mazemanufactory · 7 months
I died. Won't go into it cause it made me sad. But this happened before dying: I was in this town with railroad tracks and an old lady sent me on a quest to kill Grim Matchstick so I was like oooooh ok that sounds fun and the lady set off a beacon to where I needed to go but I learned it was some easy mode shit and I was like why.
I did go to that town again after dying just to reflect on shit and there was like this cosplay thing going on except there were so many Sweetheart cosplayers it was insane.
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mazemanufactory · 7 months
Vivziepop made a bakery and Cal wanted to go so Mom took Cal and me there. I did not want to go but I had to anyway. The bakery was like a jcpenney moreso than a traditional bakery and the treats were all displayed like museum artifacts. The sweets weren’t the best quality either? For some reason on a cake the whipped cream was sprayed onto like a headband and stuck into the cake. I ate the whipped cream and it was so good and probably the best I ever had. But we never ate that cake. Probably because I didn’t want us to get kicked out. Cause I will admit the building was really fancy.
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mazemanufactory · 7 months
i have dreams worth sharing again :)
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mazemanufactory · 2 years
Approx 9/7/20
So basically I was at this important convention in the pokemon universe and just wandering around bc i’m bored or something. like. I think i got ditched by Cal. But the thing about this convention is that cosplay got banned so people wouldn’t try and fake being someone
So I’m like alone and I see Grimsley and I’m like o: holyshitttt and so I asked him if I could take a picture with him and he was like “Yeah sure” but someone (I think it was Nanu) tapped on him and told him they needed to go somewhere so he just did..... and he didn’t tell me....... So I just stood there sad when I realized. And then I was sad for the rest of the con.
I did a drawing of it around the time but I couldn’t find it :(
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mazemanufactory · 2 years
Uh, I don’t exactly remember what was going on here but in this dream I was trying to classpect my mom and I told her she gave off either light or heart vibes but she wouldn’t listen to me because she kept insisting her aspect was passion.
And idk why I said light because earlier in the dream I told my dad he was light
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mazemanufactory · 2 years
sorry to the one person who follows me and how i haven’t been posting. i’ve been having a lack of dreams and the ones i do have were nightmares/borderline nightmares
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mazemanufactory · 2 years
[This post has been sitting in my drafts for so long that i have forgotten what the dream was about other than what I have written, whoops.]
I need to stop posting things to my parodox blog and vice versa I hope I can change the icon on the other soon-
Anyways in this one I don’t know what I was up to but I was LARPing Fire Spirit Cookie or some shit which is weird because the dream said “Okay you’re fs” even though to do this I had to be blind and mute which is my Wind Archer hcs????
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mazemanufactory · 2 years
Okay so this one is pretty something. In this dream there was a new cookie run update that came out and I remember seeing the loading screen being the current one but with different cookies in different positions (I remember seeing PL Moonlight and LC Sea Fairy).
The new update was a magic candy thing where they gave all of the legendary costumes magic candies but for some reason Dread Trident didn’t get one but Luminous Coral did and when I asked a friend about it they were like “Oh that’s because DT has existed for longer as a rare rank costume”
This was bullshit however because multiple other super epic legend costumes had magic candies. I know Lord of Flame did I think.
I don’t remember what any of the magic candies looked like but I wanna draw them anyways hehe-
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mazemanufactory · 2 years
I totally forgot to share this one whoops. Though it wasn’t really much so.
Basically all that happened was Pokemon Scarlet and Violet got a name change and it became Pokemon Love and Rage.
 It sounds way cooler than SaV imo but if only it were hope instead of love,,,,,,,,,, then it would be classpects,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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mazemanufactory · 2 years
OOH this one is pretty awesome I think!
Another Bee Swarm dream too, in this one I was simply hatching a bunch of mythic eggs I got but then one of them hatched into a Lovely Bee, which looked like this:
Tumblr media
Afaik they were colorless and their skill was spawning chocolate treats that raised lots of affection and their gifted perk was raising affection from in-general treat feeding.
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mazemanufactory · 2 years
Early last year I was like, really into Bee Swarm Sim on Roblox-
Anyways, so in this dream I am playing Bee Swarm and I get a mythic egg from the Mondo Chick and I’m like “oh yay” but apparently in my history class we were learning about this game so I showed my history teacher and hatched the egg but I got a frosty bee for some reason.
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mazemanufactory · 2 years
hope to post more of the backlog soon i am very tired
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mazemanufactory · 2 years
This dream is a funky Lemon Demon one because I listened to way too much Lemon Demon in 2021, the op was taken from my Twitter
In this dream I was trying to listen to Touch Tone Telephone, but instead it was a new version called Touch Tone Funny. I remember nothing except for Neil mentioning rabies near the end and me being not happy about it. 
I can deal with mentions of that now [cough cough looks at my insta alt and a current post in the drafts and dies immediately] but uh yeah. All I said about it in the dream was “This song is great but not that part” but like whatever-
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mazemanufactory · 2 years
Tags I use
Dreams: The main sauce of this blog, my dreams!
Not Dreams: Other posts, that are as the tag suggests. (Not dreams)
Backlog: Older dreams I have dug up from other sources, whether that be my docs or r/ThomasThePlankEngine or anything else.
Incomplete: For dreams in my drafts I began writing, but forgot about for long enough to be unable to continue with their story. Incomplete dreams will have a message at the start mentioning their flaw.
Reblog: Self explanatory.
Media: Posts I have media to share along with it.
Source Tags: “Source Tags” isn’t any tag in particular, this retains to any media that is linked to a source (Ex: if Luigi appears in a dream, the post will include the tag Nintendo or Super Mario)
[Source Tags] - Freeform: For media posts that have certain elements in them that exist to be used as an example in the media, despite never actually appear in the dream (Ex: if Vriska appears in a media attatchment despite never being important or even mentioned, the post will include the tag homestuck - freeform)
Pinned: For my pinned post.
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mazemanufactory · 2 years
going back and tagging old dreams as omohideshabadaba backlog
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mazemanufactory · 2 years
Okay this was was from last year lol i’m just looking through old twitter posts I’ve shared dreams on-
So in this one I was supposed to save the world but in order to do that me and the EPF had to go undercover, so we opened a pizza/burger/donut restaurant
Apparently JPG died somehow, I have no memory how, and Rookie ALMOST got us killed. I think an explosion went off, but that might have been how JPG died. Gary also gave me a promotion to work in the kitchen.
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mazemanufactory · 2 years
Hey look this one was connected to the pink sus boba tea store lets gooooooooo
Okay so in this dream I was at a convention at a great wolf lodge looking apartment complex thingy doohickey with a bunch of other people in a group with me and we’re all like, assigned specific characters to cosplay because we’re each separated in groups. My group was only with one other person and I don’t remember who he was cosplaying but I was supposed to be the Joker from Persona, like okay-
But in order to get a perfect I need this cello case for my cosplay but the entire time I just have no idea where it is so I’m traversing and trespassing everywhere in this weird ass convention as Joker just trying desperately to find the cello case before the convention ends
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