Cemetery Sweethearts - Kazuya Hikizuri/GN!Reader
A/N: This is my first time posting on tumblr, so sorry if the format is off a bit
Contains: Macabre Fluff, Mentions of Dying (cemetery duh), Implied Sexual Content (but no smut srry)
Also on AO3 if you prefer that for reading fanfics :)
The heavy clouds shrouded the darkening sky, casting a dark blanket over the mansion as the lanterns illuminated sections of the graveyard. The mansion's windows glowed yellow and the muted sounds of shouting and crying rang across the graveyard towards an isolated figure walking towards the furthest corner of the unkept 'garden'. They passed copious graves as they followed a gravel path that had lonely blades of grass growing between the small stones as it weaved throughout the labyrinth of the dead. The path faded into the dense grass the further away from the house it stretched until eventually it was swallowed into the tangle of green. 
You crouched by a few of the graves that claustrophobically decorated the backyard, muttering lowly to them about what was on the news that day, and about what you did. The spirits wailed and whined in response as they soared overhead and dipped under the ground. You giggled wryly as they tickled you with a cool breeze when they flew too close. Sometimes the spirits asked you in echoing voices about something specific, whether it be their family, politics or if the convenience store on near their childhood home still had their favourite snack. You would answer to the best of your ability, however, some of them were stubborn and refused to accept that times were changing although they were dead. 
"Always the stalker, never the stalked." You tittered as some gravel crunched behind you, not bothering to turn around. "Right, Kazuya?"
"Nothing gets past you, my observant little raven." Said man chuckled, emerging from behind a tall headstone, running a hand through his hair to brush off stray leaves as he sauntered towards you.
"You've stalked me since we first met, I know how you work." You rolled your eyes and turned to face him. His eyes softened when you stood up to brush some imaginary dust off his shoulders and straighten the collar of his shirt. "Why'd you follow me? You said you were going to take a bath."
"I heard the coo of a lovely mourning dove and wanted to catch a glimpse of them." He brought your left hand up to his face and pressed a gentle kiss on your knuckles. "It's a sign of good fortune after all."
"You flatter me." You smiled as he continued to kiss your hand.
"You bewitch me, my darling." Kazuya purred, turning your hand to press kisses into your palm. "It was this very hand that picked up my pen and gave it back to me. I almost proposed right then."
"I would have said yes even back then." You giggled as Kazuya trailed kisses up your arm.
"I know."
"I remember at graduation; you gave me the second button of your uniform because you didn't know if you'd see me again." You reminisced as he softly kissed your neck, tilting your head to accommodate him but still feeling the frame of his glasses prod your skin. "I wore it as a necklace ever since that day, it was like a wedding ring."
"And you still wear it, alongside your wedding ring." Kazuya mused, holding your necklace and inspected the button that used to be on his uniform. "Do you love me that much, darling?"
"Of course I do," You retorted. "I doubt anyone else could put up with you and your family."
"That's true." He chuckled and pressed a kiss to the button. "I love you." He sighed and kissed his way up your face to your lips.
His lips brushed against yours shyly at first until you grabbed his face and pulled him closer. He smiled against your lips slightly and held your shoulders. When you pulled away, you both were breathing heavily and Kazuya whined quietly, pressing his forehead against yours desperately. You smiled and stroked his face which he leaned into. 
"You're so cute." You smiled. "I'm going to stay out here for a bit, do you want to stay with me, sweetheart?"
"Sure, let's go on a walk though. Afterwards, could I persuade you to join me in the bath?" Kazuya inquired, linking his arm through yours. You nodded at him and squeezed your arm around his.
The two of you strolled around the cemetery, reminiscing about the individuals whose names were inscribed on the headstones. Kazuya eventually halted at a grave that was fore fronted by a barren patch of uneven dirt and the faded edges of a pentagram, there was also some candle wicks laying in the surrounding grass, swallowed by the erratic blades.
"I wish Uncle Diginosuke could have met you, darling, he would've loved you." Kazuya murmured, gazing sadly at the headstone. "Shame his grave is empty now." You remained silent but nodded. Years ago, the grave used to emit woeful groans and cries alongside the occasional mutter of "karma", but you never saw a spirit. Now it was cold and empty, only a distant memory kept alive by a still-mourning nephew.
Diginosuke had always been a sensitive topic for Kazuya, especially after the siblings resurrected him and his zombie was consumed by their father's ghost. Kazuya would talk about his uncle with fondness as he showed you photographs of his infant self playing with Diginosuke. Your favourite was one of Diginosuke sitting on a swing set with a four-year-old Kazuya laughing in his lap, however, that was the last photo of the two before Diginosuke was forced to leave the mansion after an affair and killed himself. Kazuya admitted he cried for a long time after his uncle left and didn't understand what had truly happened as his father told him that Diginosuke insulted the family and to get over him because 'a man shouldn't cry'. Kazuya found out that Diginosuke was dead a few days before he turned five years old.
"I also know mom would have adored you, maybe even more than she adored me." Kazuya's woeful gaze turned to you. "She knew about you, despite me trying to hide my feelings. She wanted me to marry you, and she was the one who encouraged me to give you my button when I graduated; 'It's a subtle yet meaningful way of telling them how you feel.' is what she said." He smiled briefly at the memory.
Masue Hikizuri was a beautiful and kind woman who loved all her children very much and tried to make time for all of them. You had only met her in passing and she always smiled at you which made Kazuya get embarrassed and usher her and his siblings away. Kazuya constantly mentioned how his mom wanted to formally meet you, and have you around for a meal but you never got the chance before her and his dad died. After that, Kazuya would constantly tell you stories about his mom, and what she would have thought about you two being together and being married. 
Even though Kazuya had told you these stories hundreds of times, you never got tired of hearing them, because you knew it made him happy to tell you them. He only talked about his mom and uncle though, he rarely mentioned his father because his father didn't support the relationship and would criticize Kazuya for thinking of courting you. His mom, on the other hand, was fully supportive and was elated her son had found someone he loved to spend time with since he was always gloomy and isolated himself from other people. While you never met his uncle, Kazuya told you about some advice his uncle gave his younger self offhandedly about striving for happiness throughout life, and you made him happy, so he had adhered to his uncle's words.
Eventually, Kazuya rolled his shoulders and smiled at you, gently guiding you away from his uncle's abandoned grave and along another dirt path. You continued to talk about the names on the graves and Kazuya would indulge you in stories about them, since they were his deceased ancestors. However, as you walked further into the cemetery, the headstones became blank; they didn't need names though, you both remembered who each one was and how they died.
"Darling, it's your good friend, Tabata. Remember him?" Kazuya mused, gesturing to a patch of dirt that was nestled between two broken headstones. You could see Tabata's ghost floating above his grave with a woeful expression painted on his disfigured face as his vacant eyes bore into your soul. You stared back, apathetic, and leaned into Kazuya's side more. "I sure remember what you did to him."
"I always knew you were a bit of a freak, but I would never have thought murder turned you on so much. You couldn't keep your hands off me, not that I'm complaining." You teased, making him smirk.
"Like you were any better than I was."
"Yeah, I had you arching your back and biting the pillows then, and I always do it again easily." You smirked triumphantly as he flushed and pulled your linked arm to continue walking.
"Ah, it's poor Kotani and his mannequin." Kazuya giggled at some grass under a tree. "I remember the fun we had with him."
"How many of Narumi's boyfriends have you guys killed overall again? I've been present for seven, and Kotani makes eight of them dead."
"Twenty." Kazuya stated apathetically. "Well we've only physically killed them a few times, most of them got scared to death like poor Kotani. My favourite was one extremely rude boy who thought he could attack Misako," Kazuya laughed. "The look on his face when she scratched his arms to shreds was a pretty picture. It was even better when we got a hold of him, but the clean-up was a pain." He sighed dramatically.
Eventually, the two of you stopped walking around and sat on the lone bench in the graveyard with Kazuya's head resting in your lap as you caressed his face and played with his hair. The dark grey clouds framed the moon, allowing the natural light to illuminate the world for the first time that night. The moonlight shone down on you and Kazuya, creating a soft silver glow on the grass and the granite and marble headstones.
It was a typical weekend evening, with you and Kazuya enjoying each other's company away from his overbearing siblings, even if it was in the graveyard at the back of the mansion. It reminded you of when the two of you would sneak away from your friends and family as teenagers to see each other, however, his siblings would usually stalk you two to check that their big brother wasn't abandoning them. Fortunately, they grew out of the habit after knowing you were not threat, but also because Kazuya and Kinako would scold the younger ones. 
"I want to share a grave with you, darling." Kazuya whispered, breaking the silence. "'Deep in the earth, my love is lying, and I must weep alone.' Doesn't that sound awful? Being apart from you is a nightmare I refuse to experience, there's no point to life if my mourning dove isn't singing."
"Poetic." You smiled sadly, twirling a strand of his fringe around your finger. "You could be the next Poe with the depressingly macabre stuff you spout. Or maybe even Keats? Do you want me to cut off your head and keep it in a plant pot?" You laughed glumly.
"I mean it, (Y/N), if you died before me, I would end my life to be laid next to your body." Kazuya's insistence on dying together was unnerving to say the least, and his sincere expression made you shiver. He sat up abruptly and moved to sit in your lap, bringing your hands to his chest. "Our bodies would grow cold and rot together until we become one with the earth." He smiled dreamily and nuzzled his head against yours.
"Or until Hitoshi performs some necromancy." You muttered, causing him to pull his head away and scowl. "Bright side is, we would be undead together, and I know you would be a handsome zombie."
"So would you, my dear." He smiled and kissed you softly. "Maybe I'll ask Hitoshi to do that in the future; just to wake up with you in my arms and see your face again."
You both lapsed into a comfortable silence, with Kazuya sitting in your lap, leaning against you, a serene expression on his face. You wrapped your arms around him and brought him closer to you and rested your head against the crook of his neck to which he sighed contentedly.
"'Neither the angels in heaven above, nor the demons down under the sea, can ever dissever my soul from the soul, of the beautiful (Y/N) Hikizuri.'" Kazuya said, holding you closer. "We're fated to be together for all of eternity, and in every life. I'll never let you go again." His voice lowered to a more possessive tone and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
"You said that when you proposed to me, and on our wedding day." You sighed, nuzzling into his neck. "If you weren't worshiping the ground I walk on, I would think you were in love with Poe, the amount of times you quote his poems and change the words."
"His poems are macabre, emotional, passionate." Kazuya's voice shifted to a sultry tone with every word. "Just like us." He purred into your ear.
"You're so sappy!" You laughed and pushed him off your lap.
"You love it, (Y/N), don't deny it!" He insisted, wrestling you down on the bench. He tickled your sides and pressed a wet kiss on your face as you yelped and tried to squirm out from under him. He laughed loudly and pressed his weight down on you, trapping you underneath him as he continued to tickle you.
"Okay! Okay! Let me go!" You cried, cheeks hurting from laughter. Kazuya stopped his attack and smirked down at you. He sat back and pulled you up so you were sitting side by side on the bench. "You're right, I do love it." A bashful smile spread across your face as you leaned against him and he did the same while pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"Have I told you that you look so melancholy tonight?" Kazuya asked, cupping your chin in his hand, running his thumb across your bottom lip. "The moon highlights the pessimism in your eyes."
"The shadows around your eyes and cheekbones make you look dead, my dear." You whispered, leaning closer to him, gazing at him as his eyes lit up. "But your eyes are alive and conniving. I almost feel like I'm in danger."
"Does that excite you?" He purred as he kissed your neck, smirking into your skin as you moaned and shuddered.
"We will disturb the dead, beloved." You gasped as he nipped your neck and heatedly ran his tongue over the marks. Low groans and wails echoed in the distance but you tuned them out as Kazuya's hot tongue trailed up your throat and jaw.
"Let them be disturbed." Kazuya moaned breathlessly, cupping your face. He crashed his lips onto yours, kissing you feverishly and pulled you down on top of him. 
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