mbti-info · 7 years
INTPs are insane robot-people who continue to make me feel crazy and insecure in relationships because of their absolute lack of communication skills. I still hope I marry one someday tho
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mbti-info · 7 years
Listening to Jessica William's Fresh Air interview...she a total ENFJ in the best way
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mbti-info · 7 years
xNxP Problems
Me: I should learn to play the guitar
Brain: Hey, maybe you should finish one of your other many projects first
Me: That's it, I'm gonna learn Swahili
Brain: ????????
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mbti-info · 7 years
Things the Types Need to Hear
ESFP: Look, I get it, you leave people in the dust because you know how crazy and all over the place your life can be and you’re also crazy scared to let somebody in just to have it end up with you accidentally leaving them and both of you getting hurt, but emotional intimacy and real depth in friendships are 100% worth it in the end and it’s the struggle and fight of a lifetime to keep them in your life, but it’s also the greatest gift and you can’t keep denying yourself that intimacy and friendship. 
ISFP: I know you have a lot of great desires and wonderful dreams and they might seem too far off and too crazy and too beautiful to come true, but you have them for a reason, and you gotta stop paralyzing yourself with fear and take that first step and throw yourself into the unknown, and that’s the scariest part, I know, but we both know you’re braver than you look, and that your passion can make it happen. 
ENFP: I know that the moment you hit an obstacle or two when you first start working towards that far off dream, it’s scary and it makes you want to crumble and run away to a new thing like you think you always do, but don’t! You’re miles more tenacious and capable than you give yourself credit for and you’ve got to discipline yourself and trust that your talents and optimism can and will propel you through whatever is keeping you from your goals. 
INFP: I know it’s hard to feel understood and it’s easy to let yourself become bitter by the ways of the world or whatever’s happening, but closing yourself off to others isn’t going to save you the pain. You have a natural capacity to understand others that’s hard for the other types to grasp and when you stop yourself from using that talent, or use it for selfish reasons, you’re doing yourself a massive injustice. 
ESTP: Listen, I totally get that the world is full of fun and interesting things and you want to experience them all, but you’ve got to remember that for a lot of the people that come along with you, they’re there to experience YOU as much as they’re there for the thing itself. Don’t let yourself forget that half the fun of anything is who you’re doing it with. 
ISTP: I know you generally don’t mean to yell or be rude when your irritated and that it’s really just a passing thing and you don’t generally care all that much, but just apologize to people after you’ve calmed down! Explain it to them and that you don’t mean it! Admit to yourself that you care enough about them to try to make amends, even when you’re just being a little crotchety; it means a lot to the feelers lol. 
ENTP: You’re a genuinely fun person to be around and you usually rack up a reputation for that, but just because you’re funny and witty and damn smart doesn’t mean you don’t have feelings and problems that need to be externalized, and trust me, the right people will be more than willing to talk about what’s really happening in your life one minute and go back to elaborate jokes the next without a problem. Don’t stunt your emotional growth for the sake of brevity. 
INTP: It’s okay to not know what to do in an emotional situation. Like, it’s genuinely okay. If somebody’s opening up to you, half the time your presence and you listening is 95% of what they need in that moment. Don’t avoid the situations just because it causes writer’s block emotionally. Emotional availability comes with experience. You’ll learn. Just, be your goofy self and the rest will come with time. 
ENFJ: You’ve got to realize that although holding yourself to such a high standard is noble and praiseworthy, that it sometimes eclipses your ability to be a good friend when that was the goal in the first place. You’re human and can’t do everything for your friends that you’d want to be able to do when they need help, and profusely apologizing and beating yourself up for it just shifts the focus off of helping your friend and turns it to you. Accept your humanity, and just do what you can. They appreciate the help, I promise. 
INFJ: I know you have a tendency to feel misunderstood and want people to show you that they love you and care about you, but you don’t get to say you’re fine AND disappear on people. Either say you’re not okay and pull back, or say you’re okay and stick around long enough for somebody to see through the BS. In my experience, y'all have a habit of making things a self-fulfilling prophecy, and that doesn’t do you any good! Be forward, be honest, and just be vulnerable; they care more than you convince yourself they do. 
ESFJ: I need to be straight with y'all. Learn how to talk about something other than your 4-5 current fixations. In my experience, N’s have a crazy hard time being close with you because you keep bringing the topic back to one of your current Favorite Things™, whether it be the semester abroad you just got back from or the first date that’s scheduled for two weeks from now. Expand your area of interest and you’ll find people will be much more authentic with you. 
ISFJ: You have this really amazing ability to notice the small things about people and that helps you show them you care about them in these really great and meaningful ways, but you can’t let yourself overthink the small things you notice about people. One of my good ISFJ friends started poking around trying to see if alcoholism ran in my family after noticing I’d been drinking wine a lot recently. You might have an intention to help, but overthinking/overanalyzing like that and trying to involve yourself in helping can hurt your friendships. 
ESTJ: Your presence is powerful and intense and that’s great at times, but you’ve got to let out your goofy fun side more, and hoe we’ve all seen it before, you’re a damn riot after a beer or two. People, in general, care more about fun than having every plan go right during the night/event. Be willing to be fun more, you’re so good at it. 
ISTJ: I know you get frustrated with yourself because you want to do new things and get out there and be a fun person, but the thing is, you’re so much better at being a responsible, caring person. Befriend the chaotic, crazy, lovable rascals and let them bring the fun to you (or more often than not, drag you kicking and screaming to where the fun is). 
ENTJ: Look, I’m an INTJ, so I know how hard this is to swallow, but showing you care about a person sometimes isn’t so much giving them solutions to their problems or trying to correct an issue; a lot of the other types literally just want you to listen and hear them out. And you gotta do that sometimes, babe. And shut your damn mouth while they’re telling you everything, okay? Just. Let them finish. 
INTJ: For the love of all that is holy, just cry already. Cry alone if you have to, or better yet, just go to the person you’d literally murder a thousand people for and freakin’ cry about all the crap you’ve been bottling up for the past two months and accept that you can have razor-sharp rationale and be a damn human at the same time. And just admit that you’re insecure about your relationship with that person because you care about them so much and you’re not the best at trusting people.
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mbti-info · 7 years
The Types in Love
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mbti-info · 7 years
Are you really a Pisces if you're not obsessed w someone who doesn't like you back?
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mbti-info · 7 years
The biggest INFP feel is spending the whole day with friends and then getting home late, and instead of going to bed you have to stay up for a couple hours of “me” time before you can actually sleep, regardless of how late it is already
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mbti-info · 7 years
This post is amazing.
3 Kinds of INFP
All INFP’s share the same cognitive functions, however differences in behavior and motivation can be quite drastic. The best explanation for these kinds of differences is Enneagram. Enneagram is a personality theory that assesses trauma, motivation and behavior, it can be used along side MBTI as they do not cancel each other out in any way. Any MBTI type can potentially be any Enneagram type. Unlike MBTi, where the point is to develop INTO the best your type can be, the point of Enneagram is to develop OUT of your type, basically categorizing it as a self-help tool. INFP’s are often enough one of 3 types. It is absolutely possible to not be one of these types, and my description of each kind of INFP will not correspond directly with the broader scale of each enneagram type (example; I’m explaining what a type “X” INFP looks like not what a type “X” looks like) I have met or am each of these types of INFP and here is my assessment:
Type 4 INFP
Type 4′s are often called the “Individualists”, “Romantics” or “Artists”. This makes up the biggest portion of INFP’s. I’d say almost half. This is the classic INFP. The feeler, the lover, the emotional and rhapsodical idealist. The princess in her castle, the poet writing in water, the passionate artist. This type of INFP puts alot of weight on Fi and the Fi truly “wields” the Ne. This Fi is organic, true, and uncompromised by anything. Type 4 INFP’s are likely to feel the greatest depths of pain and sorrow of any of us. Type 4 INFP’s might describe emotional pain as so real it physically hurts. With that passion comes poetry, art, and beautiful written word. This type is likely to have deep moral convictions based on ethics and empathy. 
This type of INFP is highly dramatic, bringing to mind shakespearean theatrics. This can manifest as scathing drama, emotional appeals to the heart or just general hellfire and brimstone. Certainly the most likely type of INFP to cry and/or throw a fit when they feel overlooked or invalidated. Has the speech pattern of someone writing in their diary. This type tends to be a wallflower due to being unable to conform to social norms or put on a face for anyone. May be a person of few words due to only being able to be honest. 
This kind of INFP is highly individualistic, craving authenticity more than any other type of INFP. They’re likely to see trends, fashions, cliques and fame as highly detestable. The type of INFP to hate and never want to be “the cool kids”. This kind of authenticity is very attractive to those who love authenticity and originality, as these INFP’s have it in spades. Always interesting and always unique, these INFP’s can be highly cherished by friends and family and highly sought after as lovers. This subset of INFP’s might be the most romantically minded of any other subset of any other type. However, they are plagued by fears of being abandoned, and when alone, wish for someone to come and save them. Type 4 INFP′s believe that someone (or something, maybe a religion or philosophy) is going to come into their lives and make them whole, and can have trouble generally feeling whole in and of themselves. 
Overall, this kind of INFP’s personifies on of the most lovable subsets of human beings. Genuine, authentic, passionate, and creative. This kind of INFP is capable of the most beautiful and genuine expressions of human emotion of just about anyone. 
Type 9 INFP 
This type of INFP is also very well known but less of the population than Type 4′s. Type 9′s have been called “The Peacemaker” or “The Mediator”. This Type of INFP is very sensitive to conflict and great at seeing others perspectives. This INFP is great at giving advice and helping with others problems and generally being a caring shoulder to cry on. Often being mistaken for INFJ’s, Type 9 INFP’s still have staunch values and an openly hyperactive mind, they’re just less pushy about their views. This Type of INFP can be seen as having a very balanced function set, not weighing to heavily on any functions. They are very laid-back, non-judgemental, and sensitive to others thoughts and feelings. 
This type is likely to have a weak definition of self, seeing themselves in everything. They might see themselves as “a little of column A, a little of column B, quite honesty”. They might outwardly appear to not greatly enjoy or strongly feel about anything. They may struggle to say exactly who they are and what they stand for, being cautious of taking any harsh or finite stances on things. They really don’t want to offend anyone or be offended. They just don’t want a conflict to break out. This type seems to have the strongest shadow Ni of any kind of INFP, easily seeing other perspectives and views. They are still, however, separate from INFJ because they are still associative creatures rather than dissociative, relaying new information through the lens of their own understanding and experience. 
This kind of INFP was often neglected or silenced as a child and taught to not think of themselves as important. As a consequence of this, they are likely to see other people as having more intrinsic worth than they do. (not in a type 2 way, mind you, or in an Fe way, in a self-depreciating way) This can cause this type of INFP to think nothing they do is important, and kill any drive for them to do anything. Because of this, this INFP is kind of a loaner and maybe pretty lazy and slothful. 
However, these same qualities can make these type 9′s, self-sacrificing and loving friends. They are a wonderful, understanding and compassionate shoulder to cry on. They are just as happy talking about any topic with you as any other, and the most imaginative and flexible people you will ever meet. 
Type 6 INFP
Somewhat lesser known, but about as common as type 9 INFP’s, Type six INFP’s are cautious, inquisitive and loyal. Type 6′s are often called “The Loyalist” “The Detective” and “The doubter”. This kind of INFP focus’s much more on the Ne/Si axis than the other kind of INFP’s and can seem to effortlessly match even ENFP’s in outward intuition. However, this comes at a price as this type of INFP tends to use that ability to worry quite a lot. This type of INFP is highly insecure, spending a lot of time in “what if” scenarios and wondering if things will turn out okay. Due to just how much time they spend doing that, they get rather good at guessing outcomes and asking the right questions.  This type of INFP craves security, they value unconditional love and stability above just about anything. They are plagued with doubts in their relationships, personal struggles, and careers. They can really bring down the mood and bother people with this behavior. They image countless scenarios in which things can turn out bad, and really just need guidance and a gentle push out of such thinking from friends and loved ones. Guidance, security and reassurance are paramount to a type 6 INFP, and anyone who gives them this will receive a loyal and passionate ally. This kind of INFP is also highly opinionated as they become very attached to things that mean something to them. They might go on a rant at or about people who disagree or ideologically oppose them due to their deep and inseparable attachment to their owns thoughts, preferences and philosophies.  This is they type of INFP to seem to be really into a handful of things and talk about them non-stop. “I have all their albums” “I’ve been going here for years” “I have a blog about it” “I’ve read tons of books about it” They’re very loyal to bands, ideas, philosophies, values, ideologies, artists and people.  Valuing stability, this kind of INFP is much more sensible and practical than the average INFP, and less likely to be emotionally turbulent. They stand in solidarity with thier self-concept and values. They rarely question thier identity or the validity of their feelings. Due to this, much more energy goes into the Ne/Si axis and allows type 6′s INFP’s to be great philosophers and thinkers, asking the right questions and stead-fastly seeking answers. All makes the type 6′s a fierce debater, playful philosopher, and loyal companion.  Thank you all so much for reading, I hope you INFP’s out there find yourself in this. There are also many type 2, 5, 1 and 7 INFP’s out there but i wanted to focus on the common ones here. The roughly 10% or so of INFP’s who aren’t a 4, 9, or 6 should feel special! I hope you’ve enjoyed this very much! ~INFP-sama
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mbti-info · 7 years
Hello! How are you? 😄 I have a question.. Well, we all know that unhealthy types usually act different in a bad way. For example, an unhealthy ENFJ can be manipulative, care only about power etc. Can you write how each type acts when unhealthy? Thank you! 😄😄
I am great, thank you! And, yes, I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile:
Unhealthy ENFJs are manipulative, fussy, whiny, very emotional, self-conscious, self-hating, depressed, and sporadically cruel.
Healthy ENFJs are kind, orderly, well-kept, passionate, confident, and self-sacrificing.
Unhealthy ESFJs are mean, very emotional, jealous, egoistic, sassy, dramatic, power-hungry, and sporadically cruel.
Healthy ESFJs are kind, orderly, well-kept, good leaders, community workers, and self-sacrificing.
Unhealthy INFJs are manipulative, fussy, self-hating, explosive, critical, feels constantly victimized, and egoistic
Healthy INFJs are kind, orderly, well-kept, self-aware, altruistic, humanitarian, and community workers
Unhealthy ISFJs are manipulate, compulsive liars, chaotic, dramatic, critical, stifling, condescending, and mean
Healthy ISFJs are nice, sympathetic, self-confident, passionate, dedicated, achievers, and organized
Unhealthy ENTJs are condescending, mean, explosive, stifling, control-freaks, dogmatic, cold, lazy, and self-centered
Healthy ENTJs are organized, good leaders, self-aware, coolly confident, self-sacrificing, and understanding.
Unhealthy ESTJs are condescending, control-freaks, dogmatic, explosive, “OCD,” inflexible, and self-centered
Healthy ESTJs are organized, good leaders, self-aware, kind, self-sacrificing, understanding, and structured
Unhealthy INTJs are mean, controlling, manipulative, spiteful, egoistic, have a superiority complex, and lazy
Healthy INTJs are put-together, understanding, organized, coolly confident, flexible, open-minded, and self-aware
Unhealthy ISTJs are control-freaks, “OCD,” inflexible, dramatic, very emotional, egoistic, and explosive
Healthy ISTJs are moral, kind, good leaders, open-minded, organized, efficient, hardworking, and dedicated
Unhealthy ENFPs are highly emotional, frantic, stifling, rude, self-centered, “cry babies,” and oblivious
Healthy ENFPs are kind, altruistic, self-aware, self-confident, helpers, achievers, and passionate
Unhealthy ESFPs are manipulative, egoistic, unfocused, lazy, selfish, rude, crazy, and mean
Healthy ESFPs are orderly, well-kept, helpers, understanding, good leaders, energetic, and quirky 
Unhealthy INFPs are self-centered, oblivious, “cry babies,” depressed, anxious, lazy, explosive, and egoistic
Healthy INFPs are kind, self-aware, stable, charitable, creators, open-minded, coolly confident, and passionate
Unhealthy ISFPs are “cry babies,” self-centered, oblivious, explosive, highly emotional, dramatic, and critical
Healthy ISFPs are kind, creative, fun, quirky, hardworking, dedicated, stable, self-aware, and passionate
Unhealthy ENTPs are self-centered, rude, cold, know-it-alls, manipulative, lazy, “cut-throat,” critical, and hateful
Healthy ENTPs are kind, quirky, excitable, motivated, energetic, creative, and good leaders
Unhealthy ESTPs are self-centered, rude, mean, “ADHD,” unpredictable, critical, and know-it-alls
Healthy ESTPs are motivated, hardworking, challengers, good leaders, energetic, fun, and motivators
Unhealthy INTPs are know-it-alls, mean, self-hating, critical, highly emotional, explosive, and oblivious
Healthy INTPs are thoughtful, kind, altruistic, coolly confident, creative, fun, and hardworking
Unhealthy ISTPs are risky, unpredictable, mean, know-it-alls, dramatic, fatalistic, and cold
Healthy ISTPs are dedicated, hardworking, energetic, kind, altruistic, creative, quirky, and coolly confident 
*Please take into account that many traits overlap with one another, and that those with average health fall in between; you may have traits from both the healthy and unhealthy descriptions. Healthy types may exhibit one or two traits from the unhealthy sector when in a bad mood/situation. Unhealthy types may exhibit a few traits from the healthy sector when in a good mood/situation. 
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mbti-info · 7 years
things infp's do
go to the bathroom just to get away from people
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mbti-info · 7 years
The biggest INFP feel is spending the whole day with friends and then getting home late, and instead of going to bed you have to stay up for a couple hours of "me" time before you can actually sleep, regardless of how late it is already
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mbti-info · 7 years
Perceivers: We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Judgers: I am going to need to see the whole map and the number of bridges there are along with the time it will take to cross them and if we can find a more efficient way to cross them.
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mbti-info · 7 years
MBTI types as things Millennials are killing
Because blame the new for your fault or the useless things you want to conserve.
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mbti-info · 7 years
MBTI Types When They’re Not Thriving OR Surviving
Scl(any sort of stress/sadness)
INTJ: Super withdrawn, swings between gratification and wanting happiness, and unhealthy single-mindedness. Existential angst. Needs people’s support but rejects company. Bottles up issues and then it bursts out.
ENTJ: Prone to attack others, often over the very issues they’re insecure about. Becomes a workaholic and ignores feelings of deep dissatisfaction, or stops giving a crap about anything. 
INFJ: Despairs of all things, just can’t see The Point of it. Goes through days mechanically, without purpose. Resists all help, considering it to be probing. Can’t get anything done. 
ENFJ: Laughs a bit too loudly and smiles a bit too widely. Escapes to private places, but feels lost. Tells their problems to someone close to them, but doesn’t accept any advice.
INFP: Isolate, isolate isolate. Sees the negative in everything and can’t see others’ love/affection for them. Loses their ‘purpose’ and drive, can’t find meaning in anything. Idealizes what they can’t have. Perpetual self-pity-party. 
ENFP: Super excitable, overdoes everything. Cannot focus at all, and their own emotions/reactions are out of their control. Breaks down sobbing. Unwilling to actually move forward. 
ISFP: Mull around in their own feelings, hates the world around them, because it’s failed them. Spiraling moodiness, “what ifs,” “should’ve done this,” but no one will ever see that. They themselves won’t admit it.
ESFP: Unusually critical, closed-minded, and overly concerned with matters of appearance over substance. Terrible sense of logic, yet argumentative all the same. Delves into the physical world in order to escape their mental one. 
ISTJ: Scattered mind, unable to think coherently. Becomes judgmental and passive-aggressive. Super pessimistic, takes on a me vs. the world mentality.
ESTJ: Intensely prickly, will take offense at anything but prefers to strike first and strike hard. If you hit a nerve, they’ll cut you out of their lives (for the time being). Tries to act happy and in control, but actually really moody. 
ISFJ: Withdrawn, tries to please everyone but is really passive-aggressive about it. Takes on a martyr complex. Refuses help while throwing a pity party because “no one cares about them.” 
ESFJ: Seeks control of people and surroundings, bossy and irritable. Might manipulate others into feeling bad, too. Denies that they’re the problem. 
INTP: Makes a lot of jokes about how things aren’t okay, but aggressively resists anyone’s sincere attention. Turns flat and emotionless, takes compartmentalizing to an unhealthy extreme. 
ENTP: Scatterbrained, cannot focus. Swings between extremes of emotions, but makes a point to show a falsely sanguine face to people. Feels like they’re crumbling from the inside. 
ISTP: Compulsive and reckless. Has a “screw this” attitude and pushes away actual problems. May or may not confide in people, but too down to take any advice. 
ESTP: Use bravado and ‘self-confidence’ to mask their insecurities. Get a rush from attention, whether it’s positive or negative, and thus seek it out. Obsessive mentality, particularly concerning negative outcomes.
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mbti-info · 7 years
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INFP Bingo! How much did you get?
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mbti-info · 7 years
Reblog w your type and the types you're most often attracted to
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mbti-info · 8 years
Taoists constantly tell me to embrace the present, but I only live in the past and future; my existence is solely devoted to (a) thinking about what will happen next and (b) thinking back to what’s happened before. The present seems useless, because it has no extension beyond my senses.
Chuck Klosterman (via mbti-info)
This is a great example of how an Ne user's mind works, especially when paired with a dominant introverted function. Your perception of the world around you is often slightly out of focus because you must constantly assess it based on what you've learned from your past and what you want for your future.
When I'm trying to type people as sensors, I check to see if their main focus is the present or the past and future. Se and Si are more attuned to their environment, even though Si dominant people can also be attuned to the past. People with Se high in their stack are known for living in the moment. This often makes them great compartmentalizers but not the best planners. Intuitives are constantly reinterpreting the world around them based on the past and future, to the point where they almost exist in these realms.
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