mcb2014 · 7 years
I Still Have You
(Genre - Christian Metal)
When you take everything away from me, when all the pain is still coming at me, when you close the right doors for me. Make me remember.
I still have you!
You never left me, when I was in pain, you never left me, so I would know what's true, and what just wanted to make me a renegade.
When I lost all those that I loved, when I laid my head in the dust and said, I've have had a enough. You spoke to me in the softest voice to let me know.
I still have you!
Use me as an example against the Devil, show him I'm still here. Exalt yourself against his filth that you brought me here, and when I lay my head to rest and give my final breath. I will remember these final words. (I will remember these final words)
To thee end of the ages.
I still have you!
Through the pain and the flames.
I still have you.
Because no one in this world can deny.
I still have yoooooou!
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mcb2014 · 7 years
Hallow Halls
Proverbs 18:24
(Genre - Christian Metal)
There are "Friends" who destroy each other, but a real friends sticks closer than a brother.
Into the darkness I traveled, through the pain I felt sorrow. Fall after fall I went through, always wishing for tomorrow. But when you needed me, I gave up my possessions to you. But you, you wouldn't even give up a ounce of soil.
Just a forgotten memory to you. That's what I am!
When you needed me
You used me!
But when I needed you...
Those halls were hallow!
What did I do to deserve this, to have become your doll of games? Did you forget I was human? Did you know you hurt me so much that the rejection consumed me?
By now your troubles have healed, the waves are settled, the darkness of fled, you have been made free. But you left me in the gutter, you only left me with the knife in my heart, and your dishonor was when you left so you wouldn't watch me bleed.
I was!
Just a forgotten memory to you.
You showed!
That's what I am
You called!
When you needed me
And yet out of your betrayal!
You used me
And it hurt so much!
But when I needed you...
Those halls were hallow.
Hallow halls
Hallow halls
Those were hallow
Those were hallow.
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mcb2014 · 7 years
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Anti-Heros Shadow, Drago, Knight Dragon, and Rex.
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mcb2014 · 7 years
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Anti-Heros Tiger, Blood, That on, Cube-ix, Rook, Sorkal, Moscoel, Koloss, Elkin, and Slavako Makoroff.
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