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Le casting de Blossom à Paris ❤️
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So are you ever going to post the swimsuit pics of Mayim that you insist you've seen? Because with all due respect, I'm not convinced they're real, and I don't think you're helping her or the fans by making this allegation without evidence.
If you don't want to believe it, then so be it, not my loss but I never posted a single lie on this page. ;)
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Have Mayim and Jim ever kissed off camera?
Of course
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prompt: A very jealous Jim because Mayim has a kissing scene with other actors?? big fan of your page!
MAJIM ASSUMPTIONS #20“I Hate That I Love You”
Rating: G
Everyone was sharing some laughs right after Stephen Merchant blushed after having a kissing scene with Mayim — including her. Jim looked at them as irk bloomed across his chest.
Mayim went to the stand by area and watched Johnny and Kaley on the stage. Jim approached her and asked her why were they laughing earlier. “Stephen was blushing when we kissed.” She giggled as she always felt so pretty when someone blushes over her.
Jim felt annoyed with how she giggled about it. “You enjoyed kissing him, don’t you?” He asked. She was smiling when she looked at him about to say yes but then she saw the bleak gesture on his face. “What?” She uttered finding his question a bit odd.
“You enjoyed kissing him, did you?” He asked with a more dismal emotion on his face.
She glanced blankly away from him. “Well, of course. He’s our co-star.” She retorted.
He clenched his teeth and toughened his jaws in jealousy. “I knew it. Why didn’t you make it up to ten takes so he gets to kiss you ten times too?” He broke a sarcastic suggestion.
Her forehead formed slight furrows with his sudden attitude. “Jim, what do you want me to say? I hated it?” She panted in disgrace.
He mocked her. “Yeah. Yeah. You enjoyed it. Why don’t you make out with him or flirt with him maybe he’ll fall in love with you and then maybe marry him. What do you think?!” He gibed. She slightly minimized her eyes with what she was hearing from his mouth.
“Are you jealous?” She went straight to the point as she started to feel uncomfortable but he just scoffed at her.
“Jim, if it’s about the kiss… It’s on the script. It’s for the show. It’s not like I kissed him and tried my best not to let you know like I’m a cheating girlfriend to you.” She countered his sarcasms.
“Who can tell, right?!” He hinted her with his doubts about her faithfulness. She felt slightly offended with his accusation.
“Hey, I never kissed anyone on this whole set ever since I started working here than you. You know that!” She adduced bringing up some defense. “Jim, I wouldn’t be you girlfriend for three years if I didn’t love you enough, so please? Stop acting like a jealous kid.” He started to feel like he went a bit far fetched with his jealousy.
His anger started to vanish as he heard her profess her love for him. She stared at him with her wrinkled forehead that eventually got ironed as she realized that he was just being swallowed by his jealous mind.
She faced him and looked at him in the eyes but he refused to look back. “Hey.” She called his attention but he kept his dismayed faced. “Jim… Look at me.” She requested and held his neck, he glanced at her with a bleak stare and looked away again. She sighed as she knew he was playing tough again.
“Jim, come on. Look at me.” She repeated and tried to pull him close through his neck but he slightly resisted.
“Baby.” She uttered making his hard heart to begin melting. He finally looked back at her allowing her to soften her tough pride. “Stop overthinking and stop being jealous.” She instigated. “There’s clearly nothing to be jealous about.” She lectured.
“I’m your girlfriend. Your girlfriend. Just yours. Only yours.” She remarked his possession of her making his jealousy feel relieved.
“Don’t be mad now, hm?” She gently squeezed his neck and kept her eyes looking at him. “Hey. Answer me. Stop being mad now.” She demanded.
She placed a kiss on his lips to make it up to him. He remained stationary for a moment but she didn’t mind. She was about to pull away from the kiss when he suddenly grabbed her jaws and brought her back to kissing him. She giggled as their lips got pressed against each other.
He bent forward and had his palm pressing her back pushing her pelvis closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and enjoyed taking his sweet kiss.
He broke from the kiss and gazed at her. “I hate how much I love you.” He stated. “Just deal with it.” She smirked and pecked his lips for the last time.
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Fifty Shades of Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik
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She and her “Hi, I am Mayim Bialik”
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The best of Mayim (28|30) Hair&Makeup
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MAJIM ASSUMPTIONS #20 “Majim Finale Proposal”
Rating: PG
Summary: Jim surprisingly proposes to Mayim during the Shamy proposal taping day.
The casts and the writers were around the table for their first table read of the finale episode. As they go through the pages of the first draft, Mayim was reading ahead and let out a squeal and started hitting Jim on his arm.
“What?!” he asks, looking shocked at her, while trying to cover himself from her playful hits.
“You’re proposing to me!” she all but shouts and the rest of the casts combs through the pages to find the scene she was talking about.
Meanwhile, Jim froze and blood was slowly draining from his face. He thought she was talking about him proposing to her, when she was actually talking about Sheldon. Kaley noticed him and bumps his leg under the table. When he looked at her, she widens her eyes and pointedly looked at the script. She was telling him through eyes that Mayim wasn’t talking about his real-life proposal. Slowly, realization dawned on him and he gives Kaley a nervous smile and started browsing the script too.
Jim’s reaction when they found out about Sheldon proposing to Amy went unnoticed by the rest surrounding the table. The rest of the day was spent with a few run through and a lot of talk about the upcoming season finale. The girls were all happy about how season 9 was ending, especially on the Shamy front. When Steve called for a wrap-up, the team slowly dispersed, some heading home, some going to other parts of the building. Jim made his way to his dressing room to get his bag. Mayim, Melissa, Kaley and Johnny were still huddled around the food table talking about trivial things. When Kaley noticed Jim heading to the second floor, she excused herself to follow him. Jim left the door to his dressing room open, so Kaley just leaned against the door frame and crossed her arm.
“What’s with you Captain Obvious? You almost gave yourself away there earlier,” she says. Jim turned around and looked at her with furrowed brows.
“Well her outburst got me by surprise!” he exclaims while trying to keep his voice down.
Simon and Kaley are already aware of his plans. Jim was going to take Mayim away for a trip to Fiji after they finished taping the finale and propose. Jim has been giddy since he told them about it. Today though, after reading the lines that he needs to tell Mayim for the on-screen proposal, he’s getting more and more worried about keeping the secret from her till it’s time.
“Well you better keep it cool, unless you want her to get all suspicious,” Kaley tells him, matter-of-factly. “I will. I was just caught off guard today, is all,” he replies. “Fine. Well, come down soon, the gang wants to go out for dinner,” she says and head out to rejoin the rest of the cast.
Jim let out a breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. The lines that the writers did for Sheldon to tell Amy were so much like what he was planning to tell Mayim. He couldn’t let the words out earlier during the roundtable with enough enthusiasm because he felt nervous that she would notice something. He just needs to wait a little less than two weeks. He knows he needed to keep it in; for now he needs to do what he does best, act.
“Aaaand, cut!” Mark shouted. “Jim, what’s going on? Do you need a break?” he asks, getting a little impatient. They have been shooting the same scene five times, but Jim seems out of the game and keeps forgetting his lines.
“No, I’m fine. I’m sorry, can we try again?” he asks their director. He agreed and the crew set the cameras up again for another take.
He shook his head and took his position again, getting ready for another take. In the scene, Shamy were in the set, imitating the Palomar Observatory. Amy was supposed to be looking at the telescope and Sheldon will start his proposal with an Astronomy related myth to impress her. It was only Monday, and their scene was the last one, ending with a cliff hanger for season 10. He shakes his head and focused on the task at hand. He didn’t like taking too many takes even during rehearsals, so he knew that he needed to keep his thoughts straight.
“Okay, cameras, set? Rolling.” Jim walked towards Mayim. She was looking through the telescope, supposedly marveling at the heavenly bodies that were shining in the clear night sky. He looks down at her and starts his line.
“Did you know, that there’s a story in Greek mythology, that humans were originally created with 2 heads, 4 arms and 4 legs? Like a Siamese twin, but with full features, so to speak,” he says, looking lovingly at her. She then looks up at him and smiles.
“I did hear about that once. Or maybe I read about it? I don’t remember well. I’ve never really been that interested in Astronomy or Greek mythology,” she says.
“Understandable. There was a time though, when I was a kid, when the whole idea fascinated me,” he tells her. “So in that story, how did humans evolve into how we look now?” she asks. She then looks through the telescope again.
“It was the gods who got angry at them and decided to punish and separate them; turning humans into how we look now; cursing them to find their other half for the rest of their lives. A silly notion, but surprisingly, one can see why the gods went with that punishment,”
She looks up at him again, with confusion and asks, “What do you mean?”
“Well, at the expense of me sounding like a hippy, I’d like to think that if that myth held some sense of possibility, I can say that, I beat the gods and was lucky enough to find my other half,” he says, smiling at her and moving closer. “Sheldon, that’s so sweet of you,” she responds, her face, breaking into a beautiful smile. “I’d like to think so too,” replies, taking her hands in his.
“Amy, I would never want to be separated to my other half again, so,” he pulls out the black box from inside his pocket and kneels. “Amy Farrah Fowler, with your permission, I would like to spend the rest of my life with you. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?”
The scene ends with Amy gasping and not giving an answer yet. Jim was so caught up in the moment that it took him a while to realize the scene already ended and he was still kneeling. Mayim held her hand out to him and he takes it to stand up. Their director announced the end of their rehearsal and bade everyone goodbye.
Jim and Mayim were in his dressing room, preparing to head out and get home. Because of Jim missing his lines a few times on several scenes, they were extended for almost another hour. He was supposed to drop her off at her house because her car was being upholstered.
“Are you okay?” asks Mayim, her eyes following his moves as he packs his stuff and looks around to check if he got everything.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why do you ask?” He knew why she was asking, but he was attempting to look and sound cool about the situation. He felt like he was already giving away too much. He was getting more and more paranoid, thinking that Mayim might be starting to get some idea about his plans.
“You know why. You seldom mess up a lot when we’re rehearsing or taping. What’s bothering you?” she asks again, standing up and wrapping her arms around him from behind. Jim stood up straighter and wrapped his arms around hers.
“I’m just a little tired. I haven’t been getting enough sleep lately,” he admits. It was partly true though, he was nervous about his plan and he keeps intermingling his lines as Sheldon with what he was supposed to be saying when he asks Mayim to marry him.
He turns around and wrapped her in a tight hug. She was still a little suspicious but she let it go and just smiled up at him. He lowers his head and kissed her. It started out sweet and soft, but was now starting to gain momentum. They weren’t planning on stopping soon until a clearing of throat caught their attention; they forgot that the door was open. Luckily, it was just Simon, asking them if they wanted to join the rest of them at his house for some dinner.
Mayim declined for them since they were needed at work early, the following day. With a promise of hosting a dinner the next time, Jim and Mayim went out of his dressing room and headed for his car.
The following day, everything was ready and the cast and crew were all pumped to shoot the finale. When the audience started filling the seats, the cast was ready for the introduction.
Jim was trying very hard to hide his nervousness. He tried to act in front of a mirror the previous night, something he never does, to get used to not mixing up his lines with his real proposal. He did he did well, but with the crowd and the rest of the people on set feeling more excited than usual because it’s the last episode of the season, his nerves are getting the better of him. Kaley noticed he was fidgety and kept looking up and closing his eyes. She approached him and nudged him, shooting a questioning look. He just shook her head. Mayim was close to where they were and noticed the odd interaction. When Kaley walked over to where Johnny was, she walked over to Jim to ask what that was about.
“Why was Kaley looking at you like she was threatening you or something?” she asked.
“No, she wasn’t.” He blurted out, sounding defensive. Mayim raised one eyebrow and Jim realized how his answer sounded.
Keep it together, Parsons! He thought.
“I… I was tapping my foot and she was getting annoyed and told me to stop,” he lied. Mayim was getting more suspicious. She thinks something’s up, but couldn’t figure out what it might be.
“Okay. Well, good luck to us!” she said and smiled at him. He gave an unconvincing smile, but Mayim had to accept it because, just then her name was announced; signaling her to go out to greet the audience.
The rest of the night went well and the other actors barely had problems with their scenes. The crowd was very responsive and gave satisfying feedback in forms of laughter, awe and cheer. When the final scene was about to be shot, Jim and Mayim went to the observatory set and wished each other good luck. A few minutes later, the set covers were moved to the side, revealing the special set and Mark Sweet, gave the description of the scene that was about to be shot. Seemingly endless cheers and squeals erupted in the audience, making Jim feel more nervous. The audience noise he usually found energizing and encouraging wasn’t helping him tonight.
First take, he missed half of his lines. Twice, a third time, he still couldn’t get the correct lines out. He was getting frustrated of himself. His mind keeps going through thoughts of his plan and the lines that he was supposed to be saying. From behind the producers and writers, he saw Simon and Kaley talking with worried expressions and he knew that they were talking about him. Simon noticed he was looking at them and gave an encouraging smile. They went for a fourth take, picking up from after he tells Amy the myth.
“Mayim, I mean Amy! Amy! Amy! Ugh!” He exclaimed in frustration. The director called cut and Mayim held him by the shoulders and looked up at him.
“Jim, are you okay? Do you need water or something?” she asks, concern written on her face. “No. I…” he looked at her miserably and then sighed. “Maybe a short break will do me good. Just a sec,” he says and walked over to where their director and producers were seated. He approached them and asked if he can take a break to go to the washroom. He went upstairs in a rush and left Mayim and the rest with confused expressions.
While he was upstairs, Mayim, Melissa and Kunal discussed what might possibly be causing Jim to mess up his lines. They couldn’t come up with anything either. Simon and Kaley were also around them and just kept looking at each other, sharing knowing looks when the rest were engaged in the discussion.
Jim went back and told them he was ready to film again. The cast readied everything and the director called action again. They restarted the scene from the beginning. When he got to the part where he was supposed to ask Amy to marry him, he paused for a while. Mayim thought he forgot the line again, but then he spoke.
“Mayim, I would never want to be separated to my other half again,” he started. Mayim looked at him surprised that he doesn’t seem to be realizing he said Mayim again instead of Amy.
“It’s Amy,” she whispered. Jim shook his head and that confused her.
“No. It’s not Amy. Mayim, I don’t want to be separated from you just like how Sheldon doesn’t want to be separated from Amy.”
Mayim just stared at him. The crowd went quiet too. Kaley covered her mouth and started getting teary eyed, Simon wrapped his arm around her and the other actors and the rest of the team kept looking between them, Jim and Mayim. Realization dawned on the people inside the studio, but they remained quiet and waited for Jim to talk again.
“It’s not Amy. This is not Sheldon talking, it’s me. Just me, Jim.” he continued. “Mayim, this? Shooting this episode became such a task for me because I kept thinking about how you would react when I actually propose to you. I was planning on doing this a week from now, but I just can’t wait any longer.” He then pulled out a box, different from what Shamy was supposed to use for the scene and Mayim’s hands went up to cover her mouth. She began to cry.
“This studio, this set, these people. This is where everything began, and honestly now I can’t think of a better place to this in,” he tells her. He then kneeled in front of her and opened the box, showing a beautiful ring encrusted with an oval shaped diamond.
“I know I would never want anyone else for the rest of my life,” he began again. “So Mayim Chaya Bialik, will you complete my original human form? Because if yes, then I’d very much like it if you would do it as my wife,” he finishes, holding up the box higher.
“Yes!” she squeals.
The uproar began. Cheers, screams and congratulations was heard from everyone in the studio. Jim stood and placed the ring on Mayim’s finger.
They hugged and kissed each other. The cast and crew started approaching them, congratulating and hugging them. Kaley and Simon gave him approving looks even after they gave their well wishes, telling him he did well. The happiness was carried through the rest of the night. They shot the proposal scene, with Jim and Mayim barely needing to act out their happiness.
When everyone was packed up, the team decided to go out and celebrate for a while. It wasn’t after 1 am that Jim and Mayim got to leave and drive home. He asked her to stay the night at his house and she happily accepted. Later, when they were in bed, cuddling, Mayim kept staring at her engagement ring.
“So that’s why you were being all nervous Nelly the whole week?” she asked.
“Yes. I keep mixing up my lines with what I was going to say on my actual proposal. I didn’t get to use it though. I decided to go with what felt right.” “Well I wouldn’t want it any other way.” “Thank you,” he said. He then kissed the top of her head. “For what?” she asked. “For saying yes. For coming to my life. For everything.” finished. He started kissing him softly, but it was quickly turning into a heated one.
Their hands were all over each other and Mayim parted her lips to grant his tongue, access. When Jim started to lift her shirt up, she stopped him. He looked at her like a boy, denied of playing his toy. She giggled at his expression and he just frowned at her.
“What’s funny?” he asked, a little bit annoyed of her actions and partly because of the interruption. “You are.” she teased, but that only made him more annoyed and confused.
Before he could speak again, she placed her index finger against his lips to hush him. “I love you and I’m still marrying you, but can we skip this tonight because it’s really late and I’m tired. Not to mention I still have to go home early,” she finished.
He considered her words and thought it was right. It was technically his fault that they ended up celebrating and staying out till after midnight. He relented and kissed her one more time.
“Alright. But you owe me, woman.” “Hey, I’m marrying you.” she said sternly. “Fair enough.” he replied and smiled at her. “Good night. I love you.” she said.
“Not as much as I love you.” he said, giving her another peck on the lips. “Good night.”
Despite of the late hour, the newly engaged couple slept soundly that night, holding each other close just like how the rest of their nights would be soon.
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So who has posted this Mayim swimsuit picture? Does this exist, or is someone just yanking our collective chain? (And I agree, she can do what she pleases, but it seems a tiny but out of character for her.)
I'm not sure who originally posted the candids. Yes it exists, I've seen it.
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PLEASE!!!you don t Have To give details ,just Yes or no...You said mayim is single, but she is in love with someone right???Someone she met at work...
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**Shamy** ♡
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