mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
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details of ‘david’.
by, michelangelo.
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
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happy “Pride” or something
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
Ultimate Binge Prevention
10. Drink a glass of water : binging will make you gain weight
9. Grab a piece of gum : binging will make your body and face bloat
8. Get out of the kitchen : it will take you double the amount of time to get to your goal weight
7. Drink more water : your clothes will become tighter
6. Go for a walk : you will regret binging in the morning
5. Watch a TV show : wearing a bathing suit will be so much harder
4. Draw yourself at your goal weight : you will feel greasy
3. Do a YouTube workout : binging ruins your teeth and skin
2. Write down the reasons you want to lose weight : you will feel guilty
1. Drink a hot tea : control yourself for future you
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
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Is this too much to ask for ??! Like I just wanna be this skinny so I can look good in everything
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
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me in the middle of the stormy night running down the grand staircase in this with a candelabra in hand before i run away with my vampire lover forever.
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
“…and I thought it might take an eternity to speak all my grief.”
— Madeline Miller, Circe (via luthienne)
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
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A night America should never forget. Our people are hurting, they have been for hundreds of years, and yet we continue to value property over lives. Minneapolis said with a clear voice last night that enough is enough. George Floyd is dead, you can rebuild stores and replace merchandise, but you cannot bring back a life. Martin Luther King Jr. said that a riot is the language of the unheard, well are you listening now America? Why does fire and pepper spray get your attention but innocent black people slaughtered by police get nothing more than a pause and then return to normal? We can't return to normal because normal means continuing to terrorize communities of colour and that is unacceptable. No justice, no peace should be common sense so let's not act shocked by these pictures, instead let's see the pain being expressed and do something about it.
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
looking at thinspo while eating my fifth bowl of pasta
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
my three personalities fighting
☘🌿🌼💕cottagecore💕🌼🌿☘: no we should run away into the forest who cares about school and work! we could run a farm in a small town!
📑📖✒💼dark academia📑📖✒💼: are you kidding me you embuslie, the art and beauty that has been forgotten within the ages of learning needs to be remembered!!!!
🕯✡🌕⭐witchcraft⭐🌕✡🕯: why don't we do a little ol bit of dancing under the moon singing to the gods~~~
cottagecore & dark academia: ....let's do it.
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
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I want to buy this dress and the girl looks so good it really motivates me to loose weight!!!!
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
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baking heart shaped treats is the one of the warmest experiences *:゚*。⋆ ꒰⌗´͈ ᵕ `͈⌗꒱
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
concept playlists
feel better;  it’s been a long week, not moving from your permanently dark bedroom, your phone forgotten under the bed with a hundred missed messages, but you’re finally opening your eyes and seeing a sliver of early morning sunlight filter in behind the curtains that a mysterious breeze blew open.
daisy chains;  it’s late spring or early summer and you’re dozing with your best friends in the grass, the slow and peaceful brush of the warm breeze keeping you in that state of just waking from a pleasant dream.
songs to run away to;  you’re packing an overnight bag and taking the first bus out of the city. you’re not exactly running away, but you don’t plan on coming back. all you know is that your only goal is to keep on running.
classical jams;  it’s your fancy neighbour’s annual ball held in their gothic castle and you’re getting turnt to tchaikovsky while very deliberately disappointing your parents who wanted you to use the occasion to find an upstanding suitor.
dark academia but it slaps;  vague fuck the school system vibes, doing stupid shit with your close friends, caffeinated all-nighters, a chaotic gleam in your eye as you throw paper planes made from your essays out of the highest window in campus, not knowing if your friend really did commit murder. in this household we don’t take ourselves too seriously.
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
I mean I love you all but WHERE IS MY WITCHY GOBLINCORE GF?????
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mayuyuxw-blog · 4 years
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i wanna runaway runaway i feel like im losing control
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