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Love this! Her pieces are dope af. 
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Chris Evans as Frank Adler in Gifted (2017)
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I honestly hate how art and media have kind of romanticized the idea of like “going off your meds and being your true self again” because like I started taking antidepressants and like immediately got a new job, found a place to live, improved my relationships with people in my life and completely reconciled with my sort of estranged ex-girlfriend?? Medication can be rad and while I realize that it’s not for everybody I don’t think anything should be trying to convince anyone that being on medication inherently makes you less of who you are
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Thor: Ragnarok (2017) dir. Taika Waititi
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This guy came forJameela and she fucking wrecked him oh my god
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Andy Samberg Shares His Rejected Golden Globes Jokes
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House stereotypes:
Gryffindor: Super bold. Has no filter. Does stupid shit constantly. Loves pranks. Irresponsible and impulsive. Is a protector of friends
Slytherin: Hates Gryffindor. Sly. Good liar. Pretty evil, is always in the shadows. Quiet. Plotting a murder at any given minute. Hates surprises.
Ravenclaw: Super smart. The responsible one in any situation. Will do anything to pass an exam, knows the answer to most questions. Stiff and reads three full length novels for “light reading”
Hufflepuff: Pushovers. Pansies. Loves all the hugs. Shy, loving cookies is somehow a personality trait. Is kind and trusting to everyone. Is a cute squishy bean who needs to be protected.
Houses in reality:
Gryffindor: Is careful about what they say unless someone insults their friend. Only does stupid things if they’re overly curious about what would happen. Worries constantly about their friends and if they’re doing something dangerous they try to talk them out of it or at least make it safer for them.
Slytherin: Cunning. Is actually fairly good friends with Gryffindor and they have a playful rivalry. They don’t really look before they leap but they do stupid shit all the time just because someone told them they couldn’t. Loves surprises and is F I E R C E
Ravenclaw: Most times their brain is fried from pulling all nighters and researching things completely useless to them. Will burst into tears if exams are mentioned, is the real protector of anyone who is close to them. Hates reading for school. “If you’re gonna do [insert stupid thing] I’m gonna do it too”. Intimidating
Hufflepuff: Only hug this person if they specifically say you can hug them. Is either perfect at baking or will burn the house down, there’s no in between. Evaluates everyone with intensity before trusting them. Loves fantasy worlds. If anyone hurts those they love all hell will break loose; badgers have claws and sharp teeth.
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Because this is what I’m going to do. I’m going to rescue her. I’m going to save Rose Tyler from the middle of the Dalek fleet. And then I’m going to save the Earth, and then, just to finish off, I’m going to wipe every last stinking Dalek out of the sky!
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Everybody lives, Rose.
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  ★☆  nine’s sass in 1x01
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Nobody important? Blimey, that’s amazing. D’you know, in nine hundred years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important before.
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“Nancy always gets the best food for us.”
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