mcarmelacalling · 4 years
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Decline of trust in Philippine media: Combating fake news
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Throughout the years, the immediate growth of media has become a platform of discussion for everyone. It has affected one’s belief, standard, disposition and growth in making decisions in life. The news media is an outlet of disseminating information to people. Whether it is through writing, speaking or interviewing, the relationship of it to people has come to the extent of being an impactful pillar of society. And in the Philippine context, the public distrust towards the media has become a challenge until today.
One of the major problems of public’s vulnerability is false information or “fake news”. It has grown as people have come to increasingly rely on social media as a source of news. Adults most especially get news from social media sites such as Facebook, which played an important role in the spread of false news. Thus, the most viral false news articles are shared more on Facebook. Online misinformation, both political and otherwise has continued to be a challenge, especially during elections.
Media has been described as the lifeblood of democracy and elections, likewise, have long been journalism’s bread and butter. The relationship between the two, however, has always been fraught. While it’s important to be skeptical of political news, especially during an election, it’s also important to be able to recognize and dismiss outright disinformation: the deliberate spreading of false or misleading information. Those spreading disinformation can include governments, political activists and even for-profit publishers, and some of whom run multiple disinformation operations that cater to different parts of the political spectrum.
To address these concerns, the news industry should continue to focus on high quality journalism that builds trust and attracts greater audiences. An encouraging development is that many news organizations have experienced major gains in readership and viewership over the last couple of years, and this helps to put major news outlets on a better financial footing. But there have been precipitous drops in public confidence in the news media in recent years, and this has damaged the ability of journalists to report the news and hold leaders accountable. During a time of considerable chaos and disorder, the world needs a strong and viable news media that informs citizens about current events and long-term trends. It is important for news organizations to call out fake news and disinformation without legitimizing them.  
Meanwhile, crowdsourcing draws on the expertise of large numbers of readers or viewers to discern possible problems in news coverage, and it can also be an effective way to deal with fake news. Technology firms should invest in technology to find fake news and identify it for users through algorithms and crowdsourcing. There are innovations in fake news and hoax detection that are useful to media platforms. For example, fake news detection can be automated, and social media companies should invest in their ability to do so.  
When it comes to educational institutions, funding efforts to enhance news literacy should be a high priority for governments. This is especially the case with people who are going online for the first time. For those individuals, it is hard to distinguish false from real news, and they need to learn how to evaluate news sources, not accept at face value everything they see on social media or digital news sites. Helping people become better consumers of online information is crucial as the world moves towards digital immersion. There should be money to support partnerships between journalists, businesses, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations to encourage news literacy. Education is important, especially to young people.
In the online world, readers and viewers should be skeptical about news sources. In the rush to encourage clicks, many online outlets resort to misleading or sensationalized headlines. They emphasize the provocative or the attention-grabbing, even if that news hook is deceptive. News consumers have to keep their guard up and understand that not everything they read is accurate and many digital sites specialize in false news. Learning how to judge news sites and protect oneself from inaccurate information is a high priority in the digital age.
Individuals can protect themselves from false news and disinformation by following a diversity of people and perspectives. Everyone has a responsibility to combat the scourge of fake news and disinformation. This ranges from the promotion of strong norms on professional journalism, supporting investigative journalism, reducing financial incentives for fake news, and improving digital literacy among the general public. Taken together, these steps would further quality discourse and weaken the environment that has propelled disinformation around the globe.
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mcarmelacalling · 4 years
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Promoting common good
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“We heal as one,” says in the description box of the editorial cartoon video.
Coronavirus Disease or Covid-19 has brought many challenges not only in the Philippines but across the globe. Until now, everyone is still suffering from it. While massive numbers of front-liners have already risked their lives to lessen its effect and protect everyone, many are still breaking the barriers.
The editorial cartoon portrays the scenario of the pandemic we are experiencing and this new normal. As you can see in the illustration, there is a man on the left side extending his hands to get a sack of rice. This represents every Filipino family who is asking for help. In these trying times, not only lives were affected but also the livelihood of people. It is very hard to earn money while surviving and experiencing pandemic at the same time. Therefore, you can't blame him for going out even though there is a chain tied on his feet while the man in the center is trying to control him.
Meanwhile in the middle, the illustration symbolizes the President. As a leader, it is his responsibility to oversee his environment. He is touching the house as if he is telling everyone to stay at home. His power enables him to order regulations and tell other authorities what protocols should be followed.
On the right side, the virus spreading outside the houses symbolizes the Covid-19. The virus is trying to attack people but while doing it, some are reaching out their hands in order to save the victims. Front-liners do not only portray heroic deeds in the sketch but also in real life. Despite the threats and countless positive cases, they are still committed and willing to serve the people. Knowing that they have their own families waiting for them at home, they are still taking care of people that they do not know.
In synthesis, the editorial cartoon is persuasive. It is not just a simple illustration but a message. It tells how everyone struggles and tries to survive this pandemic. We all have our own reasons to stay at home and go out. But as much as possible, let us be selfless and considerate in the situation. If someone is not knowledgeable enough in this crisis, then speak and teach them. Especially nowadays, social media is very rampant. You can use it as a platform to advocate awareness.
We are all tired of this pandemic and the new normal is limiting the things we want to do. As a citizen of this country and instrument of the world, be someone who promotes common good. Enough for blaming. If we act as one, then we heal as one.
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mcarmelacalling · 4 years
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Social Media: The Difference between virtual and reality
Do you ask yourself sometimes and think how much time do you spend using social media? Probably, almost all of your time revolves around it. In this fast-paced world, social media plays a vital role in our daily lives. It connects people and makes things easier. However, despite the advantages that it brings, social media can also be dangerous in both mental and emotional health.
In the Tedtalk of Bailey Parnell, she explained an internal monologue of a typical social media scroll. Bailey mentioned the unintended consequences of social media on mental health and she found out that there are top three diagnoses on university campuses such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Given the fact that people, especially the youth today are living in a virtual world more than the reality, everyone likes to expose their life in social media and share different highlights without realizing it can affect one’s behavior. Yes, it is absolutely fun to use but it can also start insecurities and envy. For example, a close friend of yours took a mirror selfie flexing her new Iphone 12 and posted it on her Instagram story. At first, you appreciated the photo but slowly and deep inside, you become envious of what she has. From there, you start competing with other people because of what you see online.
According to Bailey Parnell, the factors why social media become stressors are highlight reel, social currency, fear of missing out, and online harassment. As a social media user and journalism student, I agree with what she said. Virtually, we always want to look great, but behind the scenes we struggle with doubts and insecurities. The fact that social media allows us to ask for attention by simply liking our photos, could affect one’s self-esteem. It changes our sense and identity once we become upset if we cannot please the people. But above all, the worst is online harassment. Bullying as a best example could break someone and it is a must to know our limitations when using social media. Prank videos as an example can be beyond the belt.
Social media is neither boon and bane. It brings many purposes and can be dangerous at the same time. Harm can be avoided when it is used properly. Being a media literate is one of the best ways to balance everything online. There are some times that we need to take a break from it and detach ourselves from our phones and on the internet. It is also important to bear in mind that that competition online is just a social structure. You don’t need any validations from other people once you post photos or flex anything as long as the content is acceptable. At the end of the day, social media is not the problem but the ones who are using it. So ask yourself again how much time do you spend using media? If it kills you and your time for no reason, then learn to balance means of it.
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mcarmelacalling · 4 years
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Naruto’s Ninja Way!
“I don’t quit, I don’t run, I never go back on my word. That’s my ninja way!” This is a famous quotation from Uzumaki Naruto, one of the famous anime characters. As someone known for not giving up, Naruto has been a life-coach to everyone, especially to his fans. But the question is, who will save Naruto when he has saved many people? 
The adaptation of long-running anime series of Uzumaki Naruto was written by Masashi Kishimoto, one of the successful manga artists across the globe. The series has a total of 700 episodes and has adopted a sequel of Ukyo Kodachi, which is Boruto: Naruto Next Generation. Released in 2017, the latest chapter of Boruto manga confirms Naruto unveils his final nine tails form and might cost him his own life, which also made the Naruto Saga fans worried. 
The story of Naruto revolves around the fate of becoming jinchuriki, which means a nine-tailed fox is inside him and causes him to be shunned by everyone in their village throughout his childhood. Naruto worked hard to gain the everyone’s acknowledgement while chasing his dream to become great Hokage. Soon after, Naruto becomes the hero and seventh hokage of their village after winning the Fourth Shinobi World War. 
Today in its sequel Boruto: Naruto Next Generation, Naruto already has his family and a son named Uzumaki Boruto. The sequel is now focused on Naruto’s son and from the very first episode of Boruto, Naruto’s death has been foreshadowed and fans are fearing that the worst has already come to pass.
There are plenty of things the Boruto series could explore and killing Naruto should not be considered. After many challenges have been through, it is not acceptable for him to be killed. He saved the village, changed the lives of many people, worked hard until he was acknowledged by everyone. It will all be nothing if the writer decides to remove him in the story. 
Another one, Kodachi should not kill the most iconic character in the franchise, it is plain and not logic. Naruto is an icon. Killing him will be a blow that fans will never fully recover from and may be the entire point in Boruto's coming of age story. Knowing it might get cancelled, it is best to let Naruto live but out of the picture. The writer has to set up a good plot of the story of Boruto. 
 On the other hand, some say it would be better if Naruto dies since the story is no longer about him. Removing Naruto in the story will develop Boruto’s character development. It will give Boruto a reason to grow stronger to protect his loved ones, take revenge for his father’s death, and develop the tensions in fight scenes.
 Another reason that Naruto will probably die is that his presence is overshadowing his son, who is supposed to be the series’s main character. If Naruto is removed in the story, the fans will now focus on Boruto alone together with his new set of ninja friends and not the original characters of the story anymore. 
Overall, there are still many theories and possibilities. No one really knows if Naruto will die or not except for the writer. No matter what the outcome is, the best thing to happen is to remove Naruto out of the picture in a mysterious way but NOT to kill him. This could be done by sealing him for some time or traveling to another dimension using Sasuke’s rinnegan and being back for an unexpected plot. 
More fans don’t think there would be any point to killing off Naruto no matter what it does for Boruto’s story. Sealing Naruto will make the fans invest more time thinking what will happen to Naruto and let them keep reading and supporting the manga. Also, make Boruto’s journey interesting. At the end, if an alien god well-positioned villain survives, the world ends and the fallout of Naruto’s sacrifice is what will act as a catalyst for the destruction that follows.
Naruto is quite tenacious. Despite being weaker, he has always managed to power up and survive, if not defeat his opponents. The last time he fought against Isshiki, he once again escaped death, so it isn’t surprising for him to do it again.
 The next release of the chapter in Boruto manga is on November 20, 2020. As of writing, Boruto: Naruto Next Generation has 172 episodes and counting. Fans are all waiting for the plot of the upcoming stories hoping that Naruto will not die. Just like what Naruto always says, “Never lose hope, fellow shinobi”.
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mcarmelacalling · 4 years
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photo courtesy: Philippine Star
Money, root of all evils
The editorial “Why are so few charges against PhilHealth?” points out the issue of President Duterte filing graft cases against the former PhilHealth President, Chief Executive Officer Ricardo Morales, and other high-ranking officials involved. It is said that by the year 2022, funds may seem to run out. 
Journalism's first obligation is to the truth. In writing an editorial or news, it is important to remember that the basic rule is to strive for truthfulness and accuracy. Getting valid sources is a good way in making your article newsworthy. The article was written with equality and democracy in a concise, logical and pleasing order. It was supported by exact information. The people who are accused were clearly mentioned and the details about the issue are clearly stated.  
Apart from that, President Duterte was interviewed and his statement was also included.  It applies to the acquisition of newsworthy information and its subsequent dissemination to the public. It is important to provide readers with well-researched evidence to back up your ideas. Through this, you are able to convince your readers of your credibility by demonstrating knowledge of what other prominent voices have to say on the topic. The focus of the entire editorial is effective leadership. An effective leader appears to consist of two criteria. A leader must be competent and able to understand the issues as well as instrumental and able to take action to implement needed changes. 
A line in the article is gripping by asking “I wonder why there are only seven charges even though more than 30 are said to be involved in PhilHealth corruption?” Since editorial is opinion-based, it criticizes the issue. The objective explanation means that the writers’ opinion aims to be voiced-out while striving for fairness and objectivity. There is no bias since it only focuses on the issue. There is no intention of personal attacks with the people involved. Objectivity lies when a writer is committed in writing the story and not on the writer’s personal emotions. An article that is conveying allows explaining an argument with a counterargument involved. By stating one’s position, another one reacts. In short, it is debatable.  
The topic is arguable and has multiple points of view. Choosing a controversial topic that involves a political issue provokes conversation about the writing. Regardless of the topic that the writer chose, the writer must write about the article passionately and focus on others should agree with their perspective. A good conversation happens between the reader and writer when the article is understandable. There is an exchange of thoughts and opinion to one another. This makes the story more interesting to the readers. Any time you mention an opposing view, immediately explain why it is incorrect and why readers should agree with you instead. Convince readers to consider your ideas by displaying confidence in your stance. 
The angle of the story was in discursive manner. The issue was relevant and that’s one of the things that motivated the writing. Being relevant is allowing the readers to be involved in the issue. There 
is a responsibility to arouse editor and reader curiosity interest and hold attention in the story. Perhaps, editorial suggests that it is entertaining. 
At the end of the article, it says “Hopefully this time something will rot in the dungeon. And hopefully not just seven will be punished at PhilHealth. Stir more to drain the money launderers. The new PhilHealth chief will try to rebuild the devastated agency.” The last paragraph calls for action. It is good that the writer ended it with a solid concise solution and tried to persuade the readers. The conclusion summarizes the writer’s point of view and reminds the readers why they should care about this issue.  
The editorial page of any newspaper is the voice of the editorial staff and the readers. The objective of it is to explain and interpret the news, to put it in its proper perspective, to analyze it, to draw conclusions from that analysis. Never has the government been concerned with taxes as it is now. And with the article published about PhilHealth's corruption, it challenges people to speak and fight for the injustices that are happening in the country.  
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mcarmelacalling · 4 years
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Hoax and ignorance
After President Duterte held a meeting with several cabinet members to discuss the recent developments on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis in the Philippines at Malacañang on Monday, the topics of discussion include the country’s improved capacities in fighting the pandemic and other measures being undertaken by the government in mitigating the effects and spread of the virus.     
During his speech, he mentioned issues such as drugs, approval of beep cards, and reopening of classes in public schools. There are stories of harassment, killings, and oppression against him, which he urged that he did not kill anyone. 
According to Duterte, his job is only to see the rule of law and the rules for or against a person are followed. 
“Wala ho akong pinatay na tao”, Duterte emphasized.
After Duterte explaining he does not kill anyone, he also reversed his statement.
“Or kung meron man, sa akin na lang ‘yon. Nasa isip ko lang because whether the people like it or not, there is war that is going on” he added. 
Given the aggressiveness of the government in cracking down on the illegal drug trade and human rights, his statement brings to the question why Duterte claimed that he did not kill anyone.
Four years after President Duterte took office in June 2016, his “war on drugs” has killed thousands of people largely, especially from impoverished urban areas.  
Based on PDEA’s Real Numbers PH statistics, during the four-month lockdown, the average monthly “drug war” deaths increased 50 percent from the four months before the lockdown, from December 2019 to March 2020, when the average monthly death rate was 26.   
Naturally, Duterte allowed this unfortunate aspect of the human condition to do most of the heavy lifting in an argument.
Duterte believes there is no way to rehabilitate the majority of millions of Filipino drug addicts. It is a lifetime sickness and there is “no cure” for addiction.  
“Find them all and arrest them. If they resist, kill them all.” Duterte’s hard line on drug dealers and other miscreants was at the core of his election campaign until now. 
The country’s human-rights commission believes there is a massive total number of extra-judicial killings; there is no doubt of Duterte being behind all of these.
It is not today that people should believe Duterte is innocent. With all his accused violations, the most violent element in society is ignorance.   
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mcarmelacalling · 4 years
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photo courtesy: Philippine Star
Learning in crisis
According to the Department of Education (DepEd) through Undersecretary Diosdado San Antonio, assured that the public are ready for the school opening on October 5.
Nationwide, there are 59 students who will use printed modules, 20 percent online and another 20 percent offline digital. Aside from these, TV and radio will be supplemental as a blended learning in other areas.
The enrollment data as of October 4 showed 24.72 million enrolled in basic education this school year, representing 89.02 percent of the student population of 27.7 million last school year. Most of those unaccounted for were students enrolled in private schools, where only 2.16 million or 50.32 percent of last year’s student population have enrolled so far.
Meanwhile, Education Undersecretary Tonisito Umali said they would try to get in touch with students who have not yet enrolled to give them options on how they could continue their education.
Some of the students may be in the provinces or those previously enrolled in private schools may still be assessing the situation. Late enrollees would still be accepted in schools despite the scheduled opening of classes.
Many have expressed concern over the risk of Coronavirus Disease (COVID -19) infection. Students, teachers and parents carry the same burdens while dealing with online learning.
The use of online as a mode of learning confers challenging academic requirements as a new normal.
Students struggle in delegating their time towards their modules and projects. Thus, many of them do not have access in using online devices.
Even education officials have reassured the children’s education, only the privileged people could afford online classes. Parents are also affected knowing everyone is hard to earn money while in a pandemic.
Considering the Philippines has one of the slowest internet connections among countries, online education is technically a complex tool not only for students but also for teachers. Teachers also suffer because the terms of requirements for online accessibility is both difficult and demanding.
Online learning needs Internet access with sufficient bandwidth and the requisite technical ability. It is important to note the Philippines is incapable of pursuing classes, especially to public schools and provinces.
The country could also not allow an academic freeze. Therefore, support of the government in each locality is needed by donating gadgets for easier access.
In Pasig City, the government, led by Mayor Vico Sotto has raised P1.2 billion to provide tablets and laptops to its public school students in elementary, junior and senior high school, and their teachers. This is to enable the city’s 138,000 public school students, many of whom are poor, to continue their education as the country shifts to distance learning.
The city government also raised P30 million to provide tablets and laptops to college students at the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig.
Meanwhile, Quezon City government also distributed 176,000 tablets to public high school students to help them for blended learning amid the COVID-19.
Mayor Isko also raised P8.8 million to poverty-stricken students of the Unibersidad de Manila (UdM).
While education officials have reassured parents that even children without gadgets or internet connection can proceed with their formal education, there are still too many students who will be left behind as the country proceeds with blended learning modes for school year 2020-2021.
According to official data, around three million students still had not enrolled as of last week. The difficulties spawned by the pandemic have compelled parents to keep their children out of school for this year.
Many of those who have decided not to enroll their children may have been concerned about the lack of necessary gadgets for online learning.
There should not be any students left behind. Regardless of the crucial and critical situation of accessing technology, everyone has the right to continue learning amid the pandemic.
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mcarmelacalling · 4 years
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Empowering the youth 
Last September 1, the application for voters’ registration started under General Community Quarantine (GCQ) and Modified GCQ. Amidst the pandemic, physical distancing and following protocols are observed. 
In 2016, there were 54,363,844 registered nationwide. Over 54 million Filipinos have signed up to vote in the 2016 national and local elections not including the 1,376,067 registered overseas Filipinos voters (OFV). 
According to the Commission on Elections (Comelec), the expected new voters for the year 2022 is about 4 million. The applicants are open for 16 years old and above. 
In universities, student voting is important as it reflects how well colleges are fulfilling their civic missions. Last 2016 election, a total of 24, 730, 013 or 45.49% of registered voters belonged to the youth age group. 
In numbers alone, it is no doubt the youth’s vote can make or break a candidate. The youth’s political choices may predict the next leaders who in turn will run the country’s future. 
However, a survey in 2017 by the Philippine Statistics Authority recorded 9 percent of Filipinos to be out of school. From most of those who were surveyed, 8 percent were between the ages of 16 and 24, out of school because of family problems, disinterest and financial problems. 
Another study in 2018 from the Far Easten University Public Policy Center entitled, “Does Gen Z Care?” showed that many people from the Generation Z were hesitant to vote.The study claimed that many were “undecided when it came to the most controversial issues of the day.” 
These are factors from the past that had stubbornly persisted throughout the year, but now that the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has sabotaged every citizen’s lifestyle, it has forcibly thrust the people into a tiresome state of mind that gave way to the youth’s realization that we weren’t progressing at all. 
With the pandemic and all these health protocols in front of us, there is no denying either that voter registration has come to be more of a hassle for some. 
But it is essential that the youth must be aware that those who turn 18 years of age by election day are already eligible to register, keeping in mind that the basis is the day of elections and not the day of registration.
The youth must be prepared to exercise their right to suffrage properly and effectively amid the pandemic. No one can ever take away their right to vote, especially in these trying times, considering that it is crucial for these young voters to continue to use their voices to serve as role models to those who are not yet eligible to vote. 
This is a perfect time to advocate for not only for themselves but also for those who do not have the means or capability to their own votes. 
It is every person’s right and duty to go out and vote, an act of will and choice, making one’s voice to be heard, which is now crucial more than ever as we face a never ending crisis of the pandemic. Voting is an essential part of responsible citizenship. 
The future belongs to the youth. All of these are at stake yet achievable if they manage to vote well and sure.
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mcarmelacalling · 4 years
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Safety first
According to the World Health Organization, Coronavirus Disease or also known as COVID-19 is an illness caused by a virus that can spread from person to person. The virus has spread throughout the world and until now there is no certain cure or vaccine to stop it. In line with this, numbers of front-liners have already risked their lives, especially the health workers. 
Last March 2020, President Duterte declared a Luzon lockdown in battling this pandemic crisis. Liquors ban, curfew and checkpoints were the things that were imposed. But aside from these, wearing a face mask was also implemented. 
Memorandum Circular 2020-071 by Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) subjects Mandatory Wearing of Face Masks or other Protective Equipment in Public Areas. Stated in this memorandum, considering that there are confirmed positive cases in all regions nationwide, Local Government Units (LGUs) outside ECQ areas are also encouraged to implement the above-stated measures to prevent further local transmission of COVID-19.  
My perspective strongly agrees to this. The sanction of wearing face masks in public places and gatherings won’t stop the continuous and increasing number of positive cases every day. However, it can prevent us from transmitting the virus.  
First of all, it is a way of protection. It helps us in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and it mitigates an increase of virus transmission. Aside from that, it also complies to the measures of physical distancing. The masks that work best are the respirators and these include N95-10 but due to its costly price, not everyone could afford it. The second option is through wearing surgical masks. These are composed of breathable synthetic fabric. The filter that it posses’ ranges from 10 to 90 percent. And if surgical masks are still not available, cloth masks are recommended. Cloth masks are less effective at protecting the wearer because the fabric is often porous and can’t keep out tiny droplets. Although it tends to be less effective than the medical-grade counterparts, experimental results suggest they are far better than no mask at all when worn and constructed properly. 
On the other hand, wearing masks should be a must because it creates a simple barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto other people. The importance of it is blocking viruses from entering. 
Another one, hygiene also plays an integral role. In order to keep the public safe in a pandemic caused by a respiratory virus, much more guidance like this needs to be given. 
And lastly, this is one way of flattening the curve. There is much more data and evidence on how COVID-19 is spread and wearing a face mask would not be a disturbance. 
COVID-19 is a severe disease. As mentioned a while ago, it has ruined many lives. Thousands of people died, numerous front-liners have risked their lives, many businesses were closed, the whole world suffers. Until now, we are still here battling this pandemic. There is no struggle in wearing a face mask and it is never a waste of time. It might bring a little discomfort, and make it harder to spot the facial expressions of those we are talking to, those things are a small price to pay for keeping the people around us safe and well. So why don't we just follow what the government is imposing on us? Hence, it is also for our own benefit. It’s about being aware and protective. Remember, as the quotation says, “Prevention is better than cure.” 
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mcarmelacalling · 4 years
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The whisper of my heart ♡
Passion is a powerful word. Whenever you ask people about their passion, they answer with different meanings. It can be their hobby, interest, talents or simply the things that they are good at. But most of the time, passion is described as something that we love. A love that can make us anything, lead us anywhere or best, it can turn our dreams into reality. 
When we were kids, we were unsure of what our passion is. We don’t know how important having passion is to existence. We thought, it is just a thing to rely on. But as time goes by, we think of it as each day for motivation and comfort. And whether one loves cooking, writing or playing a sport, the bottom line is the satisfaction and joy derived from the activity. There are so many passions. But no matter how big or small it is, its meaning in our lives never changes. 
Years ago, there was a kid who dreamt to be friends with Doraemon. She wanted to have a friend that she can always lean on and can help her get the things that she wants in just one snap. But as she grew up, she realized that it is too impossible to happen. Because as we all know, Doraemon is just a fictional character. However, there’s always one question that she always had on her mind. What is something about that character why she likes it so much? And why does it make her happy all the time? As time goes by, she finds out that it is because of Doreamon’s passion for creating things. Just like Doreamon, she likes doing things that could satisfy herself, her own happiness and even to others. And that kid is me, who is now a woman of passion in expressing things.
My childhood hobbies and obsessions helped me build this genuine passion. Little by little with each conversation, myself is more engaged in communicating with others. There are many things that myself slowly discovered. Manner of speech, adapting to the environment, and the passion of speaking and interacting. It introduced me to many people, allowed me to know the value of relationships, and helped me increase my knowledge in different fields. Sharing my enthusiasm with others means putting myself out there and opening up to criticism, even it entails a feeling of hurt. And most importantly, it taught me to be brave and become the person who I am today. 
Passion does not come overnight. It does not mean you can decide right now. It is something you build until you realize that you want to live and make your life worthwhile. As the saying goes, “Home is a place where the heart is.” And to me, my passion is my home. And being at home for me is whenever I can freely express myself. It is where my heart belongs. It is where myself finds satisfaction and happiness. 
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mcarmelacalling · 8 years
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(Shoutout to my crush! This letter is for you since Valentine’s Day is coming! 😉)
An Open Letter to My Crush
Dear Crush,
Did you know that I really like your eyes? Everytime I stare at it I can see sparks. Did you know that I also love your smile? It’s just a curve form your lips but everytime I look at it, you transmit to me such facial feature. Why is your hair like that? It’s so messy yet you still look good. The way you walk in front of me makes me giggle and everytime I smell your scent I always fall in love with it. And you know what? The way you talk attracts me. Your laugh gives me positive vibes and the sound of your voice relaxes me. You are imperfect but in my eyes you look so heavenly💙
Hey crush, why are you like that? Why are you doing this to me? You have no idea how much you complete me. Thank you for being my inspiration. Thank you because of you I see motivation. I’m not expecting that we’ll have mutual feelings but just to inform you, you’re my crush and to me you’re one in a million.
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mcarmelacalling · 8 years
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 📸: theleiregeel / leilubigan.com 12-13-16
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mcarmelacalling · 8 years
Dec 11, 2016 (10:20 am) I'm starting to learn on how to go about this☹️ #newbie
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mcarmelacalling · 8 years
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