mcgnto · 4 years
“How true and where I am from, they call us metahumans. No offense, but I prefer our term a lot more now.” She responds with a smirk before focusing all of her attention onto what the man was doing. Her eyes light up slightly as she watches him manipulate the metal. “Impressive. I can see where that could come in handy.” Once it was her turn she smirks again as she sits her glass down before taking a step closer to him and in a smooth tone says. “I have many talents. Not all of them are, perfected just yet but..” She lightly rests a hand on his chest and continues to say. “What do you say we go somewhere a little less public and I’ll show you? Wouldn’t want to have an accident with so many people around, right?” 
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he’s  never  hesitated  to  refer  to  himself  as  a  mutant,  despite  the  negative  connotations  people  like  senator  kelly  liked  to  throw  behind  the  word.  there’  is,  however, a  stark  contrast  between  it  and  metahuman.  mutant  suggests  they’re  anything  but  human,  despite  being  the  next  evolutionary  step;  yet  another  way  they  were  divided  from  the  others.   yet  metahuman  feels  to  much  like  trying  to  fit  yourself  into  a  box  you  were  always  meant  to  outgrow.  “  it’s  served  me  well. ”  he  responds,  head  tilting  slightly  when  her  hand  rests  against  his  chest.  while  he’s  not  insinuating  her  motives  are  anything  but  innocuous,  he’s  quick  to  remove  her  hand  with  a  chuckle.  “  oh  i  don’t  know  about  that... fallout  is  sometimes  inevitable...  and  it  would  be  in  poor  form  to  leave  without  my  date. ”  
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mcgnto · 4 years
taking a full proper look at her given company, lorna realized she may have disturbed the guy who was just aiming to grab a drink and be on his merry way. receiving a respond had been a nice little surprise, it was something appreciated especially given she had little in ways of experience in how to navigate these types of parties. for all her plaster to look like she belonged lorna didn’t have the faintest clue how to act like it. she was trying to learn quick and take note of those nonplussed with the party.
decadence wasn’t a word lorna had heard since her days in school, her typical company wasn’t so articulate. though… her typical company had been beginning to slowly shift as of late. people like daisy, tommy and ronnie becoming apart of her orbit. it was a nice change. “i don’t know what i’d been expecting with a host called lucifer.” she mused. “i take it you’re used to parties like this?” it wasn’t said as an insult, but rather lorna looked at the man and he seemed simply so… how did she describe it? well-read. like he belonged in this world of elegance. it was a look she’d been attempting to fake all night to varied results. 
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he’s  never  met  this  lucifer,  supposed  owner  of  the  club,  but  he  knows  that  names  only  carry  weight  when  you  live  up  to  them.  erik  is  relatively  nondescript,  could  fade  within  a  crowd,  but  magneto  draws  attention  wherever  he  goes.  he  makes  himself  a  spectacle  to  keep  people  tuned  in,  to  make  them  listen,  and  its  effective.   everyone  knows  erik  lehnsherr  is  magneto  but  when  he’s  done  something  to  anger  the  masses,  or  they’re  reporting  on  him,  it’s  always  MAGNETO  they  single  out.   (  all  this  to  say,  names  are  important;  if  you  were  going  to  have  a  club  this  luxurious  -  pun  intended  -  you  needed  an  alias  to  match.   game  recognizes  game.  )   
the  idea  that  he  belongs  somewhere  like  this,  rubbing  elbows  and  sipping  champagne  with  high  society,  draws  a  laugh.  the  boy  from  poland,  family  torn  apart  by  hatred  and  branded  an  undesirable  at  the  height  of  the  nazi  regime’s  rise  to  power,  could  have  never  imagined  he’d  set  foot  in  such  a  place.  “  hardly. ”  he  remarks,  pausing  to  take  another  drink  before  continuing.   “  where  i’m  from,  the  world’s  elite  would  have  preferred  to  see  me  dead  than  sat  at  their  table  like  an  equal. ”   he  smirks,  nostrils  flaring  slightly;  the  only  indication  that  he’s  irked  by  the  thoughts.   “  but  i’ve  always  been  particularly  good  at  making  myself  at  home  where  i’m  most  unwelcome. ”
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mcgnto · 4 years
Logan wasn’t exactly in the best mood already and seeing Erik didn’t do anything to improve that. He remains silent giving the other a deep glare of hate and distrust. Tilting his head to the right ever-so-slightly in a slanted nod when Erik refers to him as a survivor. Whether he wanted to be or not, Logan certainly couldn’t disagree with him on that point. Upon seeing the henchmen move Logan shifts his weight from the heals to the balls of his feet while emitting a low growl in a warning. His attention is drawn back to Erik as he waived the other two off. “Thats right, listen to daddy.” He mocks the other two in a deeply grumpy tone. A scoffed chuckle escapes past Logan’s lips at the other’s next words. “Friend my ass. Just cause Charles is too damn soft to give up on ya doesn’t mean I’ll ever fall for your shit. Ya always want somethin and I’m never joining your lil Neverland gang here so you can forget that shit.” The mutant goes back to evaluating the situation in silence for a few more minutes until he answers the other’s last question. “Nothin from you Bub.” Though a ghost of a smirk does display on his face when he comes to a realization. “You’re the 70′s version aren’t ya? The Dipshit that tossed me in that fuckin lake.” 
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logan’s  nothing  if  not  consistent.  he’s  just  as  brash,  as  volatile,  as  he  was  all  those  years  earlier.   how  future  versions  of  himself  and  charles  could  have  ever  believed  this  was  the  guy  to  unite  them  to  save  the  world  was  beyond  him.  they  might  have  come  together,  might  have  even  prevented  the  destruction  of  their  kind,  but  he’d  say  it  was  in  spite  of  logan’s  assistance  not  a  due  result  of.  but  then  again,  as  the  man  so  aptly  puts  it,  he  did  toss  him  in  a  fucking  lake.   his  lips  twist,  mirth  painting  his  features  as  he   shrugs  his  shoulders.  “  guilty...  but  in  my  defense,  you  were  standing  between  me  and  the  fate  of  our  entire  race.  it  was  a  necessary  evil. ”    he’d  know;   he’s  the  king  of  necessary  evils,  of  reacting  with  extreme  force  to  ensure  the  protection  of  their  kind.  even  when  its  hard.   even  when  it  breaks  his  heart.  (  they  may  always  play  on  similar  sides,  with  a  goal  in  mind,  but  it’s  always  him  that  has  to  play  the  part  of  the  red  queen  and  take  the  board  by  any  means  necessary. )    “  and  clearly  you’ve  managed  to  persevere...  though  a  bit  grey  around  the  edges. ”   his  gaze  is  inquisitive  as  he  looks  him  over,  making  some  deductions  of  his  own.   “  clearly  you  haven’t  been  plucked  out  of  the  seventies. ”
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mcgnto · 4 years
he’d  have  argued  with  himself  over  such   H E E D L E S S   choices:  the  scientist  within  would’ve  stirred  up  a  storm  no  matter  the  volatile  consequences  but  silence  had  fallen  WITHOUT  struggle  —-  some  battles  lost  didn’t  NECESSARILY  mean  you  weren’t  victorious  (  that selfish choice wasn’t so bad in the grand scheme of every footprint he had or could place on the earth…or he’d become so insufferably bias it was easier to settle with the consequence  ).  HE  HAD  GIVEN  UP…for  once  in  the  name  of  restoring  hope  rather  than  pushing  it  away.  no  journey  required  more  than  which  he  still  had  his  struggles  within;  the  soothing  nature  of  not  having  to  worry  so  much  about  the  smaller  details  becomes  nothing  more  than  a  harrowing  realisation  —-  that  much  he  is  aware  of. 
                                 it’s  become  habit  to  fall  into  position.  to  be  placed  on  the  board  waiting  for  checkmate  even  if  such  earnest  moves  gave  him  no  forewarning  in  the  process  (  he’d place it down to fear: to not wanting to think too deeply and yet events harbour nothing but the fuel to make him do so  ).  if  he’s  distracted  momentarily  it’s  only  because  he  felt  the  need  to  adjust  himself,  disguised  in  the  safety  precaution  of  checking  his  wheel  hadn’t  gotten  caught  on  any  of  the  metal  framing:  it’s  to  avoid  eye  contact  until  a  smile  seems  to  be  the  RELIEF  he  required —-  to  breathe  once  more  was  nice.  “ oh.. ”  his  tone  is  soft  at  least,  measured  in  a  brain  working  hard  to  try  and  read  another  without  actually  doing  so.  “ it’s rather…avant-garde, as far as celebrating the end of a body swap but the carbonara looks delightful. ”  roughly  translated  to  this  didn’t  have  to  be  so  fancy,  I  would’ve  been  happy  just  spending  time  with  you  BUT  alas  words  didn’t  always  pan  out  the  way  he  wanted  them  to.  “ the separation of consciousness from the outer shell is rather interesting subject matter but I, uh —- like you just the way you are, ”  he  nods  in  a  brief  instant.  “ so hopefully no more body swapping. ”
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maybe  it  is  a  little  unusual  to  celebrate  being  restored  to  his  rightful  self  but  he’d  felt  the  need.  or  rather,  it  had  been  a  justifiable  excuse  to  make  peace  with  some  of  his  revelations  of  late.   he’s  always  trusted  his  intuition,  his  conviction  when  faced  with  challenges  and  decisions,  but  he’s  been  reserved  as  of  late.   you  can  attribute  it  to  acclimating  in  a  time,  or  making  peace  with  his  demons,  but  whatever  you  want  to  call  it...  it’s  been  a  distraction.  a  way  of  avoiding  things  he  knows  to  be  true;  or  rather,  avoiding  acknowledging  what  they  mean.  
“  i’ve  always  done  a  lot  when  a  little  would  have  been  sufficient. ”  he  answers,  lips  turning  upwards.  he  knows  he’s  dramatic,  tends  to  make  mountains  out  of  mole-hills,  but  so  many  things  in  their  history  have  been  disastrous.   for  once,  he  wanted  things  to  be  right.   tonight,  he  thinks  they  are...  or  at  least,  they’re  on  the  path  towards  right.  “  ...and  it’s  been  too  long  since  we  did  this. ”   poor  decisions  on  both  of  their  parts,  or  differing  opinions  in  the  wake  of  a  war,  always  had  them  separated  by  a  chasm.  for  the  first  time  since  charles  dragged  him  out  of  the  water  that  day  all  those  years ago,  it  feels  like  they’re  on  the  same  page.   “  i’ve  never  given  much  thought  to  the  separation  between  body  and  spirit...  not  until  i  had  to. ”   he  chuckles,  taking  his  seat  and reaching  for  the  wine  to  pour  them  both  glasses.  “  it  was  a  very...  enlightening  experience.  ”    eye-opening,  would  be  more  accurate,  bringing  awareness  to  certain  desires  he  hasn’t  voiced  aloud  just  yet,  but  the  night  is  young...   they’ll  get  there.
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mcgnto · 4 years
[ closed starter // @mcgnto ]
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          since arriving in new york violet’s life had changed drastically in a matter of weeks. she went from being homeless and hiding from the police for over two years to having a safe place to live and a job. to most it wouldn’t seem like much but after everything she’d been through just those two simple things meant the world to her. it was also the first time since her parents had died that she felt accepted, being around other mutants had drastically improved her mood… it made her feel a bit more confident. she wanted to say thank you to whoever was in charge, so after asking around she’d been pointed in erik’s direction. hesitatnly she knocked on the door. “uh… mr. eric? i’m sorry they didn’t tell me your last name… i was wondering if i could talk with you for a moment, if you’re not busy.”
though  the  registration  act  might  not  have  passed,  there’s  no  denying  that  the  government  —  and  the  media  —  still  aim  to  spread  fear  and  create  division  between  mutants  and  their  less  evolved  counterparts.  he’d  seen  the  stories  on  the  news,  how  they’d  focused  on  the  girl’s  abilities,  painted  her  as  a  monster,  to  push  their  narrative;   that  all  mutants,  no  matter  how  innocuous  they  seemed,  were  bombs  waiting  to  go  off.  he’d  been  livid  then,  requesting  some  of  the  brotherhood  members  go  track  her  down  and  ensure  her  safety,  but  he’s  nothing  but  the  picture  of  calm  today  when  she  wanders  into  his  office.   “  magneto. ”   he  answers,  turning  in  his  chair  so  that  he  can  face  her  properly.   “  you  can  call  me  magneto. ”   he   twitches  two  fingers,  pulling  out  a  metal  chair  in  invitation  for  her  to  sit.   “  now  is  as  good  a  time  as  any. ” 
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mcgnto · 4 years
location:  lux  nightclub  mentions:  ft.  charles  xavier,  tommy  shepherd,  magda  gurzsky,  &  nina  gurzsky. triggers:  canon  character  death,  survivor’s  guilt,  violent  themes. summary: erik  receives  an  unexpected  gift  from  the  ghosts  of  his  past:  closure.
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he’s  not  one  of  the  first  people  to  have  an  encounter  with  the  ghosts.  no,  his  is  long  after  things  descend  into  chaos,  a  rip  in  his  jacket  the  only  injury  he’s  thankfully  incurred  as  he’s  putting  as  much  distance  between  the  crowd  and  himself.  he  texts  charles,  needs  to  make  sure  that  he’s  okay,  but  his  finger  never  quite  hits  send  when  he  sees  a  face  he  never  thought  he’d  see  again.  his  phone  stutters  in  his  hand,  caught  seconds  before  it  might  hit  the  ground  by  his  abilities.  if  anyone  sees...  he  doesn’t  care.
“  papa! ”  the  voice  springs  tears  to  his  eyes  as  his  daughter  runs  to  him,  her  little  arms  wrapping  tightly  around  his  neck  as  he  bends  down  on  instinct.  it’s  not  the  same  as  holding  her  when  she  was  alive,  is  oddly  reminiscent  of  the  last  few  moments  he  had  with  her,  and  the  barbed  wire  around  his  heart  clenches  a  little  tighter;  like  it  wants  to  draw  blood,  wants  to  ignite  into  flames  and  punish  anyone  in  his  vicinity.   or  maybe  it  just  wants  to  embrace  this  feeling,  the  overwhelming  love  he  has  for  his  child,  and  forget  the  reality  and  the  crushing  weight  of  it  for  a  minute.   for  five  minutes.   he  presses  a  kiss  against  the  top  of  her  head,  lets  himself  hold  her  for  a  minute  or  an  hour,  he  couldn’t  say,  before  she’s  gone.     it  hurts  the  same  now  as  it  did  back  then  but  as  painful  as  it  is,  he  knows  its  a  gift.   one  he  never  thought  he’d  receive.
when  he  rises  to  his  feet,  he  sees  magda  standing  there,  her  eyes  are  wet  with  tears,  red  rimmed  as  she  smiles  at  him.   when  he  moves  towards  her,  she  shakes  her  head.  “  if  i  don’t  touch  you...  i  think  we’ll  have  more  time. ”  her  words  ring  out  in  polish,  a  language  he  hasn’t  heard  since  he  showed  up  here  in  the  city.  “  we’ve  never  had  enough  time. ”
he  can’t  disagree.  from  the  moment  they’d  met,  he’d  always  wondered  how  much  time  they’d  have  together.  at  first,  he’d  been  reluctant  to  form  bonds  with  anyone.   he’d  tried  to  replace  the  anger  with  something  else  once,  had  thought  maybe  he’d  managed  it,  but  of  course  in  the  end...  it  always  ended  the  same  way.   he’d  make  the  wrong  decisions  for  the  right  reasons,  the  others  would  condemn  him,  and  he’d  leave  before  the  governments  tried  to  lock  him  up.  again.   with  magda  however,  an  ocean  away,  he’d  believed  that  things  could  be  different;  that  he  could  lock  erik  away,  become  henry,  and  live  an  ordinary  life  like  those  that  would  fear  him  wished  he  would.   but  he  wasn’t  ordinary;   he  never  had  been,  and  never  could  be.   maybe  if  he  hadn’t  hidden  away,  had  been  more  upfront  with  their  daughter,  things  could  have  been  different.
(  he  knows  that’s  not  true.  she  was  a  child  watching  her  father  being  taken  away.  even  if  she’d  known  what  she  was,  it  wouldn’t  have  changed  things.   he  knows  better  than  most.  )
“  it’s  good  to  see  you. ”   he  says  instead,  voice  thick  with  emotion  as  he  swallows  past  the  lump  in  his  throat.  “  both  of  you.  i’ve  missed  you  so  much. ”   the  words  feel  foreign  in  his  mouth,  so  long  since  he’s  spoken  the  language  from  the  home  they  made  together,  but  talking  to  her  feels  easy.  it  always  has.   “  i  want  --”
she  cuts  him  off  with  a  shake  of  her  head.   she  flickers,  like  she’s  not  quite  sure  how  to  stay  visible  this  way,  as  her  brows  flatten  in  concentration.   he  knows  this  look  well.  “  we’re  together.  we’re  at  peace. ”    the  smile  is  soft,  spreading  like  the  sun  rising  over  the  horizon  as  she  approaches.   her  hand  touches  the  side  of  his  face,  cooling  his  cheek  as  she  adds.   “  that’s  what  we  want  for  you  too.  peace. ”    he  opens  his  mouth  but  she  silences  him  with  a  look,  words  quiet  but  strong.   “ if  not  for  yourself,  for  us.  i’ve  seen  the  good  in  you...  the  rest  of  the  world  should  see  it  too. ”
somehow  he knows  their  time  together  is  fleeting.   he  steps  forward,  presses  his  lips  against  her  forehead,  and  gives  a  singular  nod.   the  weight  that  constantly  drags  him  down,  the  block  that’s  been  preventing  him  from  trying  to  move  forward...  it  budges.   just  a  little,  but  enough  that  he  believes  it’s  possible.   peace  had  never  been  an  option;   all  he’d  ever  known  was  vengeance,  retribution,  the  tipping  of  scales,  but  he  knows  he  has  to  try.   if  not  for  himself,  than  for  them...  and  for  the  people  still  here.   his  children,  wherever  they  might  be,  and  his  grandson.   for  the  man  who  has  always  had  a  piece  of  his  heart,  even  when  he  tried  to  pretend  he  didn’t.   for  the  mutants  he  owes  a  better  life  than  the  ones  they  suffered.    
he  says  goodbye  with  closed  eyes,  makes  a  promise  to  try,  because  he  knows  that  when  he  opens  them  she’ll  be  gone.
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mcgnto · 4 years
There was something daunting about wearing a mask. Or perhaps rather, it was daunting being surrounded by them. Lorna had been technically wearing a mask all her life, not that she was proud of it. Not everyone was, but so many… it wasn’t like she had reason to be scared of people. Not only did she have no enemies (technically) but she was confident in her abilities and prowess (plus being covered in metal right now boosted her feelings of safety as well). She’d never actually been to a party like this before. She was unsure how to engage, or even if she should. Trying to make conversation, she asked. “Do you think all the parties here are this extravagant?” 
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it  goes  without  saying  that  events  like  this  aren’t  his  specialty.  he’s  never  had  much,  had  to  fight  to  get  everything  he’s  ever  had  in  this  world  -  to  reclaim  it  from  those  who  would  have  been  happy  to  take  it  --  but  putting  on  an  act  comes  naturally  to  him.  all  those  years  chasing  shaw,  pretending  to  be  whatever  he  needed  to  be  to  get  close,  had  at  least  given  him  that.   
he’d  lost  charles  in  the  crowd  when  he  went  to  get  drinks,  hands  shoved  into  his  pockets  as  he  leans  up  against  the  bar  and  waits.  it  takes  him  a  moment  to  realize  the  woman  beside  him’s  speaking  to  him  but  when  he  does  he  simply  lets  his  lips  twist   into  a  hint  of  a  smile.  “  oh,  absolutely.  there’s  no  shortage  of  decadence  these  days. ”
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mcgnto · 4 years
After spending some time at the bar taking advantage of the free booze and convenient but useless intelligence gathering conversations; Logan spots Magneto across the room. If anyone was keeping tabs on the government it was probably him. While Logan didn’t want to risk the other finding out about Laura and her friends, he needed to know any information Erik had on Rice and the rest of the weapon x team. Without a word he abandons his current conversation and walks around the room. Keeping close to the wall allowed him to come up behind the man and grab the back of his shirt before roughly pulling him over to a more private spot. Once they were as alone as possible Logan pushes him against the wall saying  “Alright Asshat, you’re gonna tell me everythin you know ‘bout the governments plans for mutants.” @mcgnto​
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he  has  very  little patience  for  people  on  a  good  day  and  while  the  night  has  had  its  highlights,  events  like  these  don’t  file  themselves  under  good.   his  jaw  ticks  as  logan  pushes  him  up  against  the  wall,  using  the  metal  on  his  person  to  nudge  him  back  and  out  of  his  personal  space.  “  still  as  surly  as  always.  some  things  never  change. ”   despite  the  cavalier  tone  to  his  words,  the  questions  strike  their  chord.  he  hasn’t  heard  of  any  movement  here,  in  this  time,  but  he  knows  there’s  a  future  --  his  grandson’s  future  --  that  won’t  be  immune  to  its  effects.  
“  the  registration acts  here  were  overturned.  as  far  as  i  know,  there  are  no  current military  projects  involving  our  kind. ”  though  you’d  better  believe,  he’s  seeking  out  anyone  and  everyone  involved  with  what  happened  to  tommy...  even  if  here,  in  this  time,  they  haven’t  done  anything  yet.   he  prefers  being  proactive  over  reactive.   
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mcgnto · 4 years
Although Lisa didn’t drink, she did manage to find some punch that hadn’t been made interesting yet and put it in a wine glass. “Perception is a fickle thing and no one ever seems to share one completely”. She happily clinks her glass with his before taking a light sip; keeping her classic smile delicately placed upon her lips. “The strongest spirit in the world couldn’t thaw the iceberg in my chest.” She jokes in a smooth tone as she leans against the bar. “Besides, the night is young and I’d like to be conscious for all the fun ahead. Most people here seem to be freaks like me so, someone’s bound to get drunk and show us their tricks.” 
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“  perception,  like  beauty,  is  in  the  eye  of  the  beholder. ”  he  comments  in  response,  tipping  his  glass  forward  to  toast  with  hers.  at  the  comment  about  freaks,  his  curiosity’s  piqued,  but  he  refrains  from  asking  her  just  what  she  can  do  in  favor  of  making  a  demonstration  of  his  own.  “  where  i’m  from...  we  call  them  mutants.  the  next  step  in  evolution. ”  he  shifts  his  fingers  from  the  stem  of  his  champagne  flute,  using  his  powers  to  unhook  the  metal  cuff  links  from  the  cuff  of  his  shirt  to  pull  them  into  his  hand.   “  now  i’ve  showed  you  mine...  why  don’t  you  show  me  yours. ” 
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mcgnto · 4 years
“ is it cold in here, or is that just my heart? ” - Lisa Snart    (  @goldenlglider​  )
sipping  chilled  champagne  by  the  bar,  erik  can’t  help  but  disagree  with  her  comments.  he’s  already  tugged  at  his  tie  to  loosen  it,  a  hand  swiping  through  his  hair  when  tendrils  started  escaping  into  his  eyes.   the  club’s  anything  but  cold  so  he’d  have  to  put  money  down  on  the  latter.  “  sounds  like  an  issue  with  perception. ”   he  comments,  raising  his  glass  to  clink  with  hers.   “  i’d  suggest  drinking  more.   perhaps  you’ll  start  to  thaw.   it’s  working  wonders  for  me. ”
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mcgnto · 4 years
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖍𝖔𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖝 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙: 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊
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mcgnto · 4 years
It hadn’t been easy seeing inhibitor technology on his grandfather’s wrists — even if it wasn’t his body it didn’t sit right with him. Maybe due to the fact it reminded him of a time that would much rather be forgotten. When Humankind placed him in one of their inhibitor collars and thrown into a prison shortly after his Mutant abilities manifested. This was only a few years ago which leaves the memory fresh on mind. The walls of his cell were lined with power-dampening technology but they never took off his collar either. They poked and prodded at him and Tommy never got over it or got justice for what happened to him.  How would Erik react to hearing about this? Tommy would have to tell him eventually.
His gaze looks up when his grandfather lands near him. It makes him feel good that at least one of his relatives knew him here. Maybe just one is what he would need for now. The white-haired boy widens his eyes when cookies are offered to him. “For me? Really? How did you know that I was hungry?” Tommy takes them and starts to open them, fingers moving faster than what anyone is probably used to seeing. Only slowing down once it was ripped open and got to take a bite out of one of the cookies. There are amazing. “I grew up without having much either so I can understand what that is like. You do the best what little you have but think it’s cool that your grandfather always made sure to have sweets around when he could. What was your favorite? Also … thank you for these.” Tommy doesn’t extend such kindness to most people but his grandfather is at the top of the list who do get to see his soft side. He takes another bite of the cookie, crumbs falling down his shirt. “I’m glad you’re you again, Grandpa.”
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he  chuckles  as  tommy’s  fingers  fly  to  open  the  packet  of  cookies,  crumbs  flying  every  which  way  as  he  chews.  “  you’re  welcome. ”  he  adds,  taking  a  moment  to  try  and  recall  what  his  favorites  were.  “ krówki. ”   he  decides  after  careful  consideration.  “  they  were  semi-sweet  toffee  candies. ”   unable  to  help  himself,  he  reaches  out  to  dust  some  of  the  crumbs  from  the  front  of  tommy’s  shirt.   they’re  going  to  have  to  work  on  that. 
“  that  makes  two  of  us.  i’ve  lived  through  adolescence  once...  i  can’t  say  i  have  any  desire  to  do  it  again  in  someone  else’s  body. ”   no,  he  might  not  always  like  the  frown  lines  etched  into  his  face,  or  the  exhaustion  that  weighs  his  shoulders,  but  he’d  take  them  both  over  feeling  uncontrolled  in  raven’s  body.   it  isn’t  an  experience  he  hopes  to  repeat.  “  power  has  never  been  something  i’ve  struggled  with  but  the  girl’s  abilities...  they’re  something  i’ve  never  seen  before. ”   the  instability  of  them,  the  precision  of  which  he  needed  to  control  them,  spoke  volumes  to  the  mess  of  his  emotions  he’s  been  shoving  down  to  avoid  dealing  with.   while  the  rage  might  wok  for  him...  it  HADN’T  worked  with  her  abilities.   in  fact,  it  had  made  them  worse.   “  emotion  based. ”   his  jaw  ticks.   “  suffice  to  say,  i  much  prefer  being  me. ”
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mcgnto · 4 years
Whenever people are in trouble, Sam’s first instinct is to help as best as he can, even if doing that leads to his own life being in danger. Self-sacrifice and martyrdom are no strangers to him, but with this new world he found himself in, he didn’t generally have to do anything like that. Unlike his world, where heroes were apparently a dying species, there were heroes around every corner here, all ready to do everything they could to protect the innocent. 
Still, it’s easy to forget the world is full of superpowered people until some kid is throwing everything around him in the middle of the park and freaking out. Sam wants to help, to tell the poor kid that everything’s going to be okay and then make sure it actually was. He has his own powers because of the blood coursing through his veins, but they’re nothing to match against something like this, especially when he’d been trying to cut back. He’s out of his depth, and he feels a little grateful when someone literally flies in to save the day.
He does a double take after seeing the man. “Magneto?!?!?!” He gasps. Out of all the superheroes and supervillains, he’s not sure why seeing Magneto shocks him so much. When Sam used to read comics, a part of him resonated with Magneto. A part of him still does. He guesses now that the kid struggling with their powers is probably a mutant who Magneto is trying to help and/or recruit. “Uh, yeah, ok. Yes, sir.” He nods, finally answering Magneto and stepping back a bit. The politeness probably isn’t even necessary. Magneto probably isn’t even much older than Sam at this point. He was still excited to see just what would happen. “Go ahead, do your thing,” he said giving Magneto a thumbs up.
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beneath  his  palms,  the  ground  trembles.  the  mutant  finally  stops,  breaks  their  concentration  to  look  at  him,  and  he  takes  advantage.  makeshift  cuffs  tighten  around  their  arms,  pinning  them  up  against  the  wall  until  he  has  a  chance  to  confront  them.  it  should  limit  the  property  damage,  in  the  least.   they’ll  probably  be  upset  about  his  methods  but  he  likes  to  think  they’re  pretty  effective.  
he  turns  his  head  back  towards  the  stranger,   lips  lifting  in  amusement  at  the  formality  of  his  tone.   he  wonders  idly  if  this  is  the  kind  of  response  charles  usually  elicits  when  he  swoops  in  to  save  the  day,  rather  than  the  screams  and  fear  responses  his  presence  usually  receives.   “  i  didn’t  come  alone. ”   he  responds,  waving  a  hand  to  where  two  of  his  fellow  brotherhood  members  are  approaching  the  young  mutant.   “  they’ll  take  them  somewhere  safe  while  i  clean  up  this  mess. ”    clean  isn’t  the  right  word  really,  he’s  only  going  to  put  back  anything  metal  where  it  previously  belonged,  but  it  suits  context  well  enough.   “  you  might  want  to  stand  back. ”
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mcgnto · 4 years
( @thephoenixstart​ )
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Soft echos of Laura’s voice whispering ‘daddy’ calls his mind back from the void. His eyes snap open as a deep breath fills his lungs, giving the muscles a long overdue stretch. His eyes quickly shift back and forth before a loud grunt emits from his mouth as he gets to his feet. Logan soon came to the realization that he was alive once again and he was confused and angry. Every action and word was dripping with tension and agitation. He began looking himself over the best he could in that moment. Brushing the dirt from the front of his shirt. “What the fuck?” Next noticing just how young his skin looked, particularly his hands. Raising his fists to eye level and taking a moment to stare at them with hate and distrust before extending his claws effortlessly and without the increased pain. A subtle creek in the floor board behind him alerted his attention to the presence of another person. Logan growls loudly as he faced the other, claws ready for the attack. “Who the fuck are you and what do you want?!”
he  might  be  displaced  from  his  previous  timeline  but  he  still  recognizes  some  familiar  faces.  mind  you,  the  last  time  he  remembers  seeing  logan  he  was  riddling  him  with  rebar  and  launching  him  into  the  ocean,  but  clearly  he’d  found  his  way  out  of  the  watery  grave.   “  looks  like  you’re  a  survivor  after  all. ”  he  observes.   the  two  mutants  by  his  side  move,  anticipating  a  fight,  but  he  waves  his  hand  to  stop  them.   he  has  no  intentions  on  fighting  the  wolverine,  not  today.   “  i’m  a  friend  of  an  old  friend. ”   his  words  are  targeted,  vague  enough  to  suss  out  just  how  much  -  or  how  little  -  logan  remembers  of  his  past.   “  as  for  what  i  want,  i  don’t  want  anything. ”   not  presently,  anyway,  though  that’s  always  poised  to  change.   the  relationship  between  humans  and  mutants  has  always   been  contemptuous.   they  might  be  accepted  today,  mending  fences  instead  of  breaking  bonds,  but  he’s  always  poised  for  the  tipping  point  because  it   A  L  W  A  Y  S   comes.    and  when  it  doesn’t,  it  wouldn’t  hurt  to  have  the  wolverine  on  his  their  side.    “  what  do  you  want ? ”
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mcgnto · 4 years
[  tagging  @ofsamwinchester​  ]
one  of  the  mutants  staying  at  the  brotherhood  compound  is  the  one  that  tips  him  off  about  the  powered  individual  wreaking  havoc  in  central  park.  someone  young,  inexperienced  with  their  powers,  and  making  a  colossal  spectacle.  which  means  it  won’t  be  long  before  they  attract  local  law  enforcement  —  or  worse.    it’s  important  that  he  gets  there  first,  that  he  tries  to  help,  before  suddenly  its  too  late.  
by  the  time  he  arrives,  park  benches  are  overturned,  trees  are  pulled  from  their  roots,  and  people  are  running  scared.  he  lands  with  a  thud,  hands  thrown  up  to  catch  a  bench  that  just  narrowly  avoids  him.   he  lets  it  hit  the  ground  with  a  thunk,  swatting  obstacles  like  flies  as  he  approaches  the  mutant.  the  kid’s  scared,  that  much  is  for  sure,  and  anyone  in  the  BLAST  ZONE  is  at  risk.   like  the  man  beside  him,  who  just  narrowly  avoids  getting  knocked  over  by  what  looks  like  it  once  was  part  of  a  swing-set.   “  you  should  stand  back. ”   he  warns  the  stranger,  hands  outstretched  and  pressing  towards  the  ground.   “  this  will  only  get   W  O  R  S  E    before  it  gets  better. ”    thanks  to  en  sabah  nur,  his  powers  are  strong  enough  to  manipulate  the  metal  found  in  the  earth.   he  won’t  cause  enough  destruction  to  tear  the  park  beneath  his  hands  but  will  certainly  be  able  to  knock  the  mutant  off  their  feet  and  draw  their  attention.  
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mcgnto · 4 years
(  tagging  @ircnerudition​  )
the  last  time  he’d  seen  charles,  he’d  hid  from  him.  trapped  in  someone  else’s  body,  grappling  with  powers  he  wasn’t  sure  he  could  control,  he’d  feared  that  he’d  hurt  him.   in  time,  he’d  feared  other  things;   feared  they’d  never  get  the  chance,  when  you  stripped  away  all  the  pain,  and  all  the  tribulation,  to  figure  out  just  what  there  was  between  them.   
even  now,  back  in  his  own  body,  the  fear  still  runs  through  him  like  an  undercurrent.  it  says  how  much  time  do  we  really  have?  and  he  whispers  back  that  he  know  better  than  most  that  nothing  in  life  is  guaranteed.   
so  he  buys  an  expensive  bottle  of  wine,  cooks  the  pasta  dish  that  he  knows  charles  likes  best,  and  surprises  him  with  them  both.   he’s  bent  over,  lighting  a  candle  sitting  atop  the  vanity  when  he  hears  the  door  open  behind  him.    he  turns,  pulse  skittering  like  he’s  a  teenager  preparing  for  a  first  date,  as  a  smile  passes  over  his  features.  “  i  thought  we  should  celebrate. ”  he  explains,  gesturing  to  the  plates  and  the  wine.   “  now  that  i’m  ...  myself  again. ”
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mcgnto · 4 years
(  tagging  @speedcr​  )
there’s  gratitude  in  every  action  he  takes;  grateful  he’s  back  in  his  own  body,  and  that  he  has  a  modicum  of  control  over  himself  again.  he’s  grateful  to  leviathon  and  zatanna  for  trying  to  help  him,  for  ensuring  he  didn’t  cause  any  irreparable  damage  while  stuck  in  rachel’s  body,  but  as  intoxicating  as  that  power  felt  —  he  was  more  than  happy  to  give  it  back.   he  does,  however,  have  some  questions.  namely,  why  tommy’s  reaction  to  seeing  him-as-rachel  in  the  inhibitor  cuffs  drew  fear  that  practically  rolled  off  him  in  waves.   he’d  lost  his  family  once  because  he  couldn’t  protect  them.  in  order  to  ensure  it  never  happens  again,  he  needs  to  know  all  the  variables.   he  won’t  lose  anyone  else.
once  he’s  located  tommy.  he  lands  with  a  dramatic  crunch  of  boots  on  fresh  gravel,  hands  falling  by  his  side  as  he  crosses  over  to  him.   “  when  i  was  a  child,  my  grandparents  used  to  spoil  me. ”  he  comments,  pulling  a  packet  of  cookies  from  his  pocket  and  extending  them  to  tommy.   “  we  didn’t  always  have  much  but  i  had  this  sweet  tooth  —  courtesy  of  my  grandfather.  your  great-great-grandfather.   that  they  always  indulged. ”   he’d  like  to  do  the  same,  he’s  realized.   be  for  tommy  what  his  grandfather  was  for  him.   a  safe  place  to  land.    he  has  questions  he  wants  to  ask,  information  he  needs  to  know,  but  they  have  time.   
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