mcalwaysthepearl · 3 days
"this is happy tom" ⛳️
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mcalwaysthepearl · 10 days
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mcalwaysthepearl · 3 months
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Oh my god….
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mcalwaysthepearl · 4 months
The 50th Hunger Games! Haymitch’s games! We’re getting young Haymitch and Madge’s aunt and middle-aged President Snow and possibly mentions of Katniss’s family and…
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mcalwaysthepearl · 4 months
I know it’s because they’re really good friends and Katniss knows Peeta isn’t trying to kill her anymore. But the vast difference in her reaction to his two interviews always cracks me up.
74th Games:
Peeta: *after days of being nice to her and happy to be in her company* yeah, there is one girl I have a crush on
Katniss: how dare you humiliate me by saying you’re passionately in love with me???? *pushes him into an urn*
75th Games:
Peeta: *one day after laughing at her for being pure and after three months of being a hard ass coach* That’s my wife carrying my baby.
Katniss: oh Peeta is so smart and makes me feel so empowered and he’s right if it wasn’t for everything I would be carrying his baby. *clings onto him and snuggles into him*
Power of love right there.
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mcalwaysthepearl · 11 months
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Everlark Post-Mockingjay made by AI
just coming here after years to post these amazing images, bye
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mcalwaysthepearl · 1 year
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It feels like such a luxury, sleeping with Peeta again. I didn’t realize how starved I’ve been for human closeness. For the feel of him beside me in the darkness. I wish I hadn’t wasted the last couple of nights shutting him out. I sink down into sleep, enveloped in his warmth, and when I open my eyes again, daylight’s streaming through the windows.
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mcalwaysthepearl · 1 year
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@pscentral event 15: favourite ships
when I dropped my sword, I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door, and we live in peace
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mcalwaysthepearl · 1 year
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I kept telling myself if I could only hold out until May, just May 8th, I would turn twelve and be able to sign up for the tesserae and get that precious grain and oil to feed us.
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mcalwaysthepearl · 2 years
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Josh Futturman in 2x05 | J1: Judgement Day.
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mcalwaysthepearl · 3 years
Snippet Sunday: Part Five of "Photograph"
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(This is very unedited as I'm currently taking care of a sick toddler)
Katniss’ eyes went to Peeta, who stepped out of his room with Effie in tow. He gave her a wide smile and she tried to calm her racing heart as he went to her. Her cheeks flushed as his eyes wandered over her outfit. It was one of her own—a white lace peplum top, dark-washed jeans, and knee-high boots.
She had decided to leave her hair down and Peeta reached, winding one tendril around his fingers.
His eyes met hers. “My Queen.”
Katniss breathed out, her smile lifting in a gentle smile. “Good morning.”
He winked, and she felt herself swoon.
Holy moly, crushing on someone was the worst. She was a mess.
Peeta took her hand, entwining their fingers as Effie led them down the hall.
He leaned towards her, brushing his lips against her ear. “Did you sleep well?”
Katniss stared ahead. “Yes, it’s very comfortable in my bed.”
“Well, I couldn’t sleep a wink,” Peeta informed her. “I was too focused on my wife in the next room. Especially after a small taste of what she had to offer.”
“I didn’t offer,” Katniss retorted. “You took.” She gave him a smile. “I thought it was an adequate offer from you.”
They stopped in front in a pair of double doors and Peeta turned to her eyes blazing.
“Adequate?” His forehead pressed to hers, and she sucked in a breath at their closeness. Half an inch more and they would be joined once more. “By all means, my Queen, let me offer you something more than adequate later on—if you’ll allow it.”
At his words, Katniss bit at her lower lip, her thoughts on a retort.
A hiss and a swear escaped her husband’s mouth, his eyes on her.
“You have no idea the effect you have on me.”
She smirked, stepping in closer and seeing him tense. “I do now.”
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mcalwaysthepearl · 3 years
This story is just going to be a long one-shot, isn't it?
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mcalwaysthepearl · 3 years
Part Ten of "I loved you first"
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Summary: There are divorced couples. Then, there are Katniss and Peeta Mellark.
Part Ten is now available on AO3 and FFn for your reading pleasure!
Thank you to Hubbs for editing and @keelaree for pre-reading as well as her quirky notes that make me smile.
All comments are welcome here or any of the posting sites.
Happy Reading!
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mcalwaysthepearl · 3 years
Is it tough living up to the Gold Standard that is Peeta Mellark? I am only partially kidding, I remember reading about him and being like, man, I’m never going to find anyone like Peeta in my whole life...
Ha. Good question.
I think that there have definitely been moments when I've felt challenged by living up to the romantic idea of Peeta. Especially when I've read about him from y'all in the fandom. I just remind myself a few things that I have going for me.
1. I've never been hijacked and so would never even THINK about hurting my wife. This is a plus in a relationship.
2. I love being challenged to love my wife more. Without challenge, life and relationship can become stagnant and boring. I personally have always tried to hold myself up to loving her like Jesus loved. This is a love bigger and greater than myself and sets a standard that will challenge me until the day I die.
3. Although I have lived through some tough circumstances, I don't have to live up to everlark goals while also fighting for my life in an arena. This helps.
4. He is a fictional character. In the end, the boy with the bread is an idea written on paper that is not trying to thwart my relationship or steal my wife. :) He is based on ideas about love and sacrifice that can be applied by anyone in the world that they live in.
Thanks for the ask. Your Peeta is it out there. All men are fallible and likely will not live up to his standard. Just look for someone with humility that is willing to put you before himself. You'll end up with your own beautiful story in the end.
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mcalwaysthepearl · 3 years
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mcalwaysthepearl · 5 years
[[This idea literally came to me as my head hit my pillow. So I just wrote this on my iPhone at 3 am, please forgive any errors. Hope you enjoy!]]
After a day of flying, production meetings, and a table read for the shoot tomorrow all I want to do is crash.
I trudge my way up the brightly lit…
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mcalwaysthepearl · 5 years
Our Time - A Joshifer Drabble Challenge
I was nominated by joshs-left-earlobe for a Joshifer Drabble Challenge. Thank you for the nomination. I know I missed the one for fanart by pronetoobsess, hopefully you have all the MJ1 you need now! ;). 
The prompt: Joshifer on Oscar night  (Josh is nominated, Jen is not)
I hope you enjoy!
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Our Time by burlesonspride
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The air is chilly for March. The wind whips around me, rustling the leaves on the tree to my left. It’s a crisp wind that nips at my nose and cheeks. Winter hasn’t relinquished its hold on California just yet. I welcome the bite though. It helps cool my burning skin. It gives me something to focus on other than the nerves that have overrun me.
Keep reading
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