mbti-n-stuff · 4 years
Truths of the Types: Holidays
INFJ - is reminiscing about how excited they used to be for the holidays which saddens them a bit–but still acts like they’re having the time of their life on social media
INTP - is making the most out of their free time with no responsibilities by doing what they love best: doing nothing productive 
ISFJ - is finally wrapping the gifts they bought everyone in advance, probably in alphabetical order
ISTJ - is probably complaining about the traffic the holidays will cause (which doesn’t really matter since they barely go outside)
INTJ - is secretly excited about seeing the reaction of the only friend they bought a present for
INFP - is doing the same thing as INTP, with INTP 
ISTP - is lowkey excited about all food they will eat in every party they’ll be invited to
ISFP - is thinking about what gift to get their crush “as a friend” 
ESFP - is already preparing everything they need to be the loudest human being when the New Year strikes 
ESFJ - is already composing all their sweet messages for their friends, which they will send with perfectly placed emojis, once the New Year strikes
ESTJ - is the one planning where the parties will be held, since they don’t exactly have anything special to do but that 
ESTP - is actively using all of the available holiday promos before they expire 
ENTP - is really just excited about the Christmas lights that change how the world looks
ENFP - is the one in charge of all the games during the holidays, making sure they win all the prizes as well
ENFJ - is the one bringing everyone together but ends up getting drained 
ENTJ - gets drunk during every party ASAP to leave early 
Happy Holidays and Advanced Happy New Year, guys!
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mbti-n-stuff · 4 years
The MBTI types apologize
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mbti-n-stuff · 4 years
MBTI Mysterycore Aesthetics
ISTJ: lab coats and autopsies of the not-quite-human, rows of silver file cabinets, footsteps echoing down cavernous sterile hallways, humming tape recorders, unintelligible whispers from inside the walls. 
ESTJ: dark trench coats and black coffee,  “What we need is evidence,” polaroids on cork board, caution tape, untraceable phone calls, flickering street lights, skepticism,  secret meetings in rainy alleyways.
INFP: black highways stretching into the night, screech-owl calls, baggy brown flannels,  ominous religious billboard,  unexplained cases of arson, a great once-buried force now rising from the earth.
ENFP: off-limit areas in state parks,  rings of glowing mushrooms, cabins filled with faded maps and unsettling taxidermy, caves lined with crystals, walkie talkies, the silhouette of unidentifiable antlers.
ISTP: ominous  cable towers stretching into a blood red sunset, picking locks, beat up converse and scraped knuckles, trespassing in abandoned factories and finding secret tunnels connecting the town.
ESTP: missing person newspaper headlines,  the feeling of being watched in a fluorescent midnight diner, summer storms, shady local politicians with greasy smiles, novelty ties, and bloody secrets. 
ESFJ:  bicycles with baskets, befriending loners who see ghosts, pep-talks and first aid kits, bouquets in graveyards, Ouija board sleepovers, lying hand-in-hand on a blanket  stargazing for signs of UFOs. 
ISFJ: secret treehouses where time is just a little different, shoe-boxes full of old coins no one can identify, saddle shoes, pinkie promises,  rescuing strange animals you found by the train tracks 
INTJ: specimens in formaldehyde and stolen classified documents, telepathic abilities, government surveillance, erasing your old identity, knowing too much, hiding out in a lighthouse until the time is right.
ENTJ: letterman jackets and restlessness, dreaming of flying, meteor crashes, taking home pieces of glowing space debris, calling the press,  “Don’t you understand! This could change everything!”
ISFP:  charcoal sketches of shadowy figures, porcelain dolls, sleepwalking into abandoned buildings, prophetic dreams, cornfields at midnight, attic rooms visible only to you,  “ No one ever believes me.”
ESFP:  eerie late August carnivals, fucking with things that absolutely should not be fucked with and then getting tempted by dark forces, chaotic split-lip grins, breaking curses, standing your ground. 
INFJ: boarded-up Victorian houses consumed by ivy,  gardens of poisonous plants, typewriter keys and piles of unread manuscripts, knowing all of this has happened before, taking secrets to the grave. 
ENFJ: spiral notepads and yellow pencils behind the ear, interviewing local hermits, speaking up at town hall meetings, justice for the restless dead,  making powerful enemies of faceless men in dark suits.
INTP: ‘70s science fiction paperbacks and striped tee-shirts, clay models of alien spacecraft, broken glasses, chalkboard equations, creaking swingset chains,  strange spinning lights above the suburbs. 
ENTP:  abandoned hospitals and EMF meters, notebooks filled with illegible equations, knowing everyone else in town calls you crazy, esoteric texts in dead languages,  portals to other dimensions.
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mbti-n-stuff · 4 years
How The Types Have Changed In My Mind
It’s been about a year since I stopped really using this account, so I thought I’d catch you up. - INFP Mod
ISTJ: They’re softer, and more insecure. Their self-worth can drop so quickly when their situations change. 
ISTP: They’re somehow more predictable, but more irrational. They have their rules and their feelings just like everyone else.
ISFJ: They’re ambitious. They know what they want to do. 
ISFP: They don’t like facing their past. They aren’t that sentimental.
INTJ: They’re stuck in their own perceptions of the way things are. They think they’re always right.
INTP: I met another INTP, and they’re now one of my favorite people. They’re quick to smile. They care.
INFJ: They’re more reclusive. They hold back more than you expected them to. They’re not pushovers.
INFP: They don’t settle. They know their worth.
ESTJ: They give people too many chances.
ESTP: They’re more stable. They don’t change without cause.
ESFJ: They overthink. They concern themselves too much with the people who aren’t in their life anymore, or shouldn’t be.
ESFP: They can get stuck in patterns of behavior. They hold onto their youth.
ENTJ: They’re always looking forward. There are always greener fields for them.
ENTP: They can have trouble acting on what they know to be true.
ENFJ: They’re stronger. They probably always have been.
ENFP: They like security. They like having something to hold onto.
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mbti-n-stuff · 4 years
The MBTI Types Late at Night
ISFJ: Spent 3 intense hours browsing the Netflix only to binge the office all night for the 52nd time
ISFP: Staring out the window and stargazing in a dream-like state
ESFJ: Contemplating all their life mistakes for hours as the night goes on
ESFP: Is probably at a rave 
INTJ: Stayed up past their regular “bed time” to read in peace
INTP: Typing up their master plan in case of a zombie apocalypse at 5am
ENTJ: Dreaming about about being the leader of the mafia 
ENTP: Thought that they could quietly push something downstairs in a laundry basket, it did not go as planned and ended very very loudly
INFJ: Was woken up by ENTP and is just about ready to murder anything that moves
INFP: Fell down a youtube rabbit hole which somehow resulted in watching a video about flat earthers at 3am
ENFJ: Stayed up to console their friends who were having 2am quarter life crisis, also tends to be the recipient of many drunk dials
ENFP: Fell asleep on the couch at 10pm and then woke up and watched TV until 6am
ISTJ: Slept early to allow for maximum efficiency tomorrow 
ISTP: Decided to try and cut their own hair for the first time… it either goes surprisingly well or horribly horribly wrong
ESTJ: Took on too many responsibilities now has to stay up frantically trying to fix everyone else’s mistakes 
ESTP: Snuck out of the house to go to MacDonald’s 
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mbti-n-stuff · 5 years
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ENFJ, Slytherin, Leo Req by @worshipfuln3ss
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mbti-n-stuff · 5 years
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Gryffindor + ENFJ-A + Books + Traveling
Requested by @imreallyjustfloatingthroughspace
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mbti-n-stuff · 5 years
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ENFJ (f) | Gryffindor | Leo Sun | Libra Moon | Virgo Rising for @shizziebo
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mbti-n-stuff · 5 years
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ENFJ, Slytherin, Chaotic Good
requested by @queen-of-embers
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mbti-n-stuff · 6 years
Se vs Ne - Quick Contrast
Se focuses on observable facts and details whereas Ne focuses on abstract patterns and possibilities.
Se wants to know what’s objectively new so that it can adapt quickly, Ne connects details to generate new ideas to make progress.
Se adjusts to concrete changes in reality as they happen in real-time. Ne adapts by seeing positive possibilities and making them a reality.
Se doms are not good at long term Ni vision because they take things at face value and ignore underlying meaning for future developments. Ne doms are not good at Si procedural or methodical learning because they only care about the vague idealistic image and believe that details in themselves (e.g. colors, shapes, quantities, etc.) are not important to actualizing that image.
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mbti-n-stuff · 6 years
Ships for All Possible MBTI Combinations
(Note that the order lacks repetition for clairty, so if you can’t find INFP x INTJ, check INTJ x INFP instead!)
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ISTJ (f) and ESFP (m)
ISTJ x ISTJ: Elinor Dashwood x Colonel Brandon
ISTJ x ISFJ: Barb x Nancy Wheeler
ISTJ x INFJ: Natsuki x Yuri
ISTJ x INTJ: Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano x Annabeth Chase
ISFJ x ISTP: Captain America x Bucky Barnes
ISTJ x ISFP: Four x Tris
ISTJ x INFP: Dana Scully x Fox Mulder
ISTJ x INTP: Sheldon Cooper x Amy Farrah Fowler
ISTJ x ESTP: Castiel x Dean Winchester
ISTJ x ESFP: Hermione Granger x Ron Weasley
ISTJ x ENFP: Sally x Harry
ISTJ x ENTP: Stan Uris x Richie Tozier
ISTJ x ESTJ: The Grinch x Martha May
ISTJ x ESFJ: Ross Geller x Rachel Green
ISTJ x ENFJ: Pearl x Rose Quartz (Rainbow Quartz)
ISTJ x ENTJ: Aaron Burr x Alexander Hamilton
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ENTP (m) and ISFJ (small)
ISFJ x ISFJ: Norman Bates x Norma Bates
ISFJ x INFJ: Ivy Winters x Jinkx Monsoon
ISFJ x INTJ: Beverly Crusher x Jean-Luc Picard
ISFJ x ISTP: Blair St Clair x The Vixen
ISFJ x ISFP: Forrest Gump x Jenny
ISFJ x INFP: Samwise Gamgee x Frodo Baggins
ISFJ x INTP: John Watson x Sherlock Holmes
ISFJ x ESTP: Nancy Wheeler x Steve Harrington
ISFJ x ESFP: Sandy x Danny Zuko
ISFJ x ENFP: Jason Grace x Piper McLean
ISFJ x ENTP: Eddie Kaspbrak x Richie Tozier
ISFJ x ESTJ: Bilbo Baggins x Thorin
ISFJ x ESFJ: Clara Stahlbaum x The Nutcracker
ISFJ x ENFJ: Quinn Fabray x Rachel Berry
ISFJ x ENTJ: Dewey Riley x Gale Weathers
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INFJ (evil one) and INFP (pure one)
INFJ x INFJ: Bill Denbrough x Mike Hanlon
INFJ x INTJ: Christine Daae x The Phantom of the Opera
INFJ x ISTP: Princess Belle x The Beast
INFJ x ISFP: Nancy Wheeler x Jonathan Byers
INFJ x INFP: Dan Howell x Phil Lester
INFJ x INTP: Oswald Cobblepot x Ed Nygma
INFJ x ESTP: Merlin x Arthur Pendragon
INFJ x ESFP: Sapphire x Ruby (Garnet)
INFJ x ENFP: Poison Ivy x Harley Quinn
INFJ x ENTP: Hazel Grace Lancaster x Augustus Waters
INFJ x ESTJ: Deanna Troi x William Riker
INFJ x ESFJ: Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor
INFJ x ENFJ: Linus van Pelt x Sally Brown
INFJ x ENTJ: Yandere-Chan x Megami Saiko
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ENFJ (f) and INTJ (m)
INTJ x INTJ: Sherlock  Holmes x Moriarty
INTJ x ISTP: Patrick Hockstetter x Vic Criss
INTJ x ISFP: Levi Ackerman x Eren Jaeger
INTJ x INFP: Lady Mal x King Ben
INTJ x INTP: Mr. Darcy x Elizabeth Bennet
INTJ x ESTP: Patrick Hockstetter x Henry Bowers
INTJ x ESFP: Batman and Catwoman
INTJ x ENFP: Connie x Steven Universe
INTJ x ENTP: Ben x SimplyNailogical
INTJ x ESTJ: Spock x Bones McCoy
INTJ x ESFJ: Elphaba x Glinda
INTJ x ENFJ: Severus Snape x Lily Evans
INTJ x ENTJ: Levi Ackerman x Erwin Smith
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ISTP (soldier) and ISTJ (captain)
ISTP x ISTP: Hawkeye x Black Widow
ISTP x ISFP: Dave Karofsky x Kurt Hummel
ISTP x INFP: Annie Leonhardt x Armin Arlert
ISTP x INTP: Black Widow x The Hulk
ISTP x ESTP: Emma Swan x Captain Hook
ISTP x ESFP: Gamora x Peter Quill
ISTP x ENFP: Kristoff x Princess Anna
ISTP x ENTP: Derek x Stiles
ISTP x ESTJ: Max Mayfield x Lucas Sinclair
ISTP x ESFJ: Shrek x Princess Fiona
ISTP x ENFJ: Katniss Everdeen x Peeta Mellark
ISTP x ENTJ: Katniss Everdeen x Gale Hawthorne
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ISFP (f) and ENTP (m)
ISFP x ISFP: Kiara x Kovu
ISFP x INFP: Eren Jaeger x Armin Arlert
ISFP x INTP: Aquaria x Miz Cracker
ISFP x ESTP: Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley
ISFP x ESFP: Will Turner x Elisabeth Swann
ISFP x ENFP: Kurt Hummel x Blaine Anderson
ISFP x ENTP: Pam x Jim
ISFP x ESTJ: Heather Duke x Heather Chandler
ISFP x ESFJ: Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy
ISFP x ENFJ: Finn Hudson x Rachel Berry
ISFP x ENTJ: James x Jessie
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INFP (m) x ISTJ (f)
INFP x INFP: Eleven x Mike Wheeler
INFP x INTP: Lapis Lazuli x Peridot
INFP x ESTP: Brittany Pierce x Santana Lopez
INFP x ESFP: Rose x Jack
INFP x ENFP: Katya Zamolodchikova x Trixie Mattel
INFP x ENTP: Veronica Sawyer x J.D.
INFP x ESTJ: Kylo Ren x General Hux
INFP x ESFJ: Kurt Hummel x Sam Evans
INFP x ENFJ: Peter Parker x Gwen Stacy
INFP x ENTJ: Eliza Schuyler x Alexander Hamilton
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INTP (doctor strange) and ISFJ (bilbo baggins)
INTP x INTP: Persephone x Hades
INTP x ESTP: Velma Dinkley x Shaggy Rogers
INTP x ESFP: Peridot x Amethyst
INTP x ENFP: Raja Gemini x Manila Luzon
INTP x ENTP: Bruce Banner x Tony Stark
INTP x ESTJ: Leo Fitz x Jemma Simmons
INTP x ESFJ: Jailbreak x Gene
INTP x ENFJ: Miz Cracker x Monet X Change
INTP x ENTJ: Raja Gemini x Raven
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ESTP (m) and ISTJ (angel)
ESTP x ESTP: Steve Harrington and Billy Hargrove
ESTP x ESFP: James Potter x Sirius Black
ESTP x ENFP: Poe Dameron x Finn
ESTP x ENTP: John Laurens x Alexander Hamilton
ESTP x ESTJ: Rainbow Dash x Applejack
ESTP x ESFJ: James Kirk x Bones McCoy
ESTP x ENFJ: James Potter x Lily Evans Potter
ESTP x ENTJ: Noah Puckerman x Rachel Berry
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ISFJ (f) and ESFP (m)
ESFP x ESFP: Jasmine x Aladdin
ESFP x ENFP: Harry Styles x Louis Tomlinson
ESFP x ENTP: Jean-Ralphio Saperstein x Tom Haverford
ESFP x ESTJ: Adore Delano x Bianca del Rio
ESFP x ESFJ: Mario x Princess Peach
ESFP x ENFJ: Sirius Black x Remus Lupin
ESFP x ENTJ: Mr. Incredible x Elastigirl
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ISFP (m) and ENFP (hobbit)
ENFP x ENFP: Tombo x Kiki
ENFP x ENTP: Harley Quinn x The Joker
ENFP x ESTJ: Maria x Captain von Trapp
ENFP x ESFJ: Aang x Katara
ENFP x ENFJ: Nymphadora Tonks x Remus Lupin
ENFP x ENTJ: Piper Chapman x Alex Vause
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ENTP (m) and ESTJ (f)
ENTP x ENTP: Thomas Jefferson x Alexander Hamilton
ENTP x ESTJ: Chandler Bing x Monica Geller
ENTP x ESFJ: Jacksfilms x Erin
ENTP x ENFJ: The Eleventh Doctor x Clara Oswald
ENTP x ENTJ: Hans Solo x Princess Leia Organa
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ESTJ (m that looks like an ESFP) and ESFP (m that looks like an ESTJ)
ESTJ x ESTJ: Hera x Zeus
ESTJ x ESFJ: Fred Jones x Daphne Blake
ESTJ x ENFJ: Jean Kirschtein x Marco Bodt
ESFJ x ENTJ: Pacifica Northwest x Dipper Pines
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ESFP (m) and ESFJ (f)
ESFJ x ESFJ: Sandstorm x Firestar
ESFJ x ENFJ: David Nolan x Mary Margaret Blanchard
ESFJ x ENTJ: Troy Bolton x Sharpay Evans
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ENFJ (f) and ISTJ (goblin)
ENFJ x ENFJ: Seulgi x Wendy
ENFJ x ENTJ: Will Schuester x Sue Sylvester
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ENTJ (carrie fischer) and ESTP (harrison ford)
ENTJ x ENTJ: Angelica Schuyler x Alexander Hamilton
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mbti-n-stuff · 6 years
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chart template: @snubberdoodle
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mbti-n-stuff · 6 years
Little advice for each MBTI type
ISTJ: When someone’s sharing about their day, they just want you to listen. 
INFJ: People have their own sets of moral principles. Just because they don’t align with yours, doesn’t mean they’re wrong.
INTJ: Emotions may not be important to you, but they are important to others. Try not to dismiss theirs.
ENFJ: If you feel out of place, you’re in the wrong group of people.
ISTP: One of the best ways to connect is by sharing your thoughts. Being distant only drives people away. 
ESFJ: Only those who stay with you at your worst are your friends. 
INFP: You don’t need to change yourself to fit in. If you’re comfortable with who you are right now, that’s already good enough.
ESFP: Always set some time and space for yourself. You can’t take care of others if you haven’t taken care of yourself. 
ENFP: The way to connect isn’t just by giving to others. It’s also by receiving. 
ESTP: Don’t sacrifice other people’s happiness in pursuit of your own freedom. 
ESTJ: Some people approach you for help - but some, to take advantage of you. Learn to differentiate and know when to say no.
ENTJ: If you work in a group, the decision must be made together, not by yourself.
INTP: You should go easy on yourself sometimes. You’re only human after all. 
ISFJ: Learn to make your own decision, rather than letting others decide for you. Remember you are the one who’s going to bear the consequences, not them.
ENTP: Humility is a trait worth having.
ISFP: Learn to acknowledge or hear anything that goes against your personal ideas and opinions.
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mbti-n-stuff · 6 years
So today I remembered something from back when I was twelve.
One night, I was laying in my bed, and I wanted to understand colour. Why is it there? Why do we have different colours? It hadn’t been explained to me at that stage, obviously. So I was thinking about this, and first I thought about how colour fades when light does. Not just gets darker - in low light, colours can become indistinguishable. I thought about how I’d seen some objects reflecting light exactly as is, where other objects would reflect light and the reflected light would be the colour of the object reflecting it. I thought about how light can shine through an object and take on its colour. I thought about how I’d seen rainbows in fishtanks and glasses of water and the spray from the shower. And I concluded that everything must be made up of tiny particles (to let light through) and that the way these particles were stacked causes light to break up into many colours (as happens with the rainbow) and light is absorbed into an object, and then only some of it gets out, the rest being trapped inside. What gets out determines colour. If everything gets out, it’s reflective like a mirror. If nothing gets out, it’s black - as that’s what we see when there’s no light.
It was only weeks later that we first touched on molecules and refraction in school (and if this seems like it’s a bit late to you, well… I did attend a rather shitty primary school.)
Anyway, I was thinking about that, and… it’s far more telling about my cognitive functions than any example I could give from my life now, I think. So, as I believe I’ve seen on here before - when typing yourself, think about what you were like as a child. As an adult there’s a whole lot of learned habits in the mix, but as a child the way your mind works is far more evident.
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mbti-n-stuff · 6 years
The Types as Days
ENFJ: a sunny spring day, complete with chirping birds and dancing dandelions, right out of a Disney movie
ENFP: a day at a the carnival with all your favorite people, eating cotton candy and churros and riding the Ferris wheel
ENTJ: a day spent working on a project with your team, everything and everyone functioning in perfect order
ENTP: a day at a science museum, stocked full of discoveries, with millions of interesting exhibits and displays
ESFJ: a snowy Christmas day, silver wrapping paper flashing, passing around apple cider steeped in family traditions
ESFP: a day spent at the theater, with warm golden lights, crimson velvet hangings, and the sharp patter of applause
ESTJ: a day-long hike in your favorite nature reserve with an old friend, walking sticks thumping on the ground as you remember old times
ESTP: a day and an all-nighter, with vans packed full and joking debates, and neon signs divulging the secrets of life
INFJ: the last day of school, wishing farewell to all your friends and signing inside jokes on white pages, looking backs at the old haunts with a sigh
INFP: a lonely day in your childhood home, daydreaming and reminiscing as you move along from your old bedroom to your mother’s kitchen to the old treehouse
INTJ: a day learning, investigating all your hobbies that nobody quite understands, making documents of notes
INTP: an autumn day, the waning sun warn but the breeze with a chilly bite, hot drink between sweater paws and crows cawing
ISFJ: a day with your best friend, reading books besides each other, quoting your favorite movies, rolls of pictures from photo booths
ISFP: a lonely nature-walk in the forest while the whole day slips away, and spending the night in an abandoned, flower-lined cottage
ISTJ: a day at the library, head bend over books for hours, coffee growing cold in your cup, neat notes lined by blue
ISTP: a midwinter’s day, snowy softly swirling around evergreens and fences, hot tea and worn books inside, a fire dying under the hearth
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mbti-n-stuff · 6 years
ESFP: A cluster of grapes on a vine
ESFJ: A long purple dress
ESTP: Bruises from unknown sources
ESTJ: Rows of lavender plants
ENFP: Th easily predicted end of “Gnomeo and Juliet”
ENFJ: An elaborately decorated cake
ENTP: Colorfully dyed hair
ENTJ: A blacklight causing the room to glow
ISFP: A small pot of violets
ISFJ: A scented candle on a dresser
ISTP: Glowing laser tag
ISTJ: Fancy guest soap
INFP: A hummingbird at the window
INFJ: A seashell washed up on the beach
INTP: Geodes in museum gift shops
INTJ: A comfy, worn sweatshirt
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mbti-n-stuff · 6 years
INTP: *sends long, detailed message of many explanations and decrees regarding political viewpoints, political knowledge growth, and updating old information that was created with ignorance by the INTP previously to settle things with the ISTP*
ISTP: Lol I love your long msges
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