mcgpartners · 2 years
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A program that works: In Strengthening Culture in Hybrid World, you will learn how to assess the drivers of organizational culture, assess the opportunities to strengthen the cultural foundation of your organization, and tighten your employee’s connection to and performance for your company. www.mcgpartners.com
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mcgpartners · 2 years
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Wanda Wallace sat down with @Chuck Mollor on Out of The Comfort Zone podcast to discuss how leadership has changed and what steps can be taken to be successful now. You can catch up on demand right here https://bit.ly/3dnoMcV.
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mcgpartners · 2 years
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Great conversation between Chuck Mollor, CEO of MCG Partners and James Laughlin on Laughlin’s Lead on Purpose podcast. 
Worth a listen. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-be-an-agile-leader-with-chuck-mollor/id1547874035?i=1000570851512
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mcgpartners · 2 years
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Another “New Normal” ? 
“How to manage a hybrid team.” “Leading in a hybrid work environment.” “Managing virtually.” The “new normal.” These have become the catch phrases of organizational life since the world turned upside down in 2020. But as cliched as the “new normal” sounds, it’s really true. We are in a different place than we were two years ago, a year ago, even six months ago. And managers are still trying to figure out how to get work done and manage their teams who are spread out across the state or even the country.
Remember back before the pandemic when all managing was done in person? That was no piece of cake and we had been doing it for years. Then came COVID and remote working. Suddenly managers had to oversee teams that were completely virtual. They had to learn new communication tools and styles, and create new routines to stay in touch with their people. Now, with people getting “Zoom fatigue,” there’s more phone calls than virtual meetings, so it’s harder to read body language. It’s harder to understand tone and texture, so it’s harder to build meaningful relationships. Certainly, trying to build a team with people who are physically located in different places – some in the office, some virtual, some hybrid – makes managing people more difficult than ever.
Read on: https://mcgpartners.com/another-new-normal/
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mcgpartners · 2 years
This June marks MCG Partners’ 15th anniversary!
This June marks MCG Partners’ 15th anniversary! We are proud of this milestone but also humble and grateful. We thank the amazing people who have been a part of this achievement. Our outstanding team at MCG; our clients, executives, managers, teams, and individuals who joined us on a quest to make a difference in their lives, their effectiveness, and their missions.
Our passion is to develop leaders, teams, and organizations. This will continue to guide how we coach, consult, train, develop, and advise on leadership, alignment, teams, culture, engagement, change and strategy. We look forward to continuing our partnership and collaboration with you for many more years to come!
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mcgpartners · 2 years
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Why is Culture Important Now?
By Chuck (Charlie) Mollor, CEO, MCG Partners
Over the past two years our world has changed dramatically. The disruptions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic have changed the way we work and live. They have forced businesses to regroup and rethink their products and services, strategies and, most of all, how to keep employees engaged and productive.
Dozens of studies, surveys and research since the beginning of the pandemic describe the seismic changes in the workplace. The shift to remote and hybrid working. Employees reexamining their priorities and taking a hard look at their work/life balance (a.k.a., the “Great Resignation,” or the “Great Reflection”). And millions of workers leaving the workplace altogether, causing an intense talent shortage.
The challenge for today’s leaders is to provide stability amid this constant change. A tall order. Stability, however, needs a framework and culture is that framework.
Read the entire article here. 
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mcgpartners · 2 years
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mcgpartners · 2 years
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mcgpartners · 2 years
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mcgpartners · 2 years
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Hiring is hard! Guesswork is costly! To hire with clarity, and deliver on the mission and vision of your organization, click this link bit.ly/39B0Ssv to talk to an expert, try PI Hire for free or take the PI Behavioral Assessment.
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mcgpartners · 3 years
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mcgpartners · 3 years
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Providing critical feedback is never easy, add in the challenge of the employee being remote and you have a perfect storm brewing. Harvard Business Review offers some ideas on how to approach giving critical feedback remotely, MCG Partners has created training sessions on exactly this topic.
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mcgpartners · 3 years
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When employees are aligned with their company culture, they work extra hard to help the company reach its strategic goals and outperform their less-engaged colleagues.
Rise of the Agile Leader. https://lnkd.in/dQ4nx7Jz
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mcgpartners · 3 years
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Today we honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The wisdom and legacy of Dr. King continues to shape us as individuals and as a community. "Anyone can be great, because anyone can serve." ― Martin Luther King Jr.
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mcgpartners · 3 years
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Pick up The Rise of The Agile Leader on Amazon today to identify and create the culture you want within your organization. https://lnkd.in/gjEyvbJ to purchase on Amazon
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mcgpartners · 3 years
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Remember these factors when giving or receiving feedback.
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mcgpartners · 3 years
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