maybe-a-wh0re Ā· 3 years
It turns me on that I wasnā€™t even born yet when my husband was a teenager
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maybe-a-wh0re Ā· 3 years
Letā€™s start with Steve, I met him in on the app at the end of July in 2018. Steve was the first guy I met from the app. He was extremely sweet but was still married, so I became his ā€œsecret little princessā€ he would shower me with presents, lunch, and sex just about every other week and whenever else he could sneak away from his job.
We messaged each other just about constantly during the day and had non existent communication at night. And while I understood it still bothered me and back to the app I went.
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maybe-a-wh0re Ā· 3 years
This is where I found C and some other friends šŸ˜‰ like Steve, Wes, Megan, Dave, and Courtney. I use their names because I feel bad for using all these just letters and I donā€™t really need to keep their names out of it. T you can probably Google and find if I put his name on here after I add more info. So he is going to stay T.
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maybe-a-wh0re Ā· 3 years
I could go on and on about things with T. But Iā€™ll sum it up. There was more abuse. More pregnancy scares then I would like to admit because he loved to take the condom off even when I said no. Two pregnancies that ended in miscarriages. And then there was the cheating. He loved to meet women and hook up. Or find them online and sext. That was the breaking point for me. I didnā€™t want to have to deal with the stream of women. So I packed up and moved back home from New York to Pennsylvania. I still loved him, or at least I thought I did, that is until he started to blackmail me with pictures I had sent him and videos that he had recorded without my knowledge. So we stayed together long distance and I just decided to poke around on an affair site to see what kind of fun I could have.
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maybe-a-wh0re Ā· 3 years
Let me tell you about T, at the time he was 30 years old and he and I had been dating long distance for a while. He and I had met online in and online chat room in November of 2012. I was still in high school and dumb šŸ™„.
So I thought I was madly in love with this stranger who I met on a sketchy chat room site. From basically the first time he and I talked he said I was his girlfriend which should have been a huge red flag but I was young and dumb and loved the attention. He and I would talk and text just about non stop. But I started to realize that he never wanted to FaceTime or meet and it bothered me but I always pushed it to the back of my mind.
We eventually ended up meeting but he was nothing like the guy I fell for. He looked like all of the pictures and he sounded the same as the phone calls but he had a temper when things didnā€™t go his way and an overbearing mother who was sure I was out to trap him. The first time I was on the receiving end of his anger was on Valentineā€™s Day of 2015. It was the year 50 Shades of Grey was in theaters and he thought that it would be a good movie to go see on Valentineā€™s Day after dinner. It was an ok movie, I guess, but he assumed since he bought dinner, with his dadā€™s credit card, and he had taken me to a movie, which he got his dadā€™s secretary to buy the tickets to. That would should be have sex, since it was Valentineā€™s Day after all. I was put off by the evening and just wanted to go to bed. But when I said no his whole mood and personality changed. He was determined to have sex with me weather I liked it or not. I ended up locking myself in the bathroom and waiting until morning to come out. Now I was used to anger and abuse from my father so I apologized for making him upset and we continued with our relationship.
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maybe-a-wh0re Ā· 3 years
So C and I met online on a certain app thatā€™s initials are AM at the end of August in 2018, while I was still dating and kind of engaged to a guy named T. But I was extremely unhappy and being blackmailed to stay with him.
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maybe-a-wh0re Ā· 3 years
Hi Iā€™m A, Iā€™m 26 years old and Iā€™m recently married to C, who happens to be 60. We are an interesting pair to say the least. But the heart wants what it wants šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
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