, trying not to fall apart again. 
He instantly climbs into bed and pulls my body into his. He is so warm, everything just feels so right in his embrace. 
I can breathe, as long as I’m with him, I really should tell him how I feel. But for tonight, I just want to be safe in his arms. 
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maybank612 · 1 year
Breaking News
I looked down at my phone for probably the sixth time in the last minute. Y/n was supposed to meet us at the Wreck like an hour ago and she isn’t picking up her phone or answering her texts. 
“JJ chill she will be here when she gets here” Kie says as I fidget with my phone again. 
I look up to meet her eyes and huff. I then turned to look over at John B, hoping that he was just as worried as me that his sister was apparently nowhere to be found. 
As I met his eyes I can tell that he is fidgeting too. I went to ask him if he has any idea where she is but I was cut off as I heard Pope. 
“Holy Shit” Pope practically yells his gaze focused on the tv. 
That's when I see it. 
Reports are circling about a shooting on the southside of the island. It occurred about an hour ago, reports say that there was an altercation between two teens. Resulting in gun fire. There is one injured, witnesses say that there was an argument between the two young teens, when one pulled a gun and fired on the other. She was taken to the hospital, but there is no news on her condition. 
I couldn’t even formulate a thought before John B’s phone started to ring. That’s when I knew. 
“Hello?” He answered the phone “Yes, this is him.” there was a pause before my best friend’s face dropped. 
“I’m on my way” was the only thing I heard him say, he rushed to grab his keys off the table. 
I can hear Kie yelling after him, but I just followed running to twinkie. 
We all managed to get in the car before John B sped off. His hands gripped so tight on the wheel. 
“It’s her isn’t it” Kie said from the backseat. I wanted to say something, anything. But I was paralyzed. All I could think about was the possibility that I was about to lose the love of my life, my best friend in the world. 
John B didn’t say anything he just pressed on the gas. Before we knew it we were at the hospital. We all ran into the hospital John B going straight to the desk. 
“Hello, I’m got a call about my sister her name is Y/n, Y/n Routledge” He said his voice shaking 
“John B?” I heard Shoupes voice as he was walking around the corner. 
All our attention turned to Shoupe. 
“What the hell happened?” John B started to yell. Again all I wanted to do was say something, find out what happened but I couldn’t. 
Shoupe sighs trying to collect his thoughts, at the end of the day he cares about us and this is just too much. 
“Honestly, I don’t know. The few witnesses that heard the shot saw a black SUV drive off. The paramedics said that she was hit twice, once in the stomach and once in the leg.” Shoupe said. 
My heart dropped again, I felt Pope and Kie beside me. Us all in pain thinking about losing our girl. 
“She’s in surgery, I talked to doc and he said that it might take a while” As Shoupe finished putting his hand on John B’s shoulder.
That's when John B broke down, I don’t think I have ever seen him cry this much before. 
Kie and Pope immediately went to embrace him, and I just stood in my spot. 
That’s when I felt it, my chest tightened. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I grabbed onto my chest trying to relieve the pain. But nothing was working. I stumbled back with my legs hitting the chair behind me as I fell into it. 
I closed my eyes and all I could see was her. Her beautiful smile, the way her hair flows in the wind on the boat. Her eyes, I can hear her laugh. 
I felt like I was going to pass out, when I felt hands on my shoulder.
“JJ” I heard over and over again. 
I finally opened my eyes to see John B in front of me. 
“Breathe” he said, I didn’t even realize that I was crying until now. 
“I, I - uh can’t” I managed to get out 
“Shit, what does she say” John B muttered under his breath
He was thinking about all the times he watched y/n calm me down, but for that to work I needed her. 
“JJ, okay. I know I’m not her but you need to breathe. For her, okay she is going to be okay. Please. I need you to breathe” John B said
My body started to calm itself and my breathing slowed. 
I looked up at him from the tears in my eyes. 
“Oh, oh -kay” I stuttered out. Then John B pulled me into a hug.
We both held on tight. Kie and Pope wrapped their arms around us as well. 
God we needed her to be okay. 
<few hours later>
“Family for Y/n Routledge” a nurse said, grabbing my attention. 
We all shot up, crowding the nurse. 
“Yes” I said without second thought
“She’s going to be okay” I finally felt like I could breathe 
“There was a lot of bleeding. But we got it under control. She is going to be on crutches for a while, but otherwise she should be fine. You can see her if you would like” She said
We all say yes and then follow her down the hall. 
She opens the door. There she was, she looked so peaceful, thank god she was just sleeping. 
I immediately found my way to her side and placed my hand on top of hers. 
It was almost like she could since my presence, her eyes fluttered open and a small smile formed on her face when she saw me. 
“Hi” her voice was hoarse, but she still sounded like herself. 
“Hi baby” I choked out, tears forming in my eyes once more. 
“I’m okay” I laughed at her comment, even when she is lying in a hospital bed she is still trying to make me feel better. 
I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. 
I just stood there and stared as she talked with her brother and the rest of our friends. 
Then after a few I heard the door open. And in walked Shoupe. All our attention turned to him. 
“Y/n” He said walking over near John B to talk to her “Honey, I need to know who did this” 
I felt her grip on my hand tighten, I honestly hadn’t even thought about who was in this situation. Suddenly my blood began to boil. Who did do this?
“Rafe” She almost whispered looking over at Shoupe. 
Shoupe just nodded, almost like he already knew who did it. He turned and then walked out of the room. Our friend followed him out. 
“I’m gonna kill him” I said without even thinking. 
“NO” she almost yelled “JJ please, Shoupe will get him. Just please stay with me” 
The fire in my bones was washed away, I just nodded at her and sat by her side. 
“Okay” I whispered while sitting beside her. 
I gently moved the hair from her face. Running my hand down her cheek. 
“I love you” I said, trying to hold back more tears. “God I love you so much” 
“I know JJ, I know” She tried to calm me down. “I love you too, so so much” 
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maybank612 · 1 year
Break Up With Him
I never thought that my life would come to this. 
Yesterday I got a visit from the one and only Luke Maybank. I swear that man is like the devil walking. 
He came over to tell me that I needed to break up with JJ. Of course I told him that he was crazy and I wasn’t going to leave the boy that I love more than life itself, but he didn’t like that answer. 
He told me that if I didn’t leave JJ, then he was going to make sure that JJ ended up in jail. Whether it be from planting drugs on him, or getting him arrested for assault. 
I wish I was joking but I know that he would do it if I don’t do what he wants. And I wish I could tell JJ but he would just say that his dad is bluffing and I can’t risk that. 
If there is one thing that scares me more than losing JJ, is him going to jail. He is the best person I know, and he is nothing like his father, he doesn’t deserve that. 
So here I am standing on the back porch at the chateau waiting for him to get home from work. I hear the door open and secretly hope it isn’t my boyfriend, because then I can have a little longer. But it is. 
He comes up behind me and nuzzles his head into my shoulder. “Hey baby” he says in my ear. 
God I still get butterflies every time he touches me. I let out a content sigh, knowing that this might be the last time he holds me. 
Then I grow the courage to turn around, there are already tears in my eyes. 
“Baby, what's wrong?” JJ questions with concern laced in his voice. He rubs his thumb across my cheek to catch a fallen tear. 
“I can’t do this anymore JJ” I say looking at the ground, knowing that if I look in his eyes I’ll crumble. 
“Can’t do what?” 
“Be in this relationship” JJ takes a step back from me, this really is coming out of nowhere because we are so fucking happy. 
“What are you talking about, did I do something wrong?” I look up to see the fear on his face, the fear of losing me.
“No, I just can’t be in a relationship anymore” I say avoiding his eyes again 
“No, that’s not it.” He sighs “You can’t even look at me, your lying” damn I wish this boy didn’t know me so well. 
“I’m not lying” I said in a slightly frustrated tone, because I need him to just accept it so I can go. 
“Yes you are, and we are not breaking up” he says sternly, I really don’t want this to turn into a fight.
“Yes we are JJ, and I’m leaving tomorrow to go to the mainland for a month or two” I hope he will back off with this information, but he just stares at me. 
“This makes no sense, we were literally talking about getting married the other day. You love me, you wouldn’t just leave. Not like this” JJ says trying to comprehend the situation. I want to tell him the truth so badly, but I just pick up my bag and turn toward the steps. 
“Goodbye JJ” I say as I walk away, I hoped he would follow, but he didn’t. When I got to my car, I started to cry like I have never cried before. I hate Luke Maybank. 
It’s been a week since I left JJ and OBX, and today was the first time he reached out since I left. 
He sent me a text that said he doesn’t know what happened, but he knows that I’m lying and he is going to figure it out, then get me back.
I can only hope that a few months apart will help him accept things, but that boy is stubborn. 
It’s been three months since I left OBX and I am finally back. I make my way to the wreck to say hi to Kiara, we have been talking this whole time, she really is the best friend. 
She is the only one who knew I was coming home, well I thought. 
I walk into the wreck and there he is. Waiting for me, with flowers.
“Y/n” He yells at me as I try to quickly turn around and run out the door. 
He catches up and grabs the side of my arm. 
“JJ, I can’t do this okay, I need you to let me go” I say trying not to cry
“I can’t do that princess, especially since I figured out why you broke up with me.”  I stood there in shock, how could he know? 
“What do you mean?” I question. 
“I know my dad told you to break up with me, or he would make sure I got thrown in jail, well guess what, the old man got himself thrown in the slammer about two weeks after you left. And finally when I went to visit him, he told me the truth and said that he was sorry and high out of his mind” JJ knowing feels like a weight was lifted off my shoulders
“And I tried to call you to tell you, but I am pretty sure you blocked my number” JJ continues “Look I still love you y/n and I want to be with you for the rest of my life, no matter what my drug addicted father try to threaten me with” 
I finally look up at him with tears in my eyes knowing that I caused us both so much pain over the past three months. 
“I’m sorry” I cry out falling into his arms. 
“It’s okay baby, I know you were just trying to protect me” He coos in my ear stroking my hair. 
“I love you too and I want to be with you forever” I manage to choke out. 
“Well then forever starts now” He says pulling me away to look in my eyes. 
Then he leans down to place a kiss on my lips and I melt into his touch. I really missed him.
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maybank612 · 1 year
Blow Up
Y/n POV:
I walked into the chateau after a long day of work. As I was expecting I saw my boyfriend of two years, JJ sprawled out on the couch fast asleep. He had been working a lot recently to cover for his dad, and on top of that we just found out that I am pregnant. We were both really scared at first, but I feel like over the past month we have both become really excited. We have been waiting for the right moment to tell everyone. I mean we don’t really plan on telling his dad, and the only other “family” we have is the pogues. I told JJ that we should hold off on telling them mostly because I was afraid of what my brother John B was going to say or do. 
I smiled softly at the small snores that were coming from him, he just looked so peaceful. I walked into my room, well it was basically me and JJ’s room, and changed out of my work clothes. A small smile grew on my face as I caught a glimpse of the tiny little bump I was growing. I threw on one of JJ’s t-shirts and made my way out onto the porch, where my friends were hanging out. 
Kie and Pope were sitting on the couch that was situated against the window, while my brother sat on the chair in the corner with Sarah in his lap. I plopped down on the couch across from Kie and put my feet up on the small coffee table. 
“Hi Y/n” Kiara said as I sat down. I sent her a smile for the acknowledgment. 
“Hey guys, what ya talking about?” I asked, looking around at my friends.  
“Nothing much,” Pope shrugged. I nodded in response and sat back in my seat.
“So, y/n JJ still passed out on the couch?” My brother questioned, I don’t know why but his tone hit a nerve. 
“Yeah, why?” I asked back with a bit of an attitude. 
“No reason” John B said rolling his eyes
“Seriously bro, if you’ve got something to say then say it” I said back, my voice was starting to get a little louder. I shifted in my seat so that I was sitting straight up staring down at my brother. Sarah had shifted in his lap, I could tell that she was getting a little uncomfortable. 
“It just seems like every time I see him now he’s smoking, drinking, or passed out on the couch.” I could not believe what my brother just said to me. I mean this is his best friend we are talking about, he knows almost as well as I do what shit JJ has to deal with. 
“What?” I was shocked. For a second I thought I had heard him wrong. 
“You heard me,” John B said standing up. Our friends looked very uncomfortable at the conservation we were having, but that was going to stop it. 
“I can not believe you.” I scoffed, standing up to meet him in his stance. 
“What Y/n. You can’t tell me that he isn’t on a slippery slope. I mean he is rarely around anymore. Sometimes I even forget that you too are together. I am if I were you I would be worried about where he disappears too. We both know his history.” At this point John B was standing about a foot away from me. 
“Fuck you” I said, I went to turn around and walk away from him, but he just couldn’t stop talking.
“I’m just trying to protect you. You're my sister, and I don’t want him to drag you down with him. Or even worse he slips up and turns into his dad” That last thing pushed me over the edge, JJ was nothing like his father. 
I turned around and slapped my brother straight across the face, with all the force I had in my body going into the swing. 
“You know nothing about him. So much for your “best friend” right. I mean come on JB. I can not believe you just compared JJ to his dad. JJ is the most loyal person on this entire island. One he would never ever cheat on me, so fuck you for even thinking that. Two you want to know why JJ isn’t around alot. It’s because he has been working two or three jobs to make sure that we are taken care of. He leaves before the sunrises and gets home after it sets. So sue him for wanting to come home and smoke and drink to relax.” I could feel my face heating up from all the yelling. Pope and Kie got up to try and separate us from each other, but I was so livid that I kept going. 
“And lastly, when was the last time you actually asked JJ if he was okay. Because I know for a fact that he could use his best friend right now.” I realized that I shouldn’t have said that last part as soon as it came out of my mouth. 
“What's going on out here?” I heard from behind me. I turned around to see my blonde headed boyfriend rubbing his eyes. 
“Nothing” I respond walking inside, passing him and heading straight for our room. I sat down on the bed and I could feel the tears run down my face. 
A couple of seconds later I heard the door open and suddenly I was wrapped up in my boyfriend's arms. He kissed my temple and began to run his hands through my hair. 
“What’s wrong babe?” He questioned 
“John B just said some stuff that he shouldn't have and you know my hormones are all over the place” I said with a slight giggle as I whipped the tears from my eyes. 
“What did he say?” JJ seemed curious at what had gotten under my skin. 
“He just made some stupid comment about you always sleeping or not being around recently. God if he even knew, I mean you are working yourself to death just to make sure that our family is going to be okay” I started to cry again. JJ really was the best guy in the world and he was going to be the best dad. 
JJ was running his hand up and down my back, he knows that it alway seems to calm me down. 
“Hey, listen to me. I don’t give a shit what your brother has to say okay. And everything I am doing is because I love you and I love the little bug you're growing in there” He says as he points to my stomach. I looked at him and giggled a little bit. Laying my head on his shoulder. 
“God I love you” I said tilting my head up to kiss him. He looked down and met my lips with his.
We sat there for a few more minutes. The silence was nice, but both of us knew that we were going to have to tell our friends the truth. We decided that it was time. We walked out hand in hand back into the living room where our friends were waiting for us. Based on the look on my brother's face I could tell that he was sorry. 
“Look guys, clearly there has been some confusion on why I was a little MIA recently, but I have been picking up a lot of extra shifts to make some more money.” JJ said to the group. 
“JJ you don’t have to explain yourself.” Sarah said, trying to break the tension that her boyfriend had caused. 
“You’re right Sarah, but there is something else that we need to tell you guys” I said, taking a deep breath and grabbing onto JJ's hand. 
“I’m pregnant” I said, I thought that we were going to be met with yelling and disappointment. BUt that was not the case. 
Sarah and Kie both ran up and pulled us into a hug. They seemed so excited. Pope’s jaw dropped, then turned into a huge smile. I knew they wanted to ask a million questions, but I was too focused on John B. He just sat there in silence. I broke away from the hugs and walked over to my brother. 
“Look before you even say anything, we are totally prepared for this. Okay we have it all figured out, and I really need for you not to try and kill him because..” Before I could finish talking he pulled me into a hug and whispered “I’m gonna be an uncle?” 
I pulled my head out from under his shoulders and looked up at him “Yeah you are” 
We both erupted out in giggles, our hug soon turned into a group hug. I had honestly forgotten about the previous events that led to this moment. But none of that mattered. I was happy and that was all I needed. 
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maybank612 · 1 year
Y/n POV:
“I’m just saying I don’t think it’s possible” John B said plopping down on the couch next to Pope. 
We have been hanging out waiting for JJ to get back from work so we could go on the boat. We ended up talking about me and JJ’s relationship, which led us to Popes wonderful comment about how we never seem to be able to leave each other alone. 
“I think she could do it” Kie chimed in 
“No way. There is no way that y/n can ignore JJ for a whole day. It’s not possible” Pope laughed while taking a sip of his drink. 
“I totally can” I defend myself. Not that I wanted to ignore my boyfriend for a day, but I wasn’t going to back down from a challenge. 
Pope and John B just shake their heads. “No way” they said
“Way” I laughed
“Okay, fine. Then I bet you fifty bucks that you can’t ignore JJ for 24 hours” John B smirks
“Fifty bucks” I practically scream, shocked that it was that big of a bet. 
“Yep” He popped the p at the end
“Bet, be prepared to lose Johnny Boy” I smirked getting up from the couch and grabbing my bag
“Wait where are you going?” Kie askes as I make my way to the door. 
I turn back and laugh “Well, if i’m going to ignore JJ I probably shouldn’t be here when he gets home” 
“That’s cheating” Pope yelled from the living room
“Not part of the rules. I told you I was going to win” I giggled and made my way to my car hearing John B yell from inside the house “Good Luck “Mrs. Maybank” 
I rolled my eyes at the nickname JJ always calls me. I got in the car and took a breath. This was going to be a long 24 hours. 
As soon as I got home I hopped in the shower, and as I got out I already had 3 texts from JJ. God this was going to be hard. 
As soon as I got back to the chateau I expected to see y/n waiting for me like always. But she wasn’t there. I asked my friends where she was and they all just shrugged. 
There is something they aren’t telling me. 
I texted her a couple of times and got nothing in return, then I checked her location to make sure that she was home like they said she was. 
It shows her a home, what the hell is going on. 
I grabbed the keys to my bike and hurried off to her house, ignoring the comments from my friends. 
As soon as I got to her house I climbed up to the window like I always do. But it was locked, and her lights were off. She never locks her window. 
I knock for a few minutes, until I gather that she is probably asleep. 
I walked back to my bike trying to think of anything that could be wrong. Maybe I did something. 
What if she doesn’t love me anymore? What if she wants to break up? 
These thoughts wreck my brain as I make my way back to the chateau. As soon as I get there I walk straight into my room. I lay down thinking about the fact that I might be losing the love of my life. 
Y/n POV:
I roll over slowly, opening my eyes to the bright sun shining through my window. I grab my phone and catch the time. 
Damn I really slept in, I guess it makes sense cause I spent most of the night thinking about JJ. It was so hard to sit there as I heard him knocking on my window. 
Then I notice all the messages from JJ. Clearly he didn’t sleep either. All I wanted to do was tell him it was a bet, but I was determined to prove JB and Pope wrong. 
I got up and got dressed and then called Kie to see if she wanted to hang out so that I can ignore JJ for the next 4 hours. All I had to do was get to 5 o’clock and then I could spill to JJ. 
Luckily Kie didn’t have any plans so we decided to go walk around downtown for a while. 
We shopped for a while, then as soon as the clock hit 5 I smiled.
“Time to go” I cheered to Kie. She laughed at my attitude because she knew that I was happy to prove the boys wrong, but also that I didn’t have to ignore JJ anymore. 
We pulled into the chateau, and thankfully I saw JJ’s bike. Good he’s here. 
We walk in and I see John B and Pope sitting on the couch both looking really guilty. 
“You lost” I cheered. Causing John B and Pope to look at each other, still with that guilty face. 
“Yeah about that” John B goes quiet. 
“What did you two do?” Kie asks, setting down the shopping bags. 
“You might want to check on JJ” Pope says
My face drops, every time they say something like that there is something wrong. 
I immediately walk over to the spare room and slightly open the door. 
That's when I see JJ. Puffy eyes, little sniffles coming from his nose. 
“Baby” I say quietly 
He turns and looks at me, tears still in his eyes. I walk over and engulf him in a hug. 
“Do, do you wanna break up?” He sniffles
“What?” I question pulling away to look at him, 
“You locked the window, you never do that” He looks so sad, I am really regretting this bet now
“Awe baby, no I don’t want to break up. John B and I made this stupid bet. He said he would give me fifty bucks if I didn’t talk to you for 24 hours” I admit feeling really guilty. 
I wipe the tears off my boy's face and then I notice the look on his face. 
“What” He choked out
“I’m so sorry baby, it was stupid. I do not want to break up. I just wanted them off my back.” 
“I’m gonna kill him” he half jokes finally calming down 
“How about instead, we go get our fifty bucks and I treat you to some ice cream” I suggest
He just smiles and says “Deal” 
We walk hand in hand into the living room, gaining the attention of our friends. 
As soon as we are in view, JJ pulls me in and plants a big fat kiss on my lips. Immediately earning grains from our friends. 
As soon as we pull apart, JJ turns to John B. 
“That’s what you get for making my girl ignore me for a day” he smirks
“Okay I deserve that” John B admits 
“Pay up Johnny” I say walking over to him. 
He pulls out a fifty and hands it over reluctantly. 
“Thank you” I smile and grab JJ’s hand
“Where are you going?” Pope asks
“Ice Cream!” I yell draggin JJ out of the house. 
We hop in the car and before JJ starts it he looks over at me. 
“Please don’t ever do that again” He says
“I won’t” I smile, grabbing his hand and kissing it. 
“I love you” I say kissing JJ’s cheek. 
“And I love you” He says starting the car “Now ice cream” He gleams. 
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maybank612 · 1 year
Because I Know You
“John B, what are we doing?” I asked my brother as we trotted through the old cemetery on the outside of town.
“You know how you're trying to remember a song and can't remember who sings it?” My brother says to the group as he leads us deeper into the cemetery. 
He was a couple feet ahead of us. Kie and Pope followed close behind him and JJ and I toward the back. I was holding on to JJ’s hand because I really hated these places and he was the only one who knew. 
“Yeah.” Kie answered
“So, Redfield. This whole time, I thought it was a place, right?” John B continued “But it's not a place. It's a person” That’s when he stopped in front of a particular mausoleum. 
Of course I thought to myself. 
“See, my great-great-grandmother” He started to say but i finished for him
“Olivia Redfield.”
“That was her maiden name.” John B said as he turned back to face us with a grin on his face. 
I may not be totally on board with this whole treasure hunt thing, because I have come to terms with the fact that my dad is dead. However I have to admit, John B may be on to something. 
“Help me with the door. Come on.” He says starting to push on the door. The three boys started pushing hard on the door. It was not budging, then all of a sudden I heard it. 
“Whoa!” Pope yelled, taking a step back, bumping into Kiara. 
“A snake!” JJ yelled jumping back towards me as John B moved to the side. 
“That's a moccasin, all right. Ye olde Dr. Cottonmouth. Death in tall grass.” JJ continued until he started barking at the snake. I grabbed onto his shoulder as Kie told him to shut up and Pope started quietly yelling at him. 
As the kept arguing about the snakes I took a step back and started looking around. 
That’s when I saw it, there was a hole. 
“I can get through.” I said looking back over at my friends catching their attention. 
“What?” John B questioned
“No, no, no, no. You think you're gonna fit through the hole?” JJ started to trip over his words, I know he probably didn’t want me going through it cause you know danger. 
“That hole?” John B asked again, stepping closer to me with a worried look on his face. 
“Look, this is about dad. Okay and I know I have been trying to keep it cool and I still think that this is a long shot. But I know that when you believe something you really believe in it.” I said taking a step back to look at the hole again. 
I started to climb up the side asking my brother for help. That’s when I felt JJ walk up behind me and pull me down. He turned me around so that I was only looking at him. 
“Oh hell no. There is no way I am letting you do that y/n” He said sternly
“Jay i’ll be fine I promise” I said as I rubbed my thumb down that side of his face. 
“Now help me up” 
JJ did so reluctantly making sure to hold on to me until I was through the hole. 
I readjusted as I stood up inside the grave and put my hand through the hole for the flashlight
“Okay, flashlight?”
“Yeah, here.” Pope said, handing me my flashlight as I was now searching around the dark room. 
It was like living my worst nightmare, but I could see JJ’s hand still hover over the hole. I could hear from his breathing how nervous he was, but he wanted me to know that he was there. 
“You alive? You got, like, a... a heartbeat and everything?” My brother questioned from the other side of the wall. 
“So far.” I responded, going deeper inside, trying desperately to find something. 
 That’s when I tripped over something “Shit” I kind of yelled which caught JJ’s attention
“Y/n,  Y/n are you alright?” He said through the hole as I tried to examine the new cut on my leg. 
I hadn’t said anything and just kept looking around. 
“That’s I’m going in” JJ said as he started to climb the wall, that’s when I was snapped out of my own thoughts. 
“Jay I’m fine” I yelled. I guess my response was enough for him because I heard him climb back down. 
I continued to look and as I shined my light over the casket I saw it. 
“Holy Shit” was all I could get out. 
We had made it back to the chateau and listened to the recording that my dad left for us. 
I was now fairly certain that he was dead, but he left us with one last mystery and I was going to make sure we solved it. 
There was a lot of emotion in the house so I decided to go and sit down by the dock, because the water always seemed to calm me. 
Then I felt a presence come up behind me, I thought that it was my brother but then my blonde hair best friend sat down next to me. 
He didn’t have to say anything, he just pulled me into a side hug and kissed the top of my head. 
We sat like that for a while before either one of us said anything
“Jay?” I asked slightly, looking up at him. He looked so beautiful, the way the moonlight hit his face was amazing. 
He looked down at me and I watched as his eyes sparkled. 
“Hey princess?” He always called me princess, at first I hated it but now, everytime he says it I feel like I am the only girl in the world. 
“How come you always know exactly what I need?” I was genuinely curious, like no matter what situation I found myself in he was all there with what I needed. 
“Because I know you” He said in a hushed tone, turning back and staring into the water. 
All of a sudden I felt butterflies in my stomach, I reached over and placed my hand on JJ’s leg. An action that caught his attention as he turned back to look at me. 
We stared into each other’s eyes for a few seconds before I leaned over and placed my lips on his. 
The kiss was sweet and innocent, it felt like something both of us had been waiting on forever. His hands moved to cup my cheek and when we pulled apart he placed his forehead on mine. 
“Thank you for knowing who I am” I whisper out, even though it was just us I didn’t want anyone else to hear. 
JJ let out a little giggle and whipped the small tear that had dripped down my face. 
“Seriously Jay. Thank you, it’s why” i took a breath before I finished my sentence “ I, I love you” 
A smile crept upon JJ’s face as he pulled me into another kiss. This one was rougher, it was full of passion. 
“I love you too princess” he whispered against my lips, causing a huge smile to grace my face. 
When we pulled apart I leaned my head back on his shoulder and we sat looking at the water for a little longer. Our hands were entangled.
That was the moment I knew that I was going to marry this boy.  
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maybank612 · 1 year
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I have been playing basketball for the majority of my life, mostly because my dad played and he raised me in it. 
I have a game tonight, it is the biggest of the season. There are scouts coming to watch and tonight Kildare High is playing our arch-rival “Kook Academy”. I have been looking forward to this game all week, but today being game day I can only be a little nervous. 
The only thing keeping me kind of sane is knowing that JJ and the rest of the crew are going to be at the game. They all managed to get off of work, and for JJ especially that was amazing. He has only seen me play a couple of times because of work, everytime he watches me play it makes me feel like I can do anything. 
I walk into the locker room and get changed into my gear and slip on my warm up set before heading out to practice before the game. 
As soon as we walked onto the court I could feel the tension in the gym. Pouge and Kooks alike gathered to watch us play. I could feel the panic start to rise back up when I spotted a couple of college scouts, but I was pulled out of my thoughts by a familiar voice. 
“Y/N!!” JJ yelled from the other side of the gym. I turned around to see him with a huge grin on his face. He was standing on the sideline with the rest of my friends behind him.
I could feel the smile crawl onto my face as I made my way over to them. I walked straight to JJ and he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a hug. 
“Hi hot stuff” I said as we pulled away, leaning my head to the side so I could also have a view of my friends “Pogues” I say with a smile. 
They all returned hi’s and wished me luck on the game before going to get seats in the stands. 
“You're gonna do great tonight babe” JJ smiled as we finally pulled apart our hug. He placed a kiss on the side of my head, and I looked up and smiled back.
“I’m glad you’re here” I said, placing a kiss on his lips. Just as we both tried to deepen the kiss I heard my coach yell “L/n, get your ass over here” 
We pulled apart slightly laughing, “Duty calls” I turned and made my way back on the court only to hear JJ whistle from behind me. I kept laughing as I warmed up, now completely ready for this game. 
It was half way through the second half of the game and y/n was on fire. She had 18 points, 6 rebounds, and 5 assists. Kildare is up 56-52 and the girls have been playing great. 
I am in awe of how badass my girl is, everytime she scores she finds my eyes in the stands and sends me a wink. 
She was coming up the court and she passed the ball to her teammate, faking out her defender, and she round the court and got the ball back. Just as she went for the 3-pointer the girl defending her rammed into her and sent her flying to the ground. 
I shot up in worry that she was hurt, she was laying on the floor not really moving. 
“Y/n!” I yelled as she was still not getting up. “Is she okay?” I yelled at her teammate that was trying to help her to her feet. I felt an arm tug on my side to see Kie telling me to calm down that she was fine, but until I heard that from my girlfriend I wasn’t backing down. 
I turned my attention back to the court and saw y/n getting up and searching for me in the crowd, she caught my eye and sent me a wink letting me know that she was okay. 
I let out a sigh of content and sat back down watching her walk to the free throw line. 
She effortlessly made her shots and the game was back on. 
There were 5 seconds left in the game and y/n had the ball running down the court. She managed to get open, all of us on our feet as she stepped behind the 3-point line. The ball left her hands and you could feel the tension in the air, finally the ball dropped through the net and sent us all into a cheering rage. 
My girl had made the game winning shot and I couldn’t be more proud. We stormed the court and I made a b-line for my girl. I could see her searching for me too. Soon enough she jumped into my arms. 
I spun her around as soon as I set her down. She grabbed my face in her hands and pulled me into a passionate kiss. 
We pulled away both giggling. 
“You did it babe, you were so fucking awesome” I told her as she looked into my eyes. 
“You really think so?” she questioned
“I know so” I told her, she had a habit of doubting how talented she was, so I always made sure to remind her. 
Suddenly the rest of our friends and her teammates were surrounding us, sending her congrats. I stepped away and let her enjoy her moment, because she really did deserve it. 
I made my way back out of the locker room after going to get showered and changed. I slipped on a black crop top and some plain jeans, throwing JJ’s hoodie over my body to keep me warm. 
As I walked out back into the gym I saw JJ waiting for me with the rest of our friends. John B spotted me first and waved, as I ran and jumped onto JJ’s back.
“Hey superstar” John B said as JJ caught my legs as I wrapped them around his waist. 
“Hi” I giggled at the name her called me
“So what does Kildare high's best basketball player want to do now?” Pope asked, sending me a smile as I hopped back off of JJ backs. 
“Ummm, let me think” I said placing my hand on my chin “Ice cream” I landed on
“Ice cream it is,” Kiara said, guiding everyone toward the door so we could head out. 
JJ pulled me into his side and kissed the top of my head.
“I’m proud of you baby” He whispered into my ear. 
I just looked up at him and kissed his cheek. I then ran after Kiara trying to catch up with the rest of our friends. 
“Hey where are you going?” I heard JJ yell from behind me
“Ice Cream slowpoke, now come on!”
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maybank612 · 1 year
Back to You
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Y/n POV:
“You ready?” I asked my sister and John B as we got ready to steal the gold back from Ward.
“More than ready,” John B smiled at me. 
I couldn’t agree more, all I wanted was to be back in JJ’s arms. 
We hopped into the truck and made our way out to the road Cleo and Terrance were going to trap them on. We waited until we heard their truck approach, and as soon as we got the cue we jumped into action.
My dad and brother were on their knees on the street, and as hard as that was to watch. I knew that at the end of the day they were the bad guys. 
We were about to get into the truck when my dad turned around. 
“Sarah? Y/n?” he questioned catching a glimpse of us under our masks. “Oh my god you two are alive” By this time both him and Rafe were facing us. 
Sarah and I shared a glance, both knowing that this was proving to be a little harder than we thought. 
Everything that happened next was kind of a blur. I heard a gunshot go off, then I felt my head hit the ground. I thought I saw someone above me but before I could make out who it was I passed out. 
When I woke up I was in a familiar place, not really being able to make it out. Then it hit me. 
I was home. Back in OBX, laying in my bed. Once I felt awake enough, I tried to get up, but a sharp pain came from my side. 
I looked down, and everything that had happened came rushing back to me. 
Someone shot me. Rafe shot me. 
I could feel the panic rising in my body, I stumbled over to the door only to find it locked. I checked the windows and then again both of them were bolted shut. 
I started to hyperventilate, I made my way back to my bed and tried to steady my breaths. Suddenly I heard the door unlock and it creaked open. 
In walked no one other than my wonderful father. 
“Y/n? You awake?” He asked carefully walking into my room. I just sat there in silence, meeting his eyes when he fully walked in. 
“Awe baby, I am so glad that you are okay!” his voice cracked as he walked closer to me, I immediately hopped off my bed and kept my distance. 
“Don’t come near me” I yelled. 
“Ah come on don’t be like that, I saved you” he pleaded, i guess he thought I didn’t remember because that is not what happened.
“No you are the reason this happened, you let Rafe go off the walls. And he shot me. Dad, he shot me, and now you have me locked in here like I am a prisoner.” I was getting frantic, He started to back up realizing that he wasn’t going to get anywhere with me. 
“Y/n i know that is what you think, but I promise i am going to make things right. Until then you are going to have to stay here, I can’t lose you again” My dad said as he began to retreat out of the room. 
I tried to follow him out but I wasn’t fast enough to reach the door. At this point my only hope is that Wheezie comes looking for me. 
I fell back on my bed, wondering. 
Are Sarah and John B okay? 
Did they get the gold?
Are they home?
And JJ, is he okay? 
Does everyone think I’m dead? 
I let those thoughts guide me to a much needed sleep. 
I woke up, assuming it was the next day. I waited to see if anyone was going to bring me food or something. To my luck someone did. 
There was a knock on my door. 
“Come in” I said still a little weak. The door began to open, and in walked no one other than Whezzie. 
“Whezz,” I smiled running to give her a hug. She matched my embrace. 
“y/n I thought you were dead” She whispered
“I know, and there is so much I have to tell you, but I need you to help me get out of here.” I pleaded with her. 
“I - I don’t think I can” She said looking back at the door. 
“Whezzie, I need to get to my friends. I need your help” I asked again. She let out a deep breath and agreed
She managed to distract Rose who was the only one home, and helped me get out the back door. I hopped on my bike that was lying against the house and started pedaling as fast as I could in the direction of the Chateau. 
After what felt like forever I approached the chateau, I really hoped that someone was home. I walked into the house and was met by a mess. 
I can only imagine what they went through thinking we were dead. 
I walked back toward the back porch when I started to hear voices. 
“I just can’t believe you guys left her. Like what the fuck?” I knew that voice from a mile away. It was my JJ. 
“JJ do you really think I just left my sister there? Really?” Sarah argued. I knew that whatever happened there was a reason and frankly all I cared about was the fact that we are all okay. 
I swung the door open and saw all my friends, my family, walking up the dock. 
They must have heard the door, because all of their eyes were suddenly on me. 
I smiled as I saw the shock on all of their faces. “Miss me?” I laughed
“Holy shit” John B muttered as the rest of them stopped dead in their tracks. After a moment JJ dropped everything in his hands and started running toward me. 
I ran into his arms, he pulled me so close. I felt both of us relax as soon as we were in each other’s arms. Before I could say anything JJ kissed me like it was the last kiss we were ever going to share. 
“I missed you” I said as we pulled apart. He was still in shock as he pulled me back into his body, his hand cradling my head into the crook of his neck. 
After a moment he whispered back “I thought I lost you forever” 
I pulled away and looked into his eyes “Never” I said as I kissed him again. 
Once we pulled away again I was engulfed in a hug by my sister, then the rest of the group. 
After we filled each other in on what happened since we saw each other last, we decided to have a good old fashioned Pogue Style night. 
I was sitting on the Pogue with JJ waiting for Pope and Kie to come back with the alcohol. His hand was playing with my hair as I laid on his chest. 
“I am never leaving you alone again” he whispered against my skin, rubbing his other hand up against the bandage on my side from the gunshot. 
“Hey I’m okay I promise” I smiled at him
“It just kills me that your own brother did this to you.” JJ huffed
“Yeah me too, Rafe used to be the best brother in the world, I don’t know what the hell happened” I sighed leaning back against JJ again. 
He wrapped his arms around my waist. 
“I’m sorry princess. I feel bad that you lost part of your family.” He muttered
“It’s okay, I have all the family I need. Wheezie, Sarah, the pogues, you” I said, staring off at the ocean. “Honestly JJ, you were the reason that I fought so hard to get back. I didn’t want to leave you.” 
“I know, but you had too. I am just grateful that you are here with me now” He smiled, kissing the side of my face. 
“Forever” I said quietly back. 
“What?” he asked, turning so we were looking at each other. 
“I’m with you forever” He placed his hand on my chin and guided my lips to his. 
“Forever it is then” he smiled back
“You guys done?” I heard Pope say, looking over to see him and Kie watching us. Kie elbowed him causing his to groan 
“Way to ruin their moment dipshit” She said, making me laugh. 
“Were just watching us?” JJ asked laughing a little
“Uhh” Pope hesitated, causing all of us to burst out in a fit of laughter. 
After weeks of pain, I felt at home.
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maybank612 · 1 year
baby girl
“Boo” JJ says as he moves his hands away from his face, as he plays peek-a-boo with our six month old, grace. 
I can hear her giggles from the kitchen, I can’t help but smiling thinking about what a great dad JJ is. 
I walk into the living room seeing him put his hands back over his face, leaving graces giggle to come to a halt. Then in no time he pulls his hands away again sending her into a fit of laughter.
“Someones happy” I smile walking behind JJ and running my hands up his back, staring over his shoulder at our daughter. 
“We’re having fun aren’t we baby girl” JJ smiles as he starts to tickle grace. 
Her baby giggles are the cutest thing in the entire world. 
JJ stops tickling her and picks her up holding her in his arms. 
“You think we should include mama in on our fun Gracie” JJ asks our daughter, earning a few more giggles from the little girl. 
“I think that’s a yes” He smiles as I walk over to the two of them and start to tickle grace myself. 
Soon enough it turns into a whole tickle fest, JJ ends up putting grace back in her chair and starts to tickle me. 
“JJ” I yell as he pins me down on the couch, I can’t help but laugh “I’m gonna pee” 
That doesn’t stop him though, he keeps tickling me, until I start swatting at him. 
“Oh alright, I give up” He says hopping up from the couch and putting his hands up in the air. 
I sit up and attempt to catch my breath, I look over and grace is fast asleep in her rocker. 
“How the hell did all that put her to sleep” I laugh looking over a JJ.
“That girl, could sleep though anything” JJ laughs coming to sit by me on the couch. 
“Just like her dad” I say as he sits down and I put my feet over his lap. 
He starts to rub my feet as we look over at our sleeping daughter. 
“I still can’t believe she’s our sometimes” JJ says continuing to stare at her. 
“I know, if feels like yesterday I found out I was pregnant” I say looking at JJ running my hand up his arm. 
“I was so scared” He says running his hand through his hair. “I was convinced that I was going to turn out like my dad” 
Before he could say anything else, I put a quick stop to those types of thoughts “JJ you are nothing like your dad. You are the best father to grace, I honestly couldn’t imagine anything better.”
JJ looks over at me an smiles, knowing that I am right. Sometimes the boy just needs to hear it. 
“She’s my baby girl” He says looking back over at her. I smile at his words, then crawl over so that my head is laying on his chest. 
JJ starts to run his hand through my hair and I trace his abs through his shirt. Moments like these are my favorite. 
After a few minutes JJ leans over and kiss the top of my head, then leans over and whispers in my ear “And you are the love of my life” 
I look up at him and stare into his eyes for a moment, before I gently kiss his lips. 
“I love you” I say putting my head back on his chest. God this boy is perfect. 
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maybank612 · 1 year
Anger Issues
The end of year bonfire happens to be the biggest party of the summer in the outer banks. And I couldn’t think of a better place to introduce the world to my girlfriend. 
Y/n moved to the outer banks at the beginning of the summer, when I met her the first thought that popped into my head was this is the most beautiful girl in the world. It took me two months to work up the courage to ask her out. Thank god she said yes. 
She is so quiet, it scared me at first, but after the first few dates I realized that there is a lot more to her than what she presents to the world. And I love it. 
We walked down toward the bonfire hand and hand, following behind the rest of our friends. Thank god they like her as much as I do. I love the fact that the girl I want to spend all my time with is beloved by my best friends in the world. 
“Ready for your first bonfire babe” I say, guiding her toward the fire. 
“As ready as I’ll ever be” she smiles as I pull her along. 
As soon as we get down there I grab us a few drinks and the party official gets started. We spent most of the night dancing and just having a good time. 
After a while we split up, y/n goes over to hang out with Kie and Sarah and me and the boys go out for a night swim. Kind of a tradition we have. 
We were only in the water for like ten minutes before we were freezing our asses off. 
“God I forgot how cold that water can get” Pope complains as we make our way back to the party. 
“Yeah I know bro, it’s like the arctic out there” I laugh as I shake the water out of my hair and slip my tee shirt back on. 
“Woah what's going on up there” I heard John B say from in front of us, that’s when I noticed a big crowd by the fire. 
“I have no idea” I shrug as we quickly make our way up the shore. 
The boys and I push our way through the crowd to see what all the commotion is about, then I see it. 
It’s a girl fight, wait, that's my girl. 
Y/n is full on fighting some other chick. I have no clue what to do, this isn’t something I thought I would see. I literally freeze in my tracks, I can hear Kie and Sarah yelling at y/n to cut it out, but she just kept going. 
The noise from the crowd was drowned out by the sound of y/n throwing the other girl on the ground. That’s what snapped me out of my trance. 
I ran over and wrapped my arms around my girlfriend and practically had to pry her off of this other girl. 
“Babe calm down” I whisper in her ear as she tries to fight out of my grasp. I hoped my words would soothe her but it was no use. 
“JJ put me down” she yells 
“Not going happen” I sigh as I carry her toward the van. 
We finally got over there and I put her down in the back seat of the car. It’s the first time I actually saw her face. There is blood running down her cheek and her hair is a mess, I don’t even want to imagine what the other girl looks like. 
She was still pissed, I felt myself drift back into my trance as I looked over her wounds, running my thumb over her bruised and bleeding cheek. 
She swatted my hand away, still fuming. 
“Y/n what the hell was that” John B said as he and the rest of our friends made their way to the van. 
“Nothing,” She muttered under her breath. 
John B shook his head and turned his attention to Kie and Sarah since they were with her. It almost looked like the girls didn’t want to rat y/n out, but if she wasn’t going to talk someone needed too. 
“Well” I asked, looking over at the girls, who gave each other a look before giving in. 
“That girl saw you and y/n together earlier and she started to brag about how you guys have hooked up before” Kie started to explain before I sighed looking over at my girlfriend who was pissed. 
“She started to say that you were probably cheating on y/n because you don’t do relationships and that she didn’t even know what you saw in y/n” Sarah finished explaining. 
“What a bitch” I heard pope mutter under his breath. He wasn’t wrong. 
I turned my attention back to my girlfriend and tried to reassure her but she avoided my gaze and ran her fingers through her hair. 
“Can we just go” she finally spoke up. 
The whole way back the chateau no one said and word and y/n refused to look at me. As soon as we got back she went straight to the bathroom, and slammed the door in my face. 
I knocked on the door and all she said was to go away. After a few minutes of trying I walked into the living room and sat down with my friends letting out a loud sigh.
“Bro your girl is something else” John B said gaining an disapproving look from the girls. 
“She had every right, that girl was way out of line” Sarah speaks up. 
“JJ did you ever think that would happen?” Pope asks curiously
“Honestly no, I mean she’s so quiet. There has to be more to it” I rub my hands over my eyes. 
Then I hear the bathroom door open and see y/n make her way into my room. I hop up and follow her, this time she doesn’t slam the door. 
She sits down on my bed and I walk over and squat down in front of her placing my hands over hers. 
“I’m sorry” she almost whispers, that's when I notice the tears pooling in her eyes. 
I pull her into my arms as she breaks down into my body. I run my hands up and down her back trying to calm her down, and eventually I do. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for” I say, still comforting her. “I just had no idea that you had that in you” 
She sighs and looks up at me, “It’s not like I advertise to people that I have sitl anger issues” 
I can’t help but crack a little smile. “It’s not funny JJ” she says
“I know, but it was really really hot” I chuckle
She looks up with a disapproving smile, and I lean in a place a small kiss on her lips. 
I can feel her smile back into the kiss. We eventually fall asleep in each other's arms, I guess there is a lot I still need to learn about my girl. But I’ve got time. 
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maybank612 · 1 year
“we need a win”
Y/n POV:
“I’m going to marry you one day” JJ whispered into my ear, I think he thought that I was asleep. 
For most fifteen year olds a statement like that would freak you out, but JJ’s secret confession did scare me at all. It excited me, because I knew that he was the man that I was going to marry.
Me and JJ had been best friends for most of our lives, so when we started dating no one was really surprised. Kie literally started jumping up and down in excitement. 
I snuggled farther into JJ’s chest, and drifted off thinking about my future with the love of my life.
Two years later
A lot of shit has happened over the past couple of weeks. 
We found the royal merchant, then got the gold stolen, JJ went to jail, we were shot at more times than I can count. John B and Sarah “died”, and we got caught up in another treasure hunt, looking for a cross that belonged to Pope’s family. 
We are currently hanging around the chateau after a long night. Parties on the cut never ended well, but with everything that was going on with John B and Sarah, things were a little more tense. 
However, that didn’t seem to faze JJ. He was his usual upbeat, kind-hearted, goofy self. 
We were sitting on the dock, without feet hanging off the side in the water. I had my back laying against his chest as his arms snaked around my waist holding me close. 
I let out a long sigh pushing my body back farther against his chest, the stress of everything was starting to get to me a little. 
“What’s wrong baby?” JJ questioned, he could always tell when something was bothering me. 
“It’s just the past few weeks have been a lot, and I just feel like after all this crap we need something positive, not more crap.” I could hear the irritation in my voice as I started to go on a mini rant. 
“We need a win” I huffed, JJ placed a sweet kiss on my temple because that always seemed to calm me down. 
He rested his head on my shoulder and hugged me a little tighter. I felt like in the moment everything was perfect. I mean that is how he always made me feel.
“We should get married” JJ spoke in the silence. 
I quickly shot around, shock all over my face. I mean I knew that he wanted a future with me and I wanted one with him, but this was honestly really random. 
“What?” I questioned 
“I mean I know that technically we aren’t old enough, but we can do all that official shit when we turn 18. I wanna marry you right here right now, because you are right we have had so much shit happen over the past few weeks. And if it has taught me anything, it’s that I can’t lose you y/n.” JJ had adjusted my body so that I was now sitting comfortable in his lap, looking into his deep blue eyes. I have never seen this boy so serious. “I have been thinking about this moment for like my entire life. Ever since we were six playing in stupid sandbox your mom got even though we live five minutes from the water. I want to marry you.” 
JJ moved his hands up to cup my face, now tears creeping down my eyes. As he wiped the tears away, I let out a small giggle at how sweet this moment truly was. 
“JJ Maybank, are you asking me to marry you?” I questioned curiously, I knew the answer but I wanted to hear him ask. 
He let out a small laugh and placed a kiss on my lips. 
“Yes, Y/n L/n I am asking. Will you marry me?” He smiled
I leaned into his lips and felt him meet mine in the middle, as I pulled away I smiled and whispered “Yes, JJ Maybank I will marry you. Right here, Right now” 
We shared another long kiss before I felt JJ pick me up and spin me around. Once he set me down he grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the chateau. 
He swung the door open to see our friends sitting on the couch, all looking like someone had died. 
“Get up losers” JJ yelled, tossing a pillow at John B as I laughed watching them look confused. 
“Bro what the hell?” John B said, tossing the pillow to the side. 
“It’s wedding time” JJ giggled like a kid on Christmas. 
“What?” Pope questioned 
“Jay, calm down and maybe we could explain instead of coming in to our hungover friends and yelling it’s wedding time” I calmly said, still kind of laughing at JJ’s persistence. 
JJ nodded his head and signaled for me to explain what was happening. 
“Okay, so long story short Me and JJ want to get married. Like ceremony and all, and before you say anything, we know that it’s not legal yet and we will get there when we turn 18. But we both realized that with everything that has happened over the past few weeks, we want to be husband and wife.” I took a breath and continued before anyone could protest. “Now Kie I would love you to be my maid of honor, Pope we would love for you to officiate, and John B JJ needs a best man.” 
I looked around the room at my family and they just looked shocked, except JJ who had the biggest smile on his face. 
Kie, Pope, and John B all exchanged looks before they looked back at me and JJ and smiled. 
“I guess it’s wedding time then,” John B exclaimed, leading everyone to start cheering. 
Kie grabbed my arm and dragged me into the spare room, yelling at the boys to figure everything else out and she was going to “fix me up” as she put it. 
After about an hour of “fixing me up” Kie said that it was time. 
I walked out of the chateau, now dressed in my favorite black shorts and white top, little flowers all in my hair. They boys had taken the lights from the cats ass and put them up around the big tree in the backyard. It was so pretty. Kie walked me down the makeshift isle to meet the boys standing in front of the large oak. 
JJ grabbed my hand, as Kie “gave me away”. He hadn’t changed yet he looked even better than he did before. He had the biggest smile on his face, my expression no doubt matching his. 
“Okay, so I am not sure how to start these things but if I know anything it is that the two of you are made for each other” Pope begins his speech. 
“I once read something about what they call twin flames, they say that twin flames are two people who share the same soul, and that no matter what universe they always seem to find each other. That is like the definition of the two of you, I don’t think that there are two people more suited for each other than the two of you. Anyway, before I get all sappy, do you guys have vows of something?” Pope finished. 
“Yeah, I do.” JJ quickly said and took a deep breath “Okay, Y/n for my entire life there have not been many constants, but you. You have always been there for me no matter what was going on. I think that on some level I think I have always known that I was going to marry you, but I truly realized it when we were 15. We had just gotten together and we were laying out under the stars. You were laying against my chest and I was watching you sleep peacefully. Something just clicked and I knew, I knew that I was going to marry you. And I am so in love with you it is crazy. I can’t wait for the future baby” 
By the end of JJ’s speech I was in tears, so were our friends surrounding us. JJ ran his thumb against my cheek to wipe the tears that had fallen. I leaned into his hand and smiled at the boy. 
I let out a little sniffle and collected myself to be able to deliver my vows to him. 
“Damn, JJ you sure know how to make a girl cry” I laughed, leading everyone else to let out a giggle.
 “Well, first off I remember that night, I knew you thought I was asleep but I heard you tell me you were going to marry me one day. I think that most people would have freaked out, but I wasn’t because I felt the same way. It has always been you JJ, every time. No matter what happens in the future, I hope that you know that I will always choose you, forever.” I couldn’t get anything else out. 
Again everyone was in tears, myself included. I watched as Pope wiped his face. 
“Well, that was, I think the sweetest thing that I have ever seen. But I don’t think that I can take much more so JJ Maybank so you take Y/n L/N to be your wife?” Pope asked looking at JJ
“I do” JJ smiled
Pope then turned to me to ask the same question “and do you Y/n L/n take JJ Maybank to be your husband?” 
“I do” I smiled right back at JJ.
“Well then by the power vested in me by well no one.” Pope said laughing before he continued “I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride!”
JJ quickly pulled me into his body by my waist into a long passionate kiss, dipping me down causing me to let out a giggle. 
“Wooooo Hooooo, Let’s go Mr. and Mrs. Maybank” I heard John B yell as we pulled apart. 
I rested my head on JJ’s just smiling at the boy in front of me. At this moment nothing else about what was going on mattered, because I was now y/n Maybank, and I would be for the rest of my life. 
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