maybeismiletoomuch · 4 days
i made a grindr and in under 24 hours i got the most insane unsolicited nude to ever exist. hes fully nude on the beach and in his right hand is a black tipped reef shark i could not make this shit up if i tried
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maybeismiletoomuch · 12 days
Hostile Intelligence: Reflections from a Visit to the West Bank (David Graeber, 2015)
"The only answer that makes sense is that the Israel forces want the Palestinians to seethe; they want there to be resistance; but the also want to ensure that political resistance is completely ineffective.
They want a population that is compliant on a day-to-day basis, but that periodically explodes, individually or collectively, in a unstrategic and uncoordinated fashion that can represented to the outside world as irrational demonic madness.
And why would they wish to do this?
Almost every Arab political analyst I talked to considered the answer self-evident.
Israel’s economy has become largely dependent on the high-tech arms trade, and the supply of complex electronic “security” systems.
Israel is today the world’s fourth largest arms exporter, after the US, Russia, and UK (it has recently pushed back France to #5). This is actually quite a feat for such a tiny country.
But as everyone also hastens to add: Israeli arms and security systems have an enormous advantage over their rivals, one Israeli firms never fail to emphasize in their promotional literature.
They are extensively field-tested. This new type of shell that was used to destroy tunnels in Gaza!
This new type of random-distribution tear gas dispenser was successfully used against protestors in the Balata refugee camp.
This new type of laser-detection device has repeatedly foiled attacks on settlers.
Arab resistance has become a key economic resource for Israeli capital, and were it to completely quiet down, the export economy would take an immediate hit.
If bullying is to be defined as, in its essence, a form of aggression designed to produce a reaction that can then be used as retroactive justification for the initial act of aggression itself, then the Israeli Occupation has taken bullying and turned it into a principle of governance.
Everything is designed to provoke. The provocations are daily. They are ugly and humiliating.
But they are also designed to fly just under the point of flagrant, undeniable aggression, where you can claim they were not even, precisely, an “attack,” but like the schoolyard bully who’s constantly subtly poking and jabbing and kicking his victim, hoping for some outraged burst of ineffective rage that can get the victim hauled before the principal."
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maybeismiletoomuch · 29 days
big day for annoying people (me)
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maybeismiletoomuch · 1 month
Martin Scorsese, to the New York Times, after they published an article shortly after Federico Fellini passed away calling his movies- and other 'foreign' movies of the same ilk- 'hard work'
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maybeismiletoomuch · 1 month
modern social media should stop offering "sync with your phone contacts to follow them" options and start offering "block all your phone contacts so they never see your account" options
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maybeismiletoomuch · 1 month
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maybeismiletoomuch · 1 month
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maybeismiletoomuch · 1 month
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maybeismiletoomuch · 1 month
Starting a film studio that exclusively makes porn but we never show two people together in screen at once. We have to imply everything using the kuleshov effect
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maybeismiletoomuch · 2 months
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maybeismiletoomuch · 2 months
the songs Beyoncé writes about that man are crazy it's like watching someone build the sistine chapel for a possum they found in a gas station parking lot
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maybeismiletoomuch · 2 months
A great question to get at this is: Did the trial of Galileo succeed or fail? If we believe that the purpose of the Inquisition trying Galileo was to silence Galileo, it absolutely failed, it made him much, much more famous, and they knew it would.  If you want to silence Galileo in 1600 you don’t need a trial, you just hire an assassin and you kill him, this is Renaissance Italy, the Church does this all the time.  The purpose of the Galileo trial was to scare Descartes into retracting his then-about-to-be-published synthesis, which—on hearing about the trial—he took back from the publisher and revised to be much more orthodox.  Descartes and thousands of other major thinkers of the time wrote differently, spoke differently, chose different projects, and passed different ideas on to the next century because they self-censored after the Galileo trial—an event whose burden in money and manpower for the Inquisition was minute compared to how hard it would have been for them to get at all those scientists.  The final form of Descartes’ published synthesis was self-censorship—self-censorship very deliberately cultivated by an outside power.
-Ada Palmer, Tools for Thinking About Censorship
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maybeismiletoomuch · 2 months
Me Giving a Pressed Conference: our advocacy for the disabled must include the addict, the imperfect victim, those we despise; the right to autonomy and life cannot devolve into a popularity contest
Reporter I Hate (Not Sexual Tension): Does that include all the attendees of the Bored Ape NFT event who went blind
Me: *Blood streaming from my nostrils and eyes* david, it includes everyone
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maybeismiletoomuch · 2 months
Taking away the word “liminal” from nostalgia-bait accounts and so-called “aesthetic” webpages. Liminal is for rest stops. It’s for non-places, like parking garages or paths or BETWEEN PLACES. Your computer room in 2007 is NOT liminal, it’s an extremely specific place and time. The word you’re looking for is “nostalgia bait.”
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You could also use the word “non-place” for some of these pictures- it is by definition subjective. But again, your family’s living room in 2002 is not it.
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maybeismiletoomuch · 2 months
I read that headline earlier today:
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this magic pill has me skeptical because any talk of postpartum depression reminds me of this book
it presents an interesting evolutionary theory according to which depression functions as a social signal to other people that the mother needs their help:
"Caring for infants of dubious viability imposes fitness costs on the mother, and signs of reduced investment on the part of the father and other kin likewise signal additional costs to the mother.
Depressed mood in response to these circumstances informs the mother that fitness costs are exceeding fitness benefits.
Features of postpartum depression include loss of interest in the child, plus accompanying self-reproach.
Full-blown depression, hypothesizes Hagen, represents a convincing cry for increased investment from spouse and other kin.
The signs and symptoms of depression, including failure to care for oneself, let alone one’s infant, indicate to others that the depressed mother is poised to defect from child rearing, thereby impairing the fitness of those sharing genes with the infant, including the father.
Postpartum depression is not a conscious strategy for extracting concessions and resources from others.
Rather, evolution has shaped mechanisms to respond as if the mother were consciously making this decision.
Postpartum depression, Hagen says, is akin to factory workers’ going on strike.
As he put it, when the depressed mother loses interest in her own welfare, she “is making a very credible threat of defecting from cooperative endeavors that others find reproductively beneficial.”"
source: What Is Mental Illness? (Richard J. McNally, 2012)
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maybeismiletoomuch · 3 months
Your purpose in life is not to love yourself but to love being yourself.
If you goal is to love yourself, then your focus is directed inward toward yourself, and you end up constantly watching yourself from the outside, disconnected, trying to summon the “correct” feelings towards yourself or fashion yourself into something you can approve of.
If your goal is to love being yourself, then your focus is directed outward towards life, on living and making decisions based on what brings you pleasure and fulfillment.
Be the subject, not the object. It doesn’t matter what you think of yourself. You are experiencing life. Life is not experiencing you.
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maybeismiletoomuch · 3 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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