mcbutt3r · 4 years
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Well fuck you too, guys! Lol
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mcbutt3r · 4 years
One of my favorite artist just left Tumblr and now I'm sad :'C
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mcbutt3r · 4 years
So I have a curse that follows me around. My favorite character in film or book always seems to die. But I found out tonight that a character in a book, made film, is resurrected in a later book! I'm so happy!!!
; 0;
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mcbutt3r · 4 years
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So I realized something today ... I have a weird obsession/love for robot dads ^^;;;
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mcbutt3r · 4 years
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So I've fallen in love with yet another old man from Pokémon, expect fan art of him coming soon
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mcbutt3r · 4 years
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Me: I need to sleep.
My brain: Rainbow Nick
Me: But-
My brain: RAINBOW. 👏 NICK. 👏
This is my original work.
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mcbutt3r · 4 years
Oh my God I love him!
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The Outbursts of Everett True was a comic strip that ran in papers from 1905 to 1927, wherein the aforementioned Everett True regularly beat the everliving shit out of rude people as a warning to anyone else who might consider being rude. Men have not only been taking up too much room on public transport for about as long as public transport has existed, but the people around them have been irritated about it for at least a hundred years. The next time someone tries to claim that manspreading is a false phenomenon, please direct them to this strip so that Everett True can correct their misconceptions with an umbrella upside the head.
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mcbutt3r · 4 years
People can be out here thirsty for Sans and his many flavors, or thirsty for animals, but the second someone has a thing for an older character they're in the wrong 😒
some of yall really look at phineas welles and think "yeah this guys pretty sexy" huh
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mcbutt3r · 4 years
I love the hair and the background! ❤️❤️❤️
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–🌹💡🌹– My friend @mcbutt3r’s character - Sally!@mcbutt3r Im so sorry I’ve been so inactive lately! I wish I could talk more to you. >.<So here’s Sally as a little gift, I promise I’ll get to drawing the Goblins when I’ll have the energy to. I hope you like this!–🌹💡🌹–
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mcbutt3r · 4 years
Anyone who follows me that wants good, fast commissions for an amazing price please PLEASE go see one of my favorite artist! She currently has her commissions open and they are at an amazing price, and she gets them done quick and her art is just so fucking good!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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Ko-fi account finally opened up for simple commissions. Message me if interested! 😊
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mcbutt3r · 4 years
So I’m in the middle of working on a random piece for fun, but would anyone want to watch me if I streamed?
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mcbutt3r · 4 years
Omg this makes me want to draw her with my Fallout OC ❤️
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mcbutt3r · 4 years
Love it! ❤️❤️❤️
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Some Phineas x Cap Tatianna stuff
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mcbutt3r · 4 years
Hey, I haven't posted in forever and it's me ranting and not art, everyone's gonna love it 😅
Anyways, I got a few rants I wanna get off my chest from some things I've noticed that drive me crazy.
Ok, so let's say someone has a Fandom they're really into, and that they're making their own content for it. Be it art or fanfictions or what not. And said person starts making up their own "rules" for it, i.e. this person is attracted to this person, this person is this sexual orientation, so on and so forth. Well I just hate it when they then start to enforce their rules on other people also interested in the same Fandom. Like, just because you have your rules doesn't mean someone else doesn't have a different set of rules. No one is getting at you about anything you might be doing that they don't like, so leave them alone. Plus if you don't like it then just ignore it.
Ok, I get it, you can become obsessed with a Fandom and then loose interest in it. It happens to me all the time. But don't get snippy with your fans when they request past Fandom art. Like wtf. They started following you because of it, so cut them some slack. Especially if you're an amazing artist, like fucking amazing, like I wish I had that kinda talent amazing. You sit there on your high horse shunning those that made you however famous you are now just because they'd want to see some of your older material? If someone dm'd me right now asking for Nick Valentine or Phineas art because they love my style and my art is a joy to them, you bet your ass I'm going home this second and whipping out something new just for them! Be happy you have people who care about your art, care about your style, care about your ability. There are some around here who envy you.
Which brings me to my last rant:
I HATE GOOD ARTIST THAT CONSTANTLY REMIND THE PUBLIC THAT THEY DO NOT TAKE COMMISSIONS!!! Like WHAT? I get it, maybe you're busy, or you get swarmed. But WHAT? I beg, literally BEG sometimes for someone to even ask me for art. I put my prices dirt cheap or offer an art trade just to get someone to want my art, but you're sitting here like "I don't do commissions, stop asking me". Fuck you.
Ok, rant over. Take what I said however you will. I'm sure I'm gonna get some hate, but you know what, I don't care. These are things I see all the time and I'm I just feel like I want to throw some pennies at it.
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mcbutt3r · 5 years
Glad you're enjoying the game ❤️
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❄️ Robin and her robot! ❄️
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mcbutt3r · 5 years
I'm in the same funk dear, but I hope things get better for you! ❤️ Just try and relax during this time, enjoy your game ^w^
Hello! Just a quick update
I hope that everyone is doing alright in the time of quarantine. Taking care of your mental health is also important!
I’ve been having a rough time lately, so expect less art for a while. I will still upload, but slower. I just can’t seem to motivate myself to finish anything.
Stay safe everybody!
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mcbutt3r · 5 years
This is so beautiful! Love the colors! ❤️
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🌌☄️ 🌌
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