maybestronger · 1 month
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WAS she okay with it? Eyes BLINKED up at him following his question and while the silence seemed to STRETCH on for forever, in reality it was only a few seconds. A few HEART POUNDING seconds that ended with her nodding her head at his question. Was she okay? YES. With him anyways. Chrissy TRUSTED Eddie. Though there were still NERVES attached to this moment, so after nodding, she whispered back in a squeaky little voice. ❝Mhm, I just ... I've never - ❞
It HAD to have been obvious right? Jason and her and NEVER gotten even THIS far, let alone FURTHER. They had kissed a few times here and there, but never as PASSIONATE as this. Chrissy felt her body BOW a little bit into Eddie's figure and fingertips DANCED with nervousness across his shoulders before GRIPPING the material of his shirt there. She was nervous, yes, but she was SURE. So with a steeled resolution, she spoke again. ❝I don't want to STOP.❞
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The kisses were getting more and more heated, more and more hungry. And the way that Chrissy would shiver at his touch? It was enough to make him want to know what other kind of reactions that his hands and the rest of him could elicit from her. She was a sight to behold, her voice like music to his ears. How had he gotten so damn lucky again? He wasn't really sure but he wasn't going to question it right now. When they parted for air, his cheeks were flushed and honey brown hues glazed with desire. All for her. But Eddie knew how to be a gentleman, knew how to make sure that everything was okay before taking this any further. Hands continued tracing gentle patterns into soft skin before he spoke again. "Chrissy..." His voice was soft, gentle as he stared her down. A hand lifted, gently cupping her cheek. "Are you okay with this going any further...?"
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maybestronger · 2 months
chrissy is being quiet lol i weep. tina on the other hand is loud so at least there's that
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maybestronger · 2 months
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Stop they are cute
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maybestronger · 2 months
trying my best to be around and present after work but i just have a few more days until i can go home so that's something at least. willing to do small back and forth things if anyone is interested :)
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maybestronger · 2 months
@jestersandbrokencrowns || lil steve/chrissy modern cuteness.
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Steve's PARENTS were going out of town again - and that only meant ONE thing. He'd have the house to HIMSELF, and Chrissy would BRING it upon herself to fill up that empty void. They've been doing this for a while now, figuring out the PERFECT routine along the way. She'd bound up to his front door and knock, happily waiting until he OPENED his home up to her. Once gaining ACCESS, the blonde would playfully slip past the former JOCK with a giggle and merely a passing glance before making her way towards the kitchen. The girl had PLANS. ❝Okay -❞ Not even allowing the man to get in a word edge wise, the cheerleader spoke up, ❝So I got that movie you mentioned last time. Looks STUPID, but we can watch it. And I brought a few snacks. Way better than the stuff you had last time.❞ Chrissy was merely POKING fun at the boy, not actually insulting him. And her little giggle should be all the tell that was needing as she entered deeper into his home.
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maybestronger · 2 months
only have 1 draft that i can't seem to get to yet, so the queue is gonna run out again im sad haha
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maybestronger · 2 months
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“that girl left that van smiling…”
(or just my take of what could have happened between Eddie & Chrissy during their ride to his trailer 🚙👀 yeah- she raises her knees to his hand to tease him just a lil’ hehe 🔥)
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maybestronger · 2 months
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Brows FURROWED just a little in confusion at his words. What did he mean by - OH. Oh yeah, she had blamed her blush on the heat. That realization brought on another wave of color to her cheeks as she nodded in AGREEMENT. Honestly it being colder in here might help, but if only he'd STOP triggering it. Then she'd be in the clear. At his next line of questioning however, Chrissy seemed to get herself under control ENOUGH to look down at the menu and sigh thoughtfully. It all looked good, but she KNEW what her mother would say. Calorie in take this, love handles that. Nothing that she WANTED to hear, so after a second, eyes spotted the salads and she smiled to herself. ❝Just something a little light maybe? One of these sounds good.❞ Pointing it out, she cast him a look with adoration in her eyes.
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Steve turned his attention back to her when she made a noise towards him, "Corner booth it is." He had to admit he liked having his own privacy. Leading her over he slid into the booth and motioned for her to sit down. That smile was infectious, and the way their arms had looped... He paused for a moment to reflect on something that had just happened. "Hopefully it's a little cooler in here." he said, an unintentional intensity in his eyes as he spoke, "So, what are you havin?"
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maybestronger · 2 months
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maybestronger · 2 months
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Chrissy's nose SCRUNCHED cutely at him ADMITTING to cutting class, but she wouldn't rat him out. The girl was a goody two shoes on the best of days, but she wasn't HEARTLESS. If he needed a break from class, who was she to deny him? Instead, she'd pull that little FACE then let it slip back easily into a SMILE as the question is turned around on her. ❝Me? Skipping? No.❞ Waved off with a chuckle, she turned her head which caused her signature BLONDE pony tail to whip around as she peered out at the field behind her. ❝Got a free period.❞ THANK YOU summer school. ❝Was just gonna practice a little of my routine.❞ But now that there were EYES on her, it felt silly, so she turned back to the resident bad boy - who had NEVER done any harm to her in the past - with a sweet smile and she cocked her head to the side. ❝Want some COMPANY instead?❞ Sure she had the time off legitimately, but still ... doing NOTHING with it felt like rebellion all on its own.
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Smiling as she approached, he tilted his head and considered her question for a moment. He did have class, but he honestly didn't feel like being surrounded by people and having to pretend the entire time. Things were, more chill down here. He could just ... relax a bit more.
"Well ... I do but I didn't feel like it today. Let's just say it's one of those days y'know."
No way he was just gonna tell her that he was avoiding people because it made it harder to pretend his dad hadn't been able to control his anger again. Neil had been adamant about a few things. Respect and responsibility were the ones he threw at him most of the time. But another one was to never show weakness. Showing weakness was for ... He frowned and forced the thoughts away.
"And you? Time off or skipping?"
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maybestronger · 2 months
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It was SUCH a small thing. Him, tucking her hair behind her ear. But Chrissy's cheeks darkened in an instant and she SMILED as though she were about to cry again. She wouldn't. Not yet anyways, but GOD he was too perfect. Sweet and charming, ALWAYS looking out for her. If only she could return that KINDNESS by even a fraction. Playing the part of his NURSE would surely help ... but there had to be something else as well, right? Nodding her head in understanding, Chrissy once more lent forwards to capture his lips - but this time it was SLOWER. More calculated, as she had to be CAREFUL not to bump his side, but at the same time it was even more TENDER than before. More full of MEANING if you will. Her hips SHIFTED without really realizing, as she brought her body as CLOSE to his as possible and once more hands rose to cup the sides of his neck. Chrissy wanted to make Steve FORGET all about tonight. She wanted them to DROWN in one another, and this was the best way that she could think of.
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It was something of a relief to finally get it off his chest. He no longer had to love her quietly, he could just tell her now without fear that she might not feel the same way. An adoring smile lit his face then as he gazes up at her, hands coming to rest upon her hips as she makes herself comfortable on his lap. His wounds, while still aching, were barely even a thought at this point until she brought it up out of concern for his comfort. "No," he answers with a soft shake of his head. "We're good like this, just need to be careful is all." He offers her a reassuring smile before he reaches up with one of his hands and tucks a loose strand of blonde hair back behind her ear. "I'll let you know if I'm in any discomfort. Promise."
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maybestronger · 2 months
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Chrissy lives AU
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maybestronger · 2 months
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As SOON as Eddie came on stage, Chrissy's back straightened. She couldn't explain why - it was simply a reaction that she couldn't HELP. Their eyes connected from across the room and despite her nerves, his SMILE made her own lips STRETCH in a mirrored sort of way. His little wave caused a chuckle to slip past and with a nod, she was giving her own sort of acknowledgement in return. The blonde had been worried that he wouldn't be happy to see her - that he wouldn't be willing to WELCOME her into his space, but thankfully she couldn't have been more wrong. It was such a small gesture, but it did wonders for her shattered nerves and THUS she was thankful for it all the same.
The eye contact didn't last for long however. As his DRUMMER said something JUST loud enough to catch his attention, and suddenly it felt as though all sounds came rushing back in. She hadn't even REALIZED they had faded away, but damn ... it was true. Blue eyes BLINKED in surprise and she looked around as the crowd seemed to SETTLE in closer, ready for the show and every nerve ending felt alight. Eyes DANCED across the crowd until she found the stage once more and JUST in time too. Eddie had STEPPED up to the mic and her heart FLUTTERED for some unknown reason as he began to sing.
Blame it on the LOVE of live music if you wanted to, but there was no REAL reason why her cheeks went as pink as they did the second that Eddie began to sing. At least ... no real reason that she was READY to admit to herself anyways. But as the song continued on, Chrissy found herself on the edge of her seat with a large GRIN etched seemingly PERMANENTLY onto her features.
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It had been such a throwaway comment. He didn't expect Chrissy to take it seriously, to show up to see his band play. That whole afternoon felt like a fever dream: Chrissy Cunningham coming to him of all people. It felt like the only time he'd feel the warmth of her gaze, and Eddie savored it, made her laugh somehow despite the circumstances. But none of that was on his mind as he stepped up to the microphone and plugged in his guitar, preparing to get the night started. As Eddie straightened, his eyes almost immediately fell upon Chrissy. She stuck out like a sore thumb in the usual Hideout crowd---but a very pretty, angelic sore thumb nonetheless. The smile suddenly sprawling over his face was helpless and fond, and it came with fluttery nerves and equally fluttery butterflies. He lifted a couple fingers from the mic in a small, acknowledging wave at her. "Eddie," Gareth hissed from behind him, clacking his drumsticks together to further get his attention. Eddie's head whipped around to face his bandmates. They were all looking at him, anxious to get the gig started. "Right, right, right," he muttered, fingers dipping into his pocket for a pick. "Count us in." On his cue, Eddie played the opening riff, and the rest of them fell in behind, the drums thundering behind him. He took a deeper breath before leaning into the mic, nerves plaguing him more than usual with Chrissy watching. "Plug me in, I'm alive tonight. Out on the streets again. Turn me on, I'm too hot to stop. Something you'll never forget."
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maybestronger · 2 months
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Grace Van Dien as Ella McPhee in The Fix (2024) dir. Kelsey Egan
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maybestronger · 2 months
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At his question, Chrissy's mind starts to reel. What did she see? Rotten food, spiders, shadowy figures with deep voices hiding just around the corner, CLOCKS. It's that one that sticks with her the most - surprisingly. The loud CHIME of it rings in her memory and no matter what she tried, the girl couldn't shake it. So when he MENTIONS that very SAME thing, she freezes. Baby blue eyes BULGE in a way that SHOULD tell him everything he needs to know. They've been seeing the same things. At least in part. At least where it MATTERS. The blonde has no idea what he's been through in life admittedly, but they can now BOND over this one ... traumatic thing. It takes a moment, but another tear slips down and she nods with a desperate air to her movements. ❝It's OLD right? With a CRACK on it's face?❞ There's spiders sometimes ... sometimes not, but the crack always remained. It's one CONSTANT. Along with that dreadful chime.
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     dreams. he assesses the descriptor for a moment, looking inwards to see if he can allow it. ever since charlie's death, he's been having dreams too— but surely they're a simple manifestation of his guilt? he wonders if chrissy knows about the accident— or at least the newspaper's version of the accident.  ❛ what kinda stuff do you see? ❜ it feels like a dangerous question, and yet if he doesn't ask it, he'll kick himself for the rest of his life. as much as he doesn't like this line of questioning, peter has no choice but to commit to it.  ❛ i see figures. y'know... like when you suffer sleep paralysis? but i'm wide awake and they're there. i keep seeing rearview mirrors and tail lights. my mom, but not really... and a creepy clock sometimes. this big grandfather deal, with the pendulum and everything. it's weird. i dunno what it means. ❜
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maybestronger · 2 months
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stop i need more of this look please and thanks.
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maybestronger · 2 months
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Idly, between kisses, Chrissy wondered just how LONG they've both felt this way. Part of her WANTED to ask, but in the end does it really even matter? Right now, they BOTH could admit it freely, she shouldn't dwell on the past. Especially not the PAST that includes him almost dying. Oh no. The cheerleader was DESPERATE never to think about that part again. So she'd let it all fade away, and just FOCUS on the now. On the love that they could SHARE right now. The kiss continued for another moment or two and eventually she FORGOT herself. While still standing between his spread legs, she hitched one leg up and onto the OUTSIDE of his thigh before putting pressure on it as if she were about to STRADDLE him. It's a position she's found herself in before ... once or TWICE, but it's what forced her memory to kick in and she GASPED before pulling away just enough to check in with him. ❝This doesn't HURT, right? I ... I can MOVE if it does.❞
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Steve had been a little more cautious with those words this time around. There was a small fear that he would tell her too soon and she would feel pressured to say them back to spare his feelings. He loves Chrissy and the last thing he wanted was to screw this up and have it go down in flames like his last relationship. Instead she's the one to tell him first and it's an incredible feeling. It's incredible to love and be loved by her. Still smiling from their mutual admission, Steve happily returns the kiss and melts into it some before she pulls away once more. "I mean, I could say the same..." He murmurs back at her, brown eyes fixated on her blue. "I wanted to say it so many times but I was worried you wouldn't feel the same." It feels so silly now because it was written all over her face clear as day. All he had to do was read her. Better late than never, he thought to himself before leaning back in to recapture her lips.
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