mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
MBTI as Their Favourite Recently Released Netflix Romcom
INTP: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
INTJ: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
ENTP: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
ENTJ: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
ISTP: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
ISTJ: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
ESTP: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
ESTJ: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
INFP: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
INFJ: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
ENFP: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
ENFJ: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
ISFP: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
ISFJ: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
ESFP: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
ESFJ: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
This says ENTJ, I’m kinda happy because I would be a little creeped out if it was completely correct
reblog with what your mbti actually is and what you got from this :))
i’m curious [this is my interpretation btw, some may say that the different letters are represented by different parts of a natal chart. this is what i believe]
aries - extrovert
taurus - introvert
gemini - extrovert
cancer - introvert
leo - extrovert
virgo - introvert
libra - extrovert
scorpio - introvert
sagittarius - extrovert
capricorn - introvert
aquarius - extrovert
pisces - introvert
aries - intuitive
taurus - sensing
gemini - intuitive
cancer - intuitive
leo - intuitive
virgo - sensing
libra - intuitive
scorpio - intuitive
sagittarius - intuitive
capricorn - sensing
aquarius - intuitive
pisces - intuitive
aries - feeling
taurus - thinking
gemini - thinking
cancer - feeling
leo - feeling
virgo - thinking
libra - feeling
scorpio - feeling
sagittarius - feeling
capricorn - thinking
aquarius - feeling
pisces - feeling
aries - perceiving
taurus - judging
gemini - perceiving
cancer - perceiving
leo - perceiving
virgo - judging
libra - perceiving
scorpio - judging
sagittarius - perceiving
capricorn - judging
aquarius - perceiving
pisces - perceiving
i’ll start i am: INTJ based on this i am: INTJ
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
Very helpful
A Guide To Travelling With ENFPs
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What you need:
CAFFEINE. LOTS of caffeine. Drink that shiz up
Band aids (precaution for clumsiness)
A very good memory to remember things that may be left behind.
A working gps/ maps
A sedative for when they get too energetic (optional)
A kid leash so they don’t get lost (also optional)
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What you do!
Please do try to stay on track as the ENFP tend to get distracted by things and eventually, get lost!
Do try to remember your belongings when moving to another place. (ENFPs’ lost things can create a whole island)
Help us make decisions so we don’t get tooo tooo. EFFING. IMPULSIVE!!!! (NO YOU DO NOT NEED THAT JUST BECAUSE THERE’S A PIC OF A DOG PLASTERED ON IT!1!1!1!)
Amusement parks are fun
Shopping’s fun
The park is fun
Sometimes we need time to recharge for a wittle while (and that’s totally normal!!!)
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
The NTs- Before and After you get to know them
The XNTJs:
Before: They seem cold, maybe a little arrogant, a bit of a know-it-all
After: Wow! They’re actually really great people once you get to know them
The XNTPs:
Before: They’re kinda weird, but they seem nice enough
After: oh my god they’re insane! THEY’RE FUCKING INSANE!
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
ENFP when tired: what? You want me to get up for a minute to scoot over? Bish shut up, let me sleep.
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
mbti as alternative responses to “i love you”
“who doesn’t”: estp
“i know”: infj, enfj
“thanks”: istj, isfj
“why”: intp
“a horrible decision, really”: entj, istp
*laughs nervously*: infp, esfj
*laughs hysterically*: enfp
“i’m sorry”: isfp, intj
*finger guns*: entp
“if only there was someone out there who loved you”: estj
“YEET”: esfp
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
Functions 101
Ne: The MBTI equivalent of doing drugs Ni: Being a fortune teller Ti: Nerds Te: Nerds that boss you around Fe: Let’s all be friends Fi: #the feelz Si: Remembers everything and follows the rules Se: HEY, LET’S GO PARACHUTING WITHOUT A PARACHUTE
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
Things the Types Need to Hear
ESFP: Look, I get it, you leave people in the dust because you know how crazy and all over the place your life can be and you’re also crazy scared to let somebody in just to have it end up with you accidentally leaving them and both of you getting hurt, but emotional intimacy and real depth in friendships are 100% worth it in the end and it’s the struggle and fight of a lifetime to keep them in your life, but it’s also the greatest gift and you can’t keep denying yourself that intimacy and friendship. 
ISFP: I know you have a lot of great desires and wonderful dreams and they might seem too far off and too crazy and too beautiful to come true, but you have them for a reason, and you gotta stop paralyzing yourself with fear and take that first step and throw yourself into the unknown, and that’s the scariest part, I know, but we both know you’re braver than you look, and that your passion can make it happen. 
ENFP: I know that the moment you hit an obstacle or two when you first start working towards that far off dream, it’s scary and it makes you want to crumble and run away to a new thing like you think you always do, but don’t! You’re miles more tenacious and capable than you give yourself credit for and you’ve got to discipline yourself and trust that your talents and optimism can and will propel you through whatever is keeping you from your goals. 
INFP: I know it’s hard to feel understood and it’s easy to let yourself become bitter by the ways of the world or whatever’s happening, but closing yourself off to others isn’t going to save you the pain. You have a natural capacity to understand others that’s hard for the other types to grasp and when you stop yourself from using that talent, or use it for selfish reasons, you’re doing yourself a massive injustice. 
ESTP: Listen, I totally get that the world is full of fun and interesting things and you want to experience them all, but you’ve got to remember that for a lot of the people that come along with you, they’re there to experience YOU as much as they’re there for the thing itself. Don’t let yourself forget that half the fun of anything is who you’re doing it with. 
ISTP: I know you generally don’t mean to yell or be rude when your irritated and that it’s really just a passing thing and you don’t generally care all that much, but just apologize to people after you’ve calmed down! Explain it to them and that you don’t mean it! Admit to yourself that you care enough about them to try to make amends, even when you’re just being a little crotchety; it means a lot to the feelers lol. 
ENTP: You’re a genuinely fun person to be around and you usually rack up a reputation for that, but just because you’re funny and witty and damn smart doesn’t mean you don’t have feelings and problems that need to be externalized, and trust me, the right people will be more than willing to talk about what’s really happening in your life one minute and go back to elaborate jokes the next without a problem. Don’t stunt your emotional growth for the sake of brevity. 
INTP: It’s okay to not know what to do in an emotional situation. Like, it’s genuinely okay. If somebody’s opening up to you, half the time your presence and you listening is 95% of what they need in that moment. Don’t avoid the situations just because it causes writer’s block emotionally. Emotional availability comes with experience. You’ll learn. Just, be your goofy self and the rest will come with time. 
ENFJ: You’ve got to realize that although holding yourself to such a high standard is noble and praiseworthy, that it sometimes eclipses your ability to be a good friend when that was the goal in the first place. You’re human and can’t do everything for your friends that you’d want to be able to do when they need help, and profusely apologizing and beating yourself up for it just shifts the focus off of helping your friend and turns it to you. Accept your humanity, and just do what you can. They appreciate the help, I promise. 
INFJ: I know you have a tendency to feel misunderstood and want people to show you that they love you and care about you, but you don’t get to say you’re fine AND disappear on people. Either say you’re not okay and pull back, or say you’re okay and stick around long enough for somebody to see through the BS. In my experience, y'all have a habit of making things a self-fulfilling prophecy, and that doesn’t do you any good! Be forward, be honest, and just be vulnerable; they care more than you convince yourself they do. 
ESFJ: I need to be straight with y'all. Learn how to talk about something other than your 4-5 current fixations. In my experience, N’s have a crazy hard time being close with you because you keep bringing the topic back to one of your current Favorite Things™, whether it be the semester abroad you just got back from or the first date that’s scheduled for two weeks from now. Expand your area of interest and you’ll find people will be much more authentic with you. 
ISFJ: You have this really amazing ability to notice the small things about people and that helps you show them you care about them in these really great and meaningful ways, but you can’t let yourself overthink the small things you notice about people. One of my good ISFJ friends started poking around trying to see if alcoholism ran in my family after noticing I’d been drinking wine a lot recently. You might have an intention to help, but overthinking/overanalyzing like that and trying to involve yourself in helping can hurt your friendships. 
ESTJ: Your presence is powerful and intense and that’s great at times, but you’ve got to let out your goofy fun side more, and hoe we’ve all seen it before, you’re a damn riot after a beer or two. People, in general, care more about fun than having every plan go right during the night/event. Be willing to be fun more, you’re so good at it. 
ISTJ: I know you get frustrated with yourself because you want to do new things and get out there and be a fun person, but the thing is, you’re so much better at being a responsible, caring person. Befriend the chaotic, crazy, lovable rascals and let them bring the fun to you (or more often than not, drag you kicking and screaming to where the fun is). 
ENTJ: Look, I’m an INTJ, so I know how hard this is to swallow, but showing you care about a person sometimes isn’t so much giving them solutions to their problems or trying to correct an issue; a lot of the other types literally just want you to listen and hear them out. And you gotta do that sometimes, babe. And shut your damn mouth while they’re telling you everything, okay? Just. Let them finish. 
INTJ: For the love of all that is holy, just cry already. Cry alone if you have to, or better yet, just go to the person you’d literally murder a thousand people for and freakin’ cry about all the crap you’ve been bottling up for the past two months and accept that you can have razor-sharp rationale and be a damn human at the same time. And just admit that you’re insecure about your relationship with that person because you care about them so much and you’re not the best at trusting people.
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
All types love corgis, that’s a scientifically proven fact
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
The Types as: Book Quotes
ISFJ: “ I want morning and noon and nightfall with you. I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses…the smell of your hair, the taste of your skin, the touch of your breath on my face.”
ISTJ: “ In our deepest moments we say the most inadequate things.”
ESFJ: “ The ones who hurt us cannot heal us. That’s not the way it works. That’s not the way it ever works.”
ESTJ: “ Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!”
ISFP: “ Adults can talk all they want about youth feeling invincible. Surely, some of us had that bravado. But there was also the dark inner voice telling us we were doomed. And then we were doomed. And then we weren’t. You should never feel doomed.”
ISTP: “ Fucking love, he thinks. What a bother. It’s completely gotten in the way of his plan to drink himself to death, to drive his business to ruin. The most annoying thing about it is that once a person gives a shit about one thing, he finds he has to start giving a shit about everything.”
ESFP: “ She took what she gave and she gave what she took, yes, but sometimes she gave just a little bit more - and that little bit more is the whole art of teaching, the whole art of living, in fact.”
ESTP: “ The difficult thing isn’t living with other people, it’s understanding them.”
INFP: “ So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I’m still trying to figure out how that could be.”
INFJ: “ All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart.”
ENFP: “ Like when you spot a constellation. You look up and you don’t see all the stars. All the stars just look like the big fugging random mess that they are. But you want to see shapes; you want to see stories, so you pick them out of the sky.”
ENFJ: “ A person learns how to love himself through the simple acts of loving and being loved by someone else.”
INTP: “ If we were in a film, the villain would turn out to be the least-expected person. But as we aren’t in a film, I’d go for the character who tried to strangle you.”
INTJ: “ And perils known and unknown will grow as we go on. But we must go on.
ENTP: “ And why should we feel anger at the world? As if the world would notice!”
ENTJ: “ What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?”
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
You know which type should especially work on loving themselves?
All of them.
           love yourself
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
I love this!! It’s lit
Mbti as lamps?
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
The Types as Words I Really Like
INTP: Denouement: n, the final part of a play, movie, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved.
INTJ: Sonorous: adj, imposingly deep or full
ENTP: Epoch: n, a period of time in history or a person’s life
ENTJ: Defenestration: n, the action of throwing someone or something out of a window
INFP: Iridescent: adj, showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles
INFJ: Vellichor: n, the strange wistfulness of used bookstores, which are somehow infused with the passage of time
ENFP: Phosphenes: n, the rings or spots of light and color produced by pressure on the eyes
ENFJ: Epiphany: n, a moment of sudden revelation or insight
ISTP: Insouciance: n, casual lack of concern; indifference
ISFP: Ethereal: adj, extremely delicate and light
ESTP: Ephemeral: adj, lasting for a very short time
ESFP: Oblivion: n, the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening
ISTJ: Ameliorate: v, to make something bad or unsatisfactory better
ISFJ: Petrichor: n, a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather
ESTJ: Beleaguer: v, to exhaust with attacks
ESFJ: Eloquence: n, fluent or persuasive speaking or writing
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
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Sleep is overrated anyway
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
the types as people i know (by an intj)
intj (not me tho) -“yeah i got into medical school quite easily honestly if you try even a little what’s the problem” -good at almost everything -gives the best advice -high standards for art and music -has never heard of taking breaks -really deep emotions secretly -science is art -unique humour that’s hard to describe? like they never tell jokes they just say things in a way that’s hilarious
entj -would 10/10 run for president -Gets Shit Done -speaks loudly -rly confident -has a lot to say -everybody knows them -incredibly creative but somehow approaches it ironically -gives great hugs -also shows affection by suggesting ways u can improve -they protec -they attac
istj -so intelligent i’m screaming -knows so much -huge but fragile ego  -friendly with everyone -glares at ppl a lot tho -wants power -everything has it’s order and don’t u dare change it -secretly sentimental -corrects ur grammar
estj -works 24/7 -cares too much about [insert franchise] -seriously don’t criticise it even jokingly -will cut u -studies law and philosophy -suddenly rly bad at arguments once feelings r involved -we talked about space and philosophy a lot when we were close sigh
istp -can’t plan for shiT -is in charge of planning at their job???? why the fuck -glares at everyone -speaks loudly -drives a motorcycle, the stereotype lives
estp -jokes in class constantly -somehow intimidatingly funny -asks annoying questions -reads the chat on ur phone while ur texting, out loud -asks u to repeat something slightly embarrassing u just did
isfp -so soft -wears black exclusively  -strong aesthetic -doodles in class -their writing is TINY -likes to talk about rly personal stuff or not at all -just wants to help -a hoe for vinyl
esfp -the smoothest person I’ve ever met -hilarious -ripped™ -eats chips at all times tho??? -amazing dancer -great taste in music -soft and affectionate af if they love u -u might be surprised how empathetic they r -rly dosen’t want to have to think about the future -either ready to party or wants u to leave them alone
infj -way too soft for everyone and everything -somebody help them -always on tumblr -reblogs cheesy motivational quotes -shy and in ur face at the same time -loves books but mainly as a concept -the best way to stay calm at a party is to find the local pet
enfj -way too soft somebody help them dear god -a teacher but can’t tell u when ur answer is wrong bc they don’t wanna hurt ur feelings -harmony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -politically correct -gives useless advice but feels great about it -wants to change the world and make everyone happy -life dream to be a parent
isfj -replies to ur message in 30 seconds -so sweet but it’s unexpected -likes intellectual discussions  -rly quiet usually -their partner is their number 1 priority tbh -loves history & greek mythology
esfj -everybody knows them -they know everybody -once got a social award just for being a nice person -good hair and nice clothes -always brings home-cooked meals in tupperware -is rly good with kids -asks u what u put as ur answer on a personality test -has their life together -no one knows y tho bc they’re always oblivious to what’s going on
intp -never in my life has anyone made me laugh so much -actual meme god -somehow both confident and awkward -incredibly intelligent but doesn’t give a shit about school  -that’s why dumb teachers were surprised to see them succeed academically after school -wings everything but get’s through with it
entp -smooth and funny wow -knows so much wtf -if u ask them about a topic they will tell u about it for 20 hours without stopping -science!!! -can’t decide on a career bc everything is so interesting and also so boring -i know 6 people who have a crush on them -oblivious™ to that -flirts with everybody
infp -strong ass philosophy on life -will roast both u and themselves  -angst -self deprecating memes -wants to do theatre but doesn’t -incredible at foreign languages -tbh soft but not v expressive with emotions
enfp -ppl think they’re Mysterious and Broody and Emotionless -bubbly if u get close to them -is actually a dog -rly soft -affectionate with friends -thinks about magic a lot probably -most emotionally intelligent person i know -the only person i actually like
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
MBTI Tip of The Day
Be friends with an ISTJ.
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mayiaskyourmbtitype · 6 years
MBTI and their significant other
INTJ: I’m gonna fix you
INTP: I’m gonna solve you
ENTJ: I’m gonna guide you
ENTP: I’m gonna challenge you
INFJ: I’m gonna understand you
INFP: I’m gonna love you
ENFJ: I’m gonna help you
ENFP: I’m gonna adore you
ISTJ: I’m gonna work you
ESTJ: I’m gonna lead you
ISFJ: I’m gonna assist you
ESFJ: I’m gonna protect you
ISTP: I’m gonna deal with you
ESTP: I’m gonna fuck you
ISFP: I’m gonna admire you
ESFP: I’m gonna amuse you
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